AmyBSOD, neutral male orcish Knight ######## #,,#.#.# ### ### #.,...## ##..# ##@# #......###....#.# #S### ### ##......#### ..#####..# ##.# #.#,..## #.....#.##O...... #.### ##.##..# ###.....#..S........... ##..## ###,.###.###......##.##............. ##...### # ...# #.,,#.... #,#.# .......... ... M #......## # #.#.,###.,,# ... ##..# .............. T #. ##.....# #....#.#.,##.#... # # ............. ##..#.## .## #........,. .# . .......... ##.### ## ####.,#,.#....# . ........ #.# ###..# .#%,#,..... .. . ... .... #.#####... ..##,#,#.....# .. . ...... #.##. ..########,##...%.... . .. .. #, ....## ####.%....#.# .. . .. ##.. ## #...... ..# .. #....## #.........# . ## ##.# ##.######.# ###### ### ## [AmyBSOD the Banneret] St18/10 Dx15 Co16 In11 Wi15 Ch11 KniOrcMalNeu S1720602 Deep Mines:60 $0 HP271(271) Pw109(226) AC-33 MC3 Mov12 Xp20/382157 Wt2237/3210 T45072 Paralyzed Latest messages The red ogre wields an i-lucern hammer {60}! You feel like someone is helping you. F - a cursed stone called stOOpid nasty (weapon in hand). You feel like someone is helping you. F - a cursed stone called stOOpid nasty (weapon in hand). You feel like someone is helping you. The spell backfires! X - the = secretion amulet named Bueing {0}. It constricts your throat! You find it hard to breathe. What do you want to remove? [KRXY or ?*] You can't. It is cursed. You feel like someone is helping you. You're gasping for air. You can no longer breathe. # Are you sure you want to pray? [yn] (n) You begin praying to Brigit. You're turning blue. You suffocate. Your inventory Amulets z - an invisible C-uncursed burnt amulet of magical breathing called magical breathing {0} X - the = cursed amulet of strangulation named Bueing (being worn) {0} Implants Y - an invisible V-blessed burnt implant of vines called vulnerability? (being worn) {0} Weapons a - the invisible S-uncursed strongly greased burnt stainless +4 silver long sword named Mirror Brand {16} c - an invisible w-uncursed burnt +0 elven bow named good {12} d - an i-uncursed +3 orcish dagger {4} e - 3 i-uncursed corroded +4 orcish spears named Bullseye {36} f - 5 i-uncursed +1 orcish spears named Di Immortales (in quiver) {60} g - 23 w-uncursed +0 elven arrows {0} j - 24 i-uncursed corroded +2 arrows {0} k - 10 i-uncursed rusty +0 orcish daggers {40} x - an i-uncursed rusty +0 dwarvish mattock {48} D - 3 i-uncursed rusty +1 orcish spears {36} Armor r - an invisible l-uncursed burnt +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {4} E - an invisible w-blessed burnt rotted +2 elven shield called res:col,fir (being worn) {20} G - a c-uncursed +0 cloak of control (being worn) {4} H - an invisible l-uncursed burnt +1 pair of elven boots (being worn) {8} I - an invisible i-uncursed corroded +0 full plate mail {250} J - the invisible i-blessed thoroughly greased rustproof +2 helm of beginner's luck named Flue Flue Flueflue Flue (being worn) {20} Comestibles n - 2 % uncursed tripe rations {0} t - 8 v-uncursed asian pears {0} B - 18 v-uncursed bananas {0} O - 31 v-uncursed carrots {0} Q - a % blessed anti-stone lizard corpse {10} S - 46 v-uncursed grapes {1} Scrolls m - 5 ? uncursed rotted scrolls of phase door {0} o - a ? cursed burnt scroll of cure {0} s - 2 ? uncursed scrolls of extra healing {0} v - 2 ? uncursed scrolls of taming called taming {0} y - 8 ? uncursed scrolls of mana {0} C - 41 ? uncursed scrolls of healing {0} P - 2 ? uncursed scrolls of standard id {0} T - 7 ? uncursed scrolls of teleportation {0} Rings K - an invisible ? uncursed rotted ring of fire resistance called fire resistance (on left hand) {0} R - a S-uncursed +2 ring of protection (on right hand) {0} Z - a l-uncursed ring of stealth called spanish noenlighten {0} Wands q - an invisible I-uncursed rusty wand of teleportation (0:7) {0} A - an invisible t-uncursed burnt wand of fireball (0:5) {0} M - a m-uncursed wand of cold called cold (0:2) {0} U - an invisible i-uncursed corroded wand of digging (1:7) {0} V - an invisible i-uncursed corroded wand of extra healing (0:3) {0} W - an invisible i-uncursed corroded wand of striking (0:3) {0} Tools # - the invisible S-uncursed imbued Bell of Opening (0:30) {10} h - an invisible b-uncursed +0 unicorn horn {8} i - a c-blessed towel {0} l - an invisible w-uncursed rotted large box called box 1 {1650} p - an invisible m-blessed rotted magic whistle {0} u - an i-uncursed corroded lock pick {0} L - a C-blessed oil lamp {0} N - the invisible * blessed burnt mirror named The Magic Mirror of Merlin {0} Gems w - the ` uncursed +0 luckstone called luck named The Arkenstone of Thrain F - a ` cursed +0 unlucky stone called stOOpid nasty (weapon in hand) Contents of the large box called box 1: a ? uncursed spellbook of fireball (5:5) {0} a S-blessed +0 silver spear {12} an invisible l-uncursed wand of speed monster (0:2) {0} the i-blessed +1 orcish dagger named Ancients' Epiphany {4} 7 $ uncursed +0 worthless pieces of violet glass stone called vio good! {7} a $ uncursed +1 worthless piece of violet glass stone called vio good! {1} an i-uncursed -2 orcish dagger {4} 2 i-uncursed +0 spears {24} 2 * blessed +4 worthless pieces of blue glass {2} 2 $ uncursed +0 rhodochrosite stones {2} a * cursed -2 worthless piece of blue glass {1} the l-blessed +2 cloak of magic resistance named Giant Shooting Range {4} 15 m-blessed +0 ancient arrows {0} 29 i-uncursed +0 frag grenades {0} a * uncursed potion of booze called booze {0} 30 ? uncursed +0 paper arrows {0} the m-cursed -4 great dagger named Iron Vortex {8} a ` uncursed figurine of a fiendish hobgoblin {0} 2 i-uncursed +5 crossbow bolts {0} a l-uncursed +0 block-heeled combat boot {5} a l-uncursed wand of speed monster named out (5:0) {0} 2 $ uncursed +0 chrysocolla stones {2} a w-uncursed +0 elven dagger {4} a p-uncursed ring of cold resistance {0} a p-cursed burnt ring of regeneration {0} a * uncursed potion of extreme power {0} a * uncursed potion of heroism {0} 37 w-uncursed rotted +0 elven arrows {1} the i-uncursed +2 shotgun named Pytar's Portable Pandemonium {15} a ? uncursed scroll of WC {0} a b-uncursed +0 unicorn horn {8} an i-uncursed wand of digging (7:17) {0} a ` uncursed +0 wedged little-girl sandal {1} a * cursed pair of lenses {0} a l-blessed leather saddle {0} 11 i-cursed -3 arrows named Barkbite {0} an invisible m-uncursed burnt wand of magic missile (0:5) {0} a l-uncursed +0 enchanted (of Team Nastytrap) pair of soft sneakers {2} an i-uncursed +0 enchanted (of angry gods) orcish helm {12} 3 i-cursed -5 frag grenades {0} a ? heavily cursed scroll of phase door {0} a w-uncursed +0 yumi {12} 45 m-cursed -2 ya named Cammithrim {1} a ` uncursed rotted +0 salt chunk called gray good 7 i-cursed -1 frag grenades {0} a ? blessed scroll of mana {0} an i-blessed -1 orcish dagger {4} an i-cursed -2 spear {12} an i-cursed +0 bullet {0} an i-blessed +3 bullet {0} 13 i-uncursed +1 shotgun shells {0} an i-uncursed skeleton key {0} a p-uncursed +0 raygun {20} a ? blessed scroll of healing {0} a m-uncursed wand of magic missile (7:5) {0} an i-uncursed skeleton key {0} an i-uncursed poisoned corroded +1 dagger {4} a c-uncursed blindfold {0} 39 i-uncursed +2 arrows named Unknown Quantity {0} an i-blessed +3 arrow {0} 7169 g-gold pieces {0} 5 i-blessed +2 orcish spears {60} an i-uncursed can of grease (0:2) {0} an i-blessed -2 arrow {0} 2 $ uncursed +0 anhydrite stones {2} a B-uncursed wand of locking called smelly ? (0:11) {0} an i-uncursed +0 enchanted (of punishment) orcish helm {12} an i-cursed -1 crossbow bolt {0} 2 i-uncursed +1 orcish daggers named Breakwound Impacter {8} 3 i-blessed +0 orcish daggers {12} 2469 g-gold pieces {0} a ` uncursed +0 luckstone called luck an i-uncursed lock pick {0} a ? blessed scroll of phase door {0} a * uncursed chemistry set (0:36) {20} 19 i-uncursed +1 crossbow bolts {0} a ) blessed tallow candle called nonmagic :( {0} 3 i-cursed -5 orcish spears {36} the i-uncursed +0 helm of beginner's luck named Luxidream's Ascension {20} a * uncursed crystal ball (0:6) {0} a } uncursed wand of draining called could be draining (0:0) {0} a $ uncursed implant of butchery {0} an invisible c-uncursed rotted +0 lab coat {4} an i-blessed +2 dagger {4} a $ uncursed amulet of ESP called ESP {0} a p-uncursed wand of fire (0:4) {0} a p-uncursed expensive camera (4:33) {0} a m-uncursed wand of enlightenment (0:1) {0} a l-uncursed wand of speed monster named out (0:0) {0} a w-uncursed +0 elven spear {12} a w-cursed -1 elven arrow {0} a p-uncursed expensive camera (0:6) {0} 2 ? blessed scrolls of genocide {0} a ? uncursed scroll of trap creation {0} a l-uncursed leather saddle {0} a M-uncursed +0 hugging boot {5} the a-uncursed ring of polymorph named TI-83 Pocket Calculator {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of magic missile (6:1) {0} a ` uncursed figurine of a stag beetle {0} a ? blessed scroll of magic mapping {0} a ? uncursed scroll of confuse monster {0} 2 i-uncursed +1 daggers {8} 2 * uncursed potions of water {0} an i-uncursed can of grease (0:6) {0} a % cursed blue lizard corpse {10} 2 i-uncursed +0 orcish spears {24} 3 i-cursed -1 orcish spears named Course Reflector {36} a * uncursed pair of lenses {0} 23 w-uncursed +1 elven arrows {0} a * uncursed potion of enlightenment {0} a % uncursed stalking lichen corpse {20} 3 ? cursed scrolls of healing {0} a ` uncursed +0 touchstone called touchstone 2 $ uncursed +0 covelline stones called black good! {2} an invisible w-uncursed wand of polymorph named many charges gone (0:3) {0} a ? uncursed scroll of undo genocide {0} a ? uncursed scroll of trap creation {0} a * cursed ring of hallucination called hallucination {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of summon undead (0:1) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of light (0:3) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of dememorize (3:3) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of sleep (4:2) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of forgotten spell (0:4) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of cause fear (3:3) {0} a ? uncursed fireproof spellbook of insulate (0:3) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of detect unseen (0:4) {0} a ? blessed spellbook of magic missile named out (0:0) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of create monster (6:3) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of blank paper (0:4) {0} a ? cursed spellbook of remove curse (3:1) {0} a l-cursed +0 robe of protection {16} a l-cursed +0 robe of protection {16} a * uncursed potion of clairvoyance {0} a l-uncursed ring of stealth called spanish noenlighten {0} a D-cursed -2 ring of increase accuracy called has enchantment value {0} a % uncursed iguana corpse {30} an invisible ! uncursed amulet versus poison {0} an i-cursed +0 dagger {4} 2 i-uncursed corroded +0 orcish spears {24} a * uncursed potion of full healing {0} an i-blessed +0 bullet {0} a l-uncursed leather saddle {0} an i-cursed -1 orcish dagger {4} a l-uncursed +0 enchanted (of teleportitis) pair of soft sneakers named Alida <3 {2} an invisible } uncursed wand of cancellation called CANCELLATION (0:8) {0} an i-uncursed wand of full healing called pewter ?! (0:0) {0} a ? cursed scroll of root password detection {0} a w-blessed +4 elven spear {12} a ? uncursed spellbook of healing (2:2) {0} a p-uncursed wand of fire (0:8) {0} a m-uncursed +0 blaster bolt {0} an I-uncursed inka saddle called inka named good {0} an o-uncursed ring of sustain ability called sustain ability {0} a * cursed potion of levitation {0} a p-blessed wand of fire (0:0) {0} a m-uncursed wand of make invisible (0:8) {0} a p-cursed -1 hand blaster {12} 7 i-cursed -1 shotgun shells {0} a % uncursed rotted tripe ration {0} a m-uncursed ring of slow digestion {0} a l-uncursed +0 pair of leather gloves {4} an i-blessed +0 arrow {0} a p-uncursed +2 ring of gain dexterity called gain dexterity {0} a ` uncursed -1 pair of gauntlets of fumbling {4} a * blessed potion of paralysis {0} an invisible D-blessed rotted +1 ring of increase accuracy called has enchantment value {0} a p-blessed magic marker (0:59) {0} a p-cursed -1 ring of gain dexterity called gain dexterity {0} 6 * uncursed potions of extra healing {0} 2 * uncursed potions of restore ability called restore ability {0} a hidden l-uncursed -3 pair of leather gloves {4} a ? blessed scroll of remove curse {0} 4 ? uncursed scrolls of blank paper {0} a ? uncursed scroll of enchant weapon {0} an i-uncursed lock pick {0} a m-uncursed wand of poison named many charges wasted (0:5) {0} a = uncursed +5 poisonous cloak called poisonous? {4} a ? uncursed spellbook of turn undead (0:2) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of spellbinder (7:3) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of cure blindness (0:2) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of entrapping named out (3:0) {0} an invisible i-blessed +1 long sword {16} 2 ? uncursed scrolls of destroy armor {0} 2 * uncursed potions of invisibility called invis {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of slow monster (0:3) {0} a * uncursed potion of blood {0} a * uncursed potion of banishing fear {0} a ? blessed scroll of confuse monster {0} 2 * uncursed potions of monster detection {0} a v-uncursed K-ration {0} an i-uncursed lock pick {0} an i-uncursed wand of digging (0:5) {0} an i-uncursed wand of striking (0:8) {0} 13 v-blessed grapes {0} an invisible ` cursed figurine of a quasit {0} the invisible * blessed mirror named The Hand Mirror of Cthylla {0} an invisible V-uncursed charger {0} an invisible V-uncursed charger {0} a hidden V-uncursed charger {0} an invisible V-uncursed charger {0} an invisible * blessed pair of lenses {0} an invisible b-uncursed +0 unicorn horn {8} a m-uncursed wand of make invisible (0:6) {0} an invisible D-uncursed wand of healing called ray-shooting ? (0:0) {0} an invisible B-uncursed wand of summon sexy girl (0:9) {0} an invisible i-uncursed wand of digging (0:1) {0} an invisible p-uncursed wand of fire (0:8) {0} an invisible } uncursed wand of sleep called slippery ?! named out (0:0) {0} an invisible m-uncursed wand of magic missile (0:10) {0} an invisible M-uncursed wand of light (0:7) {0} the invisible l-uncursed wand of speed monster named French Magical Device (0:4) {0} an invisible } uncursed wand of cancellation called CANCELLATION (0:3) {0} an invisible p-heavily cursed wand of fire named out (0:0) {0} an invisible } uncursed wand of cancellation called CANCELLATION (0:5) {0} an invisible } uncursed wand of cancellation called CANCELLATION (0:9) {0} an invisible g-uncursed wand of create monster (0:6) {0} an invisible m-uncursed wand of make invisible (0:2) {0} an invisible = uncursed +2 ring of timely backup called secretion maybe timely backup? {0} an invisible = blessed +1 ring of timely backup called secretion maybe timely backup? {0} an invisible = uncursed +1 ring of timely backup called secretion maybe timely backup? {0} a hidden $ uncursed ring of invisibility called invis? {0} an invisible c-uncursed +0 hugging gown {4} an invisible l-uncursed +0 pair of zipper boots {8} an invisible M-uncursed +0 elven mithril-coat {60} an invisible p-blessed +2 pair of rubber boots {4} an invisible i-uncursed +0 spetum {20} an invisible w-uncursed +0 crossbow {20} an invisible ] uncursed +0 steel-capped sandal {100} an invisible w-blessed +1 mallet {20} an invisible b-uncursed amulet of data storage called maybe data storage {0} an invisible b-uncursed amulet of data storage called maybe data storage {0} an invisible $ uncursed amulet of ESP called ESP {0} an invisible b-uncursed amulet of data storage called maybe data storage {0} an invisible b-blessed amulet of data storage called maybe data storage {0} an invisible ` uncursed +0 cloak of invisibility {4} a ? cursed scroll of confuse monster {0} a % cursed tripe ration {0} 2 * uncursed potions of object detection {0} a ? uncursed scroll of flood {0} 2 i-cursed -4 crossbow bolts {0} a % uncursed clinging lizard corpse {10} 12 i-uncursed +0 orcish arrows {0} 42 i-uncursed +0 shotgun shells {0} 18 i-cursed -5 arrows named maybe cursed {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of fumbling (1:4) {0} a v-uncursed onion {0} 2 % uncursed lizard corpses {20} a % uncursed eel-lizard egg {0} a v-uncursed clove of garlic {0} a % blessed tripe ration {0} an i-cursed +1 dagger {4} an invisible m-uncursed amulet versus stone {0} 2 ? uncursed scrolls of lava {0} a ? cursed scroll of bad effect called ADOM IS GAY flood/lava/whatever {0} a ? blessed spellbook of slow monster (3:1) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of chemistry (0:3) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of force bolt (0:5) {0} an i-blessed poisoned +0 orcish arrow {0} a ? blessed scroll of mass murder {0} a ? uncursed scroll of scare monster {0} an invisible l-uncursed +0 elven leather helm {2} a ` uncursed +0 flint stone called gray also good a ? blessed scroll of extra healing {0} a v-blessed apple {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of acidshield (3:0) {0} an invisible i-uncursed wand of digging (0:0) {0} 167 i-uncursed +0 bullets {2} 15 i-cursed -2 bullets {0} 26 i-cursed -2 crossbow bolts {0} an invisible i-uncursed +0 submachine gun {8} 50 i-cursed -3 crossbow bolts {1} an invisible o-cursed ring of levitation called levitation {0} an invisible o-uncursed ring of levitation called levitation {0} a * uncursed potion of healing {0} a * blessed potion of restore ability called restore ability {0} a v-uncursed eucalyptus leaf {0} 28 i-uncursed +5 arrows named Enspirited Soul {0} an invisible o-uncursed ring of sustain ability called sustain ability {0} a % uncursed meat stick {0} a * uncursed potion of gain energy {0} 2 * uncursed potions of fruit juice called grape cyan {0} a ? cursed scroll of magic mapping {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of godmode (0:4) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of cure random status named out (0:0) {0} a * blessed potion of acid called acid {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of unlevitate named out (0:0) {0} a ? uncursed scroll of consecration {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of wizard lock (0:2) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of induce vomiting (0:3) {0} 25 ] uncursed +2 pin bolts {0} an invisible v-uncursed wand of probing (0:7) {0} a * blessed potion of see invisible called see invisible {0} a % uncursed lichen corpse {20} 2 % uncursed cheeses {0} 384 i-uncursed +0 arrows {5} a w-cursed +0 elven dagger {4} an i-uncursed +1 spear {12} a ) uncursed partly used tallow candle called nonmagic :( {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of poison blast named out (0:0) {0} a * uncursed potion of acid called acid {0} a m-uncursed tin of peaches {0} a ? blessed scroll of gold detection {0} 2 v-uncursed holy wafers {0} 3 ? cursed scrolls of blank paper {0} 36 m-cursed -1 ancient arrows {1} 63 i-cursed -1 arrows named Principles of Political Economy {1} 29 i-cursed -4 arrows {0} a v-uncursed mushroom {0} a v-uncursed lembas wafer {0} 63 ] uncursed +0 pin bolts {1} a * blessed potion of monster detection {0} a * blessed potion of levitation {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of restore ability (3:1) {0} 2 ? uncursed scrolls of trap detection {0} 10 * potions of holy water {0} a * uncursed potion of ESP {0} a * blessed potion of gain energy {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of endure heat (5:1) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of remove curse (0:4) {0} a v-blessed lump of royal jelly {0} 2 v-uncursed lumps of royal jelly {0} a S-uncursed +0 silver spear {12} 3 % blessed eggs named probably also stale! {0} 4 % cursed eggs named probably also stale {0} 19 m-uncursed +0 heavy blaster bolts {0} an i-cursed -2 orcish dagger {4} an invisible l-uncursed +0 pair of soft sneakers named Emmelie {2} 2 i-uncursed +3 arrows {0} an i-blessed +1 arrow {0} 3 i-blessed +2 arrows {0} 2 i-cursed +0 orcish daggers named cursed {8} a * uncursed crystal ball (6:3) {0} a % blessed rock lizard corpse {10} 2 i-blessed +1 orcish daggers named Buriza-Do Kyanon {8} 10 i-uncursed +0 daggers {40} 6 i-uncursed poisoned +0 orcish arrows {0} 176 i-uncursed +0 crossbow bolts {3} a ? blessed scroll of trap detection {0} 11 v-uncursed pears {0} an invisible } uncursed wand of cancellation called CANCELLATION (0:0) {0} a ? uncursed scroll of enchant armor {0} an invisible b-uncursed +0 unicorn horn named good {8} an invisible v-uncursed wand of probing named out (0:0) {0} an invisible v-uncursed wand of probing (0:1) {0} an invisible m-uncursed wand of trap creation (0:15) {0} an invisible m-uncursed wand of magic missile (0:0) {0} an invisible i-uncursed wand of striking named out (0:-2) {0} an invisible o-uncursed wand of clone monster called clone monster (0:10) {0} an invisible m-uncursed wand of slow monster called angular slow (0:3) {0} an invisible w-uncursed wand of identify (0:6) {0} a hidden g-uncursed wand of create monster (0:17) {0} an invisible c-uncursed +0 lab coat {4} an invisible c-uncursed +1 dwarvish cloak {4} a ? uncursed spellbook of slow monster (0:3) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of chromatic beam named out (0:0) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of force bolt named out (0:0) {0} 2 ? blessed scrolls of create monster {0} 3 ? uncursed scrolls of create monster {0} 3 ? uncursed scrolls of remove curse {0} a * uncursed stainless potion of levitation {0} a * blessed potion of amnesia {0} a v-blessed holy wafer {0} 6 v-cursed grapes {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of force bolt (0:1) {0} 4 v-blessed bananas {0} 2 v-uncursed oranges {0} 3 v-uncursed candy bars {0} 40 m-uncursed +0 BFG ammos {1} 2 ) uncursed wax candles {0} 12 v-uncursed grapes {0} a v-uncursed carrot {0} 2 v-uncursed apples {0} 3 v-uncursed fortune cookies {0} 2 % uncursed tripe rations {0} 9 v-uncursed melons {0} 19 v-uncursed cream pies {0} a v-blessed clove of garlic {0} a m-uncursed tin of enormous rat meat {0} 3 v-blessed pears {0} 2 v-blessed oranges {0} a m-uncursed tin of blue jelly {0} 4 i-uncursed +1 arrows named Deathwreaker {0} a ? blessed scroll of earth called earth {0} 3 ? uncursed scrolls of earth called earth {0} a m-uncursed tin of lynx meat {0} 13 % uncursed eggs named stale {0} a % uncursed sandwich {0} 18 i-uncursed +0 orcish daggers {72} a v-uncursed candy bar {0} a % cursed cheese {0} 28 v-uncursed apples {0} a ? blessed scroll of charging {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of chemistry (5:4) {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of swimming named out (2:0) {0} 3 v-uncursed cream pies {0} a ? uncursed spellbook of endure cold (2:1) {0} a ? blessed scroll of cure {0} 6 v-uncursed food rations {0} a m-uncursed tin of sewer rat meat {0} 3 v-uncursed fortune cookies {0} Final attributes You were piously aligned Your alignment was 83 Your max alignment was 83 You carried 3 sins You could not have this property at all: clairvoyance You could not have this property extrinsically: regeneration You could not have this property intrinsically: confusion resistance Potion identification only worked 3 times out of 7 Ring identification only worked 4 times out of 11 Implant identification only worked 1 times out of 27 Spellbook identification only worked 2 times out of 13 Gem identification only worked 100 times out of 141 Tool identification only worked 5 times out of 7 Monsters only dropped their musable items with 91% chance Scroll drop chance was reduced to 83% Musable item generation frequency had a negative bias of 22% Ring drop chance was reduced to 91% Wand drop chance was reduced to 99% Potion drop chance was reduced to 96% Weapon drop chance was reduced to 83% Armor drop chance was reduced to 81% Food drop chance was reduced to 86% Concealing monsters were spawned underneath items 34% of the time only Monster death drops spawned with only 98% chance The following skill could not be trained at all: high heels The following skill was trained at half the usual rate: healing spells The following skill was trained at one fifth the usual rate: chaos spells The following skill was limited to basic proficiency: attack spells The following skill was limited to skilled proficiency: paddle The following skill was limited to expert proficiency: javelin The following skill became untrainable if you tried to train it too early: body spells (turn 26) The following skill became untrainable if you tried to train it too early: riding (turn 2211) The following skill became untrainable after a while: elemental spells (turn 38785) The following skill couldn't be trained before a certain turn number is reached: two-handed weapons (turn 44995) Number of artifacts generated was 21 Number of fake artifacts generated was 87 Monster spawn increase started at turn 65831 Monster spawn increase reached its maximum at turn 124756 In this game, Eevee's evolution was vaporeon Your limit for ascension was at turn 1011468 The monster class that cannot be genocided was wall monster The monster class that was spawned more often: dragon (freq bonus 1) The monster color that was spawned more often: green (freq bonus 4) The monster species that spawned more often: fire lich (freq bonus 4) The monster species that spawned more often: retinoscopy cosmetologist (freq bonus 8) The monster species that spawned more often: widow of death (freq bonus 20) The monster species that spawned more often: maud look-alike (freq bonus 6) The monster species that spawned more often: witlessly nonagon tersely (freq bonus 3) The monster species that spawned more often: veneered rubbishing (freq bonus 8) The monster species that spawned more often: lord slug (freq bonus 16) The monster species that spawned more often: theme boar (freq bonus 4) The monster species that spawned more often: chimney sweep (freq bonus 12) The monster species that spawned more often: consistency westernizing (freq bonus 36) The monster species that spawned more often: rowdy dog (freq bonus 36) The monster species that spawned more often: wilding liberationist (freq bonus 9) The monster species that spawned more often: super saiyan (freq bonus 21) The monster species that spawned more often: water spore (freq bonus 6) The monster species that spawned more often: communicator separable (freq bonus 4) The monster species that spawned more often: dementor lord (freq bonus 12) The monster species that spawned more often: bright white stalk (freq bonus 6) The monster species that spawned more often: fiefdom firebombing (freq bonus 60) The monster species that spawned more often: totally bad patch (freq bonus 9) The monster species that spawned more often: subatomic squatted (freq bonus 14) The monster trait that was more common: monsters that wail (freq bonus 8) The monster trait that was more common: monsters whose stats are randomized per playthrough (freq bonus 2) The monster trait that was more common: monsters that eat metal (freq bonus 4) The monster trait that was more common: monsters whose attacks digest you (freq bonus 8) The monster trait that was more common: monsters that count as prince (freq bonus 8) The monster trait that was more common: monsters with poison resistance (freq bonus 6) The monster trait that was more common: monsters that have explosion attacks (freq bonus 4) The monster trait that was more common: monsters that want the Bell of Opening (freq bonus 1) The monster species that never randomly spawned: polkanita The monster species that never randomly spawned: githyanki pirate The monster species that never randomly spawned: soul burner The monster species that never randomly spawned: Renfield The monster species that never randomly spawned: tiny pseudodragon The monster species that never randomly spawned: Lucia The monster species that never randomly spawned: battlehorse The monster species that never randomly spawned: soft patch The monster species that never randomly spawned: voicing chessman The monster species that never randomly spawned: plasma bomb The monster class that always generated with extra speed: ghost The monster class that more likely to generate with musable stuff: troll The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: scaling stone (gray) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: elven mace ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: forbidden arrow ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: green sweets ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: cure hallucination (glowing) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: golden dragon scale mail ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: helmet of anti searching (ruined helmet) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: leather armor ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: rare helmet (silk helmet) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: tinning kit ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: implant of corruption (wailing, freq bonus 6) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: dimness (peculiar, freq bonus 7) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: cloak of drain life (colorless cloak, freq bonus 3) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: red dragon scale shield (red dragonhide shield, freq bonus 37) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: cornuthaum (conical hat, freq bonus 12) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: chrysocolla (cyan, freq bonus 10) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: momhat (kitchen hat, freq bonus 6) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: elven lance ((null), freq bonus 13) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: implant of precision (urgent, freq bonus 6) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: gauntlets of misfiring (clumsy gloves, freq bonus 6) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: starlit sky stone (gray, freq bonus 11) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: figurine ((null), freq bonus 10) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: iron bar ((null), freq bonus 5) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: stomping boots (platform boots, freq bonus 7) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: proof weapon (YOU ARE DOOMED, freq bonus 88) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: amulet versus curses (attractive, freq bonus 3) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: amulet of D-type equipment (strange, freq bonus 4) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: stun monster (shivering, freq bonus 21) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: training (chocolate, freq bonus 11) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: wind (blowing, freq bonus 7) The RNG hath decreed that this item class was generated more often: Armor (freq bonus 8) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: very heavy ball ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: robe of energy suction (gray robe) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: trash stone (gray) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: artificial stone (gray) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: iron prison (convicted) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: heavy mail ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: implant of deception (serrated) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: gauntlets of bad casting (uncanny gloves) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: dustbin stone (gray) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: safeguard suit (orange suit) The RNG hath decreed that this trap was always invisible: stone to flesh trap The RNG hath decreed that this trap was generated more often: mana trap (freq bonus 4) Next attribute increase check would have come at turn 45942 Strength training was 20 Dexterity training was 14 Wisdom training was 14 Constitution training was 14 The escalating chokhmah attack damage was 3 You were fire resistant You were cold resistant You were poison resistant You were paralyzed (-2) You had the following problem: Your right mouse button failed. (917) You had the following problem: You were shitting out of luck (SOL). (0) You had the risk of temporarily losing intrinsics (0) You were heterosexual You were prevented from having see invisible (592) You were prevented from having clairvoyance (0) You were prevented from having regeneration (0) You were prevented from having speed (215) Your chance to block was 35% You were telepathic You were dimmopathic You were a stoned chiller You were extremely corrosive You were a glibbery fighter You were warned of undead You had infravision You were slowed by inertia (9) You had 1722 points of nutrition remaining You were invisible You were stealthy You could jump You could teleport You had teleport control You could fly Your sight was improved You were protected You were very unlucky (-9) You had extra luck Bad luck did not time out for you Good luck did not time out for you Your health bonus was zero Your mana bonus was zero Your pantheon consisted of Lugh, Brigit and Manannan Mac Lir Your deity was Brigit The version you were playing was: Unix SlashEMExtended Version 2.2.2 (1187e70) - last build Fri Jun 15 20:15:44 2018. Brigit was angry with you (2) You could not have safely prayed (0) You are dead Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail Memory a - force bolt 1 attack 0% 695% b - poison blast 4 attack 0% 684% c - cure blindness 2 healing 0% 294% d - healing 1 healing 0% 392% e - endure heat 2* protect 0% 0% f - remove curse 5 protect 0% 201% g - restore ability 4 healing 0% 549% h - turn undead 6 protect 0% 102% i - wizard lock 2* matter 0% 0% j - magic missile 3 attack 0% 439% k - cure random status 1 chaos 0% 373% l - slow monster 2 enchant 0% 53% m - chemistry 1* divine 0% 0% n - endure cold 2 protect 0% 94% o - spellbinder 3* occult 0% 0% p - sleep 2 enchant 0% 80% q - induce vomiting 2* body 0% 0% r - unlevitate 4* body 0% 0% s - insulate 2 protect 0% 20% t - light 1 divine 0% 65% u - chromatic beam 7* chaos 99% 0% v - entrapping 6* divine 98% 0% w - create monster 4 attack 0% 19% x - detect unseen 3 divine 0% 20% y - swimming 2* elemental 0% 0% z - cause fear 3 enchant 0% 20% A - forgotten spell 1 occult 0% 20% B - godmode 8* protect 14% 0% C - dememorize 2 divine 0% 20% D - fumbling 1* body 0% 0% E - summon undead 5 attack 0% 21% F - fireball 4 matter 75% 98% Techniques known in the end Name Level Status turn undead 20X Prepared(0) healing hands 20X Not Ready(1399) shield bash 20X Prepared(0) appraisal 20 R Prepared(0) panic digging 20 R Prepared(0) phase door 20 R Prepared(0) invoke deity 20 R Prepared(0) disarm 13 O Prepared(0) directive 7 O Prepared(0) secure identify 6 R Not Ready(2844) milden curse 6 O Prepared(0) Discoveries Unique Items Bell of Opening Artifacts The Magic Mirror of Merlin [neutral mirror] Flue Flue Flueflue Flue [lawful cone-shaped helmet] The Hand Mirror of Cthylla [unaligned mirror] Luxidream's Ascension [unaligned helm of beginner's luck] French Magical Device [unaligned wand of healing] Mirror Brand [neutral silver long sword] Amulets amulet of life saving (clicking) amulet versus stone (rotated) amulet of ESP called ESP (teardrop) amulet of magical breathing called magical breathing (cat) amulet of data storage called maybe data storage (carapace) amulet versus poison (contamination) amulet of strangulation (secretion) Implants implant of vines called vulnerability? (frigid) implant of butchery (punishing) Weapons * orcish dagger (crude dagger) * droven dagger (obsidian dagger) * elven dagger (runed dagger) * dark elven dagger (black runed dagger) * tooth of an algolian suntiger (very sharp tooth) * moon axe (large silver axe) * dwarvish battle-axe (beaked axe) * battle-axe (double-headed axe) * dwarvish mattock (broad pick) * orcish short sword (crude short sword) * dwarvish short sword (broad short sword) * elven short sword (runed short sword) * droven short sword (obsidian short sword) * dark elven short sword (black runed short sword) * vibroblade (gray short sword) * runesword (runic broadsword) * elven broadsword (runed broadsword) * black aestivalis (runed broadsword) * white flower sword (flower-pommeled broadsword) * katana (samurai sword) * droven greatsword (large obsidian sword) * tsurugi (long samurai sword) * basterd sword (huge sword) * scimitar (curved sword) * bent sable (bent sword) * high-elven warsword (runed curved sword) * aklys (thonged club) * metal club (heavy club) * quarterstaff (staff) * silver khakkhara (silver monk's staff) * runed rod (rod) * star rod (rod) * fire hook (beaked staff) * platinum fire hook (beaked staff) * partisan (vulgar polearm) * glaive (single-edged polearm) * spetum (forked polearm) * ranseur (hilted polearm) * bardiche (long poleaxe) * voulge (pole cleaver) * halberd (angled poleaxe) * black halberd (black polearm) * fauchard (pole sickle) * guisarme (pruning hook) * bill-guisarme (hooked polearm) * lucern hammer (pronged polearm) * bec de corbin (beaked polearm) * orcish spear (crude spear) * droven spear (long obsidian spear) * elven spear (runed spear) * dwarvish spear (stout spear) * javelin (throwing spear) * force pike (long gray spear) * droven lance (obsidian lance) * orcish bow (crude bow) * elven bow (runed bow) * dark elven bow (black runed bow) * yumi (long bow) * droven bow (spider-legged bow) * orcish arrow (crude arrow) * elven arrow (runed arrow) * dark elven arrow (black runed arrow) * ya (bamboo arrow) * droven arrow (obsidian arrow) * stick of dynamite (red stick) * droven crossbow (spider-legged crossbow) * droven bolt (obsidian bolt) * shuriken (throwing star) * silver chakram (silver circular blade) Armor * orcish helm (iron skull cap) * leather gloves (black gloves) * bodyglove (tight black clothes) * plugsuit (tightly fitting suit) * droven plate mail (crested black plate) * gnomish suit (little blue vest) * safeguard suit (orange suit) * nurse uniform (white dress) * commander suit (black men's suit) * camouflaged clothes (camouflage patterned clothes) * shoulder rings (strange rings) * droven chain mail (crested black mail) * orcish chain mail (crude chain mail) * orcish ring mail (crude ring mail) * noble's dress (armored black dress) * consort's suit (loud foppish suit) * force armor stone (gemstone-adorned clothing) * healer uniform (clean white clothes) * jumpsuit (silver clothes) * gentleman's suit (expensive clothes) * gentlewoman's dress (expensive dress) * straitjacket (long-sleeved jacket) * curing uniform (clean white clothes) * Hawaiian shorts (flowery shorts and lei) * robe (yellow robe) * orcish cloak (coarse mantelet) * dwarvish cloak (hooded cloak) * oilskin cloak (slippery cloak) * rubber apron (apron) * kitchen apron (apron) * frilled apron (apron) * dummy wings (wings) * elven leather helm (leather hat) * gnomish helm (little red hat) * dwarvish iron helm (hard hat) * droven helm (spider shaped helm) * elven helm (runed helm) * high-elven helm (runed helm) * helmet (viking helmet) * sedge hat (orange visored helmet) * skullcap stone (gemmed helmet) * flack helmet (radio helmet) * crystal helm (echo helmet) * mining helm (scuba helmet) * field helm (strip bandana) * helm of safeguard (weeping helmet) * war hat (basin helmet) * plasteel gloves (white gloves) * gauntlets of safeguard (nondescript gloves) * gauntlets of plugsuit (steel gloves) * commander gloves (uncanny gloves) * field gloves (graffiti gloves) * elven shield called res:col,fir (blue and green shield) * Uruk-hai shield (white-handed shield) * orcish shield (red-eyed shield) * crystal shield (glass shield) * dwarvish roundshield (large round shield) * orcish guard shield (livid worped-moon shield) * plasteel boots (white boots) * low boots (walking shoes) * iron shoes (hard shoes) * gnomish boots (little black boots) * high boots (jackboots) * sneakers (turning shoes) * crystal boots (glass boots) * wedge sandals (heeled sandals) * dancing shoes (soft footwear) * sweet mocassins (womens footwear) * soft sneakers (light footwear) * feminine pumps (female footwear) * leather peep-toes (asian footwear) * hippie heels (red overknees) * combat stilettos (heeled boots) * boots of plugsuit (living boots) * field boots (wedge boots) * boots of safeguard (ski heels) hugging gown (tattered cape) zipper boots (side zip boots) elven boots (fleecy boots) cloak of invisibility (concrete cloak) helm of beginner's luck (round helmet) poisonous cloak called poisonous? (hungry cloak) gauntlets of fumbling (concrete gloves) robe of protection (camo robe) cloak of control (opera cloak) lab coat (white coat) cloak of magic resistance (geek cloak) Scrolls scroll of healing (NEW VERSIONS ARE BETTER THAN OLD ONES) scroll of mana (RATSANOPU) scroll of phase door (CURSE THE CURSES INTERFACE) scroll of standard id (CHEIAMOPSEI ERPEBOTH) scroll of cure (OUCHIOCH OUSENARATH OUSERRANNOUPHTHI) * scroll of extra healing (XUS MODA) * scroll of greater mana restoration (A SAMURAI GENOED ME WHEN I CONFUSED HIM FIQHACK IS WORSTHACK) scroll of teleportation (LOOKIE WHAT I FOUND) scroll of flooding (CRITICAL HIT) scroll of identify (SLAM ROBUSTNESS BODY TO ENEMY SERIOUS) scroll of charging (MANUALIRK GLEKNOW MIZK) scroll of enchant weapon (TIP BLOKA L DA NENAVIDIT VAS) scroll of earth called earth (BFG 9000 OH YEAH) scroll of lava (PROGRAM RECEIVED SIGNAL SIGSEGV) scroll of copying (BUGGY DEBUGGED OPTIMIZED) scroll of random enchantment (FORGETABOUTIT) scroll of wishing (HASTUR HASTUR HASTUR) scroll of stinking cloud (MOVE FINGERS TO DISTUB BY STUNTS) scroll of remove curse (QUICKER USED THE STUNT OF ELF) scroll of create monster (HOW CONVENIENT) scroll of enchant armor (STRESS PRESSING TO VERY BOOSTING) scroll of trap detection (4OFAE OF9 SCC9) scroll of magic mapping (HARPON KNOUPHI BRINTANTEN) scroll of fire (FEELING MARKSMAN AMYLEIN) scroll of inventory id (KTTDLWRGT) scroll of trap creation (A SEXY LEATHER PUMP SCRATCHES UP AND DOWN YOUR LEGS) scroll of gold detection (KLOCK DOCK KAPOW) scroll of undo genocide (CONJUROR AXIOMATICALLY SILO) scroll of consecration (POMPA KULIT SEKSI NYAETA SEKSI ALATAN KURING NYEBUTKEUN ETA SEKSI) scroll of immobility (VM J UECM 5 O9FAD8) scroll of scare monster (INTEGER DIVIDE BY ZERO) scroll of mass murder (ONA DYSHIT BOLSHE VY UMERET) scroll of bad effect called ADOM IS GAY flood/lava/whatever (ADOM IS SO GAY AND HAS TITANS SAY THUMB WHICH MEANS DAUMEN) scroll of flood (DIFFER SEX CANT USE STUNTS) scroll of root password detection (SHELL PROTECT KEY) scroll of confuse monster (RESURRECTION) scroll of antimatter (ZHNAERZTLICHE BEHANDLUNG) scroll of light (VANILLA SHOPKEEPERS DONT LET YOU OUT IF YOUR INVISIBLE) scroll of destroy armor (FOOBIE BLETCH) scroll of taming called taming (YAWNING MY SHANK CUSTOMER) scroll of secure identify (IAO ASTO IOPHE) scroll of punishment (THE NETHACK DEVTEAM IS NOT DEAD) scroll of genocide (CANT ESCAP BY GOAL IS INFEST FOR 45 LAPS) scroll of barrhing (BELLA RAGAZZA FASCIU) scroll of WC (SNAIL IS THE BEST RACE IN ELONA) scroll of blank paper (unlabeled) Spellbooks spellbook of endure cold (transient) spellbook of swimming (perverted) spellbook of chemistry (striped) spellbook of force bolt (gained) spellbook of chromatic beam (dull) spellbook of slow monster (many-paged) spellbook of remove curse (possessive) spellbook of endure heat (paperback) spellbook of restore ability (mysterious) spellbook of poison blast (hallucinating) spellbook of induce vomiting (aquatic) spellbook of wizard lock (miracle) spellbook of unlevitate (pale) spellbook of cure random status (adorable) spellbook of godmode (dark blue) spellbook of acidshield (historic) spellbook of fumbling (winged) spellbook of entrapping (amazing) spellbook of cure blindness (canvas) spellbook of spellbinder (hardcover) spellbook of turn undead (woodcut) spellbook of healing (powered) spellbook of create monster (complementary) spellbook of magic missile (snowy) spellbook of detect unseen (nightly) spellbook of insulate (emanating) spellbook of cause fear (wasteful) spellbook of forgotten spell (faded) spellbook of sleep (transparent) spellbook of dememorize (russian) spellbook of light (right-handed) spellbook of summon undead (dirty) spellbook of fireball (everlasting) spellbook of blank paper (plain) Potions potion of invisibility called invis (milky) potion of blindness (soapy) potion of cure wounds (dangerous) potion of extra healing (roast mate) potion of gain ability (swirly) potion of fire (luminescent) potion of levitation (nanika) potion of gain energy (buzzing) potion of object detection (camo) potion called stun (simmering) potion of restore ability called restore ability (greasy) potion of full healing (paisley) potion of acid called acid (forget-me-not) potion called cluster amaryllis bad (cluster amaryllis) potion of healing (St.John's Wort) potion of fear (puce) potion of booze called booze (bright green tea) potion of speed (thyme) potion of invulnerability (spiritual) potion of monster detection (black lily) potion of paralysis (cloudy) potion of polymorph (cacao) potion of gain level (raspberry) potion called dandelion clears (dandelion) potion of Jolt Cola (blinding) potion of water (clear) potion of see invisible called see invisible (lavender) potion called colorless sickness (colorless) potion of oil (hidden tea) potion of fruit juice called grape cyan (cyan) potion of beneficial effect (dark) potion of enlightenment (viscous) potion of sleeping (bright) potion of clairvoyance (castor bean) potion of ESP (iridescent) potion of gain health (creamy) potion of banishing fear (polka-dot) potion of extreme power (iris) potion of heroism (warping) potion of blood (blood-red) potion of amnesia (sparkling) Rings ring of gain dexterity called gain dexterity (deep) ring of levitation called levitation (compost) ring called teleport control (glittery) ring of sustain ability called sustain ability (squeezable) ring of fire resistance called fire resistance (cellulose) ring of invisibility called invis? (sapphire) ring called sleeping (one) ring of increase accuracy called has enchantment value (draconian) ring of timely backup called secretion maybe timely backup? (secretion) ring of slow digestion (scandium) ring of protection (silver) ring of polymorph (mages guild) ring of stealth called spanish noenlighten (spanish) ring of cold resistance (cameo) ring of regeneration (rubber) ring of hallucination called hallucination (quartz) Wands wand of striking (curved) wand of probing (locust) wand of fireball (diffuse) wand of clone monster called clone monster (deleted) wand of trap creation (cubic) wand of magic missile (cerulean) wand of make invisible (conundrum) wand of create monster (elysium) wand of cancellation called CANCELLATION (plasma) wand of identify (enviable) wand of digging (octogonal) wand of slow monster called angular slow (angular) wand of speed monster (leather) wand of fire (girly) wand of gain level (contaminated) wand of teleportation (elasthan) wand of extra healing (rusty) wand of polymorph (pine) wand of light (bitumen) wand of sleep called slippery ?! (slippery) wand of summon sexy girl (closed) wand of healing called ray-shooting ? (ray-shooting) wand of poison (uranium) wand of full healing called pewter ?! (pewter) wand of inertia (holed) wand of enlightenment (tungsten) wand of draining called could be draining (jelly) wand of locking called smelly ? (smelly) wand of lightning (magnesium) wand of cold called cold (lavender) Tools large box called box 1 (wooden box) wooden container called chest 1 whistle called tin whistle called crap bag called probably a sack mirror (looking glass) tallow candle called nonmagic :( (candle) inka saddle called inka (saddle) magic whistle (whistle) wax candle (candle) chemistry set (box of obscure-looking glass devices) bag called obviously not holding skeleton key (key) crystal ball (glass orb) Bell of Opening (silver bell) oil lamp (lamp) leather saddle (saddle) Gems yellow gem called yellow junk salt chunk called gray good (gray) flint stone called gray also good (gray) teal gem called teal junk yellowish brown gem called yellow brown junk orange gem called orange junk worthless piece of violet glass stone called vio good! (violet) green gem called green junk pink gem called pink junk gray stone called loadstone? touchstone called touchstone (gray) cyan gem called cyan junk radiant gem called radiant junk red gem called red junk covelline stone called black good! (black) gray stone called badgray luckstone called luck (gray) anhydrite stone (cyan) unlucky stone called stOOpid nasty (gray) worthless piece of blue glass (blue) rhodochrosite stone (red) chrysocolla stone (teal) Venoms * blinding venom (splash of venom) * tail spikes (splash of venom) * faerie floss rhing (splash of venom) * acid venom (splash of venom) * segfault venom (splash of venom) Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 42 Level 1: (neutral altar) Level 8: (oracle) Level 19: (magic portal) Level 22: (grunthack doortrap southwest-river) Level 24: (ludiosdoesnotexist) Level 30: (lost tomb entrance, cleared) Level 34: (dnethack maze, Moloch altar) Level 40: (neutral altar) Sokoban: Level 5: (INVISIBLE MOLDOUX) The Quest: levels 1 to 7 Level 1: (Quest 1 = dungeon level 19) Level 3: (The stupid magic portal is invisible, x50 y14 or so.) The Subquest: levels 21 to 30 Level 21: (first subquest lvl) The Temple of Moloch: Level 40: (Temple of Moloch) Deep Mines: levels 43 to 60 Level 43: (Deep Mines first level) Level 60: <- You are here Vanquished creatures an ant (3 created) 2 giant ticks (4 created) 14 killer bees (31 created) 2 wax bees (3 created) 0 honey bees (1 created) 2 flying toasters 3 normal ants (4 created) 7 giant ants (8 created) a giant force ant (3 created) a stinging insect (2 created) a green mantis 2 giant fleas (1 created) 4 soldier ants a leader ant 2 grouping ants (3 created) 0 hidden soldier ants (1 created) 0 werebees (1 created) a fire ant (3 created) a snow ant a petty shock ant 2 black ants a tsetse fly a large beetle (2 created) 2 silver flies 0 moths (1 created) 0 small locusts (1 created) 2 giant beetles (4 created) a giant armor beetle a green ant 2 giant green dragonflies (3 created) a hunter bee (3 created) a porter army ant (2 created) 0 dead ants (1 created) 0 giant bronze dragonflies (1 created) 0 migo drones (2 created) a numb fly (2 created) a giant killer bee (2 created) a giant red ant 0 H-points (1 created) 0 undead ants (1 created) an acid ant (3 created) 0 silver dragonflies (1 created) 3 twin bees (5 created) 2 wing bees (4 created) a fumblebee (2 created) a queen bee (3 created) 0 blood hooks (1 created) a red condor a petty termite 0 dung soldiers (1 created) a greenish beetle a giant marksman ant an insectoatl a queen B 0 eastern rainbowflies (1 created) a fire beetle a giant yellow locust a giant army ant 0 blobs (1 created) 3 acid blobs (4 created) 0 acidstream blobs (2 created) an acid boob (3 created) a shader acid blob (2 created) 0 phasing acid blobs (1 created) a nexus blob a litter blob 2 white blobs 0 blue blobs (1 created) 2 fuel barrels (4 created) 3 combo fuel barrels (5 created) a giant snail (2 created) a slug (2 created) a smart bomb (3 created) a joust buzzard 2 quivering blobs (3 created) 0 grating blobs (1 created) 2 giant beelobs 2 buzzing blobs (3 created) a poisonous blob 3 lord slugs (6 created) 0 gelatinous cubes (1 created) a green cube 0 stout gelatinous cubes (1 created) a gelatinous glob 2 misse misses (3 created) 0 fat bullies (1 created) 0 weapon cubes (1 created) a king slug (2 created) an amusing type (2 created) a gigantic blob a static blob a venom blob a mini chickatrice (2 created) 0 chicks (1 created) a parrot chick (3 created) 0 tribbles (1 created) 3 small chickatrices (4 created) a cockatoo a cocktypus (2 created) a chickatrice (3 created) 2 Alida's colorful sneakers 3 cockatrices 3 flying cockatrices 0 domestic cockatrices (1 created) 0 mutated undead cockatrices (1 created) a petty cockatrice (3 created) 0 killertrices (1 created) a dreamer cockatrice (2 created) a random cockatrice (2 created) 4 giant cocktypi (5 created) a crite 3 pyrolisks (4 created) 0 cryolisks (1 created) 0 electrolisks (2 created) 3 porter pyrolisks a parrot (2 created) 2 flying parrots (3 created) 3 yora chicks 0 hidden engulfitrices (2 created) a disentitrice (2 created) 3 jackals 6 pack jackals 2 thick jackals a fox an evasive fox a xof a scruffy little dog a racoon dog 0 stinking dogs (1 created) 2 wild dogs 2 pack dogs 2 normal petes a dingo puppy 0 little dogs (1 created) a dingo a dog 2 large death dogs a water wolf 0 werewolves (2 created) 0 large dogs (3 created) an automatic large dog 0 boss dingos (1 created) a rabid wolf 0 eel-dogs (1 created) a zombified dog a warg (3 created) 0 hyenas (2 created) a fox spirit a splash hound 0 big dogs (1 created) 0 mist wolves (1 created) 0 hell hounds (3 created) an air-wolf 0 remodeled puppies (1 created) a ninetales a gas spore (2 created) an ego gas spore a floating eye (3 created) 6 dutons (5 created) a green eye a freezing sphere (2 created) 14 flaming spheres (16 created) 0 shocking spheres (1 created) an acid sphere (2 created) 0 poison spheres (1 created) 0 clumsy spheres (1 created) 0 frail spheres (1 created) 3 ugly spheres a disease sphere a random sphere a magic sphere (2 created) an energy sphere a hexon a dark eye 0 petty blinking eyes (1 created) an occasionally blinking eye 0 Internet Exploders (1 created) 0 venom spheres (1 created) 0 gas bombs (1 created) a ball of webbing a wolfensteiner (2 created) a sound bomb a paralyzing sphere 2 scrawny cats 0 kittens (3 created) 0 lion cubs (2 created) a papier-mache tiger Linus the Cat 0 housecats (4 created) a cat 0 huntresses (1 created) a jaguar (3 created) an extremely cute cat 0 lynxes (1 created) 3 panthers a mummified cat 2 large cats (4 created) a tiger 2 facehuggers 0 weretigers (1 created) 0 zombocats (1 created) 2 night tigers a poison cat a puma 0 giant tigers (1 created) a jermlaine a mini gremlin (2 created) a space goblin (2 created) a redshirt 10 statue gargoyles (11 created) 0 metal statue gargoyles (2 created) 3 hunting gremlins 0 gargoyles (1 created) a short robotic gremlin 0 gremlin leaders (1 created) a vamgoyle a hobbit merchant 3 wimps (6 created) 0 hobbits (3 created) a telehobbit a ringing hobbit 2 group hobbits a dwarven child 0 ondies (1 created) 0 patent pretexts (1 created) 5 dwarves (9 created) a dufflepud 2 force dwarves 8 army dwarves a porter flying dwarf a dental brace guy a dwarf thief (2 created) 2 hurkles (3 created) a vile sewer pygmy (2 created) a basher a large brain eater 3 bugbears a hobbit lord (2 created) a hobbit wizard (2 created) 2 phasing hobbit wizards a gisau a dolgsman a dwarf lord mutant 2 dwarf lord stonebreakers a dwarven caster (2 created) 3 dwarven artillery wizards 0 church novices (1 created) 0 5K guys (1 created) a hobbit king 2 hobbits on crack (3 created) 2 hobbit master thieves a huge bugbear 0 high ping bastards (1 created) a duergar warrior 0 dwarf kings (1 created) 0 cigarette dwarves (2 created) 2 duergar kings (13 created) 0 dwarves on crack (1 created) 0 dwarven master thieves (3 created) 6 thick deep ones (11 created) a dwarven priest 0 bullywugs (2 created) a creeper 3 Rat-Egomen (4 created) a soul killer 0 pygmy warriors (2 created) a pygmy warrior blowdart a hige meso a yellow yeek a psych flayer 0 regenerating mind flayers (1 created) an illithid a real dwarven warrior 0 dwarven rangers (1 created) 0 zakarumites (1 created) 0 dwarven elite guardians (1 created) 2 shadow creatures of Fiona 4 former sergeants a zealot 0 fanaticians (1 created) 0 pygmy warrior shamans (1 created) 0 black hobbits (1 created) 0 stygian dolls (2 created) a lawful pupil a creator of slex a vice a juraian priest 0 man-bats (1 created) 0 darker thieves (1 created) 0 deathwalker knights (1 created) a mole man 5 larva imps 4 homunculi (5 created) 0 gazer homunculi (1 created) a little pisaca 2 evasive homunculi 0 dretches (1 created) 3 egodretches (5 created) 3 imps a bathing cap wearer (2 created) 6 fighter imps (7 created) a weapon imp 6 lemures 0 flying lemures (1 created) 117 quasits (142 created) a meduquasit 3 demonic sandmen (5 created) 0 lightning children (1 created) 5 tengu a porter tengu a phasing tengu an ice ball a teleporting demon a nupperibo a gazer nupperibo 2 radbeetles 0 mecha leos (1 created) 0 demon cheaters (1 created) 9 metamorphosed nupperibos 0 Eva's mocassins (1 created) 0 radspiders (1 created) a genin an eastern tengu a jelly (3 created) a normal jelly a shade jelly (2 created) 2 time jellies 3 white jellies a green ooze (2 created) a silver jelly (2 created) 2 green puyos a giant germ a brown ooze Sebastian a blue jelly (2 created) 2 red jellies (3 created) a multi-hued jelly a spotted jelly (3 created) 0 azure puddles (1 created) a red ooze a rot jelly (3 created) a stone jelly a clear jelly (2 created) 62 ochre jellies (79 created) a brown jelly 0 blood-colored jellies (1 created) a pink ooze 3 gum jellies 2 purple oozes 0 elder multi-hued jellies (1 created) an aloe gel 0 dull grey oozes (1 created) a grey ooze an azure gel (2 created) 0 undead masses (1 created) a lecherous crab an ice jelly (2 created) a death ooze an infernal gel a kobold (7 created) 8 pack kobolds (16 created) 0 whnases (1 created) a hidden kobold 5 fallens (6 created) a pleasure (3 created) 2 restons (3 created) 0 training kobolds (1 created) 4 small kobolds (5 created) a mud kobold a small kappa 2 carvers 5 butchers an eloi (2 created) 0 killer kobolds (1 created) a picture kobold (2 created) a large kobold 2 large group kobolds 3 poison kobolds (2 created) a fairy moogle (3 created) 4 forest moogles (5 created) a kobold lord 2 special kobold lords (3 created) 0 kobold hewers (1 created) a kappa (2 created) 2 fallen shamans 0 pleased shamans (1 created) 0 enraged shamans (1 created) a swamp kobold (3 created) 2 force swamp kobolds a rock kappa a butcher shaman 0 demented shamans (1 created) a dark creature 3 dark potatoes a mountain kobold a kobold archer a diminutive kobold 0 deranged shamans (1 created) 2 kappa wizards 3 kobold chieftains a rock kobold a stupid nickname inventor (2 created) 0 stone kobolds (1 created) a porter rock kobold an aquatic kobold (2 created) 2 skeleton kobolds (3 created) a winged kobold 0 mountain moogles (1 created) a skeleton moogle 0 kobold warriors (1 created) 2 petty kobold thieves (3 created) a klingon a zombified moogle 0 arcane butchers (2 created) a klingon captain (2 created) 0 kobold diggers (1 created) 3 kappa kings a moved one (2 created) a kobold warlord a siege kobold a rotated one (5 created) a moved shaman 0 teleported shamans (1 created) 0 rotated shamans (2 created) 6 mini leprechauns (9 created) 8 gizards (12 created) 7 little leprechauns (10 created) 0 kabuki monos (1 created) 22 leprechauns (33 created) 6 leprechaun groupies (10 created) 4 force leprechauns (8 created) a static force leprechaun (4 created) 11 annoying leprechauns (16 created) 7 humanoid leprechauns (11 created) 0 wereleprechauns (3 created) 3 leprechottas a leprechaun elder (3 created) a trip leprechaun 6 petty leprechaun elders 0 Rough Teresa's sneakers (1 created) 2 leprechaun wizards 0 pseudo lodestone putters (1 created) 0 leprechaun casters (1 created) a gean canach a magic flute king 0 baby mimics (3 created) 0 baby permamimics (2 created) 2 mynocks (8 created) 0 mini mimics (5 created) a petit mimic a petit permamimic a mimic (8 created) 5 small mimics (34 created) a small healing mimic (5 created) a small flying mimic (7 created) 0 floating mimics (1 created) 0 depression mimics (1 created) 2 small permamimics (3 created) 0 small healing permamimics (1 created) 0 small flying permamimics (1 created) 0 large mimics (10 created) 0 large phasing mimics (2 created) 0 large permamimics (1 created) a giant mimic (7 created) 2 giant ego mimics (3 created) a giant group mimic (3 created) a giant spawn mimic (2 created) 0 giant permamimics (1 created) 0 giant group permamimics (1 created) a giant spawn permamimic 0 lesser intrinsic eating mimics (2 created) 0 player mimics (2 created) 0 burning mimics (1 created) 0 undead mimics (5 created) 0 undead swarm mimics (4 created) an undead permamimic (2 created) 0 porter mimics (1 created) 0 rusty mimics (2 created) 0 greater mimics (2 created) 0 argi (9 created) 0 filchers (13 created) a cloaker (6 created) 0 permacloakers (1 created) 0 master mimics (2 created) a static mimic (3 created) 0 acid mimics (4 created) 0 intrinsic eating mimics (1 created) 0 acid permamimics (3 created) 0 tap mimics (1 created) 0 cloak mimics (2 created) 0 petty stealer mimics (1 created) 0 map mimics (1 created) 0 vamp mimics (1 created) 0 master intrinsic eating mimics (1 created) 0 magic book mimics (1 created) a demimondaine 2 mountain nymphs 0 nymphs (1 created) a quickling 0 dryads (1 created) 2 flying dryads a humanoid dryad (3 created) a naiad (2 created) a fawn (2 created) a compensatory pellagra headwaiter 2 wood nymphs (3 created) a slow wood nymph a teasing nymph an evasive wood nymph a hiding wood nymph a wood nymphomaniac 0 morning wood nymphomaniacs (1 created) 2 water nymphs a special water nymph an artillery water nymph 0 satyrs (1 created) 2 oreads (3 created) a flying domestic nymph a digging nymph 0 uber oreads (1 created) 0 clefairies (1 created) Aphrodite 0 nyrses (2 created) a buzzing nymph a neverwas 9 goblins (13 created) 2 marine goblins (4 created) 0 mega goblins (1 created) 3 group goblins (6 created) a submarine goblin a goblin cop (3 created) 2 fiendish goblins 3 cave goblins 2 gas goblins 0 goblin thieves (1 created) 5 hobgoblins 3 wus a dweeeeeeauweauw 2 earth gases (4 created) 3 gas clouds 3 force hobgoblins 2 fiendish hobgoblins 2 men from mars 16 orcs (17 created) 2 barbed orcs 0 uncommon orcs (1 created) a low snotling (2 created) 4 hill orcs (9 created) 3 evasive hill orcs (4 created) a covetous hill orc (2 created) 3 b-types 0 runts (1 created) an orc warrior 0 mobgoblins (1 created) an Isengard orc 2 alien eggs (5 created) 8 Mordor orcs (11 created) a porter Mordor orc 6 goblin shamans an Uruk-shark 4 Uruk-hai (10 created) 0 petty Uruk-hai (1 created) a covetous Uruk-hai 5 orc shamans (12 created) a smut orc (2 created) Leonie 0 aliens from mars (1 created) 0 joust ostriches (1 created) 0 goblin leaders (2 created) a goblin guide (2 created) 2 crowd orcs (10 created) 2 goblin fighters (6 created) a sea man a stupid bully 0 super apes (1 created) a PKK leader 2 owlblins (3 created) a type (2 created) 2 thick goblin fighters (3 created) 3 supercops 3 timid goblins (4 created) a crazed goblin 3 orc-captains (4 created) 0 leading orc-captains (1 created) 2 forest goblins 8 war orcs (16 created) 3 deceptive orcs (4 created) a covetous war orc (2 created) 2 goblin pyros an a-type 2 river goblins (3 created) 0 snagas (2 created) 6 green sentai 3 deep orcs a flying deep orc 2 goals goblins (3 created) 2 cave orcs (3 created) 3 goblin dart-throwers (4 created) 3 skeleton orcs 3 charcoals a skeleton sentai 0 white sentai (2 created) a forest orc (3 created) 2 grey orcs 7 great orcs (19 created) a covetous great orc 2 snow orcs (9 created) a blue sentai 3 shaky goblins 5 wobbly goblins a desu sentai a snugga 4 green goblins (7 created) 7 night goblins a mirkwood goblin a zombified sentai 0 orc berserkers (1 created) 0 demon orcs (2 created) 0 orc sorcerors (1 created) 3 green orcs a depraved orc 11 goblin grenadiers (14 created) 3 goblin sappers 3 snaga sappers (4 created) 0 half-orcs (1 created) 0 pink sentai (1 created) 2 red sentai a light green sentai an orc swordmaster Grund the Orc King (0 times) an elite uruk a mummified sentai a gray sentai (2 created) a cyan sentai 0 rock piercers (1 created) a porter rock piercer an iron piercer (3 created) a piecker a glass piercer a Challenge Pooka 0 intelligent piercers (1 created) 2 little pigs (3 created) a silky anteater 0 baby wild boars (1 created) a baby river hog 4 rothes (6 created) 0 large rothes (6 created) a giant badger an osquip a red river hog a queevolt (2 created) a theme boar (2 created) 5 scrampers 0 sheep (1 created) 0 goats (1 created) 0 flesh clans (1 created) a rustuped 0 wereboars (3 created) an original mumak a stone clan 3 leocrottas 0 mumakil (1 created) a cow 0 knapsack cows (1 created) 0 wumpuses (2 created) a skelettocrotta a brown bear a borloth 0 exits (1 created) a king of porn (2 created) 0 titanotheres (1 created) 0 hell bulls (1 created) 0 mastodons (1 created) 0 dark youngs (1 created) 0 rhino kings (1 created) a sewer rat (3 created) 2 drains rats 0 evasive sewer rats (1 created) 0 visor sewer rats (1 created) 2 rabbits a black rat a sand rat 0 breeder mice (1 created) 2 giant white mice (1 created) 3 giant rats (6 created) a bus driver 0 ravenous rats (1 created) a bushy squirrel a rabid rat a ferret kit an eevee (4 created) 0 rabid rabbits (2 created) a rock mole 0 porter rock moles (1 created) 0 sock moles (1 created) a metal mole (2 created) 2 woodchucks a giant brown mouse 0 giant white rats (1 created) a moon rabbit a silver mouse (2 created) a giant pack rat a vampire bunny 0 thorn brutes (1 created) 0 great giant rats (1 created) a large ferret a metalchuck (2 created) 0 ermines (1 created) 0 giant tree rats (1 created) a giant ship rat a millipede 3 cave spiders 2 hole spiders 3 healthy cave spiders (4 created) 2 land spiders (5 created) 5 spiderlings (7 created) a centipede 2 swarm centipedes 2 green centipedes a confident spider (4 created) 6 evasive recluse spiders 2 mud spiders (5 created) a metallic blue centipede 3 zebra spiders (4 created) a striped spider a spider 2 lava spiders (4 created) 2 porter spiders 3 giant spiders (5 created) 5 big spiders 0 venom spiders (1 created) a petty giant spider a barking spider (2 created) a domestic spider (2 created) 2 scorpions (3 created) a force scorpion 0 tunnel spiders (1 created) a sand spider a sand fisher (2 created) a spiderman (2 created) a spider bomb (2 created) 0 big centipedes (1 created) 0 wood spiders (2 created) 0 red centipedes (1 created) an actual phase spider a nickelpede a spider boy a tomb scorpion a poison spinner 0 darkwood spiders (4 created) a viper scopion 0 Scotland Yard special agents (1 created) 0 spider swarms (1 created) a spider magus a metallic yellow centipede 0 werespiders (1 created) 0 death widows (1 created) 0 cash-stealing teachers (1 created) a super-old guy (2 created) 0 upgraded secret cars (2 created) a cave fisher a greener spider an ultra spider 0 really big tarantulas (1 created) a mirkwood spider 0 undead scorpions (1 created) 0 widows of death (1 created) 3 baby metroids a man eating plant (2 created) 2 black metroids (3 created) 0 red killer tomatoes (2 created) 0 little lurkers (1 created) 2 teleporters (3 created) 0 lurkers above (2 created) a speedy trapper (2 created) 0 forgotten trappers (1 created) an egotrapper 0 weretrappers (1 created) 0 full trappers (1 created) a greener springy a smart trapper (2 created) a pony 0 4chan ponies (1 created) a white unicorn foal a gray unicorn foal (2 created) a black unicorn foal 7 white unicorns (11 created) a pure white unicorn 0 gray unicorns (7 created) a black unicorn (2 created) 2 porter black unicorns (3 created) 0 protected gray unicorns (1 created) 0 protected black unicorns (1 created) a 4chan horse a green nightmare (4 created) an unox (2 created) 0 warhorses (1 created) 0 pegasis (1 created) a hippocampus 0 uncos (1 created) 0 big gray unicorns (1 created) a desaturated unicorn 0 dull unicorns (1 created) 2 grain vortices a plasma cloud (2 created) 0 minor fog clouds (1 created) a vampire cloud (2 created) a vampire sweepcloud 0 mist clouds (1 created) 0 force mist clouds (1 created) 0 dust vortices (2 created) an absorbing dust vortex 0 vipertices (1 created) 3 viportices 0 narrow vortices (1 created) an ice vortex a thirsty vortex an energy vortex (2 created) 0 backtaker vortices (3 created) an uncertain vortex 2 steam vortices a powered steam vortex 2 fire vortices 0 dream vortices (1 created) 0 singing sands (1 created) 0 rust vortices (1 created) a stinking cloud a blood vortex 0 snow vortices (1 created) 2 iceblock vortices (3 created) 3 larvae (5 created) 3 armored larvae 0 flying moyatto balls (1 created) 3 bore worms 3 maggots a dung worm an ego dung worm (2 created) 0 undead worms (2 created) 2 clear worm masses 2 kancho assassins an acid worm 0 blue worm masses (1 created) a carrion wyrm 0 baby purple worms (1 created) 0 ice wyrms (1 created) 0 long sinuous tentacles (1 created) 3 grid bugs (4 created) 3 specific bugs (4 created) 3 contaminated bugs (5 created) a melee bug 20 group bugs 2 generic errors (3 created) 0 weregridbugs (1 created) a weapon bug 3 insect swarms a defiler (2 created) 0 Windows 95's (1 created) a jitterbug (2 created) 7 microscopic space fleets a catbot 0 dogbots (1 created) 2 arc bugs 0 dibugs (1 created) 0 astromech droids (1 created) a lightning bug 2 egoxans 2 fantastic xans 0 gold bugs (1 created) 0 giant insect swarms (1 created) 0 heisenbugs (1 created) 0 ice bugs (1 created) 0 itchieses (1 created) an error 0 creepy crawlers (1 created) a black error a lightbringer 4 yellow lights 3 porter yellow lights 2 red lights 0 blue lights (1 created) 0 axial lights (1 created) 2 orange lights a black light (2 created) 2 bleeding lights 0 cheating black lights (3 created) a spherical light (2 created) 0 brown lights (2 created) 0 dim lights (1 created) an ignis fatuus 0 ferrous lights (1 created) 0 forgotten lights (1 created) a starvation light a loaded light a chuckling light a skilled light a changing light 0 frigid mists (1 created) a will-o-the-wisp 0 broken lights (1 created) a sanity light 0 myrkalfar matrons (1 created) 0 black souls (1 created) a platypus (2 created) a fook yoo platypus a magic platypus 0 zuubies (1 created) 0 domestic wallabies (2 created) 2 wallaroos (3 created) 0 leshies (1 created) 2 koalas (3 created) a kangaskhan 0 girafves (1 created) an alien spore a two-winged shape 2 giant aarghels a contatl a special Aleax (3 created) an Aleax writer 0 Aleax radiators (1 created) 0 hidden bats (1 created) a sparrow 0 nightingales (1 created) a large bat (3 created) 0 pheasants (1 created) a bird (2 created) a giant bat a flup flup 0 undead swarm bats (1 created) 0 foul crows (1 created) 0 minxes (1 created) 0 athols (1 created) an airborne parrot 0 duck captains (1 created) an ice bird a baby roc 0 zubats (2 created) 3 crows 29 ravens (31 created) a vampire bat a mushroom bird 2 mongbats 2 zapborgs 0 plague bats (1 created) a black bat a white dragon bat an undead scavenger 0 gold dragon bats (1 created) 0 jubjub bats (1 created) 0 vicious swans (1 created) a low centaur a mid centaur (2 created) 2 cylon centurions (4 created) 6 plains centaurs (8 created) a healthy plains centaur (2 created) a domestic centaur (2 created) 4 forest centaurs 2 hidden forest centaurs (4 created) a leocentaur 0 mountain centaurs (2 created) 0 mountain pack centaurs (1 created) a haughty centaur a leocentaur chief 2 cylon command centurions 0 undead centaurs (2 created) a flying undead centaur a chaotic warrior a chaos warlord 2 centaur lords (4 created) 0 forbidden forest centaurs (1 created) a baby silver dragon a baby orange dragon a baby black dragon a baby blue dragon 0 baby golden dragons (1 created) a baby rainbow dragon 0 baby plain dragons (1 created) 0 baby sky dragons (1 created) a baby evil dragon 0 young blue dragons (1 created) 2 young green dragons a wolver 0 enterprise spaceships (1 created) 2 garbage houseses a red hot ride a four castle sightseeing 3 fools gardens 0 super marions (1 created) a dangerous good-looking criminal 3 shoemakers a cuban singer 0 nothing at alls (1 created) a thick farting girl an original japanese lord 0 young adult green dragons (3 created) a young adult shimmering dragon a rainbow mode dragon 0 roommate's almost lovers (1 created) 0 shortcross girls (1 created) 0 whirlwind girls (1 created) 0 dutch keepers (1 created) a criminal garbage houses a superruby a dutch girl a stupid girl an overslept girl a mister whoopee a Fygar a baby tatzelworm an oTc!vs/+3(}Xn<-~z