# NetHack 3.7 defaults.nh $NHDT-Date: 1524689357 2018/04/25 20:49:17 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.0 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.32 $ # Copyright (c) 2006 by Michael Allison # NetHack may be freely redistributed. See license for details. # Sample config file for win32 NetHack # A '#' at the beginning of a line means the rest of the line is a comment. # # Some options MUST be set in this file, other options can be toggled while # playing. For a list of options available see the file. # # To change the configuration, comment out the unwanted lines, and # uncomment the configuration you want. # # $NHDT-Date: 1524689357 2018/04/25 20:49:17 $ $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6.0 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.32 $ # *** OPTIONS *** # # Use the IBM character set rather than just plain ascii characters # for tty window-port. #OPTIONS=symset:IBMGraphics_2 #OPTIONS=roguesymset:RogueEpyx # Here is a suggested symbol set from Michael Feir, # for use by blind NetHack players #OPTIONS=symset:NHAccess,roguesymset:NHAccess # Optional curses port interface -- Does not work on Windows. Use tty. OPTIONS=windowtype:curses OPTIONS=IBMgraphics OPTIONS=windowborders:1 OPTIONS=align_status:bottom OPTIONS=align_message:top OPTIONS=statuslines:3 OPTIONS=perm_invent OPTIONS=guicolor #Permet d'avoir 3 lignes dans le status comme Nethack4, statuslines est l'ancinne option #OPTIONS=statuslines:3 # OPTIONS=!classic_status #click droit sur qqch pour le farlook #OPTIONS=clicklook #OPTIONS=mouse_support #le pet sera en italique OPTIONS=petattr:T OPTIONS=msghistory:240 OPTIONS=invweight OPTIONS=pushweapon #OPTIONS=windowtype:tty #Display/Custom Symbols ######## Display ######## OPTIONS=boulder:0 # OPTIONS=hilite_obj_pile # OPTIONS=!item_use_menu OPTIONS=use_darkgray OPTIONS=vt_tiledata # OPTIONS=menu_glyphs # change explosions to look like explosions # OPTIONS=effects:|-\\/*!)(0#@*/-\\||\\-/\\|/-X-/|\\ ####### Custom Symbols ####### #On remplace tous les murs par les caracteres Epyx Rogue #DUNGEON = 032 186 205 201 187 200 188 206 202 203 \ # 185 204 250 254 254 043 043 240 241 250 \ # 176 177 060 062 060 062 095 124 092 035 \ # 244 247 250 247 250 250 035 035 032 035 \ # 247 ############################################################################### # # DUNGEONCOLORs & TRAPCOLORs # ========================== # # # http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Options#DUNGEONCOLOR # http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Options#TRAPCOLORS # http://bilious.alt.org/?17 # MOTD/news 2011.10.08 # # colors: 0 black 4 blue 8 "no color" 12 lightblue # 1 red 5 magenta 9 orange 13 lightmagenta # 2 green 6 cyan 10 lightgreen 14 lightcyan # 3 brown 7 gray 11 yellow 15 white # # (black is blue or dark gray, depending on "use_darkgray" option) # # DUNGEONCOLOR order: (as of dnh v3.18.0) # solid rock / vertical wall / horizontal wall / top-left corner # top-right corner / low-left corner / low-right corner / cross wall # up T wall / down T wall / left T wall / right T wall # no door / v open door / h open door / v closed door / h closed door # iron bars / tree / dead tree # dark room / lit room / bright room # dark corridor / lit corridor # upstairs / downstairs / ladder up / ladder down # altar / grave / hellish seal / throne # sink / fountain / water / ice # lit grass / dark grass / lit soil / dark soil # lit sand / dark sand / lava # v down bridge / h down bridge / v up bridge / h up bridge # air / cloud / fog cloud / dust cloud # puddle / underwater # DUNGEON= \ # 032 186 205 201 \ # 187 200 188 206 \ # 202 203 185 204 \ # 046 045 124 043 043 \ # 035 241 241 \ # 046 046 046 \ # 176 177 \ # 060 062 060 062 \ # 095 124 043 092 \ # 035 244 247 046 \ # 046 046 046 046 \ # 046 046 125 \ # 046 046 035 035 \ # 032 035 035 035 \ # 126 125 # DUNGEONCOLOR = \ # 0 7 7 7 \ # 7 7 7 7 \ # 7 7 7 7 \ # 9 9 9 9 9 \ # 6 2 7 \ # 0 7 11 \ # 0 7 \ # 13 13 13 13 \ # 13 2 13 11 \ # 12 12 4 6 \ # 10 2 3 0 \ # 11 3 1 \ # 13 13 13 13 \ # 6 7 12 15 \ # 4 4 # For 3.6.0 onwards SYMBOLS=S_boulder:0 SYMBOLS=S_vwall:\xba # all walls now use SYMBOLS=S_hwall:\xcd # double line graphics SYMBOLS=S_tlcorn:\xc9 SYMBOLS=S_trcorn:\xbb SYMBOLS=S_blcorn:\xc8 SYMBOLS=S_brcorn:\xbc SYMBOLS=S_crwall:\xce SYMBOLS=S_tuwall:\xca SYMBOLS=S_tdwall:\xcb SYMBOLS=S_tlwall:\xb9 SYMBOLS=S_trwall:\xcc # TRAPCOLORS order: (as of dnh v3.18.0) # arrow trap / dart trap / falling rock trap / squeaky board / # bear trap / land mine / rolling boulder trap / sleeping gas trap / # rust trap / fire trap / pit / spiked pit / # hole / trap door / teleportation trap / level teleporter / # magic portal / web / statue trap / magic trap / # anti-magic field / polymorph trap / essence trap / mummy trap # TRAPCOLORS= 6 6 7 3 \ 6 1 7 14 \ 4 9 0 0 \ 2 2 5 13 \ 13 7 15 12 \ 11 10 10 8 # OPTIONS=pokedex:stats generation weight resists conveys movement thinking biology mechanics race vision attacks ######## (old) MENUCOLORS ####### # Highlight menu lines with different colors. You need to define the colors # with MENUCOLOR lines. # Toggle menucolor use on or off #OPTIONS=menucolors # Define color used for a certain menu line. Format is # MENUCOLOR="regular expression"=color # or # MENUCOLOR="regular expression"=color&attribute # Show all blessed items in green #MENUCOLOR=" blessed "=lightgreen #Show uncursed in cyan #MENUCOLOR="uncursed"=cyan # Show all holy water in green #MENUCOLOR=" holy "=lightgreen # Bad Stuff #MENUCOLOR=" cursed "=red #MENUCOLOR="cheap plastic imitation"=orange #MENUCOLOR="wand of cancellation"=magenta #MENUCOLOR="wand .* :0"=yellow #MENUCOLOR="loadstone"=magenta # Show all unholy water in orange #MENUCOLOR=" unholy "=orange # Show all cursed worn items in orange and underlined #MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* (being worn)"=orange&underline # Forgotten Spell #MENUCOLOR="[a-zA-Z] - [a-zA-Z ]+[ ]+[0-9]+\*[ ]+[a-z]+[ ]+[0-9]+%"=magenta # Misc #MENUCOLOR="gold piece"=yellow ############################################################################### # # monster colours # # e # MONSTERCOLOR=eye of doom:darkgray # ! CLR_BLUE # MONSTERCOLOR=beholder:magenta # ! CLR_GRAY # # n # MONSTERCOLOR=naiad:lightblue # ! CLR_BLUE # # E # #MONSTERCOLOR=water elemental:lightblue # ! CLR_BLUE # MONSTERCOLOR=lethe elemental:gray # ! CLR_GRAY # # L # MONSTERCOLOR=master lich:magenta # ! orange # MONSTERCOLOR=arch-lich:lightmagenta # ! light magenta # # & # MONSTERCOLOR=balrog:red # ! light magenta # MONSTERCOLOR=ancient of ice:white # ! cyan # MONSTERCOLOR=ancient of death:darkgray # ! light magenta ############################################################################### ############################################################################### # # MENUCOLORs # ========== # # # http://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Options#menucolors # http://bilious.alt.org/?11 # # colors: black / blue / brown / cyan / gray / green / lightblue / lightcyan # lightgreen / lightmagenta / magenta / orange / red / white / yellow # # (black is blue or dark gray, depending on "use_darkgray" option) # # attributes: &blink / &bold / &dim / &inverse / &none / &underline # # !de-/activate OPTIONS=menucolors # coins MENUCOLOR=" gold piece"=yellow # Some random stuff before BUC colors MENUCOLOR=" (potions? (of|called) water|clear potions?)"=blue # Beautitudes. Copy NH4 behaviour and extend with uncursed colors too # Note that menucolors are matched in reverse for some reason MENUCOLOR="\(weapon in .*\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(wielded.*\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(being worn\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(on (right|left) .*\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(tethered weapon in hand)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(in (quiver|use)\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(at the ready\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(alternate weapon .*\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR=" .* \(lit\)"=white MENUCOLOR=" (blessed|holy|consecrated).*"=green MENUCOLOR=" (blessed|holy|consecrated) .* .?being worn.?"=lightgreen&bold MENUCOLOR=" (blessed|holy|consecrated) .* .?weapon in (hand|claw|manipulator)s?.?"=lightgreen&bold MENUCOLOR=" (blessed|holy|consecrated) .* .?on (left|right) (hand|claw|manipulator).?"=lightgreen&bold MENUCOLOR=" (blessed|holy|consecrated) .* .?wielded.?"=lightgreen&bold MENUCOLOR=" (blessed|holy|consecrated) .* .?not wielded.?"=green MENUCOLOR=" (blessed|holy|consecrated) .* \(lit\)"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="Weak to .*holy"=gray MENUCOLOR=" uncursed.*"=cyan MENUCOLOR=" noncursed.*"=cyan MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .* .?being worn.?"=lightcyan MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .* .?weapon in (hand|claw|manipulator)s?.?"=lightcyan MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .* .?on (left|right) (hand|claw|manipulator).?"=lightcyan MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .* .?wielded.?"=lightcyan MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .* .?not wielded.?"=cyan MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .* \(lit\)"=lightcyan MENUCOLOR=" named cursed"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" (cursed|unholy|desecrated).*"=red #MENUCOLOR=" (cursed|unholy|desecrated) .* .?being worn.?"=red # MENUCOLOR=" (cursed|unholy|desecrated) .* .?weapon in (hand|claw|manipulator)s?.?"=orange # MENUCOLOR=" (cursed|unholy|desecrated) .* .?on (left|right) (hand|claw|manipulator).?"=orange # MENUCOLOR=" (cursed|unholy|desecrated) .* .?wielded.?"=orange # MENUCOLOR=" (cursed|unholy|desecrated) .* .?not wielded.?"=red # MENUCOLOR=" (cursed|unholy|desecrated) .* \(lit\)"=orange MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(weapon in .*\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(wielded.*\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(being worn\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(on (right|left) .*\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(in (quiver|use)\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(at the ready\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(tethered weapon in hand)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed \(alternate weapon .*\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR="Weak to .*unholy"=gray MENUCOLOR=" cursed unicorn horn"=magenta MENUCOLOR=" cursed bag .* holding"=magenta MENUCOLOR=" wand .* cancellation"=yellow MENUCOLOR=" consecration"=white MENUCOLOR=" blessed .* consecration"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .* consecration"=lightcyan MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* consecration"=orange MENUCOLOR=" wand .* wishing"=white MENUCOLOR=" blessed wand .* wishing"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" uncursed wand .* wishing"=lightcyan MENUCOLOR=" cursed wand .* wishing"=orange MENUCOLOR=" runed candle"=white MENUCOLOR=" blessed runed candle"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" uncursed runed candle"=lightcyan MENUCOLOR=" cursed runed candle"=orange MENUCOLOR=" candle of invocation"=white MENUCOLOR=" blessed candle of invocation"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" uncursed candle of invocation"=lightcyan MENUCOLOR=" cursed candle of invocation"=orange MENUCOLOR=" black ring with . stars?"=white MENUCOLOR=" blessed black ring with . stars?"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" uncursed black ring with . stars?"=lightcyan MENUCOLOR=" cursed black ring with . stars?"=orange MENUCOLOR=" ring .* wishes"=white MENUCOLOR=" blessed ring .* wishes"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" uncursed ring .* wishes"=lightcyan MENUCOLOR=" cursed ring .* wishes"=orange # - Dangerous Items! # Items that are dangerous to put into Bags of Holding are bold orange: # Bags of Holding, Bags of Tricks, and Wands of Cancellation. # Note: BoT and /oC that do not have charges are not a risk and are colored as empty. MENUCOLOR=" wand of [Cc]ancel.*"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR=" wand called [Cc]ancel.*"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR=" bag .* tricks"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR=" [Hh]olding"=orange&underline # Mark every unknown wand as potentially dangerous # (this is also a non-subtle reminder to identify these wands ASAP as well) MENUCOLOR="glass wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="balsa wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="crystal wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="bamboo wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="maple wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="rusty wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="pine wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="oak wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="plastic wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="green wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="ebony wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="marble wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="tin wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="brass wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="copper wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="ceramic wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="silver wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="platinum wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="iridium wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="black wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="bronze wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="zinc wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="aluminum wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="uranium wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="iron wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="steel wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="hexagonal wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="short wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="runed wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="long wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="curved wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="octagonal wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="twisted wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="titanium wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="driftwood wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="forked wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="spiked wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="jeweled wand"=orange&underline # Mark wands that "vanish" test as potentially dangerous MENUCOLOR=" van(.*)"=orange&bold # Footrice MENUCOLOR=" c(o|hi)ckatrice (corpse|egg)"=yellow&bold # Highlight the F*** out of wielding footrice! # This is the only thing highlight in this file, but well worth it. MENUCOLOR=" c(o|hi)ckatrice (corpse|egg) \(wielded.*\)"=yellow&inverse # Take caution with these.... MENUCOLOR=" cursed.* unicorn horn"=red&underline MENUCOLOR=" cursed.* luck(stone)?($| )"=red&underline MENUCOLOR="(loadstone|load stone)"=red&underline # - Empty/Worthless things. # Note: An empty bag of tricks will not blow up a BoH, nor will an uncharged /oCancellation MENUCOLOR=" empty"=black&dim MENUCOLOR="\(.*:0\).*"=black&dim MENUCOLOR=" (worthless|cheap|junk)"=black&dim MENUCOLOR=" (stones?$|rocks?$|iron chain)"=black&dim MENUCOLOR=" flint"=black MENUCOLOR=" First Key "=black MENUCOLOR=" Second Key "=black MENUCOLOR=" Third Key "=black MENUCOLOR=" big chest with 10 keyholes"=lightmagenta MENUCOLOR=" magic chest"=lightmagenta # Exceptions - will attack peacefuls/quest leaders. MENUCOLOR=" Stormbringer \((weapon in.*|wielded.*)\)"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR=" Cleaver \((weapon in.*|wielded)\)"=orange&underline # - Gem colors # The ?$ serves to block other sapphire items from getting colored, and # requires that "sapphire" be at the end of the line. MENUCOLOR=" agate stone"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" amber stone"=brown&bold MENUCOLOR=" amethyst stones?"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR=" aquamarine stone"=cyan&bold MENUCOLOR=" citrine stone"=yellow&bold MENUCOLOR=" chrysoberyl"=yellow&bold MENUCOLOR=" dilithium"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR=" diamonds?$"=white&bold MENUCOLOR=" emeralds?$"=green&bold MENUCOLOR=" fluorite stones?"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR=" garnet"=red MENUCOLOR=" jacinth stones?"=orange&bold MENUCOLOR=" jasper stone"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" jade stone"=green MENUCOLOR=" jet stone"=white&bold MENUCOLOR=" obsidian stone"=blue&dim MENUCOLOR=" opals?$"=white&bold MENUCOLOR=" ruby$"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" rubies"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" sapphires?$"=lightblue&bold MENUCOLOR=" topaz stone"=brown&bold MENUCOLOR=" turquoise stone"=cyan&bold # Unknown gems are just dull MENUCOLOR=" black gem"=black MENUCOLOR=" blue gem"=lightblue&dim MENUCOLOR=" green gem"=green&dim MENUCOLOR=" orange gem"=orange&dim MENUCOLOR=" red gem"=red&dim MENUCOLOR=" turquoise gem"=cyan&dim MENUCOLOR=" violet gem"=magenta&dim MENUCOLOR=" white gem"=white&dim MENUCOLOR=" brown gem"=brown MENUCOLOR=" yellow gem"=yellow&dim # - Invocation items/"oY # Important: Blinking is annoying, but we'll know if it gets stolen... MENUCOLOR=" Amulet of Yendor named.*"=magenta&inverse MENUCOLOR="(Bell of Opening|silver bell|[Cc]andelabrum|Book of the Dead|papyrus spellbook)"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed.* (Bell of Opening|silver bell|[Cc]andelabrum|Book of the Dead|papyrus spellbook)"=orange&bold # - Quest Artifacts # Coloring is mostly to remind us we can #invoke them! MENUCOLOR="Orb of Detection"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Heart of Ahriman"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Sceptre of Might"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Staff of Aesculapius"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Magic Mirror of Merlin"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Eyes of the Overworld"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Mitre of Holiness"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Longbow of Diana"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Master Key of Thievery"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Tsurugi of Muramasa"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Platinum Yendorian Express Card"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Orb of Fate"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Eye of the Aethiopica"=magenta # Wielded/worn quest artifacts MENUCOLOR="Sceptre of Might \(weapon in .*\)"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR="Staff of Aesculapius \(weapon in .*\)"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR="Eyes of the Overworld \(being worn\)"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR="Mitre of Holiness \(being worn\)"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR="Longbow of Diana"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR="Tsurugi of Muramasa \(weapon in .*\)"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR="Eye of the Aethiopica \(being worn\)"=magenta&bold # - Misc utility colors # Color the Scroll of Scare Monster so we don't accidentally pickup or drop MENUCOLOR="scrolls? (of|called) scare monster"=orange&underline # Color unknown gray stones orange so we don't accidentally pickup # (or takeout of a box) MENUCOLOR=" gray stone"=orange&underline # Reminder not to drop cryknife! MENUCOLOR=" crysknife "=white&underline MENUCOLOR=" blessed.*crysknife "=lightgreen&underline MENUCOLOR=" cursed.*crysknife "=red&underline # Light sources that are being used stand out. MENUCOLOR=" \(lit\)"=yellow&bold MENUCOLOR= (dimly|brightly|brilliantly) lit=yellow&bold # Highlight unpaid items MENUCOLOR="unpaid"=white&underline MENUCOLOR="(no charge)"=green&inverse # Quick-fix patches - so other parts of the game(menus) are not colored. MENUCOLOR="(Look inside|stash one)"=gray # Spellcasting success rates. # Green is good - means we can reliably cast the spell 0-9% MENUCOLOR=" 0% "=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" [1-9]% "=green # yellow is 10-49% MENUCOLOR=" [1-4][0-9]% "=yellow # Orange is getting pretty rough, 50-89% MENUCOLOR=" [5-8][0-9]% "=orange # Red is bad 90-100% MENUCOLOR=" 9[0-9]% "=red MENUCOLOR=" 100% "=red # Forgotten spells MENUCOLOR=" \(gone\)"=red # spell memory # MENUCOLOR="% [1-5]%"=gray # MENUCOLOR="% [6-9]%"=white # maintained spells MENUCOLOR=" \[M\].*[ 0-9]{3}% *[ 0-9]{3}%"=lightblue # specific to "lightning storm", which is always at 1% memory while stormhelm is worn MENUCOLOR="lightning storm.* 0% 1%"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="lightning storm.* [1-9]% 1%"=white MENUCOLOR="lightning storm.* [1-3][0-9]% 1%"=yellow MENUCOLOR="lightning storm.* [4-6][0-9]% 1%"=orange # uncastable spells MENUCOLOR=" [7-9][0-9]%[ 0-9]{8}%"=red MENUCOLOR=" 100%[ 0-9]{8}%"=black MENUCOLOR="% 0%"=black ############################################################################### # # Keyboard handling # Different keyboard handlers can be loaded. # Default is nhdefkey.dll but you can override that. # Ray Chason's keyboard handler OPTIONS=altkeyhandler:nhraykey.dll # # NetHack 3.4.0 keyboard handling # OPTIONS=altkeyhandler:nh340key.dll # *** Personal Preferences *** # Some options to set personal preferences. Uncomment and change these to # suit your personal preference. If several people are to use the same # configuration, options like these should not be set. # #OPTIONS=name:Janet,role:Valkyrie,race:Human,gender:female,align:lawful #OPTIONS=dogname:Fido,catname:Morris,birdname:Topper,fruit:guava #OPTIONS=horsename:Silver,dragonname:Burninator,monkeyname:MONKE OPTIONS=fruit:cerise MENUCOLOR=" cerise"=lightgreen # Disable autopickup #OPTIONS=!autopickup # When autopickup is on, automatically pick up these types of objects OPTIONS=autopickup OPTIONS=pickup_types:$"=/!?+ OPTIONS=pickup_thrown # Only show warning when pickup turns us to Stressed (or some other encumberance...) OPTIONS=pickup_burden:S # - Autopickup exceptions # A leading < means always pick up # a leading > means never pick up. AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">scroll .* scare monster" # Empty/used up AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">.*:0).*" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">.*wand.*(.*:-1).*" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">.* named (empty|junk)" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="> nothing" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="<^the " AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="> loadstone" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="" # # wresting wands MSGTYPE=stop "You wrest .*" # experience gain/loss #MSGTYPE=stop "You feel more experienced." #MSGTYPE=stop "Welcome to experience level *." MSGTYPE=stop "Goodbye level *." # default MSGTYPE=stop "Fare thee well level *." # knight MSGTYPE=stop "Sayonara level *." # samurai #MSGTYPE=stop "Aloha level *." # tourist MSGTYPE=stop "Farvel level *." # valkyrie # Help finding the vibrating square MSGTYPE=stop "You feel a strange vibration .*" #MSGTYPE=stop "You feel a strange vibration under your *." #MSGTYPE=stop "You feel a strange vibration beneath you." MSGTYPE=stop "You see a strange vibration under *." MSGTYPE=stop "You find a vibrating square." # Stop us from moving when we hit a mean/unfair trap MSGTYPE=stop "You find a polymorph trap." MSGTYPE=alert "You are momentarily blinded by a flash of light!?" MSGTYPE=alert "You materialize in a different location!" MSGTYPE=alert "A trap door opens up under you!" MSGTYPE=alert "You feel dizzy for a moment, but the sensation passes." ## Hunger MSGTYPE=stop "You feel hungry." MSGTYPE=stop "You are beginning to feel hungry." MSGTYPE=stop "You feel weak.*" MSGTYPE=stop "Ulch - that .* was tainted.*!" ## Hunger (while hallucinating) MSGTYPE=stop "You are getting the munchies." MSGTYPE=stop "You still have the munchies." MSGTYPE=stop "The munchies are interfering with your motor capabilities." MSGTYPE=stop "You now have a lesser case of the munchies." # - Critical messages ## Drowning MSGTYPE=alert "The .* (grabs|swings itself around) you!" ## Sliming MSGTYPE=alert "You don't feel very well." MSGTYPE=alert "Your limbs are getting oozy." MSGTYPE=alert "Your skin begins to peel away." MSGTYPE=alert "You are turning .*" ## Stoning MSGTYPE=alert "The .* (picks up|wields) a c(o|hi)ckatrice (corpse|egg)" MSGTYPE=alert " hits you with the (cockatrice|chickatrice) corpse." MSGTYPE=alert "You are slowing down." MSGTYPE=alert "Your limbs are stiffening." #MSGTYPE=stop "You see here a cockatrice corpse." #MSGTYPE=stop "You see here a chickatrice corpse." ## Strangulation MSGTYPE=alert "It constricts your throat!" MSGTYPE=alert "You find it hard to breathe." MSGTYPE=alert "You're (gasping for air|turning blue)." MSGTYPE=alert "You can no longer breathe." ## Terminal illness, lycanthropy MSGTYPE=alert "You feel (deathly sick|feverish)." MSGTYPE=alert "You feel (much|even) worse." MSGTYPE=alert " reaches out, and you feel fever and chills." MSGTYPE=alert " reaches out, and your body shrivels." ## Beheading MSGTYPE=stop ".*Vorpal Blade.*" MSGTYPE=stop ".*The Tsurugi of Muramasa.*" ## Near-death MSGTYPE=alert "You hear the howling of the CwnAnnwn..." MSGTYPE=alert ", your life force is running out" MSGTYPE=alert ", all your powers will be lost..." MSGTYPE=alert "You hear the wailing of the Banshee..." MSGTYPE=stop "(Wizard|Elf|Valkyrie) is about to die." ## Loss MSGTYPE=alert "You slow down." MSGTYPE=alert " yourself slowing down" MSGTYPE=alert "You (seem|feel) slower." MSGTYPE=alert "You feel slow!" MSGTYPE=alert "Your quickness feels less natural." MSGTYPE=alert "The shimmering globe around you is starting to fade." MSGTYPE=alert "The shimmering globe around you flickers and vanishes." MSGTYPE=stop "Your wielded * rots away." #MSGTYPE=alert "You caitiff!" # knight's code of conduct MSGTYPE=stop "Your .* (rusts|corrodes|smoulders)!" ## Levitation MSGTYPE=alert "You crash to the floor!" MSGTYPE=alert "You float gently to the ground." MSGTYPE=alert "Bummer! You've hit the ground." MSGTYPE=alert "You float slightly lower." ## Failure MSGTYPE=stop "You fail to cast the spell correctly." MSGTYPE=stop "You don't have enough energy to cast that spell." # lack of Pw ## Level drain MSGTYPE=stop "Goodbye level .*." # default MSGTYPE=stop "Fare thee well level .*." # knight MSGTYPE=stop "Sayonara level .*." # samurai MSGTYPE=stop "Aloha level .*." # tourist MSGTYPE=stop "Farvel level .*." # valkyrie ## Theft MSGTYPE=alert " chuckles." MSGTYPE=alert " steals.**" MSGTYPE=alert " stole.**" MSGTYPE=stop ".* flicks a bullwhip towards your .*!" MSGTYPE=stop ".* wraps around .* you're wielding!" MSGTYPE=alert ".* yanks .* from your .*!" MSGTYPE=alert ".* yanks .* to the .*!" MSGTYPE=alert ".* snatches .*!" ## Starving MSGTYPE=stop " needs food, badly!" MSGTYPE=alert "You faint from lack of food." MSGTYPE=alert "You are beginning to feel weak." MSGTYPE=alert "Wizard needs food, badly!" MSGTYPE=alert "Valkyrie needs food, badly!" ## Endgame/Baddies MSGTYPE=alert ".* snatches .*!" MSGTYPE=alert "So thou thought thou couldst kill me, fool." MSGTYPE=alert "Double Trouble..." MSGTYPE=alert "You feel a malignant aura surround *" MSGTYPE=stop "(Demogorgon|Dispater|Yeenoghu|Geryon) appears *" OPTIONS=msg_window:full #Pour slash'em extended et slashthem OPTIONS=hitpointbar OPTIONS=showdmg #OPTIONS=showweight #Permet que l'hitpointbar soit remplie #OPTIONS=!use_inverse