# This is an example nethackrc file for NetHack 3.7.x. You should edit this file to meet your # play style needs. # Available editors: rnano or virus via the terminal, or see our web-based RC Editor at # https://www.hardfought.org/nethack/rcedit # Examples of common defaults: OPTIONS=windowtype:tty OPTIONS=showexp,showscore,time,color,!autopickup OPTIONS=autodig,fruit:slime mold,boulder:0 # statushitlites is a popular option for 3.6.x - some common settings: OPTIONS=vt_xnethack # Curses UI is available on this build. Example settings (uncomment OPTIONS=windowtype:curses # to enable) All Curses UI settings are commented out ################## # Curses Settings ################## # default values in parentheses # Enable curses windowport (false) OPTIONS=windowtype:curses # To use new NH4-style status window (true) set !classic_status Not yet implemented in 3.6.1 #OPTIONS=classic_status # Window borders (3) 1 - always draw borders 2 - never draw borders 3 - draw borders if #terminal is big enough OPTIONS=windowborders:3 # Set terminal window for same dimensions Adjust these variables to your liking #OPTIONS=term_cols:120 OPTIONS=term_rows:32 # Attributes for pet highlighting (???) [i]talics (or is it inverse?) [u]nderline [b]old #possibly others OPTIONS=petattr:u # use colour in non-map areas (true) OPTIONS=guicolor # Display inventory window permanently on right of screen (false) OPTIONS=perm_invent # Window alignment (msg:top, status:bottom) note: align_status:left/right displays a more #verbose window, arranged vertically this is only partially implemented in 3.6.1 and is buggy #it will be fixed soon OPTIONS=align_message:top OPTIONS=align_status:bottom # Settings not specific to curses that you will want to use. OPTIONS=hitpointbar #OPTIONS=color,menucolors,statushilites # End of Curses settings ################## # For more information on what you can set in your nethackrc file, refer to: # https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Options Happy hacking!