Merlek, lawful female human Valkyrie @ Merlek the Heroine Experience level: 24 Strength: 25 Dexterity: 18 Constitution: 17 Intelligence: 10 Wisdom: 16 Charisma: 14 Health: 181(274) Energy: 104(104) Def: 44 Gold: 0 Moves: 46793 Dungeon seed: oY1Bzc37MEE15WH6 Game ID: Merlek_1717949574 Your Inventory: Amulets V - the uncursed Amulet of Yendor named REAL Weapons a - the blessed +7 Grayswandir (weapon in hand) Armor e - an uncursed fireproof +4 cloak of magic resistance and drain resistance (being worn) r - a blessed greased thoroughly burnt +4 elven leather helm (being worn) w - a blessed rusty +3 pair of gauntlets of power (being worn) y - a blessed +5 Hawaiian shirt (being worn) z - an uncursed +0 shield of reflection (being worn) N - an uncursed +4 shimmering dragon scale mail (being worn) Y - a blessed fireproof +2 pair of speed boots (being worn) Comestibles f - an uncursed lizard corpse Rings p - a blessed greased ring of levitation t - an uncursed ring of slow digestion u - an uncursed ring of regeneration and stealth (on left hand) P - an uncursed ring of free action (on right hand) Wands d - an uncursed wand of cancellation (0:0) m - an uncursed wand of digging (0:1) n - an uncursed wand of fire (0:2) B - an uncursed wand of digging (0:2) D - an uncursed wand of digging (0:4) E - an uncursed wand of wishing (1:0) H - a blessed wand of sleep (0:3) R - an uncursed wand of striking (0:8) S - an uncursed wand of digging (0:5) T - an uncursed wand of death (1:7) U - an uncursed wand of secret door detection (0:12) W - an uncursed wand of teleportation (0:5) Z - an uncursed wand of death (0:1) Tools g - the blessed Orb of Fate (0:5) h - a blessed +0 unicorn horn of lightning i - the uncursed Bell of Opening (0:1) k - an uncursed skeleton key named cold fire poison tele sleep l - a blessed magic lamp v - an uncursed bugle x - an uncursed +0 pick-axe named p5646 I - a blessed bag of holding X - an uncursed towel Contents of the bag of holding: the blessed rustproof +7 Excalibur 5 uncursed +5 daggers an uncursed greased +0 pair of jumping boots an uncursed +0 pair of levitation boots 6 uncursed C-rations an uncursed K-ration an uncursed clove of garlic an uncursed lizard corpse 2 uncursed lumps of royal jelly an uncursed sprig of wolfsbane 17 blessed scrolls of blank paper a blessed scroll of charging 3 blessed scrolls of earth a blessed scroll of genocide an uncursed scroll of genocide 2 uncursed scrolls of identify an uncursed scroll of magic mapping a blessed scroll of remove curse 2 uncursed scrolls of remove curse an uncursed scroll of scare monster 5 potions of holy water a cursed ring of aggravate monster and stealth a cursed ring of polymorph an uncursed ring of polymorph control an uncursed ring of slow digestion an uncursed wand of cold (0:7) an uncursed wand of digging (0:7) an uncursed wand of digging (0:4) an uncursed wand of digging (0:3) an uncursed wand of digging (0:2) an uncursed wand of digging (0:1) an uncursed wand of lightning (0:7) an uncursed wand of lightning (0:5) an uncursed wand of lightning (0:1) an uncursed wand of opening (0:7) an uncursed wand of polymorph (0:4) an uncursed wand of sleep (0:5) an uncursed wand of slow monster (0:2) an uncursed wand of speed monster (0:7) an uncursed can of grease (0:16) an uncursed magic lamp an uncursed magic lamp an uncursed magic marker (0:17) an uncursed stethoscope named geno Lh; a blessed +0 unicorn horn an uncursed +0 unicorn horn of fire Spells and supernatural/magical abilities: Name Level Category Cost Memory A - create familiar 3 clerical 75pw 92% W - pray for help -- divine ? -- Your skills at the end: Fighting Skills wands [Skilled] Weapon Skills dagger [Basic] long sword [Expert] saber [Basic] Spellcasting Skills Final Attributes: You were piously aligned. You were fire resistant. You were immune to cold. You were sleep resistant. You were poison resistant. You were magic resistant. You were level-drain resistant. You were hallucination resistant. You were resistant to stunning. You were being strangled. You were telepathic. You were warned. You were clairvoyant. You were visible. You were displaced. You were stealthy. You aggravated monsters. You were swallowed by a water elemental. You regenerated. You were protected. You were very fast. You had reflection. You had free action. You were lucky. You had extra luck. Good luck did not time out for you. You last prayed 37721 turns ago, and used 7 wishes since then. Tyr was noncommittal. You are dead (2nd time!). Vanquished creatures: Asmodeus Baalzebub Orcus Yeenoghu Juiblex The Wizard of Yendor (4 times) a high priest 5 mastodons Medusa an iron golem 7 storm giants 3 glass golems 3 balrogs 13 purple worms a silver dragon a shimmering dragon a red dragon 7 white dragons 8 black dragons 4 blue dragons 3 green dragons 26 minotaurs 6 jabberwocks 19 pit fiends Lord Surtur 8 baluchitheria Vlad the Impaler 3 stone golems 8 Olog-hai 2 Nazgul 2 sandestins a hell hound 8 titanotheres 8 trappers a baby silver dragon a baby orange dragon 6 disenchanters 23 vampire lords 6 shades 6 skeletons 10 aligned priests 8 captains 4 clay golems 7 nurses 13 ice devils 9 nalfeshnees 7 lurkers above a frost giant 6 ettins 2 black puddings 29 vampires 41 ghosts 4 lieutenants 2 healers a monk a tourist a queen bee a winged gargoyle 13 giant mimics 9 zruties 30 fire giants 13 ogre kings an ice troll 11 rock trolls 9 umber hulks 4 flesh golems 5 Elvenkings a doppelganger 30 hezrous 55 bone devils 6 large mimics 3 wumpuses 10 fire vortices a baby long worm 12 long worms 12 stalkers 17 air elementals 5 fire elementals 6 earth elementals 18 water elementals 7 hill giants 5 giant mummies a black naga 6 xorns 27 giant zombies 27 elf-lords 14 sergeants a water demon 2 barbed devils 31 vrocks 5 salamanders 18 wargs 3 winter wolves 6 hell hound pups 25 small mimics 2 glass piercers 9 warhorses 13 steam vortices 18 xans 5 ettin mummies 14 ogre lords 11 quantum mechanics 15 trolls 10 wood golems an erinys 16 mariliths 3 djinn 4 sharks 9 gelatinous cubes 2 pyrolisks 6 large dogs 3 freezing spheres 11 flaming spheres 7 shocking spheres 2 large cats 10 tigers 6 gargoyles a tengu 13 ochre jellies 8 leocrottas 8 energy vortices 8 mountain centaurs a stone giant 5 elf mummies 5 human mummies 7 red nagas 6 green slimes 6 pit vipers 6 pythons 4 cobras 49 wraiths 4 carnivorous apes 23 ettin zombies 4 leather golems 16 Grey-elves 50 soldiers 3 horned devils 11 incubi 7 chameleons 3 crocodiles 7 giant beetles 5 quivering blobs 33 cockatrices 9 wolves 9 winter wolf cubs 8 lynxes 2 panthers 8 gremlins a spotted jelly 2 leprechauns 3 orc-captains 4 iron piercers 4 mumakil 17 giant spiders 12 scorpions 8 horses 2 ice vortices 7 black lights 15 vampire bats 2 forest centaurs 8 gnome kings 2 orc mummies 13 ogres 3 brown puddings 11 rust monsters 14 owlbears 11 yetis a gold golem 4 werewolves 11 Green-elves 7 giant eels 11 lizards 4 warriors 12 chickatrices 5 dogs 5 housecats 6 dwarf lords a blue jelly 8 gray unicorns 4 black unicorns 2 dust vortices 3 ravens 3 plains centaurs 6 gnome mummies 3 snakes 5 apes 34 human zombies 2 rope golems 10 Woodland-elves a soldier ant 68 fire ants 7 bugbears a lemure 7 quasits 4 water nymphs 4 mountain nymphs 7 Mordor orcs 19 Uruk-hai 7 rock piercers 4 rock moles 6 ponies a fog cloud 12 yellow lights a shrieker 5 violet fungi 16 gnome lords 5 gnomish wizards 4 kobold mummies a red naga hatchling a black naga hatchling a guardian naga hatchling 6 gray oozes 4 barrow wights 12 elf zombies 10 ghouls 4 paper golems 3 jellyfish 2 baby crocodiles 13 giant ants 3 little dogs 5 floating eyes 8 dwarves a homunculus 3 kobold lords a kobold shaman 9 hill orcs 18 rothes 2 rabid rats a centipede 2 giant bats 4 monkeys 20 orc zombies 14 dwarf zombies a werejackal 4 iguanas 35 killer bees an acid blob 8 coyotes 7 hobbits 2 manes 2 large kobolds 10 hobgoblins 7 giant rats 9 cave spiders a brown mold 2 yellow molds 6 green molds a red mold 63 gnomes 4 garter snakes 17 gnome zombies 8 geckos 15 jackals 11 foxes 4 kobolds 5 goblins 17 sewer rats 7 grid bugs 6 lichens 16 kobold zombies 12 newts 2200 creatures vanquished. Genocided species: hobbits bugbears dwarf lords dwarf kings mind flayers master mind flayers liches demiliches master liches arch-liches gray oozes brown puddings black puddings green slimes rust monsters disenchanters Woodland-elves Green-elves Grey-elves elf-lords Elvenkings doppelgangers nurses soldiers sergeants lieutenants captains watchmen watch captains jellyfish piranhas sharks giant eels electric eels krakens 22 species genocided by you, 13 by monsters Voluntary challenges: You had been an atheist until turn 2316. You used a wielded weapon 5659 times, starting on turn 231. You read items or engraved 89 times, starting on turn 5289. You genocided 22 types of monsters, starting on turn 15830. You polymorphed 21 items, starting on turn 25091. You never changed form. You used 7 wishes, starting on turn 17794. You wished for your first artifact on turn 17956. You never split a pudding. You never wrote Elbereth's name. You violated your moral code, losing 302 points of alignment, starting on turn 13328. Dungeon overview: The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 29 Level 1 stairs to The Elemental Planes Level 2 a fountain Level 3 an armor shop Level 4 an armor shop, a fountain stairs to The Gnomish Mines Level 5 some fountains Level 6 stairs to Sokoban Level 7 a scroll shop Level 8 a vault Level 9 Level 10 an altar to Odin, some fountains Level 11 a temple to Tyr portal to The Quest Level 12 a general store, a fountain Level 13 a fountain Level 14 Level 15 a general store, a fountain, a vault Level 16 Level 17 Level 18 Level 19 a fountain Level 20 Level 21 a temple to Tyr, some fountains Level 22 Level 23 Level 24 (vault) a vault Level 25 a general store, an altar to Loki Level 26 some fountains, a sink, a vault Level 27 some fountains, a sink, a vault Level 28 Level 29 a fountain Gehennom: levels 30 to 50 Level 30 a temple to Moloch stairs to The Dungeons of Doom Level 31 Level 32 an altar to Moloch Level 33 Level 34 Level 35 a fountain Level 36 Level 37 Level 38 Level 39 a sink stairs to Vlad's Tower Level 40 Level 41 Level 42 (STASH) some shops, an altar to Moloch Level 43 (ORCUS ABOVE) Level 44 an altar to Moloch, a fountain, a sink Level 45 Level 46 Level 47 Level 48 (POTIONS IN TEMPLE) a temple to Moloch Level 49 Level 50 a high altar, a temple to Moloch The Gnomish Mines: levels 5 to 12 Level 5 stairs to The Dungeons of Doom Level 6 Level 7 many shops, a temple to Odin, some fountains Level 8 Level 9 Level 10 Level 11 Level 12 a fountain The Quest: levels 1 to 6 Level 1 a fountain portal to The Dungeons of Doom Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Sokoban: levels 2 to 5 Level 2 Solved Level 3 Solved Level 4 Solved Level 5 Solved stairs to The Dungeons of Doom Vlad's Tower: levels 36 to 38 Level 36 Level 37 Level 38 stairs to Gehennom The Elemental Planes: Plane 4 <- You were here a magic portal Plane 3 portal to The Elemental Planes Plane 2 portal to The Elemental Planes Plane 1 portal to The Elemental Planes History has recorded: On T:1 you entered the Dungeons of Doom to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor! On T:281 you reached level 2 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:304 you reached level 3 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:360 you advanced to experience level 2. On T:847 you reached level 4 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:897 you advanced to experience level 3. On T:1037 you reached level 5 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:1106 you advanced to experience level 4. On T:1177 you reached level 6 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:1700 you reached level 1 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1821 you advanced to experience level 5. On T:1906 you reached level 2 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:1963 you reached level 4 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:2043 you reached level 3 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:2112 you advanced to experience level 6. On T:3085 you advanced to experience level 7. On T:3274 you reached level 4 of Sokoban. On T:3551 you reached level 3 of Sokoban. On T:3955 you reached level 2 of Sokoban. On T:4238 you reached level 1 of Sokoban. On T:5354 you reached level 7 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:5389 you reached level 8 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:5591 you advanced to experience level 8. On T:6165 you reached level 9 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:6472 you reached level 10 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:6660 you reached level 11 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:6843 you reached level 12 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:7894 you advanced to experience level 9. On T:7952 you reached level 13 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:8148 you reached level 14 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:9442 you reached level 15 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:9486 you reached level 16 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:9645 you advanced to experience level 10. On T:9952 you reached level 17 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:10784 you reached level 5 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:11018 you reached level 6 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:11135 you reached level 7 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:11308 you reached level 8 of The Gnomish Mines. On T:13668 you reached level 18 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:13696 you reached level 19 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:13859 you reached level 20 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:13965 you reached level 21 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:14417 you reached level 22 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:14506 you advanced to experience level 11. On T:14657 you reached level 23 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:14912 you reached level 24 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:15150 you reached level 25 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:15581 you reached level 26 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:15830 you genocided class 'L'. On T:15831 you genocided class 'h'. On T:16013 you reached level 27 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:16269 you advanced to experience level 12. On T:16986 you reached level 28 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:16988 you reached The Castle. On T:16990 you advanced to experience level 13. On T:17256 you advanced to experience level 14. On T:17794 you wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging". On T:17795 you wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 gray dragon scale mail". On T:17807 you wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 speed boots". On T:17814 you wished for "blessed greased ring of levitation". On T:17956 you wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 Grayswandir". On T:18153 you killed Medusa on level 28 of The Dungeons of Doom. On T:18231 you advanced to experience level 15. On T:21738 you reached level 1 of The Quest. On T:21802 you embarked upon an epic quest. On T:21828 you reached level 2 of The Quest. On T:21918 you reached level 3 of The Quest. On T:22030 you reached level 4 of The Quest. On T:22044 you reached level 5 of The Quest. On T:22084 you reached level 6 of The Quest. On T:22145 you advanced to experience level 16. On T:22250 you killed Lord Surtur on level 6 of The Quest. On T:22687 you completed the quest! On T:23541 you reached The Valley of the Dead. On T:24069 you killed Yeenoghu in The Valley of the Dead. On T:24069 you advanced to experience level 17. On T:24697 you reached level 2 of Gehennom. On T:24935 you genocided class ';'. On T:25736 you reached level 3 of Gehennom. On T:25957 you reached level 4 of Gehennom. On T:26239 you killed Asmodeus on level 4 of Gehennom. On T:26239 you advanced to experience level 18. On T:26250 you reached level 5 of Gehennom. On T:26294 you reached level 6 of Gehennom. On T:26339 you killed Juiblex on level 6 of Gehennom. On T:26379 you reached level 7 of Gehennom. On T:26764 you reached level 8 of Gehennom. On T:27008 you killed Baalzebub on level 8 of Gehennom. On T:27024 you reached level 9 of Gehennom. On T:27218 you reached level 10 of Gehennom. On T:27258 you reached level 3 of Vlad's Tower. On T:27468 you reached level 2 of Vlad's Tower. On T:27559 you reached level 1 of Vlad's Tower. On T:27594 you killed Vlad the Impaler on level 1 of Vlad's Tower. On T:27824 you advanced to experience level 19. On T:27849 you reached level 11 of Gehennom. On T:27873 you wished for "blessed magic lamp". On T:28248 you reached level 13 of Gehennom. On T:28344 you reached level 14 of Gehennom. On T:28586 you reached level 15 of Gehennom. On T:28883 you reached level 16 of Gehennom. On T:29043 you reached level 17 of Gehennom. On T:29124 you advanced to experience level 20. On T:29221 you reached level 18 of Gehennom. On T:29323 you reached level 19 of Gehennom. On T:29387 you reached level 20 of Gehennom. On T:31603 you advanced to experience level 21. On T:31603 you advanced to experience level 22. On T:31604 you advanced to experience level 23. On T:36620 you genocided class 'P'. On T:36621 you genocided class 'R'. On T:41354 you let an ogre king genocide class '@'. On T:44199 you killed Wizard of Yendor on level 16 of Gehennom. On T:44380 you performed the invocation. On T:44380 you reached level 21 of Gehennom. On T:44650 you advanced to experience level 24. On T:44792 you killed high priest of Moloch on level 21 of Gehennom. On T:44796 you gained the Amulet of Yendor! On T:46436 you reached the Plane of Earth. On T:46437 you killed Wizard of Yendor on the Plane of Earth. On T:46474 you reached the Plane of Air. On T:46577 you averted death On T:46618 you wished for "2 blessed potions of full healing". On T:46619 you killed Wizard of Yendor on the Plane of Air. On T:46629 you reached the Plane of Fire. On T:46670 you reached the Plane of Water. On T:46768 you killed Wizard of Yendor on the Plane of Water. Score breakdown: Gold: 0 ( 0 points) Experience: 24 levels (26716 points) Exploration: 50 levels (100.00%) (30000 points) Discoveries: 114 items ( 45.60%) (20258 points) Valuables value: (no points given unless you survive) Artifact value: 16500 (14346 points) Variety of kills: 261 monsters ( 68.68%) (24862 points) Turncount: 46793 turns (-4658 points) Survival: died (score multiplied by 80%) Total score: 89219 Latest messages: The water elemental misses. (4x) The splash of venom misses the water elemental. You are almost hit by a splash of venom. Splash! You can breathe more easily! You hit the water elemental! The cobra spits venom! You are almost hit by a splash of venom. Splash! The water elemental misses. The water elemental engulfs you! You can not breathe here! You hit the water elemental! (11x) You are starting to run out of breath. You kill the water elemental! The cobra misses. The water elemental just misses! The water elemental engulfs you! You hit the water elemental! You are running out of breath. You hit the water elemental! (2x) You are almost out of breath. You hit the water elemental! Your will to breathe increases critically! You hit the water elemental! (2x) You suffocate. Final status: Farvel Merlek the Valkyrie, drowned in a monster (with the Amulet)... You drowned in The Elemental Planes with 89219 points, and 0 pieces of gold, after 46793 moves. You were level 24 with a maximum of 274 hit points when you drowned.