Unix NetHack Version 3.7.0-120 Work-in-progress - last build Mar  2 2025 04:28:42 (ace461279d0d575f4e54deaa0937dc7cdc7ed3db,branch:master).

Game began 2025-03-14 07:34:51, ended 2025-03-14 11:06:52.

Raisse, neutral female gnomish Wizard

  -------              #|.......................).......|
  |.....|              #|.----....-----.-----+-..-----  |
  |<.....###############|.|..|---.|..)|.-..|  |..|(((|
  |.....|###           #..|..|..|.|._.|.|..|  |..|(((|
  |.....-####          #|.-|-|..|.|...-.----  --.|...|
  -------               |....|..|.|...|....-   |.--|--  |
                        |.{..-|--.----|....|   |........|
                        |..........+  -+--.-----..----- |
                        |....-|--..|     |..*.....-..%|
                        |.--+|..|.--     |-|--....|..%|
                        |.|  |..|.-      |(.G|---.-----
                        -.|  ----.|      |(.(|  +..
                        |.|      .|      |((.|  |...
                        |.-      .-      -----  -.....
                        |.       .               ......
                        ---     ---             --------

Raisse the Conjurer       St:10 Dx:12 Co:11 In:19 Wi:11 Ch:13  Neutral
Dlvl:7  $:0  HP:0(44) Pw:22(57) AC:5  Xp:5/250 T:2365  Blind

Latest messages:
 You stop waiting.
 Miezekatze drops a candle.
 Miezekatze picks up a candle.
 Miezekatze drops a candle.
 You see here a candle (for sale, 10 zorkmids).
 (For instructions type a '?')
 Call a candle: tallow
 You see here a candle called tallow (for sale, 10 zorkmids).
 You see here a candle called tallow (for sale, 10 zorkmids).
 Miezekatze bites the ape.
 Miezekatze bites the ape.
 The ape hits Miezekatze.
 The ape knocks Miezekatze backward with a forceful blow!
 You stop waiting.
 The ape hits!
 The ape hits again!
 The ape bites!
 You see here a candle called tallow (for sale, 10 zorkmids).
 Miezekatze picks up a candle called tallow.
 Miezekatze bites the ape.
 The dust vortex engulfs you!
 You can't see in here!
 You hear some noises.
 You hit the dust vortex.
 You hit the dust vortex.
 You hit the dust vortex.
 You get expelled!
 You feel an unseen monster!
 It hits!
 It hits!
 You miss it.
 It engulfs you!
 You get expelled!
 You feel an unseen monster!
 It misses!
 It engulfs you!
 You hit the dust vortex.
 You hit the dust vortex.
 You hit the dust vortex.
 You hit the dust vortex.
 You hit the dust vortex.
 You get expelled!
 It hits!
 You miss it.
 It gets angry!
 It hits!
 You die...
 Nieb takes all your possessions.
 Do you want to see what you had when you died? [ynq] (y) y
 Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (y) q

 Weapons  (')')
  a - a blessed +0 dagger (weapon in right hand)
  x - an uncursed +1 dagger
 Armor    ('[')
  C - a blessed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn)
  H - a blessed +2 dwarvish iron helm (being worn)
  L - an uncursed +0 mummy wrapping
 Comestibles  ('%')
  e - an uncursed food ration
  p - 3 uncursed lichen corpses
  P - an uncursed fortune cookie
 Scrolls  ('?')
  i - 4 uncursed scrolls of identify
  j - a blessed scroll of remove curse
  s - a cursed scroll of identify
  v - a cursed scroll of remove curse
  D - 2 uncursed scrolls of blank paper
 Potions  ('!')
  f - an uncursed potion of blindness
  g - a blessed potion of invisibility
  h - an uncursed potion of water
  r - 7 uncursed potions of healing
 Rings    ('=')
  d - an uncursed ring of regeneration
  u - an uncursed +1 ring of increase damage
 Wands    ('/')
  c - an uncursed wand of probing (0:6)
  y - an uncursed wand of undead turning (0:6)
  A - an uncursed wand of speed monster (0:2)
 Tools    ('(')
  b - an uncursed blindfold
  m - an uncursed magic marker (0:19)
  n - an uncursed magic marker (0:33)
  q - an uncursed lock pick
  O - an empty uncursed sack

Raisse the Wizard's attributes:

 You were a Conjurer, a level 5 female gnomish Wizard.
 You were neutral, on a mission for Thoth
 who was opposed by Ptah (lawful) and Anhur (chaotic).
 You were right-handed.
 You were in the Gnomish Mines, on level 7.
 You entered the dungeon 2365 turns ago.
 There was a full moon in effect when your adventure ended.
 You had 250 experience points, 70 more were needed to attain level 6.

 You had 0 out of 44 hit points.
 You had 22 out of 57 energy points (spell power).
 Your armor class was 5.
 Your wallet was empty.
 Autopickup was on, but temporarily disabled while inside the shop.

Final Characteristics:
 Your strength was 10 (limit:18/50).
 Your dexterity was 12 (limit:18).
 Your constitution was 11 (limit:18).
 Your intelligence was 19 (limit:19).
 Your wisdom was 11 (limit:18).
 Your charisma was 13 (limit:18).

Final Status:
 You were temporarily blind.
 You weren't hungry.
 You were unencumbered.
 You were wielding a dagger.
 You were unskilled in dagger.

Final Attributes:
 You were devoutly aligned.
 You were magic-protected.
 You had infravision.
 You were warded.
 You were lucky.
 You could have avoided a one-shot death via saving-grace.
 You are dead.

 You encountered 1 bones level.
 Total elapsed playing time was 54 minutes and 12 seconds.

Major events:
    1: Raisse the neutral female gnomish Wizard entered the dungeon
  816: attained the rank of Conjurer (level 3)
 1509: entered the Gnomish Mines
 2047: reached Mine Town
 2365: killed by a dust vortex

Vanquished creatures:
  a ghost
  a small mimic
  a gnome mummy
 an ape
  a fire ant
  a rock piercer
  a gnome leader
  a straw golem
  2 paper golems
  a baby crocodile
  5 giant ants
  a dwarf
  a homunculus
  2 rothes
 an orc zombie
 an iguana
 an acid blob
  3 hobbits
  a manes
  5 giant rats
  2 cave spiders
  a brown mold
  a gnome
  a gnome zombie
  3 geckos
  2 jackals
  2 kobolds
  3 grid bugs
  6 lichens
  2 kobold zombies
  2 newts
57 creatures vanquished.

No species were genocided or became extinct.

Voluntary challenges:
 You read items or engraved 5 times.
 You engraved Elbereth 2 times.
 You never genocided any monsters.
 You never polymorphed an object.
 You never changed form.
 You used no wishes.
 You attained the rank of Conjurer.
 You entered a shop.
 You entered the Gnomish Mines.
 You entered Minetown.
 You entered a temple.

 The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 5
    Level 1: "spb"
       A grave.
    Level 2:
    Level 3:
       A wand shop, a fountain.
    Level 4:
       Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines.
    Level 5:
 The Gnomish Mines: levels 5 to 7
    Level 5:
    Level 6:
    Level 7: <- You were here.
       Some shops, a temple and an altar to Thoth, a fountain.
       Final resting place for
          you, killed by a dust vortex,
          Raisse-Wiz-Gno-Fem-Neu, killed by a fire ant.

Game over:
                      /          \
                     /    REST    \
                    /      IN      \
                   /     PEACE      \
                  /                  \
                  |      Raisse      |
                  |       0 Au       |
                  | killed by a dust |
                  |      vortex      |
                  |                  |
                  |                  |
                  |       2025       |
                 *|     *  *  *      | *

Goodbye Raisse the Wizard...

You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 7 with 1310 points,
and 0 pieces of gold, after 2365 moves.
You were level 5 with a maximum of 44 hit points when you died.