Vis, chaotic male human Convict Playing dNetHack v3.22.0 (dNAO git 32b0d482), last build 2023-05-29 17:15:13. /-\ |@| Vis the Fugitive St:25 Dx:18 Co:17 In:4 Wi:23 Ch:9 Chaotic S:3939089 Dlvl:41 $:0 HP:289(289) Pw:73(73) Br:5 AC:-7 DR:12 Xp:30/442878 T:66564 Burdened Your inventory Amulets A - an uncursed amulet versus curses (being worn) {20} R - an uncursed amulet versus evil eyes {20} Weapons l - the +3 Limb of the Black Tree {10} B - the +7 Quicksilver (weapon in hand) {16} F - the large +6 Demonbane {68} T - the blessed +4 glittering Rod of the Ram {30} Armor g - the blessed rustproof +4 Gauntlets of Spell Power (being worn) {30} v - the blessed +5 Chromatic Dragon Scales (being worn) (mail) {150} y - the uncursed +0 Shield of the All-Seeing (being worn) {50} C - an uncursed +0 flower-woven robe (being worn) {15} H - an uncursed rustproof +1 magic-resistant helm of brilliance named Mask of Waterdeep (being worn) {30} Q - the uncursed fireproof +7 Tie-Dye Shirt of Shambhala (being worn) {5} U - an uncursed +4 magic-resistant glittering cloth pair of flying boots (being worn) {10} Scrolls i - the uncursed fireproof Marauder's Map {5} Rings h - the uncursed engraved +3 Vilya (on left hand) {3} j - the uncursed Ring of Thror {3} w - the uncursed engraved +4 Narya {3} W - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on right hand) {3} Wands k - a rusty wand of secret door detection (0:13) {7} n - a wand of opening (0:7) {7} o - a rusty wand of striking (0:0) {7} r - a rusty wand of digging (0:0) {7} u - a wand of teleportation (0:5) {7} J - a wand of enlightenment (0:10) {7} L - a very rusty wand of digging (0:5) {7} N - a wand of teleportation (0:6) {7} Tools a - a +0 unicorn horn {20} b - the rustproof +1 Iron Spoon of Liberation {1} c - the cracked Fire Crystal (0:0) {10} e - an armor salve (0:6) {10} f - the uncursed Third Key of Chaos {3} m - an uncursed sack {29} p - the cracked Black Crystal (0:0) {30} q - a blessed candle of invocation {2} s - a blessed bag of holding {1369} t - a can of grease (0:20) {15} x - an uncursed rusty lock pick {4} E - an uncursed silver flute {15} I - the Bell of Opening (0:3) {10} K - the uncursed Candelabrum of Invocation (no candles attached) {10} O - an uncursed towel {2} P - the cracked Earth Crystal (0:0) {100} S - the uncursed Silver Key {3} V - the uncursed etched thoroughly rusty Second Key of Neutrality {3} Y - the uncursed rusty First Key of Neutrality {3} Iron balls d - the blessed rustproof Iron Ball of Levitation (alternate weapon; not wielded) {800} Contents of the sack: a blessed wand of cancellation (0:4) a cursed wand of cancellation (0:7) Contents of the bag of holding: 4053 gold pieces an uncursed amulet of unchanging a cursed amulet of restful sleep an uncursed amulet of ESP an uncursed rusty amulet of wound closure a cursed amulet of change an uncursed amulet versus evil eyes an uncursed golden amulet of reflection an uncursed amulet versus poison an uncursed amulet of ESP an uncursed amulet versus poison an uncursed amulet of life saving an uncursed amulet of ESP an uncursed amulet versus poison a cursed amulet of strangulation a blessed +0 elven dagger a +12 long sword named The Sword of the Deeps the blessed -2 Werebuster the +0 Werebane the rustproof +0 Luck Blade the rustproof +2 Bloodletter the fireproof +0 Staff of Necromancy the shatterproof +2 Frost Brand the fireproof +0 Plague the rustproof +0 Hellfire 35 +0 crossbow bolts an uncursed +0 pair of kicking boots the uncursed fireproof +0 Scorpion Carapace an uncursed +0 prayer-warded wrapping an uncursed +0 cloak of invisibility an uncursed +0 dwarvish mithril-coat an uncursed +0 dragonhide pair of low boots an uncursed +0 cloak of displacement 3 uncursed tins of lichen an uncursed lizard corpse 2 uncursed tins of lichen an uncursed tin of dungeon fern sprout an uncursed tin of spinach an uncursed tin of sunflower an uncursed lizard corpse 4 uncursed lembas wafers an uncursed honeycomb 3 uncursed pancakes an uncursed food ration 7 uncursed candy bars a blessed scroll of identify an uncursed scroll of teleportation an uncursed scroll of resistance a blessed scroll of charging an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon an uncursed scroll of gold detection an uncursed scroll of sign of the Scion Queen Mother 3 uncursed scrolls of create monster 2 uncursed scrolls of stinking cloud an uncursed scroll of scare monster a cursed scroll of punishment an uncursed scroll of remove curse 3 blessed scrolls of remove curse a blessed scroll of amnesia a blessed scroll of gold detection 2 uncursed scrolls of taming 2 uncursed scrolls of food detection 3 uncursed scrolls of confuse monster 4 uncursed scrolls of amnesia 4 uncursed scrolls of antimagic 3 uncursed scrolls of warding 3 blessed scrolls of antimagic an uncursed scroll of destroy armor a blessed scroll of punishment 2 blessed scrolls of fire 3 uncursed scrolls of light an uncursed scroll of punishment 2 blessed scrolls of light 6 blessed scrolls of teleportation a blessed scroll of destroy armor 2 uncursed scrolls of elder sign 5 cursed scrolls of teleportation 2 uncursed scrolls of pentagram 2 cursed scrolls of blank paper an uncursed scroll of fire 3 uncursed scrolls of earth 32 uncursed scrolls of teleportation 3 uncursed scrolls of blank paper 2 blessed scrolls of blank paper an uncursed spellbook of identify an uncursed spellbook of remove curse an uncursed spellbook of magic missile an uncursed spellbook of restore ability the uncursed Necronomicon an uncursed potion of enlightenment 2 uncursed potions of healing an uncursed potion of blindness a blessed potion of healing an uncursed potion of paralysis 2 uncursed potions of gain level 3 uncursed potions of full healing 3 uncursed potions of extra healing 2 uncursed potions of booze an uncursed potion of gain ability an uncursed potion of blindness an uncursed potion of confusion an uncursed potion of fruit juice 4 uncursed potions of healing an uncursed potion of paralysis an uncursed potion of restore ability a blessed potion of object detection 4 blessed potions of restore ability 3 cursed potions of extra healing a cursed potion of full healing 2 uncursed potions of starlight 2 uncursed potions of gain level 2 uncursed potions of polymorph 6 blessed potions of full healing 8 uncursed potions of full healing a cursed potion of gain level 21 potions of holy water 5 potions of unholy water 25 uncursed potions of water 4 uncursed potions of gain energy 7 uncursed potions of acid an uncursed ring of wishes (3 remaining) an uncursed engraved ring of see invisible an uncursed engraved +1 ring of increase accuracy an uncursed engraved ring of sustain ability a cursed ring of polymorph an uncursed ring of conflict an uncursed engraved ring of conflict an uncursed -1 ring of protection an uncursed ring of invisibility a cursed ring of sustain ability an uncursed ring of invisibility an uncursed engraved ring of polymorph control a cursed -1 ring of increase damage a cursed -1 ring of increase damage an uncursed ring of warning a cursed ring of aggravate monster an uncursed ring of teleport control an uncursed ring of protection from shape changers an uncursed ring of teleportation a cursed engraved ring of polymorph an uncursed ring of polymorph an uncursed ring of teleport control an uncursed engraved ring of fire resistance an uncursed ring of aggravate monster an uncursed ring of shock resistance a cursed ring of hunger a blessed +4 ring of increase damage an uncursed ring of warning an uncursed ring of free action an uncursed ring of poison resistance a cursed ring of hunger a cursed ring of polymorph control an uncursed engraved ring of polymorph control an uncursed engraved ring of polymorph control an uncursed ring of regeneration a cursed ring of hunger a cursed engraved ring of aggravate monster an uncursed ring of invisibility a wand of create monster (0:12) a wand of digging (0:5) a wand of teleportation (0:7) a wand of create monster (0:2) a blessed wand of fire (0:3) a wand of slow monster (0:6) a blessed fireproof wand of teleportation (0:1) a wand of cold (0:8) a wand of lightning (0:6) a wand of lightning (0:1) a wand of striking (0:1) a wand of digging (0:2) a wand of lightning (0:4) a wand of locking (0:4) a wand of lightning (0:5) a wand of sleep (0:8) a wand of digging (0:5) a wand of locking (0:7) a wand of cold (0:6) a wand of enlightenment (0:10) a wand of magic missile (0:4) a wand of lightning (0:5) a wand of magic missile (0:2) a wand of digging (0:5) a wand of create monster (0:10) a wand of sleep (0:6) a wand of create monster (0:11) a wand of lightning (0:7) a wand of magic missile (0:3) a wand of striking (0:5) a wand of digging (0:4) a wand of digging (0:6) a wand of lightning (0:2) a wand of create monster (0:11) a wand of digging (0:6) a wand of digging (0:4) a wand of magic missile (0:4) a wand of fire (0:7) a rusty wand of secret door detection (0:11) a wand of speed monster (0:5) a blessed wand of striking (0:0) a wand of opening (0:0) a wand of lightning (0:3) a wand of fire (0:8) a wand of sleep (0:8) a wand of sleep (0:8) a wand of lightning (0:7) a wand of probing (0:6) a wand of create monster (0:11) a wand of fire (0:2) a wand of death (0:5) a wand of cold (0:6) a wand of magic missile (0:1) a wand of sleep (0:6) a wand of fire (0:5) a cursed wand of lightning (0:7) a wand of lightning (0:4) a wand of speed monster (0:2) a wand of striking (0:5) a wand of create monster (0:13) a wand of magic missile (0:2) a blessed wand of speed monster (0:6) a wand of digging (0:5) a wand of fire (0:0) a wand of digging (0:3) a blessed wand of speed monster (0:4) a cursed wand of lightning (0:5) a cursed wand of digging (0:5) a wand of cold (0:0) a wand of digging (0:5) a wand of fire (0:4) a blessed wand of magic missile (0:5) a blessed wand of striking (0:6) a wand of striking (0:4) a wand of slow monster (0:6) a blessed wand of lightning (7:1) a wand of fire (0:6) a wand of magic missile (0:4) a wand of lightning (0:7) a wand of digging (0:5) a cursed wand of digging (0:8) a blessed wand of lightning (7:2) a cursed wand of digging (0:7) a wand of fire (0:2) a wand of digging (0:7) a blessed wand of cold (0:6) a wand of magic missile (0:2) a wand of death (0:2) a wand of sleep (0:7) a wand of cold (0:2) a wand of lightning (0:3) a wand of magic missile (0:8) a wand of probing (0:3) a wand of magic missile (0:8) a wand of speed monster (0:5) a wand of speed monster (0:2) a wand of magic missile (0:3) a wand of magic missile (0:5) a cursed drum of earthquake (0:8) a +0 pick-axe a tinning kit (0:38) an uncursed candle of invocation a can of grease (0:1) an uncursed magic lamp a +0 spoon an uncursed magic whistle an uncursed golden mirror 2 uncursed effigies the uncursed Arkenstone an uncursed antimagic rift an uncursed worthless piece of orange glass an uncursed luckstone a cursed luckstone 3 uncursed emeralds an uncursed worthless piece of blue glass 3 uncursed worthless pieces of white glass an uncursed dilithium crystal 3 uncursed amethyst stones 2 uncursed jasper stones 2 uncursed worthless pieces of yellowish brown glass an uncursed rope of entangling a blessed wage of pride 5 uncursed wages of greed 5 uncursed wages of envy an uncursed wage of wrath 3 uncursed wages of gluttony 2 uncursed wages of lust an uncursed wage of sloth an uncursed wage of pride Final Attributes: You last received a gift 4772 turns ago You were piously aligned. 178750 gold was created. You were acid resistant. You were cold resistant. You were disintegration-resistant. You were fire resistant. You were level-drain resistant. You were magic-protected. You were petrification resistant. You were poison resistant. You were shock resistant. You were immune to sickness. You were resistant to physical damage. You were resistant to magical damage. You had a drunkard score of 2. The hidden figure inside of you let you succumb to the inner beast. You had 100 sanity points. You had 18 insight points. You saw invisible. You were telepathic. You were warned. You were aware of the presence of demons. You were aware of the presence of divine beings. You were aware of the presence of elves. You had automatic searching. You had a carrying capacity of -116 remaining. You had 500 points of nutrition remaining. You were stealthy. You could teleport. You had teleport control. You could fly. You could survive without air. You were swallowed by Leviathan. You had a +3 bonus to hit. You had slower digestion. You were protected. You had polymorph control. You had free action. You had augmented spellcasting. You were very lucky. You had extra luck. Good luck timed out slowly for you. You are dead (4th time!). Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - remove curse 3* clerical 75% b - light 1* divination 75% c - detect monsters 2* divination 75% d - create familiar 6* clerical 93% e - cure blindness 2* healing 0% f - force bolt 1* attack 75% g - protection 1* clerical 75% h - identify 6* divination 93% i - dig 5* matter 83% j - sleep 1* enchantment 75% k - haste self 3* escape 75% l - magic mapping 5* divination 93% m - stone to flesh 3* healing 0% n - cancellation 6* matter 93% o - healing 1* healing 0% p - confuse monster 2* enchantment 75% q - cause fear 3* enchantment 77% r - restore ability 4* healing 0% s - knock 1* matter 75% t - fireball 4* attack 75% u - turn undead 2* clerical 75% v - magic missile 2* attack 75% w - cone of cold 4* attack 75% x - lightning bolt 5* attack 83% y - extra healing 3* healing 0% Vanquished creatures Father Dagon Mother Hydra The creature in the ice 3 lurking ones The Chromatic Dragon an omega metroid a Throne Archon a Light Archon a star spawn an arch-lich an embraced drowess a deep dragon 6 deep dwellers 12 mastodons a juggernaut 2 id juggernauts a scrap titan a wandering horror a retriever Medusa Croesus 5 krakens Warden Arianna Kraken, the Fiend of Water Oona 3 zeta metroids a heaven piercer 2 Brighid Eladrins 8 argentum golems 8 iron golems Center of All The Arsenal a Trumpet Archon 2 Graha Devas 3 master liches 2 baelnorns 4 death knights 4 grove guardians 2 balrogs an alhoon a ki-rin 4 driders 8 storm giants 3 titans Vlad the Impaler Chaos 14 nightgaunts 14 deeper ones a mumak 8 purple worms 2 Ghaele Eladrins 2 gray dragons 2 silver dragons a shimmering dragon 4 white dragons 4 orange dragons a black dragon 3 green dragons 2 red dragons a yellow dragon a phantom fungus 14 minotaurs a priest mummy a darkness given hunger 21 wood trolls a stumbling horror 7 vampire ladies 15 vampire lords 2 gugs 2 Ara Kamerels an ancient of ice a hellcat 5 baluchitheria a Shield Archon a Sword Archon a lillend a centaur chieftain 2 demiliches 16 stone golems 2 hedrow blademasters 2 walking deliria 2 devil's snares Cerberus 2 master mind flayers 4 gamma metroids 12 Olog-hai Mina Harker Ilona Szilagy Carmilla a Nazgul 2 pit fiends a sandestin Tiamat, the Fiend of Wind 4 hell hounds a displacer beast an aoa 5 titanotheres 4 trappers 2 Astral Devas a weeping angel 3 Shiere Eladrins 2 skeletons a gnoll ghoul 8 prison guards an Elvenking 2 drow matrons a guard an aligned priest 3 captains 5 lava demons 16 ice devils 3 invidiaks 3 dungeon ferns Kary, the Fiend of Fire 14 inmates 12 byakhees 4 liches 3 soldier mummies a serpent man of Yoth 11 water trolls 21 clay golems 2 nurses 4 maids 5 nalfeshnees 8 mariliths Lich, the Fiend of Earth 2 serpent-necked lionesses 8 lurkers above a stinking cloud 9 bebeliths 3 Aleaxes 2 Monadic Devas a Firre Eladrin 3 clockwork factories 15 ettins a tove 3 black puddings a flux slime 28 rock trolls 30 vampires 11 phantasms 13 hungry deads a spell golem a Sharab Kamerel 12 lieutenants a watch captain 45 ghosts 3 daughters of bedlam Axus (twice) 3 queen bees 3 manticores 26 mind flayers a uranium imp 13 legion devil soldiers 7 giant mimics a yuki-onna a swamp nymph 7 dire sheep an alpha metroid 27 migo soldiers a migo philosopher 2 fire giants 12 ice trolls 10 umber hulks 4 flesh golems 2 Argenach Rilmanis 3 werewolves 2 elf-lords 2 elf-ladies a doppelganger 2 hedrow wizards 5 bone devils 4 lilitus Garland 7 tigers 3 edderkops 10 legion devil grunts 2 aoa droplets 7 large mimics 5 wumpuses 9 mirkwood spiders 11 phase spiders 13 fire vortices a long worm 2 couatls 2 Movanic Devas a sprow 6 stalkers 3 dream quasielementals 10 air elementals a lightning paraelemental 2 fire elementals 3 poison paraelementals 17 earth elementals 2 ice paraelementals 16 water elementals an acid paraelemental a hill giant 3 giant mummies 2 black nagas 20 xorns 6 Cuprilach Rilmanis 54 sergeants 27 vrocks a barbed devil a goat spawn 6 wargs 10 winter wolves 4 hell hound pups 12 panthers 53 deep ones 10 small mimics 3 oreads a rodent of unusual size 6 warhorses a steam vortex a xan a Justice Archon 4 chiropterans 15 migo workers 4 ettin mummies 3 chiropteran mummies 2 ogre mages 2 ogre lords 2 quantum mechanics 19 trolls 3 wood golems 3 living lecterns 3 wererats 8 erinyes a djinni 9 sharks 17 electric eels 4 giant turtles a large cave lizard a gelatinous cube 2 large dogs 8 freezing spheres 12 flaming spheres 8 shocking spheres 4 beholders a jaguar 4 gargoyles 3 dwarf queens a dwarf king 23 tengu 3 ochre jellies 11 leocrottas 7 energy vortices 8 ravens 10 warbats 2 mountain centaurs 21 giants 10 elf mummies 9 human mummies 6 drow mummies 5 half-dragon mummies a pit viper 5 pythons 5 cobras 51 wraiths 6 carnivorous apes a leather golem 13 Ferrumach Rilmanis 12 Grey-elves 13 hedrow warriors 255 soldiers 5 watchmen 4 horned devils 6 succubi 5 incubi 5 chameleons 3 crocodiles Sir Garland 25 arcadian avengers 14 giant beetles 2 quivering blobs 19 cockatrices 30 wolves 11 winter wolf cubs 5 quinons 22 aphanactonan audients a lynx 27 grimlocks 24 gremlins 2 spotted jellies 3 winged kobolds 5 leprechauns 2 naiads 8 orc-captains 4 Uruk-captains 3 iron piercers 13 mumak calves 15 giant spiders 4 scorpions 5 metroids 6 horses 4 ice vortices 8 black lights 9 vampire bats 2 forest centaurs 8 gnome kings 82 malkuth sephiroth 5 orc mummies 5 dwarf mummies 33 ogres 255 brown puddings 10 rust monsters 5 owlbears 3 yetis 3 hedrow zombies 3 gold golems a Green-elf 27 piranhas 22 giant eels 8 lizards a cave lizard 9 weeping willows an apprentice witch 19 dogs 9 quatons a housecat 3 dwarf lords 5 dwarf clerics 11 nupperibos 3 blue jellies a white unicorn a gray unicorn 3 dust vortices a baby long worm 13 crows 4 battle-bats 35 plains centaurs 6 gnome mummies 4 snakes 19 water moccasins a chuul 12 apes 3 zombies 2 rope golems 34 Plumach Rilmanis 8 Woodland-elves a drow captain a garo a small goat spawn 255 soldier ants 5 fire ants 30 tritons 10 bugbears 4 imps 8 quasits 4 dryads 74 Mordor orcs 36 Uruk-hai 12 orc shamans 9 rock piercers 2 sheep 7 enormous rats 16 rock moles 7 ponies 75 fog clouds 9 yellow lights 7 shriekers 2 violet fungi 13 gnome lords 10 gnome ladies 4 tinker gnomes 11 gnomish wizards 2 kobold mummies 3 red naga hatchlings 2 guardian naga hatchlings 2 gray oozes 2 barrow wights 3 ghouls 2 straw golems 2 paper golems 6 Amm Kamerels 12 Shattered Ziggurat cultists 6 jellyfish 26 giant ants 2 little dogs 11 floating eyes 43 dutons 93 dwarves 6 homunculi 12 lemures a kobold lord 2 kobold shamans 49 hill orcs 13 rothes 6 rabid rats 2 centipedes 3 giant bats 7 parrots 3 monkeys 22 iguanas 76 killer bees 3 acid blobs 13 blobs of preserved organs 2 gas spores 80 monotons 4 hobbits 39 manes 15 hobgoblins 40 giant rats 16 cave spiders 2 brown molds 2 yellow molds a green mold 6 red molds 134 gnomes 9 garter snakes 43 peasants 8 geckos 4 dungeon fern spores 13 jackals 3 foxes 23 kobolds 8 goblins 19 sewer rats 2 grid bugs 4 bats 7 lichens 3 clockwork dwarves 2 faberge spheres 2 firework carts 2 newts 4286 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges: You genocided 20 types of monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used 2 wishes. You paid to have 1 item identified. You magically identified 134 items. Junethack challenges: Sentence commuted: completed convict quest Ripple-resistant tower: completed law quest Key to the (corpse) city: completed neutral quest Asinine paradigm: completed Chaos Temple quest Completed the castle Your skills at the end Fighting Skills martial arts [Basic] Weapon Skills dagger [Basic] knife [Expert] long sword [Basic] two-handed sword [Basic] club [Expert] flail [Expert] bow [Basic] sling [Basic] shuriken [Basic] boomerang [Basic] Spellcasting Skills attack spells [Basic] healing spells [Basic] clerical spells [Basic] escape spells [Basic] matter spells [Basic] wand damage [Basic] Latest messages M - a pair of mud boots {15}. What do you want to use or apply? [a-cefhjkm-uwxDEI-KN-PSVWY or ?*] You put a pair of mud boots into the bag of holding. Unknown command ' '. There is ice here. There are several objects here. You hit the ice devil! Your Quicksilver sears the ice devil's flesh! Your Quicksilver sears the ice devil's flesh! You kill the ice devil! Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. There is ice here. There are several objects here. Z - a wand of create monster {7}. Unknown command ' '. What do you want to use or apply? [a-cefhjkm-uwxDEI-KN-PSVWYZ or ?*] You put a wand of create monster into the bag of holding. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. What do you want to use or apply? [a-cefhjkm-uwxDEI-KN-PSVWY or ?*] You put a wand of cancellation into the sack. You hit the ice devil! Your Quicksilver sears the ice devil's flesh! Your Quicksilver sears the ice devil's flesh! You kill the ice devil! Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. You hit the water elemental! Your Quicksilver is not affected. You kill the water elemental! Your Quicksilver is not affected. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. You hit the creature in the ice! You hit the creature in the ice! Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. You hit the creature in the ice! You hit the creature in the ice! You hit the creature in the ice! You kill the creature in the ice! You are caught in the creature in the ice's explosion! Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. You displaced the invisible Leviathan. You hear a chugging sound. L - a wand of digging {7}. Leviathan appears before you. Leviathan demands 1917 zorkmids for safe passage. How much will you offer? You give Leviathan all your gold. Leviathan gets angry... Leviathan hits! Leviathan hits! Leviathan engulfs you! The waters of the Lethe wash over you! You feel very stupid! The layer of grease on your flower-woven robe dissolves. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. You hit Leviathan! You hit Leviathan! You hit Leviathan! You hit Leviathan! The waters of the Lethe wash over you! You feel stupid! Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. You hit Leviathan! You hit Leviathan! The waters of the Lethe wash over you! You feel very stupid! Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. You hit Leviathan! You hit Leviathan! You hit Leviathan! You hit Leviathan! The waters of the Lethe wash over you! You feel stupid! Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. You hit Leviathan! You hit Leviathan! The waters of the Lethe wash over you! You feel stupid! Your last thought drifts away. But wait... Time unwinds and twists! The black crystal cracks! Unfortunately your mind is still gone. Goodbye Vis the Convict... You died in Gehennom on dungeon level 41 with 3938684 points, and 4053 pieces of gold, after 66564 moves. Killer: memory loss You were level 30 with a maximum of 289 hit points when you died. You reached the 53rd place on the top 2000 list. 1 17682189 PeterQ-Con-Orc-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 1369 [2677] 2 17075689 microlance-Bin-Orc-Fem-Non ascended to demigoddess-hood. 792 [792] 3 16843774 Skilvrel-Bin-Inc-Mal-Non ascended to demigod-hood. 785 [809] *53 3938684 Vis-Con-Hum-Mal-Cha died in Gehennom on level 41. Killed by memory loss. 289 [289]