Vis, neutral male human Monk Playing dNetHack v3.23.0 (dNAO git ee899478), last build 2024-05-29 11:27:27. #}}.}}| ### #}}}}}| ##.# @ ### .}}}}}| -.. ----@@+..#.}}}}}}| |..#|.[| --...}}}}}}}| @..#|%[|#.....}}}}}}}-)---- #..-)--....~}}}}}}}}}}}~~+ @ -#.^..##..~~~~...I.}}}}~~~+ #........})...~~. I%..~~~}---- ....#####..}}~~~ ...7....}}}}} #..-+ -.}}}}} .@)@ ... +- @@ |}}}}}}~ ..)... @ @ .}}}}~~~. ....}}}}} @ @ -..}}~~~}}}}}}}}}}}}- #.....~}}}}}}}}}}}--- #.......}}}}}}}----- @ #........}}}}}}| @ ###.##...}}}}}}| @ @ @ #####...}}}}}| ##..}}}}}| #.#}}}}}| Vis the Student of Metals St:18/** Dx:18 Co:18 In:18 Wi:25 Ch:17 Neutral S:771944 Ford $:3555 HP:0(150) Pw:158(158) Br:6 AC:-13 DR:4 Xp:19/157543 T:24976 Burdened Your inventory Amulets e - an uncursed amulet of reflection {20} i - an uncursed amulet of magical breathing {20} m - an uncursed amulet versus sickness {20} q - an uncursed amulet of ESP {20} R - an uncursed amulet of drain resistance (being worn) {20} U - an uncursed amulet of life saving {20} V - an uncursed amulet versus evil eyes {20} Weapons H - the +1 Gaia's Fate {20} Armor p - an uncursed +0 dragonhide gnomish pointy hat (being worn) {10} w - a blessed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) {10} C - the blessed fireproof +7 Tie-Dye Shirt of Shambhala (being worn) {5} G - the uncursed fireproof +0 Frost Treads (being worn) {20} K - an uncursed +4 leather waistcloth (being worn) {22} L - the uncursed fireproof +1 Wrappings of the Sacred Fist (being worn) {1} P - an uncursed very burnt greased +4 robe {15} Comestibles n - an uncursed lizard corpse {10} Rings J - the uncursed Narya (on right hand) {3} Q - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on left hand) {3} Wands b - a wand of teleportation (0:8) {7} f - a wand of lightning (0:3) {7} g - a wand of speed monster (0:7) {7} j - a wand of teleportation (0:0) {7} l - a wand of digging (0:6) {7} t - a wand of teleportation (0:5) {7} y - a wand of sleep (0:7) {7} z - a wand of magic missile (0:4) {7} A - a wand of teleportation (0:5) {7} E - a blessed shatterproof wand of digging (0:0) {7} F - a wand of magic missile (0:7) {7} I - a blessed rustproof wand of magic missile (0:8) {7} M - a wand of digging (1:6) {7} N - a wand of light (1:7) {7} Z - a wand of teleportation (0:4) {7} Tools a - a +0 unicorn horn {20} c - the uncursed First Key of Law {3} d - an uncursed magic whistle {3} o - an uncursed sack {29} r - an uncursed towel {2} s - a blessed bag of holding {1030} v - the uncursed etched Second Key of Law {3} x - an uncursed lock pick {4} O - an uncursed stethoscope {4} S - the uncursed Third Key of Law {3} Gems h - a blessed touchstone {1} Y - a blessed luckstone {1} Contents of the sack: a wand of cancellation (0:2) a wand of cancellation (0:4) Contents of the bag of holding: 12721 gold pieces the +0 Tobiume an uncursed +0 cloak of protection 4 uncursed tins of dungeon fern sprout an uncursed tin of lichen a blessed tin of spinach an uncursed tin of sunflower 4 uncursed tins of violet fungus an uncursed carrot 15 uncursed lumps of royal jelly 2 uncursed tins of spinach an uncursed lembas wafer 2 uncursed cram rations 3 uncursed candy bars an uncursed tripe ration an uncursed eucalyptus leaf 4 uncursed oranges 7 uncursed apples 9 uncursed food rations a cursed scroll of teleportation an uncursed scroll of confuse monster a blessed scroll of teleportation 2 uncursed scrolls of teleportation an uncursed scroll of scare monster an uncursed scroll of light an uncursed scroll of consecration a cursed scroll of enchant armor an uncursed scroll of enchant armor 3 blessed scrolls of teleportation an uncursed scroll of scare monster 11 uncursed scrolls of identify 10 blessed scrolls of identify an uncursed scroll of taming 2 cursed scrolls of teleportation 2 uncursed scrolls of charging a blessed scroll of charging a blessed fireproof scroll of magic mapping a blessed scroll of enchant weapon a cursed scroll of identify a cursed scroll of blank paper 2 blessed scrolls of blank paper an uncursed scroll of scare monster an uncursed scroll of resistance an uncursed scroll of antimagic 2 uncursed scrolls of magic mapping an uncursed scroll of an unknown ward 2 uncursed scrolls of gold detection 6 uncursed scrolls of enchant weapon 14 uncursed scrolls of blank paper 2 uncursed scrolls of remove curse an uncursed scroll of earth a cursed scroll of earth 2 cursed scrolls of remove curse an uncursed spellbook of magic missile an uncursed spellbook of detect treasure an uncursed spellbook of remove curse an uncursed spellbook of restore ability an uncursed spellbook of detect monsters an uncursed spellbook of extra healing an uncursed spellbook of protection an uncursed potion of see invisible 3 uncursed potions of extra healing 2 uncursed potions of full healing 5 uncursed potions of starlight an uncursed potion of healing a blessed potion of starlight an uncursed potion of enlightenment a blessed potion of extra healing a cursed potion of full healing an uncursed potion of confusion an uncursed potion of fruit juice an uncursed potion of oil an uncursed potion of monster detection an uncursed potion of blindness an uncursed potion of restore ability a blessed potion of acid 2 cursed potions of restore ability 7 blessed potions of paralysis 3 uncursed potions of object detection 6 uncursed potions of healing a blessed potion of healing 2 cursed potions of acid 2 blessed potions of full healing 2 blessed potions of gain level a cursed potion of polymorph 3 uncursed potions of paralysis a cursed potion of invisibility 6 uncursed potions of water an uncursed potion of gain energy 2 blessed potions of restore ability 2 uncursed potions of starlight 4 uncursed potions of full healing an uncursed potion of acid 16 potions of holy water 3 cursed potions of healing 14 uncursed potions of extra healing 2 uncursed potions of gain level 3 cursed potions of extra healing 5 potions of unholy water an uncursed ring of protection from shape changers an uncursed engraved ring of polymorph control a blessed +3 ring of protection an uncursed ring of levitation an uncursed ring of stealth an uncursed ring of see invisible an uncursed +1 ring of increase damage an uncursed ring of conflict a cursed ring of sustain ability an uncursed engraved ring of levitation an uncursed engraved ring of levitation an uncursed ring of polymorph a wand of create monster (0:11) a cursed wand of magic missile (0:4) a wand of cold (0:7) a wand of slow monster (0:4) a cursed wand of darkness (1:10) a wand of fire (0:3) a wand of teleportation (0:6) a wand of digging (0:8) a cursed wand of digging (1:4) a cursed wand of undead turning (0:6) a wand of polymorph (0:4) a wand of sleep (0:5) a blessed wand of striking (0:2) a wand of light (0:11) a wand of digging (0:4) a blessed wand of striking (0:3) a wand of cold (0:1) a blessed wand of striking (0:3) a wand of lightning (0:5) a wand of teleportation (0:4) a wand of teleportation (0:5) a wand of probing (2:3) a cursed wand of digging (0:6) a wand of digging (0:4) a wand of striking (0:1) a wand of speed monster (0:3) a wand of striking (0:3) a wand of speed monster (0:5) a wand of secret door detection (0:13) a wand of striking (0:6) a wand of sleep (0:6) a wand of polymorph (0:5) a wand of striking (0:6) a wand of teleportation (0:8) a wand of opening (0:3) a wand of speed monster (0:7) a wand of opening (0:1) an uncursed Light Archon mask a cursed magic lamp 3 uncursed effigies a +0 pick-axe a blessed can of grease (0:17) a can of grease (0:18) 2 uncursed agate stones 4 uncursed worthless pieces of yellowish brown glass 2 uncursed diamonds 2 uncursed emeralds 2 uncursed worthless pieces of green glass 2 uncursed amethyst stones 3 uncursed worthless pieces of red glass 2 uncursed white fluorite stones a blessed luckstone an uncursed turquoise stone an uncursed ruby an uncursed chrysoberyl stone Final Attributes: You last prayed 1430 turns ago That prayer was well received 116049 gold was created. Your alignment was 100. You carried 6 sins. Your max alignment was 100. You had stayed true to your quest. You had a hod wantedness of 3. You had a gevurah wantedness of 1. You were acid resistant. You were cold resistant. You were fire resistant. You were level-drain resistant. You were magic-protected. You were poison resistant. You were shock resistant. You were sleep resistant. You had a drunkard score of 0. You had 100 sanity points. You had 0 insight points. You saw invisible. You were warned. You were aware of the presence of animals. You were aware of the presence of arachnids. You were aware of the presence of birds. You were aware of the presence of elemental beings. You were aware of the presence of elves. You were aware of the presence of fair folk. You were aware of the presence of insectoids. You were aware of the presence of plants. You were aware of the presence of reptiles. You had automatic searching. You had a carrying capacity of -3 remaining. You had 665 points of nutrition remaining. You were stealthy. You could teleport. You had teleport control. You could walk on water. You had slower digestion. You had a +4 protection bonus. You were fast. You were wielding two weapons at once. You were extremely lucky. You had extra luck. Good luck timed out slowly for you. You are dead. Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - healing 1 healing 0% b - invisibility 4 escape 63% c - sleep 1 enchantment 12% d - detect monsters 2 divination 12% e - protection 1 clerical 12% f - confuse monster 2 enchantment 12% g - stone to flesh 3 healing 12% h - extra healing 3 healing 0% i - cancellation 6 matter 92% j - turn undead 2 clerical 12% k - restore ability 4 healing 0% l - remove curse 3 clerical 28% m - haste self 3 escape 41% n - force bolt 1 attack 12% o - knock 1 matter 12% p - detect treasure 4 divination 12% q - magic missile 2 attack 12% r - light 1 divination 12% Vanquished creatures Oona 2 mothering masses an iron golem The Arsenal a ford guardian a son of Typhon a luminous cloud an Angel a Ghaele Eladrin a devil's snare Cerberus a ball of light 3 Shiere Eladrins 5 aligned priests a captain a shade 2 byakhees a soldier mummy 3 clay golems a nurse a maid a marilith 4 singing sands 4 Bralani Eladrins 2 Firre Eladrins 4 terracotta soldiers 4 clockwork factories 5 ettins 3 hungry deads a spell golem 2 lieutenants 9 ghosts Axus 6 abbots 2 xorn monks 3 queen bees 4 giant mimics a zruty an ogre king a werewolf 2 elf-lords 2 elf-ladies a hedrow wizard a hezrou 2 bone devils a tiger a legion devil grunt 5 large mimics 7 mirkwood spiders 5 fire vortices a long worm 2 Noviere Eladrins 2 stalkers 6 earth elementals an ice paraelemental a water elemental 3 giant mummies 9 xorns 32 sergeants a vrock 2 barbed devils a winter wolf 4 hell hound pups a panther 4 small mimics a glass piercer 2 warhorses a xan an ettin mummy 2 chiropteran mummies a quantum mechanic 3 trolls 4 living lecterns an electric eel 6 giant turtles a gelatinous cube a pyrolisk 3 freezing spheres 12 flaming spheres 2 large cats 10 gargoyles a dwarf queen 4 dwarf kings 6 tengu 2 energy vortices 2 ravens 2 warbats a mountain centaur 3 giants 2 stone giants an elf mummy a drow mummy a pit viper 4 wraiths a leather golem 9 Grey-elves 2 hedrow warriors 199 soldiers 4 watchmen a horned devil 2 incubi 2 chameleons 10 sunflowers 15 arcadian avengers 12 giant beetles 4 quivering blobs 21 wolves a winter wolf cub 3 quinons 5 grimlocks 4 winged kobolds 2 naiads 2 orc-captains 5 iron piercers a mumak calf a giant spider 2 metroids 2 black lights 2 vampire bats 19 gnome kings a dwarf mummy 13 ogres 6 brown puddings 2 rust monsters an owlbear 3 yetis 4 hedrow zombies 3 gold golems 65 Green-elves 2 treesingers 5 piranhas 3 lizards a razorvine 5 dogs 9 quatons 2 dwarf lords a dwarf cleric a white unicorn 9 gray unicorns a dust vortex 3 crows 3 battle-bats 2 plains centaurs a gnome mummy a snake 5 water moccasins 2 rope golems 7 Woodland-elves 2 garos 118 soldier ants 2 fire ants 24 tritons 2 bugbears an imp 4 quasits 12 Mordor orcs 2 Uruk-hai an orc shaman a rock piercer a rock mole 2 fog clouds a yellow light 2 shriekers a violet fungus 24 gnome lords 15 gnome ladies 15 tinker gnomes 18 gnomish wizards 2 golden naga hatchlings a guardian naga hatchling a gray ooze a barrow wight a straw golem 4 paper golems 2 baby crocodiles a small cave lizard 17 giant ants a little dog 6 floating eyes 81 dutons 3 kittens 69 dwarves a homunculus 10 lemures 3 kobold lords 9 hill orcs 8 rothes 3 rabid rats 2 centipedes 4 giant bats 2 parrots 6 iguanas 70 killer bees 4 acid blobs 3 blobs of preserved organs 5 coyotes 90 monotons a hobbit 7 manes 3 large kobolds a hobgoblin 5 cave spiders a baby metroid a mote of light 2 Coure Eladrins 3 brown molds a green mold 3 red molds 183 gnomes 6 garter snakes 28 peasants 2 geckos 3 baby cave lizards 2 jackals a fox 10 kobolds 4 goblins 5 sewer rats 5 grid bugs a lichen 2 clockwork soldiers 2 faberge spheres 5 newts 1704 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges: You never genocided any monsters. You used no wishes. You never paid a shopkeeper to identify an item. You magically identified 100 items. Junethack challenges: Ripple-resistant tower: completed law quest Your skills at the end Fighting Skills martial arts [Grand Master] two weapon combat [Grand Master] Weapon Skills (none) Spellcasting Skills healing spells [Skilled] divination spells [Basic] Latest messages Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. The holy hand wraps sear the Green-elf! The fiery ruby burns the Green-elf! The holy hand wraps sear the Green-elf! The fiery ruby burns the Green-elf! You kill the Green-elf! Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. What do you want to use or apply? [acdf-hjlopr-tvx-zAEFIM-OSYZ or ?*] You can see again. T - a scroll of teleportation {5}. You have a little trouble lifting W - a potion of see invisible {20}. You have a little trouble lifting X - a dimly-shining potion {20}. You have a little trouble lifting b - a wand called tele {7}. There is an altar to Eilistraee (lawful) here. There are many more objects here. Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load. The shade misses the Grey-elf. The shade touches the Grey-elf! The Grey-elf swings his runed broadsword at the shade. The Grey-elf's attack passes harmlessly through the shade. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. What do you want to use or apply? [a-df-hjlopr-tvx-zAEFIM-OSYZ or ?*] You put a scroll of teleportation into the bag of holding. You put a scroll of teleportation into the bag of holding. You put a potion of see invisible into the bag of holding. You put a dimly-shining potion into the bag of holding. The shade touches the Grey-elf! The shade touches the Grey-elf! The Grey-elf swings his runed broadsword at the shade. The Grey-elf's attack passes harmlessly through the shade. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. # There is a Grey-elf corpse here; sacrifice it? [ynq] (n) Your sacrifice is consumed in a burst of flame! You sense a conflict between Laozi and Eilistraee. You feel the power of Laozi increase. The altar glows gray. The voice of Eilistraee booms out: "Thou shalt pay for thy indiscretion!" An Angel appears before you. The shade touches the Grey-elf! The shade misses the Grey-elf. The Grey-elf swings his runed broadsword at the shade. The Grey-elf's attack passes harmlessly through the shade. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. The holy hand wraps hit the Angel of Eilistraee. The fiery ruby burns the Angel of Eilistraee! The holy hand wraps hit the Angel of Eilistraee. The fiery ruby burns the Angel of Eilistraee! The shade touches the Grey-elf! The Grey-elf is killed! Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. The holy hand wraps hit the Angel of Eilistraee. The fiery ruby burns the Angel of Eilistraee! The holy hand wraps hit the Angel of Eilistraee. The fiery ruby burns the Angel of Eilistraee! Dive kick! The ice-cold mud boots hit the Angel of Eilistraee. The Angel of Eilistraee swings his silver saber! The Angel of Eilistraee hits! The Angel of Eilistraee swings his silver saber! The Angel of Eilistraee hits! The Angel of Eilistraee points at you, then curses. The Angel of Eilistraee drinks a potion of extra healing! In a cloud of smoke, a djinni emerges! The djinni speaks. "It is about time." The djinni vanishes. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. The holy hand wraps hit the Angel of Eilistraee. The fiery ruby burns the Angel of Eilistraee! You kill the Angel of Eilistraee! The Angel of Eilistraee swings his silver saber! The Angel of Eilistraee hits! The Angel of Eilistraee swings his silver saber! The Angel of Eilistraee misses. The Angel of Eilistraee casts a spell at you! You are hit by a shower of holy missiles! The golden haze around you disappears. The Angel of Eilistraee swings his silver saber! The Angel of Eilistraee misses. The Angel of Eilistraee swings his silver saber! The Angel of Eilistraee hits! The Angel of Eilistraee casts a spell at you! You are hit by a shower of holy missiles! You die... Goodbye Vis the Monk... You died in Chaos Quest on dungeon level 22 with 770317 points, and 16276 pieces of gold, after 24976 moves. Killer: Angel of Eilistraee You were level 19 with a maximum of 150 hit points when you died. You didn't beat your previous score of 2900039 points. 1 17682189 PeterQ-Con-Orc-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 1369 [2677] 2 17075689 microlance-Bin-Orc-Fem-Non ascended to demigoddess-hood. 792 [792] 3 16843774 Skilvrel-Bin-Inc-Mal-Non ascended to demigod-hood. 785 [809] 72 2918272 Vis-Tou-Hum-Mal-Neu was poisoned in Chaos Quest on level 28. Poisoned by an aspect of The Silence. 341 [397] *73 2900039 Vis-Mon-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Lost Cities on level 34. Killed by a hallucinogen-distorted star spawn. - [453] * 770317 Vis-Mon-Hum-Mal-Neu died in Chaos Quest on level 22. Killed by an Angel of Eilistraee. - [150] 74 2808998 microlance-Ran-Elf-Fem-Cha was poisoned in Gehennom on level 41 [max 43]. Poisoned by Lamashtu. 560 [506]