Vis, neutral male human Anachrononaut Playing notnotdNetHack v2024.5.15 (notnotdnethack git 48e371cbb), last build 2024-06-02 18:24:45. ----- ---------- |...| -------- \ #####-------- |........| |...| +......| #.......|#####...{.....| ....| |......| |.....%%# |........| # -|- ##-......| |.....)|## ##.........-######## # |......| -----.-- #|........|# # ### -|------ ## #|........|# # # # # #####---+------#####%######################%%# # ## # ############ # # # # -.---- # # # --.-.-# ### |....| #I## # |....|# ##########-....| (# # |.....# # # |....| ####------# |....| # |....| #.>I.+|# |....| ## |....| |%T@..# |....| -----.- |....| |....| ------ |...<.| ------ ------ |...... ------- Vis the Trooper St:16 Dx:15 Co:16 In:11 Wi:14 Ch:7 Neutral S:29061 Dlvl:11 $:57 HP:0(79) Pw:61(61) Br:5 AC:3 DR:4 Xp:10/7056 T:2630 Fainted Burdened Your inventory Weapons b - a +0 arm blaster (0:95) (single) {8} c - a +0 hand blaster (0:32) (alternate weapon; not wielded) {2} Armor d - an uncursed +0 plasteel armor (being worn) {100} e - an uncursed +0 bodyglove (being worn) {5} f - an uncursed +0 plasteel helm (being worn) {25} g - an uncursed +0 pair of plasteel gauntlets (being worn) {15} h - an uncursed +0 pair of plasteel boots (being worn) {25} i - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) {10} Comestibles N - an uncursed partly eaten food ration {20} R - 3 uncursed tins of killer bee meat {30} Scrolls k - an uncursed scroll of teleportation {5} Potions O - an uncursed potion of extra healing {20} S - 3 uncursed potions of killer bee blood {60} T - 3 uncursed potions of booze {60} Rings m - an uncursed ring of polymorph control {3} p - an uncursed ring of see invisible {3} A - an uncursed ring of levitation {3} B - a blessed +1 ring of protection {3} V - a cursed ring of teleportation {3} Wands y - a wand of digging (0:0) {7} J - a wand of slow monster (0:4) {7} W - a wand of slow monster (0:5) {7} Tools a - a tinning kit (0:83) {100} j - 23 uncursed power packs {23} l - a +3 green lightsaber (lit) (weapon in hand) {10} s - an uncursed bag of holding {426} x - an uncursed lock pick {4} z - an uncursed oilskin sack {15} F - an uncursed pair of night vision goggles (being worn) {15} G - an expensive camera (0:70) {12} Z - a +3 silver lightsaber {10} Contents of the bag of holding: 10 gold pieces a +2 force pike (0:82) a +0 vibroblade (0:98) a +0 assault rifle (auto) a +0 arm blaster (0:89) (single) a +0 flamethrower (0:90) a +0 hand blaster (0:94) a +0 hand blaster (0:98) a +0 hand blaster (0:89) a +0 hand blaster (0:93) a +0 force pike (0:34) a +0 cutting laser (0:82) an uncursed +0 leather pair of gloves an uncursed +0 jumpsuit an uncursed +0 jumpsuit an uncursed +0 cloak of flight a blessed +1 pair of jumping boots an uncursed fortune cookie 2 uncursed starfruits an uncursed lichen corpse 4 uncursed tripe rations a cursed tin of spinach 6 uncursed protein pills an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon an uncursed scroll of magic mapping 5 uncursed scrolls of identify an uncursed scroll of teleportation a blessed scroll of amnesia 2 cursed scrolls of identify 2 uncursed scrolls of light 4 blessed scrolls of identify 2 uncursed scrolls of enchant armor an uncursed scroll of gold detection an uncursed spellbook of stone to flesh an uncursed potion of water an uncursed potion of hallucination an uncursed potion of starlight an uncursed potion of speed an uncursed potion of sleeping an uncursed potion of booze a blessed potion of fruit juice a blessed potion of gain ability a blessed potion of gain energy an expensive camera (0:71) an expensive camera (0:31) an uncursed bullet fabber an uncursed sleeping hypospray ampule (9 doses) an uncursed restore ability hypospray ampule (11 doses) an uncursed amnesia hypospray ampule (11 doses) an uncursed gain ability hypospray ampule (11 doses) an uncursed speed hypospray ampule (6 doses) an uncursed extra healing hypospray ampule (6 doses) an uncursed full healing hypospray ampule (7 doses) an uncursed paralysis hypospray ampule (11 doses) an uncursed hallucination hypospray ampule (6 doses) an uncursed speed hypospray ampule (7 doses) an uncursed amnesia hypospray ampule (11 doses) an uncursed full healing hypospray ampule (11 doses) an uncursed speed hypospray ampule (11 doses) an uncursed healing hypospray ampule (10 doses) an uncursed blindness hypospray ampule (7 doses) an uncursed extra healing hypospray ampule (6 doses) an uncursed full healing hypospray ampule (7 doses) an uncursed full healing hypospray ampule (7 doses) an uncursed paralysis hypospray ampule (9 doses) an uncursed blindness hypospray ampule (7 doses) an uncursed sleeping hypospray ampule (8 doses) an uncursed full healing hypospray ampule (8 doses) an uncursed blindness hypospray ampule (10 doses) an uncursed amnesia hypospray ampule (11 doses) an uncursed hypospray an uncursed hypospray an uncursed restore ability hypospray ampule (10 doses) an uncursed blindness hypospray ampule (8 doses) an uncursed gain ability hypospray ampule (10 doses) an uncursed amnesia hypospray ampule (8 doses) an uncursed speed hypospray ampule (7 doses) an uncursed gain energy hypospray ampule (11 doses) an uncursed healing hypospray ampule (9 doses) an uncursed blindness hypospray ampule (11 doses) a +0 pick-axe The oilskin sack is empty. Final Attributes: 33314 gold was created. Your alignment was 23. You carried 0 sins. Your max alignment was 23. You had stayed true to your quest. Eladrin precursors were pretty normal. You were magic-protected. You were immune to sickness. You had a drunkard score of 0. You had 98 sanity points. You had 1 insight points. You had infravision. You had a carrying capacity of -187 remaining. You had -4 points of nutrition remaining. You were fast. Your luck was zero. You are dead. You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures a vampire (0 created) a mind flayer 2 brain golems (0 created) an earth elemental 3 deep ones (0 created) 5 trolls (3 created) a pyrolisk 2 flaming spheres a dwarf king (0 created) 2 energy vortices a raven a pit viper 2 hedrow warriors 2 crocodiles (4 created) a giant beetle 2 gremlins 4 changeds (0 created) a spotted jelly an orc-captain (0 created) 2 giant spiders (5 created) a black light 2 ogres (1 created) a brown pudding 2 owlbears (3 created) 2 Green-elves a piranha (12 created) a dingo a housecat (2 created) a rope golem 4 fire ants a rock piercer an enormous rat 2 ponies a gnome lady a barrow wight 4 giant ants (5 created) 4 dwarves (1 created) 2 rothes (5 created) 11 killer bees (16 created) a monoton (7 created) 6 giant rats 3 cave spiders (7 created) a green mold 2 geckos (7 created) 6 jackals (7 created) 3 grid bugs (4 created) 2 lichens 2 newts (4 created) 105 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges: You used a wielded weapon 92 times. You read items or engraved 3 times. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You never paid a shopkeeper to identify an item. You never magically identified an item. Junethack challenges: Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills saber [Basic] lance [Basic] firearms [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Latest messages Restoring save file... Hello Vis, the human Anachrononaut, welcome back to notnotdNetHack! Press Ctrl^W or type #ward to engrave a warding sign. Be careful! New moon tonight. Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. It picks up some gold. It picks up a large club. You see here a thick spellbook. It picks up a knife. It misses. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. You begin bashing monsters with your hand blaster. You hit the troll! The troll misses. The troll misses. The troll bites! Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. l - a silver lightsaber (weapon in hand) {10}. c - a +0 hand blaster (0:32) (alternate weapon; not wielded) {2}. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. What do you want to use or apply? [abjlsx-zFGJWZ or ?*] You ignite your green lightsaber. The troll misses. The troll misses. The troll misses. Unknown command ' '. You hit the troll! The troll hits! The troll misses. The troll misses. You hit the troll! You kill the troll! # You are now more skilled in saber. You feel you could be more dangerous! # Unknown command ' '. You have a little trouble lifting k - a scroll labeled VELOX NEB {5}. You see here a troll corpse. Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. It misses. You see here a knife. It misses. You faint from lack of food. It hits! The troll picks up 18 throwing stars. It misses. The troll hits! The troll hits! The troll bites! You hear the howling of the CwnAnnwn... It just misses! The troll hits! You die... Goodbye Vis the Anachrononaut... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 11 with 29055 points, and 67 pieces of gold, after 2630 moves. Killer: troll, while fainted from lack of food You were level 10 with a maximum of 79 hit points when you died. You made the top ten list! 1 262359 Vis-Mon-Hum-Fem-Cha died in Neutral Quest on level 16 [max 17]. Killed by a fractured Sharab Kamerel. - [126] 2 109573 Vis-Ana-Hum-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 9 [max 11]. Killed by a droven bolt. - [92] 3 73646 Noisytoot-Ana-Dwa-Fem-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 26 [max 29]. Killed by an Olog-hai. - [96] * 8 29055 Vis-Ana-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on * level 11 [max 16]. Killed by a troll, while fainted from lack of food. - [79]