Vis, neutral male human Wizard ------------- |....>......| |..$......o@f# |...........|) |...........|# --+----------# # # #### ##### ### #### # # ## ### ###----.---- #......... |.)...... |.........| |.<.......| |.........| ----------- Vis the Conjurer St:9 Dx:17 Co:12 In:18 Wi:9 Ch:10 Neutral Dlvl:3 $:487 HP:0(22) Pw:28(28) AC:5 Xp:3/115 T:833 Fainted Your inventory Weapons a - a blessed +1 quarterstaff (weapon in hands) x - a +0 orcish short sword Armor b - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) w - an uncursed thoroughly rusty +0 helm of opposite alignment y - an uncursed +0 orcish helm (being worn) B - an uncursed +0 leather armor Scrolls i - an uncursed scroll of food detection j - an uncursed scroll of enchant armor k - an uncursed scroll of light v - an uncursed scroll of fire Potions f - an uncursed potion of object detection g - an uncursed potion of amnesia h - an uncursed potion of invulnerability Rings d - a blessed +2 ring of gain intelligence e - an uncursed ring of cold resistance Wands c - a wand of secret door detection (0:19) q - a blessed wand of speed monster (0:5) s - a wand of nothing (0:5) t - a wand of cancellation (0:9) u - a wand of striking (0:8) Gems r - an uncursed worthless piece of blue glass z - an uncursed worthless piece of white glass Final attributes You were fervently aligned You were magic-protected You were fast You are dead Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - force bolt 1 attack 0% b - resist sleep 1 protect 0% c - wizard lock 2 matter 0% d - slow monster 2 enchant 0% Voluntary challenges You went without food You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes Your skills at the end Fighting Skills (none) Weapon Skills quarterstaff [Basic] Spellcasting Skills attack spells [Basic] enchantment spells [Basic] protection spells [Basic] matter spells [Basic] Latest messages The hobbit misses. The kitten picks up a dagger. You just miss the hobbit. You kill the hobbit! The kitten drops a dagger. This door is locked. (4x) In what direction? [hykulnjb><] As you kick the door, it crashes open! You see here 113 gold pieces. 113 gold pieces. You displaced your kitten. (2x) Wizard needs food, badly! You displaced your kitten. (2x) You don't have anything to eat. You stop. Your kitten is in the way! You are hit by a dagger. You hear some noises. The kitten picks up a dagger. You see here a leather armor. B - a leather armor. The kitten drops a dagger. Count: 20 The hobgoblin throws a crude dagger! You are hit by a crude dagger. The hobgoblin hits! You hit the hobgoblin. You miss the hobgoblin. You faint from lack of food. The hobgoblin hits! (4x) You die... Goodbye Vis the Wizard... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 3 with 1039 points, and 487 pieces of gold, after 833 moves. Killer: hobgoblin, while helpless You were level 3 with a maximum of 22 hit points when you died. You didn't beat your previous score of 37577 points. 1 7601088 hackemslas-Mon-Hum-Fem-Cha (Food-Ath-Weap-Pac-Ill-Poly-Form-Wish-Geno) ascended to demigoddess-hood. 940 [940] 2 7387899 HarmathZso-Und-Dop-Fem-Neu (Food-Ath-Weap-Pac-Ill-Form-Wish-Geno) ascended to demigoddess-hood. 573 [573] 3 6703591 HarmathZso-Nec-Dop-Fem-Cha (Food-Ath-Weap-Pac-Ill-Poly-Form-Wish-Geno) ascended to demigoddess-hood. 987 [987] 48 78953 HarmathZso-Bar-Dop-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 11. Killed by a green dragon. - [112] 49 54551 HarmathZso-Pri-Dop-Fem-Cha died in The Gnomish Mines on level 12. Killed by Ruggo the Gnome King, while helpless. - [39] *50 37577 luisjo-Wiz-Dro-Mal-Cha died in Sokoban on level 7 [max 10]. Killed by a soldier ant. - [63] * 1039 Vis-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 3. Killed by a hobgoblin, while helpless. - [22] 51 18849 HarmathZso-Cav-Gno-Fem-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 7. Killed by a warg. - [66] 52 7299 HarmathZso-Tou-Hob-Mal-Neu died in The Gnomish Mines on level 7. Killed by a Woodland-elf, while helpless. - [52]