amateurhour, neutral female etherealoidic Anachrononaut Playing notdNetHack v2022.9.18 (notdnethack git b1d77f65), last build 2022-09-30 14:45:51. -------- --------- | | ---------- | ..... | | ---------- | | ..#.. | | | @ --------- -- -------- | ..... | | ------ -- --------- | | -- -- - | | . $)| | -- -- | | 5 | ..... | --- . - | ----+---- | . --- 557| ..... | | .._...+ + ... || || ... +[[ +...@.. | | ..... | --- . ----- ----- . --- | ..... | | | -- -- -- -----+----- -- -- -- @| @ | 3 --------- -- ----+---- -- -- ----|---- -- 5--------- | | -------- . -------- | | 5 A @; ---------- |. | ... | ( .| ---------- ------- -- . -- ------- |. -- -- .| --- ----+---- --- | | --. .-- --------------- [Amateurho the Fatebreaker] St:17 Dx:18 Co:18 In:18 Wi:18 Ch:18 Neutral Astral Plane $:585 HP:694(694) Pw:220(220) Br:6 AC:-24 DR:3 Exp:27 Your inventory Amulets T - an uncursed mithril amulet of life saving (being worn) {10} Weapons M - a large +2 mithril etherblade (0:93) {56} Armor V - an uncursed +0 white dragon scale shield {150} Scrolls h - an uncursed scroll of remove curse {5} o - an uncursed scroll of teleportation {5} g - a cursed scroll of teleportation {5} Spellbooks H - the uncursed Book of the Dead {20} v - a blessed spellbook of dig {50} Potions Q - 2 uncursed potions of extra healing {40} l - 2 blessed potions of full healing {40} p - a blessed potion of invisibility {20} Rings S - the uncursed Kroo's Ring (on right foreclaw) {3} z - an uncursed ring of free action (on left foreclaw) {3} C - the uncursed rusty Shard from Morgoth's Crown {3} Wands j - a cursed mithril wand of teleportation (1:5) {3} F - a wand of digging (0:6) {7} m - a wand of digging (0:4) {7} E - a wand of fire (0:5) {7} n - a wand of lightning (0:4) {7} t - a wand of speed monster (0:4) {7} Tools O - a blessed bag of holding {1017} Z - the uncursed Cage Key {1} B - the uncursed Candelabrum of Invocation (no candles attached) {10} s - an uncursed candle of invocation {2} Y - a large +7 blue lightsaber (lit) (weapon in foreclaw) {40} X - a large +6 green lightsaber (lit) (wielded in other foreclaw) {40} w - an uncursed mithril stethoscope {2} P - a cursed purified mirror {13} i - the uncursed Silver Key {3} d - an uncursed skeleton key {3} a - a blessed +0 unicorn horn {20} Gems G - a blessed luckstone {1} y - a blessed touchstone {1} Strange coins K - 5 cursed wages of lust {5} k - a cursed wage of wrath {1} Contents of the bag of holding: 10000 gold pieces an uncursed amulet of life saving an uncursed amulet of life saving an uncursed amulet of reflection 4 uncursed scrolls of scare monster an uncursed scroll of scare monster 3 uncursed scrolls of amnesia a blessed scroll of an unknown ward 2 uncursed scrolls of an unknown ward a cursed scroll of an unknown ward a blessed scroll of antimagic 2 uncursed scrolls of antimagic a blessed scroll of charging 2 uncursed scrolls of charging 2 blessed scrolls of confuse monster 12 uncursed scrolls of confuse monster 3 cursed scrolls of confuse monster an uncursed scroll of consecration 6 uncursed scrolls of create monster 2 cursed scrolls of create monster 3 blessed scrolls of destroy armor 6 uncursed scrolls of destroy armor 2 cursed scrolls of destroy armor 2 blessed scrolls of earth 6 uncursed scrolls of earth a blessed scroll of elder elemental eye an uncursed scroll of elder elemental eye 2 uncursed scrolls of elder sign 3 blessed scrolls of enchant armor 12 uncursed scrolls of enchant armor 3 blessed scrolls of enchant weapon 8 uncursed scrolls of enchant weapon 2 blessed scrolls of fire 5 uncursed scrolls of fire a cursed scroll of fire a blessed scroll of food detection 4 uncursed scrolls of food detection 3 uncursed scrolls of genocide 2 uncursed scrolls of gold detection 5 blessed scrolls of identify 12 uncursed scrolls of identify 8 cursed scrolls of identify 2 blessed scrolls of light 13 uncursed scrolls of light a blessed scroll of magic mapping 3 uncursed scrolls of magic mapping an uncursed scroll of pentagram 2 uncursed scrolls of punishment a blessed scroll of remove curse 9 uncursed scrolls of remove curse 3 blessed scrolls of resistance 3 uncursed scrolls of resistance a cursed scroll of sign of the Scion Queen Mother an uncursed scroll of sketch of the wings of Garuda 2 uncursed scrolls of stinking cloud 2 uncursed scrolls of taming 10 blessed scrolls of teleportation 30 uncursed scrolls of teleportation 17 cursed scrolls of teleportation 2 uncursed scrolls of warding a blessed scroll of blank paper 12 uncursed scrolls of blank paper the uncursed Book of Lost Names a blessed potion of acid 7 uncursed potions of acid 2 blessed potions of booze 9 uncursed potions of booze 5 uncursed potions of enlightenment 8 blessed potions of full healing 2 cursed potions of gain level 3 uncursed potions of monster detection 3 cursed potions of paralysis 6 blessed potions of restore ability a blessed potion of space mead 13 potions of holy water 15 uncursed potions of water 13 potions of unholy water an uncursed +5 ring of protection an uncursed ring of wishes (1 remaining) a mithril wand of striking (1:8) a mithril wand of striking (1:8) a blessed mithril wand of teleportation (7:2) a blessed mithril wand of teleportation (2:6) a mithril wand of teleportation (1:8) a mithril wand of teleportation (1:6) a mithril wand of teleportation (1:2) a mithril wand of teleportation (1:4) a mithril wand of teleportation (1:8) a mithril wand of teleportation (1:6) a mithril wand of teleportation (1:4) a blessed wand of cold (0:3) a wand of darkness (0:14) a wand of death (0:6) a wand of death (0:5) a wand of death (0:6) a wand of death (0:7) a wand of death (0:0) a wand of death (0:5) a wand of death (0:5) a wand of death (0:6) a wand of death (0:6) a wand of death (6:7) a wand of enlightenment (0:1) a blessed wand of fire (0:3) a wand of fire (0:6) a wand of fire (0:5) a wand of fire (0:4) a wand of make invisible (0:6) a wand of opening (0:6) a wand of polymorph (0:4) a wand of probing (0:8) a wand of secret door detection (0:11) a wand of secret door detection (0:14) a blessed fireproof wand of speed monster (0:7) a wand of speed monster (0:8) a blessed wand of striking (0:3) a wand of striking (0:6) a wand of striking (0:2) a blessed rustproof wand of teleportation (0:6) a blessed wand of teleportation (0:5) a wand of teleportation (0:8) a wand of teleportation (0:6) a wand of teleportation (0:4) a wand of teleportation (0:8) a wand of teleportation (0:8) a wand of teleportation (0:5) a wand of teleportation (0:7) a wand of teleportation (0:5) a wand of teleportation (0:8) a wand of teleportation (0:8) a wand of teleportation (0:8) a wand of teleportation (0:6) a wand of teleportation (0:7) a wand of teleportation (0:5) a wand of teleportation (5:6) a wand of teleportation (3:8) a wand of teleportation (7:6) an uncursed blindfold 6 uncursed wax candles an uncursed candle of invocation an uncursed candle of invocation an uncursed R'lyehian faceplate an uncursed magic lamp a magic marker (0:95) a magic marker (0:76) a magic marker (0:51) a magic marker (0:38) an uncursed etherealoid mask 44 uncursed power packs 3 uncursed misotheistic fragments a blessed tallow candle 15 uncursed tallow candles 7 cursed tallow candles 20 uncursed agate stones 8 uncursed amber stones 20 uncursed amethyst stones an uncursed antimagic rift 7 uncursed aquamarine stones 3 uncursed black opals 18 uncursed blue fluorite stones 7 uncursed chrysoberyl stones 4 uncursed citrine stones 11 uncursed diamonds 9 uncursed emeralds 2 uncursed flint stones 22 uncursed garnet stones 18 uncursed green fluorite stones 2 uncursed jacinth stones 4 uncursed jade stones 23 uncursed jasper stones 6 uncursed jet stones 2 uncursed morganite stones 9 uncursed obsidian stones the uncursed Arkenstone 11 uncursed rubies 2 uncursed star sapphire stones 5 uncursed topaz stones an uncursed touchstone 3 uncursed turquoise stones 14 uncursed violet fluorite stones 20 uncursed white fluorite stones 7 uncursed wages of sloth 5 uncursed wages of greed an uncursed wage of envy 8 uncursed wages of gluttony an uncursed wage of pride Final Attributes: You last angered your god 999 turns ago You were piously aligned. 242329 gold was created. Your soul was bound to Chupoclops. You were acid resistant. You were cold resistant. You were disintegration-resistant. You were fire resistant. You were magic-protected. You were petrification resistant. You were poison resistant. You were shock resistant. You were sleep resistant. You had a drunkard score of 4. A clockwise gyre increased your HP by 30%. An anti-clockwise gyre increased your speed by 25%. The pitch-black waters reduced physical damage by 3. You had 67 sanity points. You had 105 insight points. Sometimes, you failed to attack worms and tentacled monsters. You took increased damage from worms and tentacles. You saw invisible. You were warned. You had a carrying capacity of 467 remaining. You had 1800 points of nutrition remaining. You were displaced. You had teleport control. You could fly. You could survive without air. You could walk through walls. You had a +2 bonus to hit. You had a +2 damage bonus. You were protected. You had polymorph control. You could not change from your current form. You were very fast. You had free action. Your life would have been saved. You were wielding two weapons at once. You were extremely lucky. You had extra luck. Good luck timed out slowly for you. Crom was angry with you. You survived. Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - protection 1 clerical 0% b - force bolt 1 attack 0% c - sleep 1 enchantment 0% d - confuse monster 2 enchantment 0% e - cure blindness 2 healing 0% f - detect monsters 2 divination 0% g - extra healing 3 healing 0% h - cause fear 3 enchantment 0% i - levitation 4 escape 67% j - cone of cold 4 attack 67% k - detect treasure 4 divination 0% l - magic mapping 5 divination 0% m - knock 1 matter 0% n - restore ability 4 healing 67% o - detect unseen 3 divination 0% p - stone to flesh 3 healing 0% q - identify 3 divination 0% r - lightning bolt 5 attack 92% s - haste self 3 escape 0% t - teleport away 6 escape 100% u - healing 1 healing 0% v - clairvoyance 3 divination 0% w - remove curse 3 clerical 0% x - finger of death 7 attack 100% y - slow monster 2 enchantment 0% z - cancellation 6 matter 100% A - invisibility 4 escape 67% B - detect food 2 divination 0% Vanquished creatures a mouth of the goat Glasya 27 lurking ones Daemon a metroid queen The Wizard of Yendor (4 times) Lugribossk Shelob 3 hunting horrors a migo queen The elder priest a priest of an unknown god The Lady of Pain an embraced drowess 2 deep dwellers 3 aphanactonan assessors 6 Angband orcs 7 mastodons a juggernaut a scrap titan 2 bandersnatches a siege ogre Medusa Croesus 9 krakens Oona 9 green-steel golems 2 polypoid beings a wandering horror 8 argentum golems 6 iron golems a shayateen The high shaman Center of All The Arsenal 4 master liches a baelnorn a death knight a grove guardian 2 balrogs a ford guardian an alhoon 4 driders 2 storm giants 2 titans Vlad the Impaler a glass golem 5 nessian pit fiends 8 deeper ones a mumak an Angel 2 Ghaele Eladrins 3 gray dragons 2 silver dragons a shimmering dragon 7 white dragons 3 black dragons 3 blue dragons 5 green dragons 8 red dragons 2 yellow dragons 5 phantom fungi 8 minotaurs a priest mummy 10 wood trolls 8 vampire ladies 7 vampire lords 3 gugs a fallen angel an ancient of ice an ancient of death 2 gnolls 7 baluchitheria a Sword Archon 3 demiliches 2 stone golems 2 hedrow blademasters a Shattered Ziggurat wizard a walking delirium 5 master mind flayers Kroo the Kobold King a Mordor shaman 2 gamma metroids 2 Olog-hai Mina Harker Ilona Szilagy Carmilla a Nazgul 17 pit fiends 10 mandrakes 7 hell hounds 5 legion devil captains 3 titanotheres 5 trappers 4 Shiere Eladrins 2 skeletons a gnoll ghoul 24 treasury golems an Aurumach Rilmani 3 Elvenkings an Elvenqueen 2 drow matrons 9 aligned priests 2 captains 23 shades 13 ice devils 5 invidiaks 13 dungeon ferns 8 byakhees 6 liches 5 soldier mummies a serpent man of Yoth 6 clay golems 2 nurses 7 maids 3 nalfeshnees a marilith 3 great white sharks 9 legion devil sergeants 19 Mordor orc elites 2 lurkers above a dancing flame a Bralani Eladrin 3 Firre Eladrins 4 clockwork factories 13 ettins 2 toves a golden naga 9 black puddings 7 rock trolls 19 vampires 8 phantasms 2 spell golems 13 lieutenants 18 ghosts 2 daughters of bedlam a yochlol 2 rangers 2 valkyries Axus (7 times) 3 queen bees 2 winged gargoyles 14 mind flayers 5 giant mimics 4 swamp nymphs 2 dire sheep a zruty 23 migo soldiers 5 migo philosophers 6 fire giants 4 ogre kings 6 ice trolls 2 umber hulks 2 hooloovoos 7 flesh golems 2 werewolves 4 elf-lords 5 elf-ladies a doppelganger 2 hedrow wizards 7 hezrous 3 bone devils 2 lilitus 2 edderkops a legion devil grunt 2 aoa droplets 10 large mimics 2 wumpuses 11 mirkwood spiders 14 phase spiders 10 fire vortices a baby purple worm 4 long worms 2 couatls 2 Noviere Eladrins a sprow 3 stalkers a dream quasielemental 10 air elementals a lightning paraelemental a fire elemental a water elemental 2 hill giants a giant mummy 2 xorns 58 sergeants 3 vrocks 5 barbed devils a salamander 20 wargs a winter wolf 2 hell hound pups 39 deep ones 14 small mimics an oread a rodent of unusual size 3 warhorses 5 steam vortices a xan a chiropteran 19 migo workers an ent 3 ettin mummies 3 chiropteran mummies 3 ogre mages an ogre lord 24 trolls a sasquatch 3 wood golems a living lectern 2 wererats an erinys a djinni 10 sharks 16 electric eels 2 giant turtles 9 dreadblossom swarms 2 gelatinous cubes 2 pyrolisks 2 large dogs 4 freezing spheres 13 flaming spheres 5 shocking spheres a large cat a jaguar 12 gargoyles 3 dwarf queens 18 tengu 4 ochre jellies 5 leocrottas an energy vortex 37 ravens 5 warbats 5 mountain centaurs 9 giants a stone giant an elf mummy 5 human mummies 3 drow mummies a half-dragon mummy a red naga a green slime 2 pit vipers a python 27 wraiths a carnivorous ape 5 leather golems 38 Grey-elves 21 hedrow warriors 255 soldiers 8 Shattered Ziggurat knights 6 horned devils 5 succubi 4 incubi 2 chameleons 5 sunflowers 3 arcadian avengers 8 giant beetles 3 quivering blobs 20 cockatrices 6 wolves 31 quinons 24 aphanactonan audients a lynx a grimlock a gremlin 5 changeds 6 winged kobolds 12 rock kobolds 15 leprechauns 4 naiads 7 orc-captains 3 Uruk-captains 2 iron piercers 3 mumak calves 70 giant spiders 8 scorpions 8 metroids 2 horses 7 ice vortices a black light 11 vampire bats 3 forest centaurs a gnome king 4 orc mummies 2 dwarf mummies 28 ogres 3 brown puddings 4 rust monsters 3 owlbears 2 yetis a hedrow zombie 14 skeletal pirates a gold golem 123 Green-elves 15 piranhas 33 giant eels 7 weeping willows 15 razorvines a chickatrice 17 dogs 2 dingos 24 quatons a housecat 2 dwarf lords 2 dwarf clerics 3 nupperibos 2 blue jellies a black unicorn 3 dust vortices a baby long worm 15 crows 15 battle-bats 14 plains centaurs 2 gnome mummies a white naga 12 snakes 3 apes 3 rope golems 3 Plumach Rilmanis 10 Woodland-elves a drow captain 5 garos 69 soldier ants 6 fire ants 32 tritons 26 bugbears 2 imps 8 quasits 16 swamp kobolds 2 dryads 56 Mordor orcs 17 Uruk-hai 3 orc shamans 2 rock piercers an enormous rat 5 rock moles 56 fog clouds 2 yellow lights 9 shriekers 2 violet fungi 3 gnome lords 2 tinker gnomes 4 gnomish wizards 4 kobold mummies 2 red naga hatchlings 2 golden naga hatchlings 3 gray oozes 5 barrow wights a ghoul 2 straw golems 3 paper golems 10 Amm Kamerels 16 Shattered Ziggurat cultists 9 jellyfish 22 giant ants a little dog 4 floating eyes 50 dutons 39 dwarves 6 homunculi 11 lemures 8 kobold lords 12 kobold shamans 20 hill orcs 15 rothes 2 rabid rats 2 centipedes 13 giant bats 17 parrots 7 monkeys 5 iguanas 58 killer bees 2 acid blobs 3 coyotes 2 gas spores 48 monotons 2 hobbits 19 manes 16 large kobolds 20 hobgoblins 7 giant rats 23 cave spiders 9 Coure Eladrins 2 brown molds a yellow mold 2 green molds a red mold 43 gnomes 12 garter snakes 21 peasants 4 geckos 11 jackals a fox 50 kobolds 13 goblins 3 sewer rats 3 grid bugs a bat 2 lichens 4 clockwork soldiers 3 clockwork dwarves 5 faberge spheres 5 firework carts 6 newts 3251 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges: You went without food. You genocided 26 types of monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You never paid a shopkeeper to identify an item. You magically identified 199 items. Your skills at the end Fighting Skills two weapon combat [Skilled] form I: Shii-Cho [Basic] form VII: Juyo [Expert] Weapon Skills knife [Basic] saber [Expert] polearms [Skilled] Spellcasting Skills divination spells [Skilled] Latest messages You absorb some of the summoned fire ant! The large blue lightsaber disintegrates the Angel of Moloch's armor! You rain blows on the Angel of Moloch from behind! Your energy blade slices the Angel of Moloch's silver two-handed sword in two! The Angel of Moloch turns to flee! You rain blows on the Angel of Moloch from behind! You engulf the Angel of Moloch! The Angel of Moloch is slashed by shadows from the darkness! You bite the Angel of Moloch! Hurricane-force winds surround you! The Astral Deva casts a spell at you! You are afflicted with disease! You feel deathly sick. Hurricane-force winds surround you! What do you want to use or apply? [$adi-kmstwyBE-GKMOPX-Z or ?*] Never mind. What do you want to drink? [lQ or ?*] You feel completely healed. What a relief! Hurricane-force winds surround you! You hear some noises in the distance. Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! The large blue lightsaber disintegrates the invisible Center of All's armor! The invisible Center of All's robe crumbles and turns to dust! The invisible Center of All's armor turns to dust! The invisible Center of All's helm turns to dust and is blown away! The invisible Center of All's boots disintegrate! The invisible Center of All's gloves vanish! You rain blows on the invisible Center of All from behind! Your energy blade slices the invisible Center of All's large golden long-bladed poleaxe in two! The invisible Center of All turns to flee! You rain blows on the invisible Center of All from behind! You engulf the invisible Center of All! The invisible Center of All is slashed by shadows from the darkness! You bite the invisible Center of All! You rain blows on the invisible Center of All from behind! You kill the invisible Center of All! You absorb some of the invisible Center of All! Hurricane-force winds surround you! You see here a skeleton key named The First Key of Neutrality. You start cutting through the wall. This wall is too hard to cut through. The large blue lightsaber disintegrates the Angel of Moloch's armor! The Angel of Moloch's shield crumbles away! You rain blows on the Angel of Moloch from behind! Your energy blade slices the Angel of Moloch's silver long sword in two! The Angel of Moloch turns to flee! You rain blows on the Angel of Moloch from behind! You engulf the Angel of Moloch! The Angel of Moloch is slashed by shadows from the darkness! You bite the Angel of Moloch! The large blue lightsaber disintegrates the Angel of Moloch's armor! The Angel of Moloch's armor turns to dust! You rain blows on the Angel of Moloch from behind! The Angel of Moloch staggers from your powerful strikes! Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! You hear some noises in the distance. Hurricane-force winds surround you! The sword hilt reveals the priest of Ilsensine the Banished One's frailty! You rain blows on the priest of Ilsensine the Banished One from behind! Your energy blade slices the priest of Ilsensine the Banished One's mace in two! You rain blows on the priest of Ilsensine the Banished One from behind! You kill the priest of Ilsensine the Banished One! You absorb some of the priest of Ilsensine the Banished One! 27 gold pieces. n - a wand of lightning {7}. o - a scroll of teleportation {5}. The sword hilt reveals the renegade priest of Crom's frailty! You rain blows on the renegade priest of Crom from behind! Your energy blade slices the renegade priest of Crom's mace in two! The renegade priest of Crom turns to flee! The renegade priest of Crom staggers from your powerful strikes! You rain blows on the renegade priest of Crom from behind! You kill the renegade priest of Crom! You absorb some of the renegade priest of Crom! 29 gold pieces. p - a potion of invisibility {20}. Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! The high priest of Crom intones: "Pilgrim, you enter a sacred place!" Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! There is an altar to Crom (neutral) here. # What do you want to sacrifice? [R or ?*] You offer the Amulet of Yendor to Crom... An invisible choir sings, and you are bathed in radiance... The voice of Crom thunders: "Congratulations, mortal!" "In return for thy service, I grant thee the gift of Immortality!" You ascend to the status of Demigoddess... Goodbye amateurhour the Demigoddess... You went to your reward with 3495876 points, The Silver Key (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points) The Candelabrum of Invocation (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points) The Shard from Morgoth's Crown (worth 4000 zorkmids and 10000 points) The Book of the Dead (worth 10000 zorkmids and 25000 points) The Book of Lost Names (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points) The Arkenstone (worth 8000 zorkmids and 20000 points) Kroo's Ring (worth 500 zorkmids and 1250 points) The Cage Key (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points) 23 jasper stones (worth 11500 zorkmids), 22 garnet stones (worth 15400 zorkmids), 20 amethyst stones (worth 12000 zorkmids), 20 white fluorite stones (worth 8000 zorkmids), 20 agate stones (worth 4000 zorkmids), 19 blue fluorite stones (worth 7600 zorkmids), 19 green fluorite stones (worth 7600 zorkmids), 14 violet fluorite stones (worth 5600 zorkmids), 11 diamonds (worth 44000 zorkmids), 11 rubies (worth 38500 zorkmids), 9 emeralds (worth 22500 zorkmids), 9 obsidian stones (worth 1800 zorkmids), 8 amber stones (worth 8000 zorkmids), 7 aquamarine stones (worth 10500 zorkmids), 7 chrysoberyl stones (worth 4900 zorkmids), 6 jet stones (worth 5100 zorkmids), 5 topaz stones (worth 4500 zorkmids), 4 citrine stones (worth 6000 zorkmids), 4 jade stones (worth 1200 zorkmids), 3 black opals (worth 7500 zorkmids), 3 turquoise stones (worth 6000 zorkmids), 2 star sapphire stones (worth 7500 zorkmids), 2 jacinth stones (worth 6500 zorkmids), 2 morganite stones (worth 4000 zorkmids), 3 amulets of life saving (worth 450 zorkmids), 1 amulet of reflection (worth 150 zorkmids), and 10585 pieces of gold, after 23728 moves. Killer: ascended, having saved the future You were level 27 with a maximum of 694 hit points when you ascended. You reached the 13th place on the top 2000 list. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 12314633 amateurhou-Acu-Sal-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 811 [811] 2 9500708 mobileuser-Bar-Hum-Mal-Neu ascended to demigod-hood. 689 [689] 3 7799352 NetSysFire-Mad-Vam-Fem-Cha died in Chaos Quest on level 14 [max 30]. Killed by the Eye of Vecna. - [518] *13 3495876 amateurhou-Ana-Eth-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 694 [694]