Unix NetHack Version 3.6.3-1 Work-in-progress - last build Sun May 26 07:02:36 2019 (1e004bc1f61123654d588eabba1f8befef610d9b,branch:hardfought). Game began 2019-04-26 23:37:46, ended 2019-05-31 14:33:40. aoei, chaotic male elven Wizard @ @ @ @ ----- ----- @ .a.| A @ |... a ---------..-- ----- @ @@ ----- --..---------D @ |....@..|...-- --..... @ .....-- --...|.......| A|...@...|.AaA---....... -v- .....%%---@...|...@...| |...V.A.-.aA..-...@..... A A.A D A .a.A.*%%&L@%%%a-a.._...|T |...@...|.aH.---..@@%.... A . .......A*---@*..|..@....| a |.......|@..-- --H.@%.. | .......-- --...|.......|B ---------..-- ----@-- A ---.---- --..--------- A A ...| |..&------- @ @ -------...| |... a a ----- |.........| &.@.A |.%.@.....| ----- -------...-- .... --...------- |....-- @@. --....| ---...----v----...--- |....x........E.| ----------------- Aoei the Vampire Lord St:18/** Dx:17 Co:16 In:20 Wi:20 Ch:15 Chaotic Astral Plane $:84 HP:37(48) Pw:293(297) AC:-41 HD:12 T:16435 Fly Latest messages: The magic missile hits the Angel of Moloch. The magic missile hits the hill giant! The high priestess intones: "Pilgrim, you enter a sacred place!" The Angel of Thoth wields a long sword! The Angel of Moloch zaps you with a magic missile! The magic missile misses the hill giant. The magic missile hits the fire ant! The magic missile whizzes by you! The magic missile hits the Angel of Thoth. But it reflects from the Angel of Thoth's shield! Pick an object. You hit the Angel of Thoth with the chickatrice corpse. The Angel of Thoth is slowing down. The Angel of Thoth turns to stone. The nurse drinks a potion of gain level! The nurse seems more experienced. The Angel of Moloch zaps you with a magic missile! The magic missile whizzes by you! The magic missile hits the high priestess! "Twixt thy cousin and thee, Medusa is the prettier." Pick an object. Famine moves Paul the Explorer out of the way! Really attack the Angel of Anhur? [yn] (n) n The renegade priestess of Anhur wields a mace! There is a high altar to Anhur (chaotic) here. What do you want to invoke? [iswFTX or ?*] ? Nothing happens. You now detect a fog cloud where the vampire bat was. You hear a chugging sound. The renegade priestess of Anhur turns to flee. The Angel of Moloch zaps you with a magic missile! The magic missile hits the giant ant! The magic missile misses the giant ant. The magic missile misses the Angel of Anhur. The magic missile whizzes by you! The high priestess of Anhur casts a spell! The high priestess of Anhur looks better. What do you want to sacrifice? [s or ?*] ? You offer the Amulet of Yendor to Anhur... An invisible choir sings, and you are bathed in radiance... The voice of Anhur rings out: "Mortal, thou hast done well!" "In return for thy service, I grant thee the gift of Immortality!" You ascend to the status of Demigod... Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (y) y Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (y) y Do you want an account of creatures vanquished? [ynaq] (y) y Do you want a list of extinct species? [ynq] (y) y Do you want to see your conduct? [ynq] (y) y Do you want to see the dungeon overview? [ynq] (y) y Inventory: Coins $ - 84 gold pieces Amulets r - an uncursed amulet of reflection (being worn) T - the blessed Eye of the Aethiopica Weapons w - the blessed rustproof +7 Vorpal Blade Armor U - a blessed fireproof +6 cornuthaum (being worn) v - a blessed fireproof +4 pair of leather gloves (being worn) L - a blessed fireproof +4 pair of speed boots (being worn) b - a blessed fireproof +4 cloak of magic resistance (being worn) K - a blessed fireproof +4 T-shirt with text "Meat is Mordor" (being worn) D - a blessed +4 red dragon scale mail (being worn) Comestibles V - a blessed chickatrice corpse (weapon in hand) Scrolls g - a blessed scroll of charging Q - 2 uncursed scrolls of teleportation Spellbooks i - the blessed Book of the Dead Rings l - an uncursed ring of conflict C - an uncursed ring of free action (on right hand) M - an uncursed ring of polymorph control c - a blessed +3 ring of protection (on left hand) y - an uncursed ring of regeneration R - an uncursed ring of shock resistance Z - an uncursed ring of slow digestion t - an uncursed ring of teleportation Wands A - a wand of death (1:2) O - a wand of digging (0:3) S - a wand of fire (0:5) a - a wand of light (0:5) o - a wand of lightning (0:5) z - a wand of polymorph (0:1) E - a wand of probing (0:5) N - a wand of secret door detection (0:8) W - a wand of teleportation (0:1) k - a wand of wishing (0:1) Tools n - a blessed bag of holding containing 51 items p - an empty uncursed oilskin sack m - an uncursed sack named SCARE MON containing 1 item F - the Bell of Opening (0:2) P - an uncursed blindfold X - the uncursed Candelabrum of Invocation (no candles attached) I - an expensive camera (0:88) e - an uncursed skeleton key named pr, cr, si u - a blessed +0 unicorn horn Gems/Stones Y - a blessed luckstone named max Contents of the sack named SCARE MON: a blessed scroll of scare monster Contents of the bag of holding: an uncursed +0 pair of water walking boots an uncursed +0 cloak of protection an uncursed slime mold an uncursed banana an uncursed C-ration 20 uncursed C-rations 2 cursed C-rations an uncursed carrot 4 uncursed food rations 21 uncursed K-rations an uncursed lembas wafer 8 uncursed scrolls of blank paper an uncursed scroll of blank paper 2 cursed scrolls of blank paper 8 blessed scrolls of charging 5 uncursed scrolls of charging 2 uncursed scrolls of confuse monster a blessed scroll of genocide a cursed scroll of gold detection 2 uncursed scrolls of light an uncursed scroll of punishment a cursed scroll of remove curse a blessed spellbook of blank paper a blessed spellbook of blank paper 5 uncursed potions of booze named uc an uncursed potion of confusion an uncursed potion of gain energy 7 potions of holy water 3 uncursed potions of water 4 potions of unholy water an uncursed ring of levitation a cursed ring of polymorph an uncursed ring of stealth an uncursed ring of sustain ability a blessed ring of teleport control a wand of cold (0:1) a wand of digging (0:5) a wand of digging (0:5) a wand of lightning (0:6) a wand of lightning (0:3) a wand of polymorph (0:5) a wand of polymorph (0:2) a wand of secret door detection (0:9) a wand of slow monster (0:4) a wand of striking (0:7) a wand of striking (0:5) a blessed wand of teleportation (0:7) a wand of teleportation (0:0) a magic marker (1:8) an uncursed wooden flute an uncursed sapphire Aoei the Wizard's attributes: Background: You were in vampire lord form. You were actually an Enchantress, a level 17 female elven Wizard. You were chaotic, nominally on a mission for Anhur who was opposed by Ptah (lawful) and Thoth (neutral). You were in the endgame, on the Astral Plane. You entered the dungeon 16435 turns ago. Basics: You had 37 out of 48 hit points. You had 293 out of 297 energy points (spell power). You had 12 hit dice. Your armor class was -41. Your wallet contained 84 zorkmids. Autopickup was on for '?' plus thrown. Final Characteristics: Your strength was 18/100. Your dexterity was 17. Your constitution was 16. Your intelligence was 20. Your wisdom was 20. Your charisma was 15. Final Status: You were transformed. You were flying. You had wounded legs. You were unencumbered. You were wielding a corpse. Final Attributes: You were piously aligned. You were magic-protected. You were fire resistant. You were cold resistant. You were sleep resistant. You were poison resistant. You were level-drain resistant. You saw invisible. You were warned. You were aware of the presence of humans and elves. You were clairvoyant. You had infravision. You were sensing the presence of monsters. You were invisible to others. You had teleport control. You could survive without air. You regenerated. You had a small defense bonus (+3). You were guarded. You took half spell damage. You were polymorphed into a vampire lord. You were harmed by silver. You were very fast. You had reflection. You had free action. You were extremely lucky. You had extra luck. Good luck did not time out for you. You survived. Vanquished creatures: Orcus Juiblex the Wizard of Yendor (4 times) Pestilence Famine (thrice) Vlad the Impaler 2 arch-liches a high priest Medusa 3 krakens an iron golem 8 master liches a titan a balrog 4 purple worms a gray dragon 2 silver dragons 3 red dragons 4 white dragons 4 orange dragons 2 black dragons a blue dragon 3 green dragons a yellow dragon 5 minotaurs 6 jabberwocks the Dark One 4 baluchitheria 10 Angels 7 demiliches 3 stone golems 4 master mind flayers 3 Olog-hai a Nazgul 5 pit fiends 3 sandestins 5 hell hounds 4 titanotheres 5 guardian nagas 3 disenchanters 25 vampire lords a shopkeeper 22 aligned priests 5 captains 5 shades a lich a clay golem 2 nurses 7 ice devils 4 nalfeshnees a lurker above 3 Aleaxes a frost giant 5 ettins a golden naga 6 black puddings 23 vampires 6 lieutenants a watch captain 27 ghosts a healer a knight a queen bee 6 winged gargoyles a mind flayer 3 giant mimics a long worm 7 fire giants 7 ogre kings 2 ice trolls a rock troll 4 umber hulks a flesh golem 4 Elvenkings a doppelganger 5 hezrous 2 large mimics a wumpus a fire vortex 2 couatls 9 stalkers 5 air elementals 2 fire elementals 4 earth elementals 2 water elementals 4 hill giants 2 giant mummies 2 black nagas 6 xorns 15 giant zombies 5 elf-lords 11 sergeants 7 barbed devils 5 vrocks 6 salamanders 3 wargs 2 winter wolves 2 hell hound pups 7 small mimics a glass piercer 5 warhorses 2 steam vortices 9 xans an ettin mummy 4 ogre lords 6 quantum mechanics 7 trolls a sasquatch a wood golem 2 erinyes a marilith a djinni 2 sharks 2 gelatinous cubes a large dog 4 freezing spheres a flaming sphere a tiger 4 gargoyles a dwarf king 10 tengu 2 ochre jellies 9 leocrottas 4 energy vortices 5 mountain centaurs an elf mummy a human mummy 2 red nagas 3 green slimes 2 pythons 4 pit vipers 3 cobras 37 wraiths 3 carnivorous apes 15 ettin zombies a leather golem a Grey-elf 45 soldiers 3 succubi 7 horned devils 3 incubi 2 chameleons 6 crocodiles 11 giant beetles 6 quivering blobs 11 cockatrices a wolf 5 winter wolf cubs a panther 2 gremlins a leprechaun 2 orc-captains 2 mumakil 4 giant spiders 2 scorpions 5 horses 2 ice vortices 2 baby long worms 5 black lights 27 vampire bats 4 forest centaurs 3 gnome kings 3 orc mummies 2 dwarf mummies 3 brown puddings 6 rust monsters 3 owlbears a yeti a Green-elf 5 giant eels 2 lizards 6 chickatrices 2 dingoes 2 dogs a jaguar a dwarf lord 4 blue jellies a white unicorn 2 dust vortices 39 ravens 3 plains centaurs a gnome mummy 4 snakes 8 water moccasins 7 apes 9 human zombies 3 rope golems 11 soldier ants 7 fire ants 14 bugbears an imp a lemure 6 quasits 3 wood nymphs 2 water nymphs 6 Mordor orcs 2 orc shamans 2 rock piercers a rock mole 2 ponies a fog cloud 8 yellow lights 17 gnome lords 7 gnomish wizards 2 kobold mummies a guardian naga hatchling a gray ooze a barrow wight 14 elf zombies 14 ghouls 3 straw golems a jellyfish 26 giant ants a little dog 3 floating eyes 18 dwarves 6 homunculi 2 kobold lords a kobold shaman 5 hill orcs 9 rothes 2 rabid rats 3 centipedes 6 giant bats 2 monkeys 9 orc zombies 16 dwarf zombies 3 wererats 2 iguanas 22 killer bees 2 acid blobs 3 hobbits a manes 3 large kobolds 17 hobgoblins 10 giant rats 2 brown molds a yellow mold 50 gnomes 11 gnome zombies 5 geckos 5 jackals a fox a kobold 5 goblins 4 sewer rats 5 grid bugs 8 bats 5 lichens 12 kobold zombies 4 newts 1281 creatures vanquished. Extinct species: erinyes (extinct) 1 species extinct. Voluntary challenges: You followed a strict vegan diet. You were an atheist. You read items or engraved 202 times. You never engraved Elbereth. You never genocided any monsters. You used 13 wishes. You did not wish for any artifacts. The Elemental Planes: Astral Plane: <- You are here. Some temples. Plane of Water: Plane of Fire: Plane of Air: Plane of Earth: The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 28 Level 1: "need key" An altar to Anhur, many fountains. One way stairs up to The Elemental Planes. Level 2: A fountain. Level 3: "couple fountains" Some fountains. Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines. Level 4: Level 5: "wands of polymorph and lightning in shop" A general store. Level 6: Level 7: "dropped +oMM on this level" Many fountains. Oracle of Delphi. Level 8: A grave. Stairs up to Sokoban, level 7. Level 9: An untended shop. Level 10: Level 11: An altar to Anhur, some fountains. Level 12: Level 13: "ant room" Level 14: "QÃP and throne room" Summoned by Neferet the Green. Portal to The Quest. Level 15: Level 16: Level 17: Level 18: A primitive area. Level 19: Level 20: Level 21: A temple. Level 22: A temple to Anhur, a fountain. Level 23: Level 24: A weapon shop, a fountain. Level 25: Some fountains, a grave. Level 26: A grave. Level 27: Many trees. Level 28: A fountain. The castle. Connection to Gehennom. Gehennom: levels 29 to 49 Level 29: A temple, many graves. Valley of the Dead. Level 30: "Asmo" Level 31: Level 32: A fountain. Level 33: Level 34: Level 35: Level 36: Level 37: Level 38: Level 39: Level 40: Level 41: Stairs up to Vlad's Tower, level 40. Level 42: "Orcus" An altar, many graves. Level 43: "wizard" Level 44: Level 45: Level 46: Level 47: Level 48: Level 49: A temple, many graves. Moloch's Sanctum. The Gnomish Mines: levels 4 to 12 Level 4: "DARK MINES" Level 5: Level 6: Level 7: Many shops, an altar to Anhur, some fountains. Level 8: Level 9: Level 10: Level 11: Level 12: The Quest: levels 1 to 5 Level 1: Given quest by Neferet the Green. Level 2: Level 3: Level 4: Level 5: A temple. Sokoban: levels 7 up to 4 Level 4: Solved. Level 5: Solved. Level 6: "black unicorn!" Solved. Level 7: Solved. Vlad's Tower: levels 40 up to 38 Level 38: A throne. Level 39: Level 40: Goodbye aoei the Demigod... You went to your reward with 1654446 points, The Book of the Dead (worth 10000 zorkmids and 25000 points) Vorpal Blade (worth 4000 zorkmids and 10000 points) The Bell of Opening (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points) The Eye of the Aethiopica (worth 4000 zorkmids and 10000 points) The Candelabrum of Invocation (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points) 1 sapphire (worth 3000 zorkmids), 1 amulet of reflection (worth 150 zorkmids), and 84 pieces of gold, after 16435 moves. You were level 17 with a maximum of 122 hit points when you ascended.