aoei, lawful female automatic Samurai ----------- |.........|########################` |<........|# ------- |.........|# |..... ----)---.--# #-.- # #### ###|.| #%# # |.| # ### |.-+-- -.------ # |..x.| |.......######## |.{..-+-- ----- |%).%..| |..x.......-..| |...%...###########`|....-x-- | | -------- #|.-+-- . #|.| #|.| #|.| #|.- #|. #--- Aoei the Kunoichi St:18 Dx:12 Co:17 In:8 Wi:9 Ch:8 Lawful S:2599 Dlvl:6 $:89 HP:27(60) Pw:29(29) Br:5 AC:-2 Xp:6/565 T:1777 Slipping Your inventory Weapons a - a +0 naginata (weapon in manipulators) b - a +0 shito (alternate weapon; not wielded) c - a +0 yumi d - 40 +0 ya (in quiver) Armor f - an uncursed +0 sugegasa (being worn) h - an uncursed rustproof +0 dou-maru (being worn) o - an uncursed +0 cloak of invisibility (being worn) s - an uncursed +0 pair of jumping boots (being worn) Scrolls l - an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon y - an uncursed scroll of hexagram E - an uncursed scroll of magic mapping H - an uncursed scroll of sign of the Scion Queen Mother Potions k - an uncursed potion of paralysis z - an uncursed potion of levitation B - an uncursed potion of water D - an uncursed potion of healing Rings J - an uncursed ring of slow digestion Tools e - a blessed skeleton key g - an uncursed blindfold I - an uncursed towel Gems j - an uncursed worthless piece of yellow glass Final attributes You were devoutly aligned Your alignment was 18 You carried 0 sins You had a hod wantedness of 0 You had a gevurah wantedness of 0 You had a chokhmah wantedness of 0 You had 0 weakness from being studied You were petrification resistant You were poison resistant You were shock resistant You were immune to sickness You had a carrying capacity of 430 remaining You had -544 points of nutrition remaining You were invisible You could jump You could survive without air You were set to normal clockspeed You were fast You are dead You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures a leprechaun 3 gnome lords 2 iguanas a hobbit a giant rat 38 gnomes 3 jackals 3 foxes a kobold a goblin 9 grid bugs a bat 5 newts 69 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You went without food You were an atheist You were illiterate You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes You never paid a shopkeeper to identify an item You never magically identified an item Your skills at the end Fighting Skills martial arts [Basic] Weapon Skills knife [Basic] polearms [Skilled] bow [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Latest messages Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. You stop searching. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Count: 10 You attempt to make repairs. You hear a door open. You stop waiting. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Count: 10 Count: 100 You stop waiting. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. You hear bubbling water. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. You try to move the boulder, but in vain. You hear a door open. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. The gnome picks up a gnomish pointy hat. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. The gnome swings her small aklys. The gnome just misses! Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. The gnome swings her small aklys. The gnome hits! Your clockwork catches again. You kill the gnome! Your clockwork slips. The gnome picks up a small aklys. The gnome swings his small crossbow. The gnome misses. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. The giant rat misses. The gnome swings her small aklys. The gnome just misses! The gnome swings his small crossbow. The gnome hits! The giant rat misses. Your clockwork catches again. Unknown command ' '. Your clockwork slips. The giant rat bites! The gnome swings her small aklys. The gnome hits! The gnome swings his small crossbow. The gnome hits! The giant rat misses. Your clockwork catches again. Unknown command ' '. Your clockwork slips. The giant rat bites! The gnome swings her small aklys. The gnome hits! The gnome swings his small crossbow. The gnome misses. Your clockwork catches again. Unknown command ' '. You kill the gnome! The giant rat bites! Unknown command ' '. Unknown command ' '. You kill the gnome! The giant rat misses. Your clockwork slips. The giant rat misses. Your clockwork catches again. Unknown command ' '. Your clockwork slips. The giant rat misses. The giant rat bites! Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. The giant rat misses. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. The giant rat bites! The giant rat misses. Your clockwork catches again. You kill the giant rat! Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. You kill the gnome! There are several objects here. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. You hear bubbling water. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. The grid bug bites! Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. The grid bug bites! The grid bug misses. Your clockwork catches again. You kill the grid bug! Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. Your clockwork catches again. The grid bug misses. Your clockwork slips. The grid bug bites! Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. The grid bug misses. The grid bug bites! Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. The grid bug misses. The grid bug misses. Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. The grid bug bites! The grid bug just misses! The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The zap doesn't shock you! Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The zap doesn't shock you! The grid bug misses. The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The zap doesn't shock you! The grid bug bites! Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. The grid bug bites! The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The zap doesn't shock you! The grid bug misses. The grid bug bites! Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork slips. The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The zap doesn't shock you! The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The zap doesn't shock you! The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The zap doesn't shock you! The grid bug bites! You get zapped! The zap doesn't shock you! Your clockwork catches again. Your clockwork comes to a complete stop. Sayonara aoei the Samurai... You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 6 with 2591 points, and 89 pieces of gold, after 1777 moves. Killer: unwound spring You were level 6 with a maximum of 60 hit points when you died. You reached the 16th place on the top 2000 list. 1 345791 stonewall-Mon-Clk-Mal-Neu quit in Lokoban on level 16 [max 27]. 131 [131] 2 144044 jt-Pri-Hlf-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 13 [max 17]. Killed by an energy vortex. - [93] 3 41034 spontiff-Val-Dwa-Fem-Law escaped the dungeon [max level 11]. 52 [52] *16 2591 aoei-Sam-Clk-Fem-Law died in The Gnomish Mines on level 6. Killed by an unwound spring. 27 [60]