aoei, lawful male levelscaler Tracer ---------- --........-- ------------- ...........| |...........| ##-------- |........... |..........<| #,.......| ------- |..........| |...........| #,|......| |...... -.........| -|-.--------- #,|......| |.....|###-.--------- ,,# #,-------- |......,,,,,,,,# ###,### #,# |...{.|####,##,# ,,,,,,# #,# #--.---- #,##,#####---------.------#,## #,# #,,,# #,#,,,,,,,................,,%, ##,# --|----- -.- ######|..............|####,,# #,,# |......| |... |...............,,,,,,# ##-.---,# |......| |...| |..............|####,,, ##,....|,# |......| |...| |.........|....| -.---,,,,|...|,# |......| |...| |..{...........| |...|,,,,+..8@,# -------- |...| ---------------- |(..-,,# -----## ----- |._>|## ----- [Aoei the Cursed Beginner] St9 Dx10 Co6 In8 Wi4 Ch15 TrcLvlMalLaw S137 Dlvl:1 $37 HP-1(14) Pw41(41) AC10 Xp2/25 T261 Latest messages There is a wall in the way! (3x) The goblin wields a crude short sword {12}! The crude short sword welds itself to the goblin's hand! You hit the goblin. You kill the goblin! Welcome to experience level 2. The war spirit picks up a rubber hose {8}. You hit the war spirit. The war spirit wields a rubber hose {8}! The war spirit swings his rubber hose. The war spirit hits you! [-2 -> 12] You hit the war spirit. The war spirit swings his rubber hose. The war spirit hits you! [-5 -> 7] You hit the war spirit. The war spirit swings his rubber hose. The war spirit hits you! You die... Final attributes You were stridently aligned Your alignment was 8 Your max alignment was 11 You carried 0 sins You could not have this property intrinsically: manaleech Potion identification only worked 3 times out of 7 Ring identification only worked 4 times out of 18 Implant identification only worked 1 times out of 23 Wand identification only worked 3 times out of 9 Spellbook identification only worked 2 times out of 8 Tool identification only worked 5 times out of 11 Monsters only dropped their musable items with 28% chance Monsters only dropped their equipment with 76% chance Scroll drop chance was reduced to 92% Ring drop chance was reduced to 99% Potion drop chance was reduced to 93% Weapon drop chance was reduced to 94% Armor drop chance was reduced to 84% Tool drop chance was reduced to 87% Food drop chance was reduced to 88% Shop item generation was reduced to 73% Concealing monsters were spawned underneath items 86% of the time only The following skill could not be trained at all: mace The following skill was trained at half the usual rate: divination spells The following skill was limited to skilled proficiency: flail The following skill became untrainable if you tried to train it too early: squeaking (turn 36) The following skill became untrainable after a while: boomerang (turn 10755) The following skill became harder to train at higher skill levels: chaos spells Items were more likely to be generated cursed by 32% Number of artifacts generated was 0 Number of fake artifacts generated was 1 Monster spawn increase started at turn 21961 Monster spawn increase reached its maximum at turn 129679 In this game, Eevee's evolution was leafeon Your limit for ascension was at turn 786675 The monster class that cannot be genocided was major demon The monster species that spawned more often: unlettered evangelistic (freq bonus 6) The monster species that spawned more often: poorly disagree soothsaying (freq bonus 1) The monster species that spawned more often: windscreen rubber (freq bonus 12) The monster species that spawned more often: orange dragom (freq bonus 18) The monster species that spawned more often: fingerlift nymph (freq bonus 1) The monster species that spawned more often: earth gas principal (freq bonus 9) The monster species that spawned more often: sticky warp fungus (freq bonus 16) The monster species that spawned more often: your one-way girlfriend (freq bonus 6) The monster species that spawned more often: oro centaur (freq bonus 3) The monster species that spawned more often: flying girl (freq bonus 6) The monster species that spawned more often: lil permamimic (freq bonus 12) The monster species that spawned more often: large harpy (freq bonus 8) The monster species that spawned more often: kicker kobold (freq bonus 12) The monster species that spawned more often: ripeout water elemental (freq bonus 24) The monster species that spawned more often: rng amalgamation (freq bonus 4) The monster species that spawned more often: sand wall (freq bonus 6) The monster species that spawned more often: aliquant rustled (freq bonus 6) The monster species that spawned more often: baby crocechaun (freq bonus 8) The monster species that spawned more often: gnome guard (freq bonus 6) The monster species that spawned more often: petty darker grue (freq bonus 8) The monster trait that was more common: monsters that collect items (freq bonus 2) The monster trait that was more common: monsters that can throw boulders (freq bonus 1) The monster trait that was more common: monsters whose attacks polymorph you (freq bonus 4) The monster trait that was more common: monsters that originate from Elona (freq bonus 8) The monster trait that was more common: monsters with vampire dialogue (freq bonus 1) The monster trait that was more common: monsters with poison resistance (freq bonus 3) The monster trait that was more common: monsters that spawn in small groups (freq bonus 1) The monster trait that was more common: monsters whose attacks are specific to their internal ID (freq bonus 4) The monster trait that was more common: monsters whose attacks randomly damage your items (freq bonus 1) The monster species that never randomly spawned: plains centaur The monster species that never randomly spawned: am shop ghost The monster species that never randomly spawned: intellectual property kop The monster species that never randomly spawned: covet nether lich The monster species that never randomly spawned: joust ostrich The monster species that never randomly spawned: spit demon The monster species that never randomly spawned: rhaumbusun The monster species that never randomly spawned: lurid hectogram The monster species that never randomly spawned: lower gnome priest The monster species that never randomly spawned: +4 am cutoff The monster class that always generated with extra speed: golem The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: thunder (rollover) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: sodalith (blue) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: fuckup melee gauntlets (slaying gloves) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: create sink (THRU THE FLOOR) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: implant of pain (scintillating) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: amulet of hunger (gleaming) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: battering ram (candy) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: paper sword ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: deep dragon scale mail ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: implant of faith (resonant) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: worthless piece of orange glass (orange, freq bonus 16) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: clove of garlic ((null), freq bonus 36) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: arrow ((null), freq bonus 3) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: missing code (PLZ RETURN TO DEVTEAM, freq bonus 3) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: anti-teleportation (ruled, freq bonus 39) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: polymorph (golden, freq bonus 8) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: pitchfork ((null), freq bonus 13) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: growth (WELCOME TO ANGBAND, freq bonus 19) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: respawn stone (gray, freq bonus 7) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: amulet versus death spell (torus, freq bonus 19) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: finger (old, freq bonus 9) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: force stone (gray, freq bonus 7) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: bunny ear (headpiece, freq bonus 5) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: helm of lawful (chain-aventailed helmet, freq bonus 3) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: lightwhip ((null), freq bonus 7) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: corpse ((null), freq bonus 6) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: cloak of stability (heavy cloak, freq bonus 10) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: cypher helm (basin helmet, freq bonus 4) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: dark batarang ((null), freq bonus 7) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: sleeping (wedding, freq bonus 12) The RNG hath decreed that this item class was generated more often: Tools (freq bonus 70) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: silver shield ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: amulet of depression (psychosomatic) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: bulky pourpoor ball ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: weighting gauntlets (lead gloves) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: magic missile (steel) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: glass hostage chain ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: invisibility (wire) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: purple dragon scales ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: bag of holding (bag) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: special effects (draconian) The RNG hath decreed that this trap was always invisible: shit pit The RNG hath decreed that this trap was generated more often: secret attack trap (freq bonus 5) Trap randomization happened for 1 in 542 traps Traps were spawned invisible 1 times in 39 Traps were extra hard to find 27% of the time Next attribute increase check would have come at turn 733 Strength training was 9 Dexterity training was 6 Wisdom training was 2 Constitution training was 18 Your sanity was 0 You had not decided on your sexuality yet You had 1426 points of nutrition remaining You were lucky (2) You had extra luck Bad luck did not time out for you Good luck did not time out for you Your health bonus was zero Your mana bonus was zero You had spell retention for remembering 50 spells Your pantheon consisted of Fate, Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel Your deity was Fate The version you were playing was: Unix SlashEMExtended Version 2.6.6 (e36be28) - last build Wed Jun 3 19:15:25 2020. You could have safely prayed (0) You are dead Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail Memory a - amnesia 1 + divine 24% 98% Techniques known in the end Name Level Status appraisal 2 R LIMIT(0) panic digging 2 R LIMIT(0) phase door 2 R LIMIT(0) invoke deity 2 R LIMIT(0) Discoveries Amulets amulet of strangulation (pique) Scrolls scroll of teleportation (XA 35) scroll of healing (DOORMASH GRAFFITI LOOK LIKE AMULETS ARRRGH) scroll of mana (IAOMORMOROTOKONBAI) scroll of phase door (STATUS DISAPER WHEN RAIN) scroll of standard id (SINCE 1DOT10 THERE IS ALSO IN THE SINGLE A DESYNC) scroll of cure (MYHOELL KITAY) scroll of heal other (POUCH TSCHCKTSCHCK) * scroll of extra healing (THE GIAGGOSTUONO) * scroll of greater mana restoration (SUDDNLY IT HOTHRAXXA HEA HUM) Spellbooks spellbook of amnesia (long) Potions potion of levitation (sauce) potion of fruit juice (illegal) Rings ring of stealth (andalusite) Wands wand of create monster (heavy metal) Gems luckstone (gray) Venoms * tail spikes (splash of venom) * blinding venom (splash of venom) * faerie floss rhing (splash of venom) * acid venom (splash of venom) * segfault venom (splash of venom) Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: Level 1: <- You are here Voluntary challenges You followed a strict vegan diet You eaten 1 time You have communicated with the gods 7 times You never prayed to the gods You never hit with a wielded weapon You killed 4 monsters You read items or engraved 1 time You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes You remained celibate You applied items 0 times You experienced the healing effects of unicorn horns 0 times You created 0 items with the magic marker You created 0 items with the chemistry set You quaffed 0 potions You zapped wands 0 times You read scrolls 0 times You read spellbooks 0 times You successfully cast spells 0 times You failed to cast a spell 0 times You attempted to cast forgotten spells 0 times You used the invocation effects of artifacts 0 times You used techniques 0 times You phase doored 0 times You teleported 0 times You levelported 0 times You branchported 0 times You were banished 0 times You were punished 0 times You had to mourn the death of 0 pets You suffered from amnesia 0 times You had a minimum alignment of 0 You had a maximum alignment of 8 You had a maximum sanity of 0 You had a maximum contamination of 0 You successfully searched for traps 0 times You successfully searched for doors or corridors 3 times You heard farting noises 0 times You heard crapping noises 0 times You listened to conversion sermon 0 times You heard the frightening wouwou taunts 0 times You heard superman taunts 0 times You inhaled scentful feminine perfume 0 times You got your nuts kicked 0 times You got hit in the breasts 0 times You saved the game 0 times You encountered the ragnarok event 0 times You had your data deleted 0 times You encountered the curse items effect 0 times You triggered nasty traps 0 times You triggered feminism traps 0 times You had to read random messages 0 times You saw 0 monsters come out of portals You gained intrinsics from eating corpses 0 times You purchased shopkeeper services 0 times You had the kops called on you 0 times You solved 0 captchas You failed to solve a captcha 0 times You correctly answered 0 quiz questions You incorrectly answered 0 quiz questions You had the reality altered 0 times You picked 0 locks You converted 0 altars You had your items stolen 0 times You got poisoned 0 times You gained 0 extra hit points from nurses You purchased nurse services 0 times You scared 0 monsters with Elbereth engravings You had your items disenchanted 0 times You permanently lost stat points 0 times You got whacked or kicked by female shoes 0 times You forced farmland tiles out of existence 0 times You dissipated nether mist 0 times You mulched 0 ranged weapon ammos You used up 0 grams of gunpowder You recharged your items 0 times You made offerings to the gods 0 times You used the force against an enemy 0 times You kicked monsters 0 times You kicked doors or locked containers 2 times You fumbled 0 times You wrested wands 0 times You lost 0 items to fire damage You lost 0 items to cold damage You lost 0 items to shock damage You lost 0 items to poison damage You dug with digging tools 0 times You dug out grave walls 0 times You chopped down 0 trees You bashed down 0 sets of iron bars You interacted with fountains 0 times You sat on a throne 0 times You interacted with a sink 0 times You interacted with a toilet 0 times You invoked a pentagram 0 times You quaffed from a well 0 times You quaffed from a poisoned well 0 times You slept in a bed 0 times You slept on a mattress 0 times You landed 0 critical hits You stole goods worth 0 zorkmids You let monsters dig out 0 wall tiles You untrapped 0 traps You had to read longing messages 0 times You had to mourn the death of 0 symbiotes You got sick from food poisoning 0 times You got sick from illness 0 times You got slimed 0 times You got stoned 0 times You broke 0 items due to polymorphing into bad monsters You allowed monsters to quaff 0 potions You allowed monsters to read 0 scrolls You allowed monsters to zap 0 wands You saw demons being gated in 0 times You saw demon lords being gated in 0 times You saw demon princes being gated in 0 times You were blasted by artifacts 0 times You allowed monsters to eat metallic items 0 times You allowed monsters to eat lithic items 0 times You allowed monsters to eat organic items 0 times You allowed allivores to eat items 0 times You had your possessions unidentify themselves 0 times You became dehydrated 0 times You had your luck roll over 0 times You experienced confused scroll effects 0 times You quaffed non-working potions 0 times You encountered stairs traps 0 times You lost intrinsics 0 times You randomly revealed 0 traps You got hit by bad effects 0 times You got hit by really bad effects 0 times You had 0 items teleported out of your inventory You encountered 0 bones levels You had to read insults against your momma 0 times You were forced to equip bad items 0 times You were forced to equip bad artifacts 0 times You were forced to equip bad high heels 0 times You encountered appearance shuffling 0 times You got affected by the dirty mysterious dirt force full of dirt 0 times You were caught by the manler 0 times You broke wands 0 times You performed alchemy 0 times You destroyed 0 hostile weapons You felt like a new levelscaler 0 times You allowed 0 eggs to hatch You wiped your face 1 time You acquired 0 items You were a cannibal 0 times You gained intrinsics from eating jewelry 0 times You threw 0 potions You allowed monsters to throw 0 potions You leveled past the maximum experience level 0 times You vomited 0 times Your skills at the end (4 slots left) Fighting Skills bare-handed combat [Unskilled] (max Basic) (11 of 20) high heels [Unskilled] (max Skilled) (0 of 20) devices [Basic] (max Expert) (20 of 160) Weapon Skills pick-axe [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) short sword [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) morning star [Unskilled] (max Basic) (0 of 20) lance [Unskilled] (max Basic) (0 of 20) sling [Basic] (max Expert) (20 of 160) crossbow [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) shuriken [Unskilled] (max Skilled) (0 of 20) boomerang [Unskilled] (max Skilled) (0 of 20) whip [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) lightsaber [Unskilled] (max Skilled) (0 of 20) Spellcasting Skills divination spells [Basic] (max Expert) (20 of 160) enchantment spells [Unskilled] (max Basic) (0 of 20) protection spells [Unskilled] (max Skilled) (0 of 20) Restricted Skills general combat [Restricted] (max Restricted) (1 of 500) shield [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) body armor [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) two-handed weapons [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) polymorphing [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) searching [Restricted] (max Restricted) (3 of 500) spirituality [Restricted] (max Restricted) (9 of 500) petkeeping [Restricted] (max Restricted) (3 of 500) missile weapons [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) techniques [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) implants [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) sexy flats [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) memorization [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) gun control [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) squeaking [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) symbiosis [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form I (Shii-Cho) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form II (Makashi) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form III (Soresu) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form IV (Ataru) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form V (Shien) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form V (Djem So) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form VI (Niman) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form VII (Juyo) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form VII (Vaapad) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) form VIII (Wedi) [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) martial arts [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) two-weapon combat [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) riding [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) dagger [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) knife [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) axe [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) broadsword [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) long sword [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) two-handed sword [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) scimitar [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) saber [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) club [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) paddle [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) mace [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) flail [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) hammer [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) quarterstaff [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) polearms [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) spear [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) javelin [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) trident [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) bow [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) firearms [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) dart [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) unicorn horn [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) attack spells [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) healing spells [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) body spells [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) occult spells [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) elemental spells [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) chaos spells [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) matter spells [Restricted] (max Restricted) (0 of 500) Goodbye aoei the Tracer...