# hackemslashem's config file (version 2.0) # Intended for NetHack 3.7.0 # @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@* # @@@@@@@* @@@@@@ # @@@@@@ @@@@ # @@@@@@ @@@ # @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@%@@@@ @@@ # @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ # @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@ # @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@% # @@@@ @@@@@ &@@@@ %@@ # @@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ # @@@@ @@@@@ @ @@@@ @@@ # @@@@ @@@@@ @@ @@@@ @@@ # @@@@@ @@@@@@ #@@ @@@@@ @@@@ # @@@@@ @@@@@, @@@@@@@ # @@@@@ # @@@@@% # @@@@@@ # ,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ # ,/. # YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/hackemslashem # Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/hackemslashem # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Table of Contents # A) Intro and Usage # - Help and resources # - Naming Tricks # B) Per-User and Game-by-Game settings # C) Gameplay settings # - Paranoid confirmation # - Autocomplete # D) Auto-pickup rules # - Autopickup exceptions # E) Keybindings # F) Interface settings # - History settings # G) Status Bar Settings # - status_highlight config # H) MENUCOLOR settings # - BUC colors # - Food Coloring # - Items in use # - Eroded/Cursed items # - Dangerous Items! # - Gem colors # - Empty/Worthless things # - Invocation Items/"oY # - Quest Artifacts # - Misc utility colors # I) MSGTYPE settings # - Mundane messages/spam # - End-Game Spam # - Important stops and alerts # - Critical messages # J) TTY config # K) Curses config # L) Credits, Promo # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A) Intro and Usage # Hi! I'm Erik from hackemslashem, thanks for checking out my nethack config # file. I started playing NetHack around 2008 and maintain the hackemslashem # YouTube channel. Over the years I have tried to collect the best settings for # NetHack and this is the result! # # This rc file has been designed to be as user friendly as possible, with # copious comments to guide you (and me). If you are new to NetHack, I DO NOT # recommmend copying it in full and using it as is. I suggest incorporating one # change at a time and re-evaluating as you go, keeping what feels comfortable # and discarding what doesn't. Or... If you feel lucky, copy the whole thing # and let me know how it feels to walk the dungeon in my shoes! # - Help and resources ## Info on the options # https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Options#Options # http://nethack.org/v343/Guidebook.html#_TOCentry_39 # https://nethack.org/v366/Guidebook.html#toc_9 # - Naming tricks: # Use these in-game to change how something is colored or how we interact it. # Naming items "junk", "empty": colors brown and never autopickup # Naming the Amulet of Yendor anything will highlight it and autopickup. # Naming wands that vanish "vanish" or "van" will color orange (dangerous for BoH) # !!! Important note for autopickup! # I have autopickup for scrolls enabled by default - as a result: # DO NOT WALK OVER THE GUARANTEED SCROLL OF SCARE MONSTER IN SOKOBON! # If you have not identified it or named it "scare monster" or "scare"... # it will autopickup and go to waste. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # B) Per-User, Game-by-Game settings # Set these if you are practicing a specific setup over and over (ie: Chaotic Human Priest) #OPTIONS=name:hackemslashem #OPTIONS=role:wizard #OPTIONS=race:human #OPTIONS=align:neutral #OPTIONS=gender:random OPTIONS=dogname:Spike OPTIONS=catname:Opal OPTIONS=horsename:Octavia # The nameable fruit is always vegan # If you change this, update the MENUCOLOR below so it matches. OPTIONS=fruit:kiwi MENUCOLOR=" kiwi"=lightgreen # Number pad options # 0 = Move by keys (move by letters; 'yuhjklbn') # 1 = move by numbers; digit 5 acts as G movement prefix # 2 = like 1 but 5 works as g prefix instead of as G # 3 = by numbers using phone key layout; 123 above, 789 below # 4 = combines 3 with 2; # -1 = for German keyboards OPTIONS=number_pad:0 # Allow saving and loading bones files. OPTIONS=!bones # Allow mail from other players? OPTIONS=!mail # Read the NetHack news file at start of game, if present. OPTIONS=news ## Conducts/Challenges #OPTIONS=nudist #OPTIONS=blind # Petless #OPTIONS=nopet # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # C) Gameplay settings # These settings directly affect how you interact with the dungeon or the game. # Autoquiver ranged weapons OPTIONS=autoquiver # Autodig if you are wielding a digging tool (usually want this OFF) OPTIONS=!autodig # Auto open doors OPTIONS=autoopen # Travelling: Update map after every step? # (walk goes slow, run goes fast, teleport=instant) OPTIONS=runmode:teleport # Safe-wait: We turn it off because it's annoying when something is next to you and you search. #OPTIONS=!safe_wait # Display piles of items on the floor: # 0=always, 1=never, other value is the size of the threshold. # Note: This might be important for some people. With the autopickup rules, a # lot of items will be picked up so you will have to manually search piles to # find more generic items (ie: gloves) OPTIONS=pile_limit:2 # - Paranoid confirmation ## Require explicit yes for some prompts # attack: confirm attacking a peaceful monster. # pray: Confirm an attempt to pray # quit: confirm quitting the game or switching into non-scoring explore mode # Remove: require selection from inventory for R and T commands # wand-break: Confirm breaking a wand. (NetHack 3.6.2 only) # swim: Prevent walking onto water or lava (unless moving with m) OPTIONS=paranoid_confirmation:attack pray quit Remove swim wand-break # - Autocomplete # Autocomplete these #extended commands # These seem to mess up #chat # AUTOCOMPLETE=zap,pray,force,rub,twoweapon,chat # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # D) Auto-pickup rules OPTIONS=autopickup # Default pickup - Only pickup gold, the slower but safer option #OPTIONS=pickup_types:$ # Speedrunning pickup - Pick up most valuable items # Spellbooks are '+', I leave them out because they are heavy. OPTIONS=pickup_types:$?!="/ # Pickup thrown daggers/arrows/etc. OPTIONS=pickup_thrown # Only show warning when pickup turns us to Stressed (or some other encumberance...) OPTIONS=pickup_burden:S # - Autopickup exceptions # A leading < means always pick up # a leading > means never pick up. # NEVER autopickup Scrolls of scare monster AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">scrolls? (of|called) [Ss]care.*" # Empty/used up AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">.*:0).*" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">.*wand.*(.*:-1).*" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">.* named (empty|junk)" # Junk AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="> stone[^<]*$" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="> gray stone[^<]*$" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="> loadstone[^<]*$" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="> flint[^<]*$" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">.*cheap plastic imitation of the Amulet of Yendor" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">.*worthless piece of.*glass.*" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">.*gem.*glass.*" AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION=">.*rock.*" #AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="> rock[^<]*$" #AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="> glass[^<]*$" # Pick up good food AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="<(lichen|lizard) corpse" #AUTOPICKUP_EXCEPTION="6/orange #OPTIONS=hilite_status:characteristics/>8/brown #OPTIONS=hilite_status:characteristics/>11/yellow #OPTIONS=hilite_status:characteristics/>13/green #OPTIONS=hilite_status:characteristics/>16/cyan #OPTIONS=hilite_status:characteristics/>18/lightblue # Status conditions OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/major-troubles/red OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/stun/orange OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/blind/yellow OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/hallu/magenta OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/deaf/brown OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/lev/cyan OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/fly/lightcyan OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/ride/blue # Others #OPTIONS=hilite_status:gold/always/yellow&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status:gold/up/yellow/down/brown OPTIONS=hilite_status:armor-class/down/cyan/up/red OPTIONS=hilite_status:alignment/lawful/white/neutral/gray/chaotic/black OPTIONS=hilite_status:experience-level/up/lightcyan/down/orange OPTIONS=hilite_status:experience/up/cyan # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # H) MENUCOLOR settings # colors: black / blue / brown / cyan / gray / green / lightblue / lightcyan # lightgreen / lightmagenta / magenta / orange / red / white / yellow # (black is blue or dark gray, depending on "use_darkgray" option) # Enable menucolors. Regular expressions allowed. OPTIONS=menucolors, color # Some random stuff before BUC colors MENUCOLOR=" (potions? (of|called) water|clear potions?)"=blue # - BUC colors MENUCOLOR=" blessed"=cyan MENUCOLOR=" holy"=cyan MENUCOLOR=" cursed"=red MENUCOLOR=" unholy"=red # - Food coloring # Make all corpses brown by default, we'll customize further down... MENUCOLOR=".* corpse"=brown # Make Vegan GREEN & BOLD # (Note: I do not usually concern myself with vegetarian only conduct, so that category is excluded - # however, the options are available and commented out below) MENUCOLOR="food ration"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="cram ration"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="[KC]-ration"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="gunyoki"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="lembas wafer"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" melon"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" carrot"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" oranges?$"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" pears?$"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" apple"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" banana"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" kelp"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" eucalyptus"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" garlic"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" wolfsbane"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" spinach"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="gelatinous cube"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="acid blob"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="quivering blob"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="blue jelly"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="spotted jelly"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="ochre jelly"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="lichen corpse"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="shrieker corpse"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="violet fungus corpse"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="brown mold corpse"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="yellow mold corpse"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="green mold corpse"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="red mold corpse"=lightgreen # Note: Un-green anything blessed that isn't vegan # (because blessed items all will be green) # Vegetarian stuff - vegan is more important for monk/conducts - so we'll brown it. MENUCOLOR=" egg"=brown MENUCOLOR=" pancake"=brown MENUCOLOR=" fortune cookie"=brown MENUCOLOR=" candy bar"=brown MENUCOLOR=" royal jelly"=brown MENUCOLOR=" cream pie"=brown MENUCOLOR=" cheese"=brown MENUCOLOR=" sandwich"=brown MENUCOLOR=" tortilla"=brown MENUCOLOR=" pill"=brown MENUCOLOR="holy wafer"=brown MENUCOLOR="brown pudding"=brown # Note: Black Puddings are not vegetarian. MENUCOLOR="gray ooze"=brown # Non-vegetarian MENUCOLOR=" tripe"=brown MENUCOLOR=" meat"=brown # - Items in use # If an item is wielded, worn, or readied - we'll just bold it. MENUCOLOR="\(weapon in .*\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(wielded.*\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(being worn\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(on (right|left) .*\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(tethered weapon in hand)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(in (quiver|use)\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(at the ready\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR="\(alternate weapon .*\)"=white&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(weapon in .*\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(wielded.*\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(being worn\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(on (right|left) .*\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(in (quiver|use)\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(at the ready\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* \(tethered weapon in hand)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed \(alternate weapon .*\)"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" blessed .* \(weapon in .*\)"=cyan&bold MENUCOLOR=" blessed .* \(wielded.*\)"=cyan&bold MENUCOLOR=" blessed .* \(being worn\)"=cyan&bold MENUCOLOR=" blessed .* \(on (right|left) .*\)"=cyan&bold MENUCOLOR=" blessed .* \(in (quiver|use)\)"=cyan&bold MENUCOLOR=" blessed .* \(at the ready\)"=cyan&bold MENUCOLOR=" blessed .* \(tethered weapon in hand)"=cyan&bold MENUCOLOR=" blessed .* \(alternate weapon .*\)"=cyan&bold # Exceptions - will attack peacefuls/quest leaders. MENUCOLOR=" Stormbringer \((weapon in.*|wielded.*)\)"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR=" Cleaver \((weapon in.*|wielded)\)"=orange&underline # - Eroded/Cursed items # (Adds a bit too much color so disabled for now) # Erosion damage/Negative enchantment #MENUCOLOR="(rusty|corroded|burnt|rotted|-[1-9])"=brown #MENUCOLOR="(rusty|corroded|burnt|rotted|-[1-9]).*(wielded|weapon*|worn|ready|quiver)"=brown&bold # Cursed and corroded we'll go with orange, #MENUCOLOR=" cursed (very|thoroughly|rusty|corroded|burnt|rotted|-[1-9])"=orange #MENUCOLOR=" cursed (very|thoroughly|rusty|corroded|burnt|rotted|-[1-9]).*(wielded|weapon*|worn|ready|quiver)"=orange&bold # - Dangerous Items! # Items that are dangerous to put into Bags of Holding are bold orange: # Bags of Holding, Bags of Tricks, and Wands of Cancellation. # Note: BoT and /oC that do not have charges are not a risk and are colored as empty. MENUCOLOR=" wand of [Cc]ancel.*"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR=" wand called [Cc]ancel.*"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR=" bag .* tricks"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR=" [Hh]olding"=orange&underline # Mark every unknown wand as potentially dangerous # (this is also a non-subtle reminder to identify these wands ASAP as well) MENUCOLOR="aluminum wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="balsa wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="brass wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="copper wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="crystal wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="curved wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="ebony wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="forked wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="glass wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="hexagonal wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="iridium wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="iron wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="jeweled wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="long wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="maple wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="marble wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="oak wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="pine wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="platinum wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="runed wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="short wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="silver wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="spiked wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="steel wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="tin wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="uranium wand"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="zinc wand"=orange&underline # Mark wands that "vanish" test as potentially dangerous MENUCOLOR=" van(.*)"=orange&bold # Optional: Exclude the main bag of holding that has contents MENUCOLOR=" bag of [Hh]olding containing"=gray MENUCOLOR=" blessed bag of [Hh]olding containing"=cyan # Footrice MENUCOLOR=" c(o|hi)ckatrice (corpse|egg)"=yellow&bold # Highlight the F*** out of wielding footrice! # This is the only thing highlight in this file, but well worth it. MENUCOLOR=" c(o|hi)ckatrice (corpse|egg) \(wielded.*\)"=yellow&inverse # Take caution with these.... MENUCOLOR=" cursed.* unicorn horn"=red&underline MENUCOLOR=" cursed.* luck(stone)?($| )"=red&underline MENUCOLOR="(loadstone|load stone)"=red&underline # - Empty/Worthless things. # Note: An empty bag of tricks will not blow up a BoH, nor will an uncharged /oCancellation MENUCOLOR=" empty"=black&dim MENUCOLOR="\(.*:0\).*"=black&dim MENUCOLOR=" (worthless|cheap|junk)"=black&dim MENUCOLOR=" (stones?$|rocks?$|iron chain)"=black&dim MENUCOLOR=" flint"=black # - Gem colors # The ?$ serves to block other sapphire items from getting colored, and # requires that "sapphire" be at the end of the line. MENUCOLOR=" agate stone"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" amber stone"=brown&bold MENUCOLOR=" amethyst stones?"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR=" aquamarine stone"=cyan&bold MENUCOLOR=" citrine stone"=yellow&bold MENUCOLOR=" chrysoberyl"=yellow&bold MENUCOLOR=" dilithium"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR=" diamonds?$"=white&bold MENUCOLOR=" emeralds?$"=green&bold MENUCOLOR=" fluorite stones?"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR=" garnet"=red MENUCOLOR=" jacinth stones?"=orange&bold MENUCOLOR=" jasper stone"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" jade stone"=green MENUCOLOR=" jet stone"=white&bold MENUCOLOR=" obsidian stone"=blue&dim MENUCOLOR=" opals?$"=white&bold MENUCOLOR=" ruby$"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" rubies"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" sapphires?$"=lightblue&bold MENUCOLOR=" topaz stone"=brown&bold MENUCOLOR=" turquoise stone"=cyan&bold # Unknown gems are just dull MENUCOLOR=" black gem"=black MENUCOLOR=" blue gem"=lightblue&dim MENUCOLOR=" green gem"=green&dim MENUCOLOR=" orange gem"=orange&dim MENUCOLOR=" red gem"=red&dim MENUCOLOR=" turquoise gem"=cyan&dim MENUCOLOR=" violet gem"=magenta&dim MENUCOLOR=" white gem"=white&dim MENUCOLOR=" brown gem"=brown MENUCOLOR=" yellow gem"=yellow&dim # Money! MENUCOLOR=" gold piece"=yellow # - Invocation items/"oY # Important: Blinking is annoying, but we'll know if it gets stolen... MENUCOLOR=" Amulet of Yendor named.*"=magenta&inverse MENUCOLOR="(Bell of Opening|silver bell|[Cc]andelabrum|Book of the Dead|papyrus spellbook)"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed.* (Bell of Opening|silver bell|[Cc]andelabrum|Book of the Dead|papyrus spellbook)"=orange&bold # - Quest Artifacts # Coloring is mostly to remind us we can #invoke them! MENUCOLOR="Orb of Detection"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Heart of Ahriman"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Sceptre of Might"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Staff of Aesculapius"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Magic Mirror of Merlin"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Eyes of the Overworld"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Mitre of Holiness"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Longbow of Diana"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Master Key of Thievery"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Tsurugi of Muramasa"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Platinum Yendorian Express Card"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Orb of Fate"=magenta MENUCOLOR="Eye of the Aethiopica"=magenta # Wielded/worn quest artifacts MENUCOLOR="Sceptre of Might \(weapon in .*\)"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR="Staff of Aesculapius \(weapon in .*\)"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR="Eyes of the Overworld \(being worn\)"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR="Mitre of Holiness \(being worn\)"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR="Longbow of Diana"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR="Tsurugi of Muramasa \(weapon in .*\)"=magenta&bold MENUCOLOR="Eye of the Aethiopica \(being worn\)"=magenta&bold # - Misc utility colors # Color the Scroll of Scare Monster so we don't accidentally pickup or drop MENUCOLOR="scrolls? (of|called) scare monster"=orange&underline # Color unknown gray stones orange so we don't accidentally pickup # (or takeout of a box) MENUCOLOR=" gray stone"=orange&underline # Reminder not to drop cryknife! MENUCOLOR=" crysknife "=white&underline MENUCOLOR=" blessed.*crysknife "=lightcyan&underline MENUCOLOR=" cursed.*crysknife "=red&underline # Light sources that are being used stand out. MENUCOLOR=" \(lit\)"=yellow&bold MENUCOLOR= (dimly|brightly|brilliantly) lit=yellow&bold # Highlight unpaid items MENUCOLOR="unpaid"=white&underline MENUCOLOR="(no charge)"=green&inverse # Quick-fix patches - so other parts of the game(menus) are not colored. MENUCOLOR="(Look inside|stash one)"=gray # Adjust the overview so each level line is not highlighted # Note: This does not work, maybe there is another workaround? #MENUCOLOR="Level \d:"=white&underline # Spellcasting success rates. # Green is good - means we can reliably cast the spell 0-9% MENUCOLOR=" 0% "=lightgreen MENUCOLOR=" [1-9]% "=green # yellow is 10-49% MENUCOLOR=" [1-4][0-9]% "=yellow # Orange is getting pretty rough, 50-89% MENUCOLOR=" [5-8][0-9]% "=orange # Red is bad 90-100% MENUCOLOR=" 9[0-9]% "=red MENUCOLOR=" 100% "=red # Forgotten spells MENUCOLOR=" \(gone\)"=red # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # I) MSGTYPE settings # - Mundane messages/spam # We hold these messages to be self-evident! MSGTYPE=hide "(Aloha|Salutations|Konnichi wa|Velkommen|Hallo) .*" #MSGTYPE=hide "welcome to NetHack!" MSGTYPE=hide "Restoring save file..." #noobhack MSGTYPE=norep "You see here a .*" MSGTYPE=norep "You see here an .*" #MSGTYPE=hide "You drop .*" MSGTYPE=hide "You swap places with .*" MSGTYPE=hide "You descend .*" MSGTYPE=hide "You (climb|fly) (up|down) .*" MSGTYPE=hide "With great effort you move the boulder." MSGTYPE=hide "Perhaps that's why you cannot move it." MSGTYPE=hide "You cannot drop something you are wearing." MSGTYPE=hide "You have a little trouble removing .*" MSGTYPE=hide "Your movements are now unencumbered." MSGTYPE=hide "You feel full of energy" MSGTYPE=hide "You are in full health" MSGTYPE=hide "Your vision quickly clears." MSGTYPE=hide "Your .* .* not affected." # unaffected equipment # New 'appears' messages in 3.7.0 MSGTYPE=hide "The .* appears next to you!" MSGTYPE=hide "The .* vanishes and reappears next to you!" MSGTYPE=hide "An? .* suddenly appears.*" MSGTYPE=hide "An? .* suddenly appears next to you!" # Stash and container spam # caution when typing fast -- the suppressed msg may catch the keystroke intended for the actual loot menu MSGTYPE=hide "You put .* into the .*" MSGTYPE=hide "You cannot stash something you are wearing." MSGTYPE=hide "You carefully open the .*" MSGTYPE=hide "You open the .*" # Shop spam MSGTYPE=hide "For you, .*" MSGTYPE=hide "You bought .*" MSGTYPE=hide "Thank you for shopping in .*" # Altar spam MSGTYPE=hide ".* land on the altar." MSGTYPE=hide ".* lands on the altar." MSGTYPE=hide "There is a black flash as .*" MSGTYPE=hide "There is an amber flash as .*" MSGTYPE=hide "Something is engraved here on the headstone." # Nursedancing MSGTYPE=hide ".*(I hope you don't mind.) # For when you are poly'd into a flayer MSGTYPE=hide "Your tentacles suck the .*" # spam: artifacts #MSGTYPE=hide "The fiery blade .*" # Fire Brand #MSGTYPE=hide "The ice-cold blade .*" # Frost Brand #MSGTYPE=hide "The magic-absorbing blade .*!" # Magicbane #MSGTYPE=hide "The massive hammer hits.*" # Mjollnir #MSGTYPE=hide ".* draws the life from .*!" # Staff of Aesculapius / Stormbringer #MSGTYPE=hide ".* begins to glow brilliantly!" # Sunsword (wielding) #MSGTYPE=hide ".* stops glowing." # Sunsword (unwielding) # spam: displacement/invisibility MSGTYPE=hide ".* tries to touch you and misses!" MSGTYPE=hide ".* .* wildly and misses!" MSGTYPE=hide ".* attacks a spot beside you." MSGTYPE=hide ".* strikes at empty water!" MSGTYPE=hide ".* strikes at thin air!" MSGTYPE=hide ".* .* wildly!" MSGTYPE=hide ".* smiles .* at your .*displaced image..." MSGTYPE=hide ".* strikes at your .*displaced image and misses you!" MSGTYPE=hide ".* reaches towards your distorted image." MSGTYPE=hide ".* is fooled by water reflections and misses!" # -End-Game Spam # If you have conflict, these messages will overrun the history... # TODO: Find more spam to cut. #MSGTYPE=hide ".*sears the.*" MSGTYPE=hide "The .* touches the .*" MSGTYPE=hide "The .* (butts|squeezes|stings|swallows) (the|it)" MSGTYPE=hide "The .* is regurgitated!" MSGTYPE=hide "The .* is jolted with electricity!" MSGTYPE=hide "The .* is covered in frost!" MSGTYPE=hide "The .* points at you, then curses." MSGTYPE=hide "The .* swings (his|her).*" MSGTYPE=hide ".* ghost (hits|misses) the .*" MSGTYPE=hide ".* ghost misses you." MSGTYPE=hide "The frost doesn't seem to chill the .*" MSGTYPE=hide "The poison doesn't seem to affect (the|it) .*" MSGTYPE=hide "The fire doesn't seem to burn the .*!" MSGTYPE=hide "The air crackles around the .*" MSGTYPE=hide "The .* is mildly warmed." MSGTYPE=hide "The .* is already on fire!" MSGTYPE=hide "The .* coughs!" MSGTYPE=hide "The Book of the Dead .*" # - Important stops and alerts # stop: always prompt for -more-. # alert: forces you to press Tab to continue - Used for game-critical messages. ## Don't miss #enhance! MSGTYPE=alert "You feel more confident *" ## Warn when Zapping an empty wand (disable if wresting). MSGTYPE=stop "Nothing happens." ## Don't speed past wrest message when wresting MSGTYPE=alert "You wrest .*" # Help finding the vibrating square MSGTYPE=stop "You feel a strange vibration .*" #MSGTYPE=stop "You feel a strange vibration under your *." #MSGTYPE=stop "You feel a strange vibration beneath you." MSGTYPE=stop "You see a strange vibration under *." MSGTYPE=stop "You find a vibrating square." # Stop us from moving when we hit a mean/unfair trap MSGTYPE=stop "You find a polymorph trap." MSGTYPE=alert "You are momentarily blinded by a flash of light!?" MSGTYPE=alert "You materialize in a different location!" MSGTYPE=alert "A trap door opens up under you!" MSGTYPE=alert "You feel dizzy for a moment, but the sensation passes." ## Hunger MSGTYPE=stop "You feel hungry." MSGTYPE=stop "You are beginning to feel hungry." MSGTYPE=stop "You feel weak.*" MSGTYPE=stop "Ulch - that .* was tainted.*!" ## Hunger (while hallucinating) MSGTYPE=stop "You are getting the munchies." MSGTYPE=stop "You still have the munchies." MSGTYPE=stop "The munchies are interfering with your motor capabilities." MSGTYPE=stop "You now have a lesser case of the munchies." # - Critical messages ## Drowning MSGTYPE=alert "The .* (grabs|swings itself around) you!" ## Sliming MSGTYPE=alert "You don't feel very well." MSGTYPE=alert "Your limbs are getting oozy." MSGTYPE=alert "Your skin begins to peel away." MSGTYPE=alert "You are turning .*" ## Stoning MSGTYPE=alert "The .* (picks up|wields) a c(o|hi)ckatrice (corpse|egg)" MSGTYPE=alert " hits you with the (cockatrice|chickatrice) corpse." MSGTYPE=alert "You are slowing down." MSGTYPE=alert "Your limbs are stiffening." #MSGTYPE=stop "You see here a cockatrice corpse." #MSGTYPE=stop "You see here a chickatrice corpse." ## Strangulation MSGTYPE=alert "It constricts your throat!" MSGTYPE=alert "You find it hard to breathe." MSGTYPE=alert "You're (gasping for air|turning blue)." MSGTYPE=alert "You can no longer breathe." ## Terminal illness, lycanthropy MSGTYPE=alert "You feel (deathly sick|feverish)." MSGTYPE=alert "You feel (much|even) worse." MSGTYPE=alert " reaches out, and you feel fever and chills." MSGTYPE=alert " reaches out, and your body shrivels." ## Beheading MSGTYPE=stop ".*Vorpal Blade.*" MSGTYPE=stop ".*The Tsurugi of Muramasa.*" ## Near-death MSGTYPE=alert "You hear the howling of the CwnAnnwn..." MSGTYPE=alert ", your life force is running out" MSGTYPE=alert ", all your powers will be lost..." MSGTYPE=alert "You hear the wailing of the Banshee..." MSGTYPE=stop "(Wizard|Elf|Valkyrie) is about to die." ## Loss MSGTYPE=alert "You slow down." MSGTYPE=alert " yourself slowing down" MSGTYPE=alert "You (seem|feel) slower." MSGTYPE=alert "You feel slow!" MSGTYPE=alert "Your quickness feels less natural." MSGTYPE=alert "The shimmering globe around you is starting to fade." MSGTYPE=alert "The shimmering globe around you flickers and vanishes." MSGTYPE=stop "Your wielded * rots away." #MSGTYPE=alert "You caitiff!" # knight's code of conduct MSGTYPE=stop "Your .* (rusts|corrodes|smoulders)!" ## Levitation MSGTYPE=alert "You crash to the floor!" MSGTYPE=alert "You float gently to the ground." MSGTYPE=alert "Bummer! You've hit the ground." MSGTYPE=alert "You float slightly lower." ## Failure MSGTYPE=stop "You fail to cast the spell correctly." MSGTYPE=stop "You don't have enough energy to cast that spell." # lack of Pw ## Level drain MSGTYPE=stop "Goodbye level .*." # default MSGTYPE=stop "Fare thee well level .*." # knight MSGTYPE=stop "Sayonara level .*." # samurai MSGTYPE=stop "Aloha level .*." # tourist MSGTYPE=stop "Farvel level .*." # valkyrie ## Theft MSGTYPE=alert " chuckles." MSGTYPE=alert " steals.**" MSGTYPE=alert " stole.**" MSGTYPE=stop ".* flicks a bullwhip towards your .*!" MSGTYPE=stop ".* wraps around .* you're wielding!" MSGTYPE=alert ".* yanks .* from your .*!" MSGTYPE=alert ".* yanks .* to the .*!" MSGTYPE=alert ".* snatches .*!" ## Starving MSGTYPE=stop " needs food, badly!" MSGTYPE=alert "You faint from lack of food." MSGTYPE=alert "You are beginning to feel weak." MSGTYPE=alert "Wizard needs food, badly!" MSGTYPE=alert "Valkyrie needs food, badly!" ## Endgame/Baddies MSGTYPE=alert ".* snatches .*!" MSGTYPE=alert "So thou thought thou couldst kill me, fool." MSGTYPE=alert "Double Trouble..." MSGTYPE=alert "You feel a malignant aura surround *" MSGTYPE=stop "(Demogorgon|Dispater|Yeenoghu|Geryon) appears *" # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # J) TTY config # Speed up the game in TTY - not sure if this affects curses interface. OPTIONS=!timed_delay # Change symbols SYMBOLS=S_ghost:X SYMBOLS=S_golem:8 SYMBOLS=S_lava:~ SYMBOLS=S_pool:~ SYMBOLS=S_water:~ SYMBOLS=S_sink:# OPTIONS=boulder:0 # These might be useful for certain setups, but not curses. #SYMBOLS=S_fountain:\xf4 #SYMBOLS=S_tree:\xf1 #SYMBOLS=S_bars:\xf0 # Use bold black instead of blue for black glyphs (TTY only). Boolean option. OPTIONS=use_darkgray # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # K) Curses config # Curses UI is available on this build. Example settings (uncomment OPTIONS=windowtype:curses to enable) # All Curses UI settings are commented out ################## # Curses Settings ################## # default values in parentheses OPTIONS=windowtype:tty OPTIONS=IBMgraphics # Enable curses windowport (false) #OPTIONS=windowtype:curses # To use new NH4-style status window (true) # set !classic_status # Not yet implemented in 3.6.1 #OPTIONS=classic_status # Window borders (3) # 1 - always draw borders # 2 - never draw borders # 3 - draw borders if terminal is big enough #OPTIONS=windowborders:3 # Set terminal window for same dimensions # Adjust these variables to your liking #OPTIONS=term_cols:124 #OPTIONS=term_rows:32 # Pet highlighting OPTIONS=petattr:i # display detected monsters in highlighted manner OPTIONS=use_inverse # use colour in non-map areas (true) #OPTIONS=guicolor # Display inventory window permanently on right of screen (false) OPTIONS=perm_invent # Window alignment (msg:top, status:bottom) # note: align_status:left/right displays a more verbose window, arranged vertically # this is only partially implemented in 3.6.1 and is buggy # it will be fixed soon #OPTIONS=align_message:top #OPTIONS=align_status:bottom # End of Curses settings ################## # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # X) Other/Misc Config # What info to present at the end of the game. # i - disclose your inventory # a - disclose your attributes # v - summarize monsters you've killed # g - list genocided monsters # c - display conduct # o - display dungeon overview # Prefixes: # y/n - prompt, default to yes/no # + - disclose without prompting # - - don't disclose, don't prompt #OPTIONS=disclose: # Score info at end of game #OPTIONS=scores:10 top/0 around/ # Prints an ASCII tombstone when you die. OPTIONS=tombstone # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # L) Credits # hothraxxa: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/h/hothraxxa/nethack/hothraxxa.nhrc # Luxidream: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/L/Luxidream/nethack/Luxidream.nhrc # girldrinkdrunk # antigulp: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/a/antigulp/nethack/antigulp.nhrc # ToneHack: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/T/ToneHack/nethack/ToneHack.nhrc # Eidolos: https://alt.org/nethack/userdata/E/Eidolos/Eidolos.nh343rc # itsblah: https://alt.org/nethack/userdata/i/itsblah/itsblah.nh343rc # FIQ: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/F/FIQ/nethack/FIQ.nhrc # # There are many others I copied/stole settings from over the years, can't remember them all but thanks! # Todo: # TODO: Settings for death - scores/top ten etc # TODO: Settings for mouse usage # TODO: Test in Windows # TODO: Test TTY settings # TODO: Test in different terminals # Version history # 1.0: ~Beginnig of 2022 # Formatted with TOC, tested most colors. # Comments for everything # Trial testing bold colors for in-use items # Fine tuned Gem colors # Disabled vegetarian colors, just focused on vegan # Magenta for quest/invocation items # Created colors for corrosion/negative enchantment # Alert colors for wielding Stormbringer/Cleaver (b/c of new behavior) # Autopickup for most useful food/items # Stops and alerts for important messages/situations # # 1.1 (2/13/22): Imported some stuff from antigulp's # Gem colors # Double Trouple alert, and nasty demon "appears" alert. # detecting VS messages # 1.2 (2/15/22): Imported some stuff from FIQ's # Added a section for help, and more info on Options # Added disclose settings # Added packorder setting # Added magical tool autopickup # Added all available MENUCOLORS # Added bullwhip snatching and level drain alerts # Imported artifact spam and displacement/inv spam msgtypes # 2.0 (4/15/22) - Imported tweaks from Slash'EM # Imported autopickup rules for only picking up unknown items or premium items # Changed the junk color from light brown to dim black # Updated gem colors to not use black (black is only for worthless/empty stuff) # Updated wielding/wearing colors to include secondary quivered/tethered/ready weapons. # Added underlining for crysknife