# consult oracle # evil slash'em: # gremlins # services # brewing # upgrade # vapour ID (?) # gem alchemy # arc! usl nec? jedi? # illit cav # tou, wiz # masks poly/degrade # wands backfire # poison edged! # DS: YW shim # dragons digest/roar/sleep #deaf, hallucinating OPTIONS=!legacy, vt_tiledata OPTIONS=!autodig, !cmdassist, extmenu, force_invmenu, hitpointbar, !implicit_uncursed OPTIONS=invweight, perm_invent, !silent, standout, !tombstone, toptenwin OPTIONS=msghistory:200, disclose: yi na #v ng nc +o, msg_window:full OPTIONS=mouse_support:2, number_pad:2, paranoid_confirmation:All OPTIONS=pickup_types:$?!/, runmode:walk, scores:t 2a o, roguesymset:plain, whatis_coord:compass OPTIONS=!bloodless #realtime:play, realtime_format:units, #bloodless? mention_walls # para: attack Were-change pray Remove swim # at https://www.hardfought.org/nethack/rcedit # Examples of common defaults: #OPTIONS=showexp,showscore,time,color,!autopickup #OPTIONS=autodig,fruit:slime mold,boulder:0 # objects in inventory can display their weight (uncomment to enable) #OPTIONS=invweight # statushilites is a popular option for 3.6.x based variants - some common settings: #OPTIONS=statushilites OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints-max/green&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints/100%/green&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints/<100%/lightgreen&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints/<76%/yellow&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints/<51%/orange&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints/<26%/red&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints/<11%/black&normal # Curses UI is available on this build. Example settings (uncomment OPTIONS=windowtype:curses to enable) # All Curses UI settings are commented out ################## # Curses Settings ################## # default values in parentheses # Enable curses windowport (false) OPTIONS=windowtype:curses # Enable two or three statuslines at the bottom (80x25 terminal size for statuslines:3) #OPTIONS=statuslines:2 # Window borders (3) # 1 - always draw borders # 2 - never draw borders # 3 - draw borders if terminal is big enough #OPTIONS=windowborders:3 # Set terminal window for same dimensions # Adjust these variables to your liking #OPTIONS=term_cols:120 #OPTIONS=term_rows:32 # Attributes for pet highlighting (???) # [i]talics (or is it inverse?) # [u]nderline # [b]old # possibly others #OPTIONS=petattr:u # use colour in non-map areas (true) #OPTIONS=guicolor # Display inventory window permanently on right of screen (false) #OPTIONS=perm_invent # Window alignment (msg:top, status:bottom) # note: align_status:left/right displays a more verbose window, arranged vertically # this is only partially implemented in 3.6.1 and is buggy # it will be fixed soon #OPTIONS=align_message:top #OPTIONS=align_status:bottom # Settings not specific to curses that you will want to use. #OPTIONS=hitpointbar #OPTIONS=menucolors # End of Curses settings ##################