jt, chaotic male elven Anachrononaut } } [[ ?[ ------------ %%%% ...^ ..}#}}#L [D[ }|...|...| .. . /%%%%% ..<... #....#..#}}}# @#. .#..}}--.---.---.---.--. %%%% % ... .....#....^.}# dggT.#......}}....................#. # . #....#.(.`.[...........}}..#.........#.....@..% .. ## .#....#.....#}# #..#.....#}}#.........o.(...#... ..... .. # ....#...^.#...}}# ....#T#}}.}...((#....o.......###....@...... # ....%%. ....#..(..}#}}}# ## # .}.}.}...........#...# #.......#........---- .... .. #.. ...}}}}}}}}}}}}##%.#.}#......#...o...#...............#.....| .#...# }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}.# ## # ..........## #o....!........@..---- }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}.}}}}}}}..#........#oo..........#......... }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}..........}}}.}}}}}}}}}}`}....# #.....#@.(...........-- ................}...............}}}}}}}}}.}.}.} ..........%.......#..@. ----------------........^..%%.......}}}}.}.}.}}}}o}.............#......- [? ?![ ? |^...............`......`}@}}}}}}.}.}.}....#.............. ![ ! |...^......----...... ... }}}.}.}o}o}}.................--- [?[) [ |...........`^`## }^.}.}.}.}..#......#............ ? !$! ( .....|^# ......... }}}}}}}} ............#....--- ) ? ) ----........... }}}}}} ............ #))) - * ( # }}}} )))) Jt the Trooper St:18 Dx:16 Co:15 In:17 Wi:7 Ch:10 Chaotic S:124267 Dlvl:27 $:0 HP:0(98) Pw:67(67) Br:5 AC:1 Xp:13/28026 T:5933 Your inventory Weapons a - a cursed -2 raygun (7:5) (disintegrate) o - a cursed -1 silver two-headed viperwhip (weapon in hand) p - a cursed +0 silver saber (alternate weapon; not wielded) B - the cursed +0 Grimtooth Armor c - a cursed +5 jumpsuit (being worn) d - an uncursed +0 pair of jumping boots (being worn) r - an uncursed thoroughly burnt +1 elven cloak (being worn) s - a cursed +0 shield of reflection T - a cursed +0 golden tiara of telepathy (being worn) Y - a cursed very burnt -1 leather pair of gloves (being worn) Wands m - a cursed wand of striking (0:3) n - a cursed wand of fire (0:0) E - a wand of make invisible (0:6) S - a cursed wand of lightning (0:0) Tools b - a sensor pack (0:24) g - a cursed hypospray i - a cursed full healing ampule (1 doses) j - an uncursed bag of holding l - an uncursed magic whistle O - an uncursed tooled horn Contents of the bag of holding: 2695 gold pieces 13 +0 bullets an uncursed +0 sedge hat an uncursed +0 helmet an uncursed pear an uncursed fortune cookie 10 uncursed lumps of royal jelly a cursed raven egg an uncursed sprig of wolfsbane 2 uncursed fortune cookies an uncursed tripe ration an uncursed tin of tengu meat an uncursed slime mold 2 uncursed eggs 3 uncursed lembas wafers an uncursed scroll of identify an uncursed scroll of food detection an uncursed scroll of blank paper a blessed scroll of antimagic an uncursed scroll of cartouche of the Cat Lord 2 uncursed scrolls of create monster an uncursed scroll of elder elemental eye 3 uncursed scrolls of teleportation an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon a cursed scroll of punishment a blessed scroll of teleportation a blessed scroll of blank paper a cursed scroll of earth 2 uncursed scrolls of blank paper a cursed scroll of identify 2 uncursed scrolls of earth an uncursed spellbook of detect unseen an uncursed potion of black dragon blood a cursed potion of extra healing an uncursed potion of object detection an uncursed potion of full healing 2 uncursed potions of fire ant blood an uncursed potion of golden naga blood an uncursed potion of speed an uncursed potion of healing a cursed potion of booze an uncursed potion of confusion an uncursed diluted potion of object detection an uncursed potion of giant spider blood an uncursed potion of tengu blood an uncursed engraved -1 ring of increase damage an uncursed ring of searching an uncursed ring of conflict an uncursed -2 ring of adornment an uncursed ring of cold resistance a wand of digging (0:4) a wand of create monster (0:10) a wand of digging (0:4) a wand of speed monster (0:4) a wand of speed monster (0:7) a wand of magic missile (0:3) a wand of magic missile (0:7) a wand of light (0:10) an uncursed polymorph ampule (4 doses) an uncursed hallucination ampule (15 doses) an uncursed tin opener a tinning kit (0:87) an uncursed leather drum an uncursed mirror an uncursed worthless piece of white glass 2 uncursed worthless pieces of orange glass 3 uncursed green fluorite stones an uncursed magicite crystal Final attributes You were piously aligned Your alignment was 39 You carried 0 sins You had a hod wantedness of 0 You had a gevurah wantedness of 0 You had a chokhmah wantedness of 0 You had 0 weakness from being studied You were disintegration-resistant You were sleep resistant You saw invisible You were telepathic You were aware of the presence of something You had a carrying capacity of 28 remaining You had 439 points of nutrition remaining You were stealthy You could jump You were fast You had reflection You are dead Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - identify 3 divination 91% Vanquished creatures a black dragon 2 demiliches The Oracle a lich 2 maids 2 deminymphs a frost giant an ettin a golden naga a black pudding 3 vampires 2 ghosts a healer a rogue a queen bee 3 giant mimics a swamp nymph a yuki-onna a fire giant an umber hulk a tiger 2 air elementals 2 earth elementals a hill giant a giant mummy 2 black nagas 3 xorns 4 small mimics a xan an ettin mummy 2 ogre lords a wererat a werewolf 2 electric eels a dreadblossom swarm 2 freezing spheres 3 flaming spheres 2 shocking spheres 2 tengu a raven an elf mummy a human mummy a drow mummy a red naga 2 wraiths a crocodile a giant beetle a cockatrice 4 wolves 2 quinons a grimlock 2 gremlins a leprechaun a naiad an iron piercer 4 giant spiders 3 metroids a horse an ice vortex a gnome king an orc mummy an ogre 2 brown puddings 5 rust monsters 19 skeletal pirates a piranha 3 giant eels 2 weeping willows a chickatrice 2 dogs 5 quatons a dwarf lord a dwarf cleric a blue jelly a dust vortex a baby long worm 2 crows 3 gnome mummies a snake a rope golem a garo 17 fire ants 8 tritons 3 imps a quasit 9 dryads an Uruk-hai an orc shaman 14 ponies a fog cloud a shrieker 2 gnome ladies a tinker gnome 2 gnomish wizards 2 golden naga hatchlings a guardian naga hatchling 3 straw golems a paper golem a jellyfish a floating eye 7 dutons 2 dwarves a homunculus a kobold lord 3 kobold shamans a hill orc a giant bat 12 parrots 5 monkeys an iguana 42 killer bees a gas spore 6 monotons 2 hobgoblins 5 giant rats a cave spider 2 brown molds 2 yellow molds a green mold a gnome 6 garter snakes 2 geckos a jackal a fox 2 kobolds 3 sewer rats a grid bug a clockwork dwarf 5 newts 338 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You never changed form You used no wishes You never paid a shopkeeper to identify an item You never magically identified an item Your skills at the end Fighting Skills martial arts [Basic] Weapon Skills saber [Basic] firearms [Basic] whip [Skilled] Spellcasting Skills (none) Latest messages What do you want to zap? [mnES or ?*] In what direction? The drawbridge collapses into the moat! The freezing sphere is blown apart by flying debris. You kill the freezing sphere! The wand hits the hill orc! The wand hits the winter wolf! You see here a harp. You hear some noises in the distance. In what direction? That is a squeaky board. You see here a harp. You have a little trouble lifting J - a harp. Your movements are slowed slightly because of your load. The winter wolf breathes frost! The moat is bridged with ice! The blast of frost hits you! But it reflects from your armor! What do you want to drop? [a-dgijl-prsBEJOSTY or ?*] You drop a harp. Your movements are now unencumbered. In what direction? That is a squeaky board. You see here a harp. Specify unknown object by cursor? [ynq] (q) Please move the cursor to an unknown object. (For instructions type a ?) Pick an object. More info? [yn] (n) Pick an object. Pick an object. More info? [yn] (n) Pick an object. Pick an object. Pick an object. Pick an object. The demilich casts a spell at you! You are surrounded by darkness! The hill orc swings his war hammer at the demilich. The hill orc misses the demilich. The demilich touches the hill orc. The hill orc is covered in frost! The air crackles around the demilich. The blast of frost hits the demilich. The hill orc is killed by the blast of frost! The blast of frost whizzes by you! The blast of frost hits the demilich. The blast of frost hits you! But it reflects from your armor! The demilich casts a spell at you! A boulder drops out of the ceiling and hits you! Fortunately, you are wearing a hard helmet. The blast of frost hits the demilich. The blast of frost hits you! But it reflects from your armor! The silver two-headed viperwhip is ineffective against the demilich. You hit the demilich. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich casts a spell at you! A shocking sphere is created! You hit the demilich. You hit the demilich. The shocking sphere explodes! You duck some of the blast. Your wand of striking shoots a spray of sparks! The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich casts a spell at you! A heavy iron ball drops out of nowhere and hits you! Fortunately, you are wearing a hard helmet. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. You hit the demilich. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich casts a spell at you! A flaming sphere is created! You hit the demilich. The flaming sphere explodes! You duck some of the blast. The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. You hit the demilich. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich casts a spell at you! You feel as if you need some help. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich casts a spell at you! You are surrounded by darkness! You hit the demilich. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich casts a spell at you! Your silver two-headed viperwhip has been damaged! You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich casts a spell at you! Your silver two-headed viperwhip shudders for a moment. You hit the demilich. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich casts a spell at you! You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. The winter wolf breathes frost! The blast of frost hits the demilich. The blast of frost hits you! But it reflects from your armor! The blast of frost hits the demilich. You hit the demilich. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich casts a spell at you! You feel as if you need some help. The winter wolf breathes frost! The blast of frost hits the demilich. The blast of frost hits you! But it reflects from your armor! The blast of frost hits the demilich. The blast of frost hits the winter wolf. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. You hit the demilich. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich casts a spell at you! A flaming sphere is created! The winter wolf breathes frost! The blast of frost hits the demilich. The blast of frost hits you! But it reflects from your armor! The blast of frost hits the demilich. The blast of frost hits the winter wolf. You hit the demilich. The flaming sphere explodes! You duck some of the blast. The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. You hit the demilich. The demilich turns to flee! You hit the demilich. The demilich casts a spell at you! The demilich casts a spell at you! The winter wolf bites! The winter wolf bites! You hit the demilich. The demilich casts a spell at you! You feel as if you need some help. The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. You hit the demilich. The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. You hit the demilich. The demilich casts a spell! Monsters appear from nowhere! The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. The winter wolf bites! You hit the demilich. The gremlin hits! The gremlin misses. The gremlin bites! The gremlin misses. The winged gargoyle drinks a potion of speed! The winged gargoyle is suddenly moving faster. The demilich touches you! The demilich points at you, then curses. The winter wolf bites! You hit the demilich. The gremlin hits! The gremlin hits! The gremlin bites! The gremlin hits! The winged gargoyle hits! The winged gargoyle hits! You die... Goodbye jt the Anachrononaut... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 27 with 123998 points, and 2695 pieces of gold, after 5933 moves. Killer: winged gargoyle You were level 13 with a maximum of 98 hit points when you died. You reached the 11th place on the top 2000 list. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 1999666 tubs-Brd-Hlf-Mal-Cha died in Gehennom on level 36. Killed by Dagon. - [478] 2 1184863 tubs-Bin-Hlf-Fem-Non quit in Neutral Quest on level 20. 261 [261] 3 930062 tubs-Pri-Inc-Fem-Law turned to stone in The Dungeons of Doom on level 21 [max 23]. Petrified by Medusa. 167 [167] *11 123998 jt-Ana-Elf-Mal-Cha died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 27 [max 28]. Killed by a winged gargoyle. - [98]