k3ut1i, non-aligned female orcish Binder Playing dNetHack v3.23.0 (dNAO git ee899478), last build 2024-05-29 11:27:27. 7 77 7--------- 7 |######7|H - |#.....#| ----- 7 # |#.._..#| |### 7#-- -------- 7K|#.....#| - --##--------- #####|7#7-- --#####K#- | |###.###| | ####-- --KA#|###{7##| 7 ...).7|#7##---####.####- |#K----)---- #| ##.K##K---))##|#.....#| @ ..o....7#K#K$#&A#..)####||#############| ##.))L##t.7))##...._..#| 7 K....#|7###---##K#.))##- ---#7#7#####--- ##)%?##7---)###|#.K...#| w #####|7#7- --#7#[##*-- -----|----- ###))##-- --###|#@#####| 7 K ---- ----)---- -###)## ---.---- --##--------- K # |#&#------- ####7## ------###| |### T 7 - |./##0####|7 #7...# |#####[##.| ----- -------###-- ###.## --###------- |.###-- #7### --##).| -###----|----##7--- ###K)##K#######| .#7####A##K&.-- ----------- K3ut1i the Gnostikos St:25 Dx:25 Co:25 In:16 Wi:16 Ch:17 Gnostic S:5161590 Astral Plane $:0 HP:876(876) Pw:185(185) Br:8 AC:-23 DR:18 Xp:30/1494950 T:31932 Satiated Your inventory Amulets l - an uncursed silver amulet versus curses (being worn) {22} Weapons a - the blessed +10 shining silver Pen of the Void {11} b - the blessed +9 wrathful rushing Amalgamated Skies (weapon in hands) {300} c - a blessed small +10 circular mithril isamusei {28} Armor n - a blessed fireproof +5 plain dress (being worn) {5} r - a blessed greased +3 Leo Nemaeus hide (being worn) {60} v - an uncursed shatterproof +8 concordant crystal plate mail (being worn) {170} y - an uncursed greased +8 axiomatic green-steel helmet (being worn) {26} F - an uncursed thoroughly rusty +8 axiomatic green-steel pair of gauntlets of power (being worn) {26} T - the blessed fireproof +6 Seven League Boots (being worn) {20} Potions A - a blessed potion of confusion {20} Rings K - the uncursed Narya (on left hand) {3} M - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on right hand) {3} Wands w - a wand of teleportation (0:8) {7} G - a wand of striking (0:5) {7} J - a wand of teleportation (5:3) {7} Tools d - a blessed towel named T21392 {2} g - an uncursed leash {12} h - a blessed bag of holding {524} m - an uncursed magic whistle {3} s - a blessed stethoscope {4} t - a blessed magic marker (1:35) {2} u - a blessed +0 unicorn horn {20} C - a preservative engine (low:8) {50} U - the Water Crystal (0:0) {40} V - the Fire Crystal (0:0) {10} W - the Earth Crystal (0:0) {100} X - the Air Crystal (1:2) {20} Y - the Black Crystal (1:0) {30} Z - an uncursed oilskin sack named CANCEL!!! {34} Gems o - 6 uncursed spiritual soulstones {6} H - 3 uncursed vital soulstones {3} I - a blessed luckstone {1} Strange coins e - 2 uncursed wages of lust {2} p - 7 uncursed wages of sloth {7} Contents of the bag of holding: an uncursed amulet of life saving an uncursed amulet of life saving an uncursed amulet of magical breathing an uncursed amulet versus evil eyes an uncursed amulet versus evil eyes an uncursed amulet versus sickness a blessed +10 drug-coated circular shining mithril isamusei the +0 Frost Brand the cursed -1 Golden Sword of Y'ha-Talla (scimitar) a blessed small +10 stained burning blood-drenched mithril rakuyo an uncursed snake egg an uncursed lizard corpse an uncursed lizard corpse 4 uncursed tripe rations the blessed Marauder's Map an uncursed scroll of antimagic 2 blessed scrolls of blank paper 3 uncursed scrolls of blank paper an uncursed scroll of earth a blessed scroll of enchant armor an uncursed scroll of genocide 3 blessed scrolls of resistance an uncursed scroll of scare monster 2 blessed scrolls of taming an uncursed scroll of taming the uncursed Book of Lost Names 16 blessed diluted potions of full healing 2 blessed potions of gain level 2 uncursed potions of gain level 2 cursed potions of gain level 2 cursed potions of invisibility a blessed potion of levitation 2 uncursed potions of paralysis a cursed potion of paralysis 6 blessed potions of restore ability an uncursed potion of speed 7 potions of holy water 5 potions of unholy water a cursed anarchic unruly ring of invisibility an uncursed angel-haunted voltproof shocking ring of warning an uncursed +1 coldproof frosted ring of protection a cursed ring of aggravate monster a cursed ring of aggravate monster an uncursed ring of conflict an uncursed ring of fire resistance an uncursed ring of free action a cursed -6 ring of gain constitution a cursed -1 ring of gain strength an uncursed ring of hunger a cursed -1 ring of increase damage a cursed -1 ring of increase damage a blessed ring of invisibility a cursed ring of invisibility an uncursed ring of levitation an uncursed ring of levitation an uncursed ring of poison resistance a cursed ring of polymorph an uncursed ring of polymorph control an uncursed engraved ring of searching a cursed ring of searching an uncursed ring of see invisible an uncursed ring of stealth an uncursed ring of stealth an uncursed engraved ring of teleport control an uncursed ring of teleport control an uncursed engraved ring of teleport control an uncursed ring of teleportation an uncursed ring of warning an uncursed ring of warning an uncursed ring of warning a cursed ring of warning an uncursed ring of wishes (1 remaining) an uncursed voltproof sparking ring of levitation a wand of cold (0:7) a wand of death (1:4) a wand of death (5:4) a wand of death (1:0) a wand of death (0:0) a wand of digging (0:5) a wand of digging (7:8) a wand of digging (5:7) a wand of digging (0:8) a cursed wand of digging (0:4) a wand of draining (5:6) a wand of enlightenment (2:10) a wand of fire (0:6) a wand of fire (2:6) a wand of light (0:8) a wand of light (0:12) a blessed wand of lightning (7:1) a blessed wand of lightning (7:0) a wand of lightning (0:6) a wand of lightning (5:7) a blessed wand of locking (0:6) a wand of locking (3:4) a wand of locking (6:6) a wand of locking (4:7) a wand of make invisible (6:7) a wand of opening (6:7) a wand of opening (1:6) a wand of opening (4:6) a wand of polymorph (2:8) a cursed wand of probing (2:5) a wand of sleep (0:8) a cursed wand of sleep (6:0) a wand of slow monster (6:6) a wand of speed monster (3:5) a wand of speed monster (4:5) a wand of speed monster (6:7) a wand of speed monster (1:5) a wand of speed monster (1:6) a wand of speed monster (0:4) a wand of striking (0:7) a wand of striking (7:4) a wand of undead turning (0:4) a wand of undead turning (1:6) a wand of undead turning (1:4) a can of grease (0:10) an uncursed candle of invocation an uncursed R'lyehian faceplate an uncursed effigy an expensive camera (0:38) a fire horn (0:4) an uncursed glinting purified mirror an uncursed lock pick a magic marker (0:96) a +0 pick-axe a cursed skeleton key an uncursed antimagic rift an uncursed aquamarine stone an uncursed citrine stone 2 uncursed worthless pieces of orange glass 2 uncursed hellfire components 7 uncursed wages of envy a blessed wage of gluttony 5 uncursed wages of gluttony a cursed wage of gluttony 6 uncursed wages of greed 2 cursed wages of lust 15 uncursed wages of pride 4 uncursed wages of wrath Contents of the oilskin sack named CANCEL!!!: a blessed scroll of remove curse a wand of cancellation (3:4) a cursed wand of cancellation (5:4) Final Attributes: You were the Emissary of Elements. You last prayed 5061 turns ago That prayer was well received You had since reconciled with your god. 286165 gold was created. Your alignment was 100. You carried 58 sins. Your max alignment was 100. You had stayed true to your quest. You had a hod wantedness of 10. You had a gevurah wantedness of 6. Your soul was bound to Ahazu, Berith, Dantalion, Eden, Eurynome, Ose, Dahlver-Nar, the Council of Elements, Miska, and Numina. You were acid resistant. You were cold resistant. You were fire resistant. You were magic-protected. You were poison resistant. You were shock resistant. You were sleep resistant. You were resistant to physical damage. You had a drunkard score of 24. A clockwise gyre increased your HP by 30%. The perfectly clear sea sped sanity recovery. The recursive eye let you strike more accurately at monsters.. You had 92 sanity points. You had 86 insight points. You had a tendency to hallucinate, obscuring some monsters' true forms. You had reduced AC, reduced spell success, and increased damage. Sometimes, female humanoids, centaurs, and spiders took reduced damage from your magic. Sometimes, you failed to attack female humanoids, centaurs, and spiders. You took increased damage from spiders and from female humanoids and centaurs. Sometimes, you failed to cause much harm to aquatic monsters. Sometimes, aquatic monsters took reduced damage from your magic. Sometimes, you failed to attack aquatic monsters. You took increased damage from aquatic monsters. Sometimes, you panicked after being attacked by aquatic monsters. Sometimes, you failed to attack worms and tentacled monsters. You took increased damage from worms and tentacles. The God of the Thousand Masks stalked your every step. Sometimes, a lurking thing tried to reach in and grab you. You were telepathic. You were warned. You were sensing the presence of monsters. You had a carrying capacity of 81 remaining. You had 1211 points of nutrition remaining. You were invisible. You were displaced. You could jump. You could teleport. You had teleport control. You could walk on water. You could swim. You had slower digestion. You were protected from shape changers. You were very fast. You had reflection. You had free action. You had fixed abilities. Your life would have been saved. You were wielding two weapons at once. You were very lucky. You had extra luck. Good luck timed out slowly for you. You survived. Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - sleep 1 enchantment 0% b - fireball 4* attack 0% c - cone of cold 4* attack 100% d - lightning bolt 5* attack 100% e - dig 5* matter 100% f - haste self 3* escape 100% g - extra healing 3* healing 100% Vanquished creatures Baalzebub Dispater The Avatar of Lolth The Hmnyw-Pharaoh Baphomet a blasphemous lurker a tiny being of light a Mahadeva a gigantic pseudodragon 20 lurking ones a dokkalfar eternal matriarch Pestilence (thrice) Famine (thrice) a blessed 21 binah sephiroth an omega metroid 4 dark youngs a hunting horror an arch-lich The elder priest a charybdisone Acererak 5 deep dwellers 4 Warden Archons 16 shoggoths a priest of Ghaunadaur 21 mastodons a juggernaut a scrap titan a hellfire colossus 2 bandersnatches 3 siege ogres a wandering horror a gray devourer 2 retrievers Medusa Croesus 19 krakens Kraken, the Fiend of Water a coven leader Oona 2 zeta metroids 4 green-steel golems 2 anubites 4 ammits a Tulani Eladrin 2 Dracae Eladrins 11 star vampires 8 argentum golems 6 iron golems a shayateen Center of All 6 master liches 2 baelnorns 2 death knights 5 stumbling horrors 3 grove guardians 2 balrogs an alhoon a drider 3 titans 15 minotaur priestesses Vlad the Impaler 2 glass golems 5 nessian pit fiends Chaos 2 giant goat spawns a thunder storm an eye of doom a son of Typhon 17 nightgaunts 16 deeper ones 3 mumakil 4 purple worms 26 Angels 2 Ghaele Eladrins 4 silver dragons a shimmering dragon 7 white dragons an orange dragon a black dragon 4 blue dragons 5 green dragons 2 red dragons 2 phantom fungi 24 minotaurs 2 jubjub birds a priest mummy a darkness given hunger 12 wood trolls 13 vampire ladies 14 vampire lords 20 gugs a shopkeeper an alkilith 5 fallen angels 2 ancients of death a hellcat a gnoll 3 baluchitheria 3 Shield Archons 3 Sword Archons a centaur chieftain 3 demiliches 5 shambling horrors 5 stone golems a walking delirium a dust storm Cerberus 7 master mind flayers 4 gamma metroids 6 Olog-hai Mina Harker Ilona Szilagy Carmilla 2 Nazguls 12 pit fiends Tiamat, the Fiend of Wind 9 chieftains 8 hell hounds 3 legion devil captains 2 titanotheres a trapper The Nightmare 3 Astral Devas 4 weeping angels 4 Shiere Eladrins 3 lethe elementals 2 guardian nagas a serpent priest 18 skeletons a gnoll ghoul an Aurumach Rilmani 2 Elvenkings a drow matron 17 aligned priests 5 captains a shade 7 ice devils 2 invidiaks 3 dungeon ferns Kary, the Fiend of Fire 24 byakhees 11 liches 5 soldier mummies 2 serpent men of Yoth 2 feathery serpent priestesses 16 water trolls 10 clay golems 2 nurses 2 maids 5 nalfeshnees 5 mariliths 3 great white sharks Lich, the Fiend of Earth 10 blood bloaters a serpent-necked lioness 7 legion devil sergeants a deminymph 2 demonic black widows 2 stinking clouds 4 bebeliths 2 Bralani Eladrins 2 Firre Eladrins 6 clockwork factories a golden heart a frost giant 35 ettins a tove 3 black puddings 12 rock trolls 25 vampires 12 phantasms 5 hungry deads 2 spell golems 2 unearthly drow 10 lieutenants 78 ghosts 6 daughters of bedlam 3 yochlols 3 archeologists 5 barbarians a madman a nobleman a noblewoman a valkyrie 4 doom knights 3 witches a queen bee a manticore 2 winged gargoyles 16 mind flayers 110 legion devil soldiers 9 giant mimics 2 yuki-onnas 3 dire sheep 2 alpha metroids 3 zruties 15 migo soldiers 2 migo philosophers 7 fire giants 9 ice trolls 3 umber hulks 4 hooloovoos 3 flesh golems an Argenach Rilmani 5 werewolves 3 elf-lords 4 elf-ladies 2 hedrow wizards 5 hezrous 40 bone devils a lilitu 4 viper trees Garland 3 tigers 2 edderkops an aoa droplet 4 large mimics 2 wumpuses 9 mirkwood spiders 8 phase spiders 2 long worms 2 couatls 5 Noviere Eladrins 4 sprows 2 stalkers a dream quasielemental 15 air elementals 3 fire elementals 2 poison paraelementals 13 earth elementals 2 ice paraelementals 16 water elementals 2 acid paraelementals a hill giant 9 giant mummies 5 xorns 3 Cuprilach Rilmanis 43 sergeants 13 vrocks 14 barbed devils 4 salamanders 2 brainblossom patches 4 goat spawns 6 wargs 15 winter wolves 2 hell hound pups a panther 38 deep ones 9 small mimics 4 oreads 7 warhorses a steam vortex 4 xans 3 Justice Archons 5 chiropterans 22 migo workers 13 ettin mummies 3 chiropteran mummies an ogre mage an ogre lord a quantum mechanic 16 trolls 2 sasquatches 2 wood golems 3 wererats 7 erinyes a djinni 7 sharks 16 electric eels 10 giant turtles 2 large cave lizards 3 dreadblossom swarms a stjarna-alfr a gelatinous cube 2 pyrolisks 6 freezing spheres 9 flaming spheres 5 shocking spheres 8 beholders 2 large cats 2 jaguars 18 gargoyles 2 dwarf queens 15 tengu 5 ochre jellies 4 leocrottas 8 energy vortices 31 ravens 5 warbats a mountain centaur 24 giants 4 stone giants 12 elf mummies 12 human mummies a drow mummy 2 half-dragon mummies a red naga 5 pit vipers 2 pythons a cobra 93 wraiths a carnivorous ape 12 Ferrumach Rilmanis 15 Grey-elves 2 hedrow warriors 221 soldiers 5 watchmen 13 horned devils 3 succubi 3 chameleons 2 crocodiles 4 sunflowers a dungeon fern sprout Sir Garland 2 elven wraiths 3 grotesque peepers 5 giant beetles 4 quivering blobs 8 cockatrices 10 wolves 3 winter wolf cubs 12 quinons 5 aphanactonan audients 2 lynxes 9 grimlocks 33 gremlins a spotted jelly 2 winged kobolds 61 leprechauns an ethereal filcher a naiad 6 orc-captains 5 Uruk-captains 3 iron piercers 4 mumak calves 5 giant spiders 2 scorpions 4 metroids 3 horses 9 ice vortices 11 black lights 10 vampire bats 4 forest centaurs 12 gnome kings 6 orc mummies 5 dwarf mummies 42 ogres 5 brown puddings 13 rust monsters 5 owlbears 7 hedrow zombies 29 skeletal pirates 4 gold golems 8 Green-elves 15 piranhas 26 giant eels 6 lizards a cave lizard 9 weeping willows 11 razorvines 18 witch's familiars 10 apprentice witches 8 students 10 servants 4 chickatrices 25 dogs 8 quatons 2 housecats a dwarf cleric a blue jelly 8 white unicorns 2 gray unicorns 6 black unicorns a baby long worm 24 crows 20 battle-bats 16 plains centaurs 2 baby white dragons 5 gnome mummies 12 snakes a water moccasin 8 chuuls 11 apes 3 rope golems 28 Plumach Rilmanis 13 Woodland-elves 12 garos 4 small goat spawns 62 soldier ants 8 fire ants 14 tritons 10 bugbears 3 imps 6 quasits 3 dryads 40 Mordor orcs 63 Uruk-hai 10 orc shamans 6 rock piercers 2 sheep 2 enormous rats 3 rock moles 27 fog clouds 2 yellow lights 15 shriekers 4 violet fungi 22 gnome lords 10 gnome ladies 10 tinker gnomes 12 gnomish wizards 3 kobold mummies a black naga hatchling a golden naga hatchling a guardian naga hatchling 2 gray oozes 4 barrow wights 4 ghouls 4 straw golems 2 paper golems 5 Amm Kamerels 16 jellyfish 14 giant ants a little dog 6 floating eyes 19 dutons a kitten 126 dwarves 12 homunculi 3 lemures a kobold lord 2 kobold shamans 33 hill orcs 15 rothes 2 musimons a centipede 6 giant bats 11 parrots 6 monkeys 10 iguanas 13 killer bees 10 acid blobs 5 blobs of preserved organs 5 coyotes a gas spore 21 monotons 2 hobbits 7 manes 2 large kobolds a quickling 19 hobgoblins 69 orcs a giant rat 8 cave spiders 3 yellow molds a red mold 139 gnomes 3 garter snakes 27 peasants a strange larva 7 geckos a dungeon fern spore 12 jackals 3 foxes 18 kobolds 34 goblins a lamb 12 grid bugs a bat 2 lichens 3 clockwork soldiers a clockwork dwarf 4 faberge spheres 8 newts 3951 creatures vanquished. Genocided or extinct species: gnomes (extinct) garo masters (extinct) 2 species extinct. Voluntary challenges: You never genocided any monsters. You used 6 wishes. You paid to have 4 items identified. You magically identified 455 items. Your skills at the end Fighting Skills martial arts [Grand Master] two weapon combat [Expert] shield [Basic] riding [Skilled] Weapon Skills dagger [Expert] axe [Basic] broadsword [Skilled] long sword [Skilled] two-handed sword [Expert] scimitar [Basic] saber [Skilled] flail [Basic] hammer [Basic] spear [Basic] trident [Basic] lance [Basic] bow [Basic] shuriken [Basic] Spellcasting Skills attack spells [Skilled] healing spells [Skilled] clerical spells [Skilled] escape spells [Basic] matter spells [Basic] wand damage [Skilled] musicalize spell [Basic] Latest messages The Angel of Velka, Goddess of Sin points and curses. The Amalgamated Skies disintegrates the Angel of Velka, Goddess of Sin's armor! The Angel of Velka, Goddess of Sin's robe crumbles and turns to dust! The Angel of Velka, Goddess of Sin's gloves vanish! The Angel of Velka, Goddess of Sin's boots disintegrate! The Angel of Velka, Goddess of Sin's potion of full healing boils and explodes! The Amalgamated Skies disintegrates the Angel of Moloch's armor! The Angel of Moloch's armor turns to dust! The Amalgamated Skies disintegrates the Angel of Mask's armor! The fiery ruby burns the Angel of Velka, Goddess of Sin! Your axiomatic green-steel pair of gauntlets of power sear the Angel of Velka, Goddess of Sin's flesh! Your waist-wolf bites the Angel of Velka, Goddess of Sin! Your waist-wolf bites the Angel of Velka, Goddess of Sin! The blade's shadow catches on the Angel of Velka, Goddess of Sin. The Angel of Velka, Goddess of Sin is dazzled by prismatic feathers! You destroy it! The invisible darkness given hunger regurgitates the weeping angel. What do you want to use or apply? [adeghops-uwCG-JU-Z or ?*] You see here a silver saber. The binah sephirah touches you! The binah sephirah touches you! You are zapped with a holy missile! The holy missile misses it. The holy missile hits you! But it reflects from your weapon! You are zapped with a holy missile! The holy missile misses it. The holy missile hits you! But it reflects from your weapon! The holy missile misses it. You are zapped with a holy missile! The holy missile misses it. The holy missile hits you! But it reflects from your weapon! The holy missile misses it. "Kneel, or thou shalt be knelt!" You have a queasy feeling for a moment, then it passes. The Angel of Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight misses. The Angel of Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight hits! The Angel of Gwynevere, Princess of Sunlight casts a spell at you! You are hit by a shower of holy missiles! "Cower, mortal!" You hear a chugging sound. The holy missile misses it. The holy missile hits it. What do you want to use or apply? [adeghops-uwCG-JU-Z or ?*] You crush the blue-eyed coin in your hand. Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! You feel like you are being watched. Hurricane-force winds surround you! There is an altar to the void (gnostic) here. What do you want to use or apply? [adeghops-uwCG-JU-Z or ?*] L - a blessed diluted potion of full healing {20}. Hurricane-force winds surround you! What do you want to drink? [AL or ?*] You feel completely healed. What do you want to use or apply? [adeghops-uwCG-JU-Z or ?*] m - an uncursed magic whistle {3}. Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! The Amalgamated Skies disintegrates the Angel of Camaxtli's armor! The Angel of Camaxtli's shield crumbles away! The Amalgamated Skies disintegrates the Angel of the Lord's armor! The fiery ruby burns the Angel of Camaxtli! Your axiomatic green-steel pair of gauntlets of power sear the Angel of Camaxtli's flesh! Your waist-wolf bites the Angel of Camaxtli! Your waist-wolf bites the Angel of Camaxtli! The Angel of Camaxtli is dazzled by prismatic feathers! You hit the Angel of Camaxtli! You hit the Angel of Camaxtli! The Amalgamated Skies disintegrates the Angel of Camaxtli's armor! The Angel of Camaxtli's armor turns to dust! The Angel of Camaxtli's gloves vanish! You destroy it! The Amalgamated Skies disintegrates the Angel of the Lord's armor! You hit the binah sephirah! The hallucinogen doesn't seem to affect the binah sephirah. The fiery ruby burns the binah sephirah! Your waist-wolf bites the binah sephirah! Your waist-wolf bites the binah sephirah! You destroy it! Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! Hurricane-force winds surround you! What do you want to use or apply? [adeghmops-uwCG-JU-Z or ?*] You produce a strange whistling sound. What do you want to use or apply? [adeghmops-uwCG-JU-Z or ?*] You produce a strange whistling sound. The two-handed sword decapitates the Angel of Moloch! You destroy it! Pick an object. # What do you want to sacrifice? [z or ?*] You offer the Amulet of Yendor to the void... From the threshold of the Gate, you look back at the world You don't know what awaits you in the Void, but whatever happens, the way shall remain open behind you, that others may make their own choice. Goodbye k3ut1i the Demigoddess... You went to your reward with 10405980 points, The Pen of the Void (worth 2500 zorkmids and 6250 points) The Amalgamated Skies (worth 1500 zorkmids and 3750 points) Frost Brand (worth 3000 zorkmids and 7500 points) The Marauder's Map (worth 2000 zorkmids and 5000 points) The Book of Lost Names (worth 5000 zorkmids and 12500 points) The Golden Sword of Y'ha-Talla (worth 3000 zorkmids and 7500 points) Narya (worth 10000 zorkmids and 25000 points) Seven League Boots (worth 4000 zorkmids and 10000 points) The Water Crystal (worth 100 zorkmids and 250 points) The Fire Crystal (worth 100 zorkmids and 250 points) The Earth Crystal (worth 100 zorkmids and 250 points) The Air Crystal (worth 100 zorkmids and 250 points) The Black Crystal (worth 100 zorkmids and 250 points) 2 worthless pieces of colored glass, 1 citrine stone (worth 1500 zorkmids), 1 aquamarine stone (worth 1500 zorkmids), 2 amulets of life saving (worth 300 zorkmids), 2 amulets versus evil eyes (worth 300 zorkmids), 1 amulet versus sickness (worth 150 zorkmids), 1 amulet versus curses (worth 150 zorkmids), 1 amulet of magical breathing (worth 150 zorkmids), and 0 pieces of gold, after 31932 moves. Killer: ascended You were level 30 with a maximum of 876 hit points when you ascended. You reached the 18th place on the top 2000 list. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 18776758 k3ut1i-Bin-Hlf-Fem-Non ascended to demigoddess-hood. 884 [885] 2 17682189 PeterQ-Con-Orc-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 1369 [2677] 3 17075689 microlance-Bin-Orc-Fem-Non ascended to demigoddess-hood. 792 [792] 18 10405980 k3ut1i-Bin-Orc-Fem-Non ascended to demigoddess-hood. 876 [876]