# This is an example nethackrc file for NetHack 3.6.1 (dev). You should edit # this file to meet your play style needs. # Available editors: rnano or virus via the terminal, or see our web-based RC Editor # at https://www.hardfought.org/nethack/rcedit # Examples of common defaults: ## This is an example nethackrc file. You should edit this to suit your needs ## Edit this on the NAO website: https://alt.org/nethack/webconf/ ## or if in terminal, see https://alt.org/nethack/virus.txt OPTIONS=number_pad:0 OPTIONS=large_font ## catname OPTIONS=catname:Sock ## Automatically dig if you are wielding a digging tool and moving ## into a place that can be dug #OPTIONS=autodig ## Walking into a door attempts to open it #OPTIONS=autoopen ## Allow saving and loading bones files. OPTIONS=!bones ## Show out-of-sight areas of lit rooms #OPTIONS=dark_room ## Use inverse for pets #OPTIONS=hilite_pet ## Use inverse for piles of items #OPTIONS=hilite_pile ## How recalled messages (ctrl-p) are displayed. #OPTIONS=msg_window:reversed ## use IBMgraphics or DECgraphics #OPTIONS=symset:DECgraphics #OPTIONS=symset:IBMgraphics ## Change symbols #SYMBOLS=S_ghost:X ## Sort items by name. One of "none", "loot", or "full" #OPTIONS=sortloot:full ## Require explicit yes for some prompts OPTIONS=paranoid_confirmation:Confirm quit attack pray wand Remove ## Conducts #OPTIONS=nudist #OPTIONS=blind ## Colored menus. Regular expressions allowed. # OPTIONS=menucolors MENUCOLOR=" blessed "=green MENUCOLOR=" holy "=green MENUCOLOR=" cursed "=red MENUCOLOR=" unholy "=red MENUCOLOR=" cursed .* (being worn)"=orange&underline ## Messagetypes # ## displacing pets. hide the message. #MSGTYPE=hide "You swap places with your .*" ## items on floor. don't repeat the message. #MSGTYPE=norep "You see here a .*" #MSGTYPE=norep "You see here an .*" ## delayed instadeaths. always prompt for -more- MSGTYPE=stop "You are slowing down." MSGTYPE=stop "You find it hard to breathe." MSGTYPE=stop "You are turning a little .*" ## moving up or down stairs MSGTYPE=hide "You descend .*" MSGTYPE=hide "You (climb|fly) (up|down) .*" ## Use status hilites # OPTIONS=statushilites # HP OPTIONS=hitpointbar OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints/100%/grey&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints/<100%/green&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints/<66%/yellow&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints/<50%/orange&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints/<33%/red&bold OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints/<15%/red&inverse ## Pw OPTIONS=hilite_status:power/100%/grey&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status:power/<100%/green&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status:power/<66%/yellow&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status:power/<50%/orange&normal OPTIONS=hilite_status:power/<33%/red&bold ## Carry OPTIONS=hilite_status:cap/burdened/yellow/stressed/orange/strained/red&bold/overtaxed/red&inverse/overloaded/red&inverse&blink ## Hunger OPTIONS=hilite_status:hunger/satiated/yellow/hungry/orange/weak/red&bold/fainting/red&inverse/fainted/red&inverse&blink ## Mental OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/hallu/yellow OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/conf/orange OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/stun/red&bold ## Health OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/termill/red&inverse OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/foodpois/red&inverse OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/slime/red&inverse # Str, Con, Dex, Int, Wis, Cha OPTIONS=hilite_status:characteristics/up/green/down/red # gold OPTIONS=hilite_status: gold/up/yellow/down/brown # This is an example nethackrc file for NetHack 3.6.1. You should edit # this file to meet your play style needs. # Available editors: rnano or virus via the terminal, or see our web-based RC Editor # at https://www.hardfought.org/nethack/rcedit # Examples of common defaults: #OPTIONS=windowtype:tty #OPTIONS=showexp,showscore,time,color,!autopickup #OPTIONS=autodig,fruit:slime mold,boulder:0 # statushitlites is a popular option for 3.6.1 - some common settings: #OPTION=statushilites #OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints-max/green&normal #OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints/100%/green&normal #OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints/<100%/lightgreen&normal #OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints/<76%/yellow&normal #OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints/<51%/orange&normal #OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints/<26%/red&normal #OPTIONS=hilite_status: hitpoints/<11%/black&normal # For more information on what you can set in your nethackrc file, refer to: # https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Options # Happy hacking!