microlance, chaotic female vampiric Barbarian ---- ............ ------ ---...........%......----- ---....- -..%.................. |....... .%%...... ... .......--- |....%.-------------.%.%. .<............| ..&... |..--%.....^............. .............-- --..--- --..-----------------...........%.........-- -%.- --..-- --------..................--------------..- --..-- |u..............%.....---.............%..-- --..----- ------------........--- -----------...--- .....--..-- ------ -...--....-- |...----..-------------------- --..... --........| ---- --..|....%.....%.......--- |....... --......-- --............%.%.......| --...%..---------. ---.........%..%.....--- ------...%..... --.............%-- ------------- ---...........-- ------------ [Microlanc the Raider] St:18/03 Dx:20 Co:20 In:8 Wi:10 Ch:7 Chaotic Home 5 $:4933 HP:0(235) Pw:151(151) Br:6 AC:-2 DR:6 Xp:16/79752 T:13468 Satiated Overtaxed Your inventory Amulets D - an uncursed amulet of ESP (being worn) T - an uncursed amulet versus sickness Weapons a - the blessed rustproof +4 Cleaver (weapon in hands) b - the +0 mithril Slave to Armok d - the +0 Hellfire e - the +0 Sting h - the small +0 Grimtooth z - a blessed rustproof +0 javelin Armor A - a blessed +5 dwarvish mithril-coat (being worn) I - an uncursed fireproof +1 bone orcish helm J - a blessed +2 pair of orihalcyon gauntlets O - a cursed fireproof +3 pair of speed boots V - a blessed fireproof +5 cloak of displacement (being worn) Comestibles H - an uncursed ogre corpse Q - an uncursed lizard corpse Scrolls n - an uncursed scroll of identify r - an uncursed scroll of teleportation t - an uncursed scroll of amnesia Z - an uncursed scroll of light Potions i - an uncursed potion of gain energy l - an uncursed potion of blindness o - an uncursed potion of paralysis s - an uncursed potion of full healing w - a blessed potion of acid C - an uncursed potion of confusion G - an uncursed potion of levitation X - an uncursed potion of extra healing Rings j - an uncursed ring of slow digestion (on left hand) Y - an uncursed ring of shock resistance (on right hand) Wands m - a wand of digging (0:6) p - a wand of fire (0:5) u - a wand of magic missile (0:2) v - a wand of magic missile (0:7) K - a wand of fire (0:4) L - a wand of undead turning (0:7) R - a wand of opening (0:5) Tools c - an uncursed effigy f - a +0 unicorn horn g - the uncursed First Key of Chaos q - an uncursed bag of holding x - an uncursed sack F - the Bell of Opening (0:3) M - an uncursed blindfold N - 3 +0 torches Gems k - a blessed luckstone y - the blessed Heart of Ahriman B - an uncursed dilithium crystal E - an uncursed worthless piece of white glass Contents of the bag of holding: a cursed scroll of sign of the Scion Queen Mother a blessed fireproof scroll of teleportation an uncursed scroll of gold detection a blessed scroll of gold detection 2 cursed scrolls of enchant weapon a blessed scroll of amnesia an uncursed potion of object detection a cursed engraved -1 ring of adornment a blessed +2 ring of gain strength an uncursed +1 ring of protection a wand of teleportation (0:6) a wand of digging (0:4) a wand of sleep (0:6) a wand of locking (0:5) a wand of digging (0:8) a wand of sleep (0:5) a wand of teleportation (0:5) a wand of locking (0:8) a wand of slow monster (0:8) a wand of cold (0:7) a wand of cold (0:7) a wand of teleportation (0:6) The sack is empty. Final attributes You last recieved a gift 3804 turns ago You had since reconciled with your god There were 38683 pieces of gold created in the game You were piously aligned Your alignment was 72 You carried 5 sins You had a hod wantedness of 0 You had a gevurah wantedness of 0 You had a chokhmah wantedness of 0 You had 0 weakness from being studied You were cold resistant You were fire resistant You were level-drain resistant You were magic-protected You were poison resistant You were shock resistant You were sleep resistant You occasionally saw things you wished you hadn't You healed slowly as a result of your equipment You were telepathic You were aware of the presence of orcs You had a carrying capacity of -1881 remaining You had 1510 points of nutrition remaining You were displaced You were stealthy You could fly You could survive without air You had slower digestion You regenerated You were fast You had reflection You were extremely lucky (13) You had extra luck Good luck did not time out for you You are dead Spells known in the end Name Level Category Fail a - dig 5 matter 100% b - knock 1 matter 100% Vanquished creatures Thoth Amon a nightgaunt 9 wood trolls 4 shopkeepers 3 Shiere Eladrins an Elvenqueen 6 aligned priests 2 Firre Eladrins a mind flayer a yuki-onna 4 migo soldiers an ogre king 27 rock trolls 4 elf-lords an elf-lady 2 doppelgangers a hezrou a bone devil an aoa droplet a large mimic a baby purple worm 2 long worms 2 stalkers 3 air elementals 2 fire elementals 4 earth elementals a water elemental 4 hill giants 3 barbed devils 4 vrocks 4 wargs a winter wolf 7 small mimics 2 oreads a warhorse a migo worker 2 ogre lords a quantum mechanic 8 trolls 2 sharks a giant turtle a large dog 4 freezing spheres a flaming sphere 3 shocking spheres 12 gargoyles a dwarf king 2 tengu an ochre jelly a leocrotta a warbat 4 stone giants a red naga a python a wraith 2 carnivorous apes a leather golem 15 Grey-elves a hedrow warrior a horned devil a succubus a chameleon 3 quivering blobs 2 cockatrices 9 wolves a grimlock a gremlin 2 winged kobolds 2 leprechauns 4 naiads an orc-captain an iron piercer 2 giant spiders a scorpion a horse an ice vortex a black light a forest centaur 2 orc mummies 61 ogres a yeti a gold golem 9 Green-elves a piranha a giant eel a lizard a cave lizard 2 dingos 3 quatons 4 dwarf lords a dwarf cleric a blue jelly a white unicorn 3 dust vortices 4 crows a battle-bat a plains centaur a snake 5 apes 5 Woodland-elves 2 garos 12 tritons 2 bugbears 2 imps 8 dryads 7 Mordor orcs 5 Uruk-hai 18 orc shamans 4 rock piercers 5 enormous rats a rock mole a pony 2 fog clouds 3 yellow lights a shrieker 3 violet fungi 21 gnome lords 4 gnome ladies 3 tinker gnomes 4 gnomish wizards a kobold mummy 2 paper golems 2 jellyfish 5 giant ants 6 floating eyes 10 dutons 2 kittens 42 dwarves a homunculus 4 kobold lords 19 hill orcs a rothe a giant bat 4 parrots a monkey 2 iguanas 9 killer bees 2 acid blobs 2 coyotes a gas spore 21 monotons 3 hobbits 7 manes 3 large kobolds 4 quicklings 6 hobgoblins 3 giant rats 6 cave spiders 10 Coure Eladrins a brown mold 3 yellow molds a green mold 2 red molds 105 gnomes 15 garter snakes 6 geckos 8 jackals a fox 16 kobolds 12 goblins 3 sewer rats 6 grid bugs 4 bats 8 lichens 2 clockwork soldiers 2 faberge spheres 5 newts 815 creatures vanquished. Genocided or extinct species: gnomes (extinct) 1 species extinct. Voluntary challenges You never genocided any monsters You polymorphed 1 item You never changed form You used 1 wish You did not wish for any artifacts You paid to have 33 items identified You magically identified 43 items Your skills at the end Fighting Skills bare handed combat [Basic] Weapon Skills axe [Expert] pick-axe [Skilled] short sword [Basic] club [Basic] Spellcasting Skills (none) Latest messages The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The balrog of Moloch swings his large broadsword! The balrog of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch just misses! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch bites! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch bites! You cannot fight while so heavily loaded. The balrog of Moloch swings his large broadsword! The balrog of Moloch hits! The balrog of Moloch swings his large bullwhip! The balrog of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch just misses! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch misses. The balrog of Moloch swings his large broadsword! The balrog of Moloch hits! The balrog of Moloch swings his large bullwhip! The balrog of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch bites! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. You cannot fight while so heavily loaded. The balrog of Moloch swings his large broadsword! The balrog of Moloch hits! The balrog of Moloch swings his large bullwhip! The balrog of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch bites! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch bites! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The balrog of Moloch swings his large broadsword! The balrog of Moloch hits! The balrog of Moloch swings his large bullwhip! The balrog of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch just misses! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. You cannot fight while so heavily loaded. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch bites! The balrog of Moloch swings his large broadsword! The balrog of Moloch hits! The balrog of Moloch swings his large bullwhip! The balrog of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch bites! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch misses. You cannot fight while so heavily loaded. The balrog of Moloch swings his large broadsword! The balrog of Moloch hits! The balrog of Moloch swings his large bullwhip! The balrog of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch misses. The balrog of Moloch swings his large broadsword! The balrog of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch just misses! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch bites! You cannot fight while so heavily loaded. The balrog of Moloch swings his large broadsword! The balrog of Moloch hits! The balrog of Moloch swings his large bullwhip! The balrog of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch bites! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch bites! The vrock swings her large aklys! The vrock hits! The vrock hits! The vrock bites! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch just misses! The vrock swings her large aklys! The vrock hits! The vrock hits! The vrock bites! The balrog of Moloch swings his large broadsword! The balrog of Moloch hits! The balrog of Moloch swings his large bullwhip! The balrog of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch just misses! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch just misses! You cannot fight while so heavily loaded. The vrock swings her large aklys! The vrock misses. The vrock hits! The vrock bites! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch bites! The vrock swings her large aklys! The vrock hits! The vrock misses. The vrock bites! The balrog of Moloch swings his large broadsword! The balrog of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch just misses! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch bites! The incubus bites! The incubus acts as though he has got a headache. The incubus misses. The incubus misses. The vrock swings her large aklys! The vrock misses. The vrock misses. The vrock bites! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch bites! The incubus talks to you seductively. You feel very attracted to the incubus. The incubus murmurs in your ear, while helping you undress. "Shall I remove your cloak, dear?" [yn] (n) "Take off your boots; let me rub your feet." You feel yourself slow down a bit. "Take off your gloves; they're too clumsy." "Take off your helmet; let me run my fingers through your hair." "You're such a sweet lady; I wish..." The vrock swings her large aklys! The vrock hits! The vrock misses. The vrock misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch misses. You cannot fight while so heavily loaded. The vrock swings her large aklys! The vrock hits! The vrock hits! The vrock bites! The balrog of Moloch swings his large broadsword! The balrog of Moloch hits! The balrog of Moloch swings his large bullwhip! The balrog of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch just misses! The vrock swings her large aklys! The vrock misses. The vrock hits! The vrock bites! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock swings her large aklys! The vrock misses. The vrock hits! The vrock misses. The balrog of Moloch swings his large broadsword! The balrog of Moloch misses. The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch hits! The vrock of Moloch misses. The vrock swings her large aklys! The vrock hits! You hear the howling of the CwnAnnwn... The vrock hits! The vrock bites! The vrock of Moloch just misses! The vrock of Moloch hits! You die... Goodbye microlance the Barbarian... You died in The Quest on dungeon level 5 with 296668 points, and 4933 pieces of gold, after 13468 moves. Killer: vrock of Moloch You were level 16 with a maximum of 235 hit points when you died. You reached the 34th place on the top 2000 list. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 17682189 PeterQ-Con-Orc-Mal-Law ascended to demigod-hood. 1369 [2677] 2 14510879 PeterQ-Pir-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood. 866 [900] 3 10467472 bubbles-Bin-Orc-Mal-Non ascended to demigod-hood. 476 [542] *34 296668 microlance-Bar-Vam-Fem-Cha died in The Quest on level 19 [max 15]. Killed by a vrock of Moloch. - [235]