# vim:et:sw=4:ts=4:fdm=marker:ft=conf:fenc=utf-8: # junethack qt # # . ..-..-.. ..-..-.. ..-..-. # |\||- | |-||-|| |< |( | # .' ``-' ' ' `` '`-'' `' '`-' # my nethack config file # Michael Meyer #OPTIONS=role:tou,gender:fem,align:neu,race:hum OPTIONS=role:arc,gender:fem,align:law,race:hum OPTIONS=!tips # General {{{1 # Character {{{2 # Name {{{3 OPTIONS=name:qt # Race {{{3 # (random/hum/elf/dwa/gno/orc) # OPTIONS=race:!gno,race:!orc # Role {{{3 # (random/arc/bar/cav/hea/kni/mon/pri/ran/rog/sam/tou/val/wiz) # OPTIONS=role:!cav,role:!sam # Alignment {{{3 # (random/law/neu/cha) # OPTIONS=align:neu # Gender {{{3 # (random/mal/fem) # OPTIONS=gender:mal # Orientation {{{3 OPTIONS=orientation:straight # Conducts {{{3 # Nudism {{{4 OPTIONS=!nudist # Blindness {{{4 OPTIONS=!blind # Pets {{{2 # Options {{{3 OPTIONS=safe_pet,hilite_pet # Preferred type {{{3 OPTIONS=pettype:cat # Names {{{3 OPTIONS=catname:Smut,dogname:Teef,horsename:Grib # Bones {{{2 OPTIONS=bones # Mail {{{2 OPTIONS=mail # Crash recovery {{{2 OPTIONS=checkpoint # Movement {{{2 # Enable travel {{{3 OPTIONS=travel # Update screen while running {{{3 OPTIONS=runmode:run # Automatic actions {{{2 # Dig {{{3 OPTIONS=!autodig # Open doors {{{3 OPTIONS=autoopen # Quiver appropriate ammo {{{3 OPTIONS=!autoquiver # Unlock doors, etc (>=3.7.0) {{{3 # OPTIONS=autounlock # Fruit {{{2 OPTIONS=fruit:satsuma # Action confirmation {{{2 OPTIONS=confirm OPTIONS=paranoid_confirmation:quit attack pray wand-break Remove # `You hear' messages {{{2 OPTIONS=acoustics # Terminal & system {{{2 # Use timer for delay {{{3 OPTIONS=timed_delay # Terminal bell {{{3 OPTIONS=silent # Ignore interrupt signals {{{3 OPTIONS=!ignintr # Raw input/output {{{3 # Use raw 8-bit chars {{{4 OPTIONS=!eight_bit_tty # Use padding nulls {{{4 # Only used if `timed_delay` is not available OPTIONS=null # Wizard mode {{{2 # Starting inventory {{{3 # (Filepath to appropriate textfile) WIZKIT=/Users/entrez/.config/nethack/wizkit.txt # Debug settings {{{3 # Sanity checks {{{4 OPTIONS=sanity_check # Display item weights {{{4 # OPTIONS=wizweight # Monster polymorph prompts {{{4 OPTIONS=!monpolycontrol # }}}1 # Interface {{{1 # Mode {{{2 # Window type {{{3 # (tty/curses/others depending on compilation settings) OPTIONS=windowtype:tty # Map {{{2 # Symbols {{{3 # Symset {{{4 # (default/plain/NHAccess/Blank/IBMgraphics/IBMGraphics_1/IBMGraphics_2/curses/DECgraphics/MACgraphics) OPTIONS=symset:default,roguesymset:default # Custom symbols {{{4 # Centered . {{{5 # SYMBOLS=S_ndoor:\xfe,S_room:\xfe,S_ice:\xfe,S_vodbridge:\xfe,S_hodbridge:\xfe # Custom water/lava pools {{{6 SYMBOLS=S_pool:~,S_lava:~,S_water:~ # Ghost {{{6 SYMBOLS=S_ghost:X # Boulder {{{6 SYMBOLS=S_boulder:0 # Scrolling {{{3 # Margin {{{4 OPTIONS=scroll_margin:7 # Amount {{{4 OPTIONS=scroll_amount:3 # Far look/targeting {{{3 # Autodescribe {{{4 OPTIONS=autodescribe,whatis_coord:n # `More info' prompt {{{4 OPTIONS=!help # Target menu {{{4 OPTIONS=!whatis_menu # Target filtering {{{4 OPTIONS=!whatis_filter # Moveskip {{{4 OPTIONS=!whatis_moveskip # Clairvoyance farlook (>=3.7.0) {{{4 # OPTIONS=quick_farsight # Menus {{{2 # Interface {{{3 # Style {{{4 # (traditional/combination/partial/full) OPTIONS=menustyle:full # Implicit uncursed {{{4 OPTIONS=!implicit_uncursed # Legacy loot menu {{{4 OPTIONS=!lootabc # Page navigation & search {{{4 OPTIONS=menu_previous_page:<,menu_next_page:> OPTIONS=menu_search:: # Appearance {{{3 # Heading styles {{{4 OPTIONS=menu_headings:inverse,!menu_objsyms # Positioning {{{4 OPTIONS=menu_overlay # Controls {{{2 # Movement keys {{{3 # (1:vikeys/2,3:numpad/4:phone keypad/-1:qwertz vikeys) OPTIONS=number_pad:0 # Rest on space {{{3 OPTIONS=!rest_on_space # Meta/alt shortcuts {{{3 OPTIONS=altmeta # Command assist {{{3 OPTIONS=!cmdassist # Scrollback {{{2 # ^p behavior {{{3 # (single/combination/full/reversed) OPTIONS=msg_window:combination # Buffer size {{{3 # most recent 29 lines of history are available to view OPTIONS=msghistory:29 # Inventory & items {{{2 # Item piles {{{3 # Minimum size {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_pile # Highlighting {{{4 OPTIONS=pile_limit:6 # Sort pack {{{3 OPTIONS=sortpack,packorder:")[%?+!=/(*`0_ # Sort pickup & loot menus {{{3 # (full/loot/none) OPTIONS=sortloot:loot # Remember item inventory letters {{{3 OPTIONS=fixinv # Startup messages {{{2 # Show news file {{{3 OPTIONS=!news # Feature change alerts {{{3 # OPTIONS=suppress_alert:3.6.4 # Game intro message {{{3 OPTIONS=!legacy # Post-game messages {{{2 # Tombstone {{{3 OPTIONS=!tombstone # High scores {{{3 OPTIONS=scores:6t 4a o # End-of-game prompts {{{3 OPTIONS=disclose:ni na nv -g nc -o # Misc {{{2 # Racial @ {{{3 OPTIONS=!showrace # Color {{{3 OPTIONS=color,use_darkgray # Magic resist effect {{{3 OPTIONS=sparkle # Invert --more-- {{{3 OPTIONS=standout # Extended command menu {{{3 OPTIONS=!extmenu # }}}1 # Special messages {{{1 # Emergencies {{{2 # Holding attacks {{{3 MSGTYPE=stop "^.* (grabs|swings itself around) you!" MSGTYPE=stop "^You are being (crushed|choked)\." # Sliming {{{3 MSGTYPE=stop "^You don't feel very well\." MSGTYPE=stop "^You are turning a little green\." MSGTYPE=stop "^Your limbs are getting oozy\." MSGTYPE=stop "^Your skin begins to peel away\." MSGTYPE=stop "^You are turning into a green slime\." # Stoning {{{3 MSGTYPE=stop "^You are slowing down\." MSGTYPE=stop "^Your limbs are stiffening\." # Strangulation {{{3 MSGTYPE=stop "^It constricts your throat!" MSGTYPE=stop "^You find it hard to breathe\." MSGTYPE=stop "^Your neck is becoming constricted\." MSGTYPE=stop "^You're gasping for air\." MSGTYPE=stop "^Your blood is having trouble reaching your brain\." MSGTYPE=stop "^You can no longer breathe\." MSGTYPE=stop "^The pressure on your neck increases\." MSGTYPE=stop "^You're turning blue\." MSGTYPE=stop "^Your consciousness is fading\." # Illness / food poisoning {{{3 MSGTYPE=stop "^You feel deathly sick\." MSGTYPE=stop "^You feel (even|much) worse\." # Near-death {{{3 MSGTYPE=stop "^You hear the howling of the CwnAnnwn\.\.\." MSGTYPE=stop "^.*, your life force is running out\." MSGTYPE=stop "^.*, all your powers will be lost\.\.\." MSGTYPE=stop "^You hear the wailing of the Banshee\.\.\." MSGTYPE=stop "^.* is about to die\." # Misc {{{2 # Vibrating square {{{3 MSGTYPE=stop "^You feel a strange vibration under you.*" # Available skill upgrade {{{3 MSGTYPE=stop "^You feel more confident .*" # (Potential) inventory cursing {{{3 MSGTYPE=stop "^You feel a malignant aura surround .*" # Useless spam messages {{{3 # Boulder pushing {{{4 MSGTYPE=hide "^(With (little|great) effort you|.*) moves? .*" # Monk body armor warning {{{4 MSGTYPE=hide "^Your armor is rather cumbersome\.\.\." # Item on ground {{{4 MSGTYPE=norep "^You see here (a|an) .*" # Climbing up & down stairs {{{4 MSGTYPE=hide "^You ((climb|fly) (up|down)|descend) .*" # Displaced pet {{{4 MSGTYPE=hide "^You (swap places with|displaced) .*" # }}}1 # Menu colors {{{1 # Options {{{2 OPTIONS=menucolors # BUC status {{{2 # Default rules {{{3 # Known enchantment/charges (white) {{{4 # (Necessary only if `implicit_uncursed` is enabled) # MENUCOLOR="(a|the|[0-9]+) ((poisoned|((very|thoroughly) )?(rust(y|proof)|erode(d|proof)|corrode(d|proof)|burnt|rot(ted|proof))|fireproof|fixed|greased) )*(\+|-)[0-9]+ "=white # MENUCOLOR=" .* \([0-9]+:[0-9]+\)$"=white # Uncursed (white) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" (uncursed|named UN?(C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES))($| )"=white # Blessed/holy (green) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" (blessed|holy|named (B(LESSED)?|H(OLY)?))($| )"=green # Cursed/unholy (red) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" (cursed|unholy|named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES))($| )"=red # Unknown (gray) {{{3 # Worn armor (inverse) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" \((being worn(; slippery)?|embedded in your skin)\)$"=gray&inverse # Wielded primary weapon (inverse) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" \((tethered )?weapon in .*\)$"=gray&inverse # Dual-wielded weapon (inverse) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" \(wielded( in (other|left|right) .*)?\)$"=gray&inverse # Worn ring (inverse) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" \(on (right|left) .*\)$"=gray&inverse # Quivered ammo (underline) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" \((at the ready|in quiver( pouch)?)\)$"=gray&underline # Alternate weapon (underline) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" \(alternate weapons?; not wielded\)$"=gray&underline # Armor being put on/removed (underline) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" \(being do(ff|nn)ed\)$"=gray&underline # Leash attached to pet (underline) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" \(attached to .*\)$"=gray&underline # Lit light source (underline) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" \(lit\)$"=gray&underline # `foo named BLESSED' {{{3 # Uncursed (white) {{{4 # Worn armor/amulet (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named UN?(C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\((being worn(; slippery)?|embedded in your skin)\)$"=white&inverse # Wielded primary weapon (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named UN?(C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\((tethered )?weapon in .*\)$"=white&inverse # Dual-wielded weapon (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named UN?(C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\(wielded( in (other|left|right) .*)?\)$"=white&inverse # Worn ring (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named UN?(C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\(on (right|left) .*\)$"=white&inverse # Quivered ammo (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named UN?(C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\((at the ready|in quiver( pouch)?)\)$"=white&underline # Alternate weapon (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named UN?(C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\(alternate weapons?; not wielded\)$"=white&underline # Armor being put on/removed (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named UN?(C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\(being do(ff|nn)ed\)$"=white&underline # Leash attached to pet (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named UN?(C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\(attached to .*\)$"=white&underline # Lit light source (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named UN?(C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\(lit\)$"=white&underline # Blessed (green) {{{4 # Worn armor/amulet (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (B(LESSED)?|H(OLY)?) .*\((being worn(; slippery)?|embedded in your skin)\)$"=green&inverse # Wielded primary weapon (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (B(LESSED)?|H(OLY)?) .*\((tethered )?weapon in .*\)$"=green&inverse # Dual-wielded weapon (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (B(LESSED)?|H(OLY)?) .*\(wielded( in (other|left|right) .*)?\)$"=green&inverse # Worn ring (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (B(LESSED)?|H(OLY)?) .*\(on (right|left) .*\)$"=green&inverse # Quivered ammo (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (B(LESSED)?|H(OLY)?) .*\((at the ready|in quiver( pouch)?)\)$"=green&underline # Alternate weapon (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (B(LESSED)?|H(OLY)?) .*\(alternate weapons?; not wielded\)$"=green&underline # Armor being put on/removed (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (B(LESSED)?|H(OLY)?) .*\(being do(ff|nn)ed\)$"=green&underline # Leash attached to pet (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (B(LESSED)?|H(OLY)?) .*\(attached to .*\)$"=green&underline # Lit light source (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (B(LESSED)?|H(OLY)?) .*\(lit\)$"=green&underline # Cursed (red) {{{4 # Worn armor/amulet (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\((being worn(; slippery)?|embedded in your skin)\)$"=red&inverse # Wielded primary weapon (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\((tethered )?weapon in .*\)$"=red&inverse # Dual-wielded weapon (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\(wielded( in (other|left|right) .*)?\)$"=red&inverse # Worn ring (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\(on (right|left) .*\)$"=red&inverse # Quivered ammo (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\((at the ready|in quiver( pouch)?)\)$"=red&underline # Alternate weapon (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\(alternate weapons?; not wielded\)$"=red&underline # Armor being put on/removed (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\(being do(ff|nn)ed\)$"=red&underline # Leash attached to pet (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\(attached to .*\)$"=red&underline # Lit light source (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES) .*\(lit\)$"=red&underline # bknown {{{3 # Uncursed (white) {{{4 # When `implicit_uncursed` is enabled, these should look more like this: # MENUCOLOR=" (((\+|-)[0-9]+|uncursed) .*|\([0-9]+:[0-9]+\)) \(being worn(; slippery)?|embedded in your skin\)$"=white&inverse # Worn armor/amulet (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .*\((being worn(; slippery)?|embedded in your skin)\)$"=white&inverse # Wielded primary weapon (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .*\((tethered )?weapon in .*\)$"=white&inverse # Dual-wielded weapon (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .*\(wielded( in (other|left|right) .*)?\)$"=white&inverse # Worn ring (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .*\(on (right|left) .*\)$"=white&inverse # Quivered ammo (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .*\((at the ready|in quiver( pouch)?)\)$"=white&underline # Alternate weapon (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .*\(alternate weapons?; not wielded\)$"=white&underline # Armor being put on/removed (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .*\(being do(ff|nn)ed\)$"=white&underline # Leash attached to pet (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .*\(attached to .*\)$"=white&underline # Lit light source (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" uncursed .*\(lit\)$"=white&underline # Blessed (green) {{{4 # Worn armor/amulet (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" blessed .*\((being worn(; slippery)?|embedded in your skin)\)$"=green&inverse # Wielded primary weapon (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" blessed .*\((tethered )?weapon in .*\)$"=green&inverse # Dual-wielded weapon (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" blessed .*\(wielded( in (other|left|right) .*)?\)$"=green&inverse # Worn ring (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" blessed .*\(on (right|left) .*\)$"=green&inverse # Quivered ammo (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" blessed .*\((at the ready|in quiver( pouch)?)\)$"=green&underline # Alternate weapon (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" blessed .*\(alternate weapons?; not wielded\)$"=green&underline # Armor being put on/removed (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" blessed .*\(being do(ff|nn)ed\)$"=green&underline # Leash attached to pet (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" blessed .*\(attached to .*\)$"=green&underline # Lit light source (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" blessed .*\(lit\)$"=green&underline # Cursed (red) {{{4 # Worn armor/amulet (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*\((being worn(; slippery)?|embedded in your skin)\)$"=red&inverse # Wielded primary weapon (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*\((tethered )?weapon in .*\)$"=red&inverse # Dual-wielded weapon (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*\(wielded( in (other|left|right) .*)?\)$"=red&inverse # Worn ring (inverse) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*\(on (right|left) .*\)$"=red&inverse # Quivered ammo (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*\((at the ready|in quiver( pouch)?)\)$"=red&underline # Alternate weapon (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*\(alternate weapons?; not wielded\)$"=red&underline # Armor being put on/removed (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*\(being do(ff|nn)ed\)$"=red&underline # Leash attached to pet (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*\(attached to .*\)$"=red&underline # Lit light source (underline) {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*\(lit\)$"=red&underline # Special items {{{2 # Misc. {{{3 MENUCOLOR=" bag .* holding($|\?| )"=yellow&bold # MENUCOLOR=" luck(stone)?\??($| )"=cyan&bold MENUCOLOR=" wand .*(\([0-9]:0\)|named [0-9]:0)$"=gray&dim # Positive {{{3 # Invocation items {{{4 # Bell of Opening {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" (Bell of Opening|silver bell)"=cyan&bold # Candelabrum of Invocation {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" (Candelabrum of Invocation|candelabrum)"=cyan&bold # Book of the Dead {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" (Book of the Dead|papyrus spellbook)"=cyan&bold # Amulet of Yendor {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" Amulet of Yendor"=grey&dim MENUCOLOR=" Amulet of Yendor named"=magenta&underline MENUCOLOR=" Amulet of Yendor named .*\(being worn\)$"=magenta&inverse # Artifacts {{{4 # Default (blue) {{{5 # Weapons {{{6 # Default color {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" (Cleaver|Excalibur|Grayswandir|Grimtooth|Mjollnir|Ogresmasher|Orcrist|Snickersnee|Sting|Stormbringer|Sunsword|Vorpal Blade)($| )"=blue&bold MENUCOLOR=" ((D(emon|ragon)|Trolls|Were|Magic)bane|F(ire|rost) Brand|[Tt]he .*(Longbow of Diana|Sceptre of Might|Staff of Aesculapius|Tsurugi of Muramasa))($| )"=blue&bold # Wielded primary weapon (inverse) {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" (Cleaver|Excalibur|Grayswandir|Grimtooth|Mjollnir|Ogresmasher|Orcrist|Snickersnee|Sting|Stormbringer|Sunsword|Vorpal Blade) .*\((tethered )?weapon in .*\)$"=blue&inverse MENUCOLOR=" ((D(emon|ragon)|Trolls|Were|Magic)bane|F(ire|rost) Brand|[Tt]he .*(Longbow of Diana|Sceptre of Might|Staff of Aesculapius|Tsurugi of Muramasa)) .*\((tethered )?weapon in .*\)$"=blue&inverse # Dual-wielded weapon (inverse) {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" (Cleaver|Excalibur|Grayswandir|Grimtooth|Mjollnir|Ogresmasher|Orcrist|Snickersnee|Sting|Stormbringer|Sunsword|Vorpal Blade) .*\(wielded( in (other|left|right) .*)?\)$"=blue&inverse MENUCOLOR=" ((D(emon|ragon)|Trolls|Were|Magic)bane|F(ire|rost) Brand|[Tt]he .*(Longbow of Diana|Sceptre of Might|Staff of Aesculapius|Tsurugi of Muramasa)) .*\(wielded( in (other|left|right) .*)?\)$"=blue&inverse # Alternate weapon (underline) {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" (Cleaver|Excalibur|Grayswandir|Grimtooth|Mjollnir|Ogresmasher|Orcrist|Snickersnee|Sting|Stormbringer|Sunsword|Vorpal Blade) .*\(alternate weapons?; not wielded\)$"=blue&underline MENUCOLOR=" ((D(emon|ragon)|Trolls|Were|Magic)bane|F(ire|rost) Brand|[Tt]he .*(Longbow of Diana|Sceptre of Might|Staff of Aesculapius|Tsurugi of Muramasa)) .*\(alternate weapons?; not wielded\)$"=blue&underline # Wearable items {{{6 # Default color {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" [Tt]he .*(Mitre of Holiness|Eyes of the Overworld|Eye of the Aethiopica)($| )"=blue&bold # Being put on/removed (underline) {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" [Tt]he .*(Mitre of Holiness|Eyes of the Overworld|Eye of the Aethiopica) .*\(being do(ff|nn)ed\)$"=blue&underline # Worn armor/amulet (inverse) {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" [Tt]he .*(Mitre of Holiness|Eyes of the Overworld|Eye of the Aethiopica) .*\((being worn(; slippery)?|embedded in your skin)\)$"=blue&inverse # Other (tools, stones) {{{6 MENUCOLOR=" [Tt]he .*(Master Key of Thievery|Orb of (Detection|Fate)|Magic Mirror of Merlin|Platinum Yendorian Express Card|Heart of Ahriman)"=blue&bold # Cursed (red) {{{5 # Weapons {{{6 # Default color {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*(Cleaver|Excalibur|Grayswandir|Grimtooth|Mjollnir|Ogresmasher|Orcrist|Snickersnee|Sting|Stormbringer|Sunsword|Vorpal Blade)($| )"=red&bold MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*((D(emon|ragon)|Trolls|Were|Magic)bane|F(ire|rost) Brand|[Tt]he .*(Longbow of Diana|Sceptre of Might|Staff of Aesculapius|Tsurugi of Muramasa))($| )"=red&bold # Wielded primary weapon (inverse) {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*(Cleaver|Excalibur|Grayswandir|Grimtooth|Mjollnir|Ogresmasher|Orcrist|Snickersnee|Sting|Stormbringer|Sunsword|Vorpal Blade) .*\((tethered )?weapon in .*\)$"=red&inverse MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*((D(emon|ragon)|Trolls|Were|Magic)bane|F(ire|rost) Brand|[Tt]he .*(Longbow of Diana|Sceptre of Might|Staff of Aesculapius|Tsurugi of Muramasa)) .*\((tethered )?weapon in .*\)$"=red&inverse # Dual-wielded weapon (inverse) {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*(Cleaver|Excalibur|Grayswandir|Grimtooth|Mjollnir|Ogresmasher|Orcrist|Snickersnee|Sting|Stormbringer|Sunsword|Vorpal Blade) .*\(wielded( in (other|left|right) .*)?\)$"=red&inverse MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*((D(emon|ragon)|Trolls|Were|Magic)bane|F(ire|rost) Brand|[Tt]he .*(Longbow of Diana|Sceptre of Might|Staff of Aesculapius|Tsurugi of Muramasa)) .*\(wielded( in (other|left|right) .*)?\)$"=red&inverse # Alternate weapon (underline) {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*(Cleaver|Excalibur|Grayswandir|Grimtooth|Mjollnir|Ogresmasher|Orcrist|Snickersnee|Sting|Stormbringer|Sunsword|Vorpal Blade) .*\(alternate weapons?; not wielded\)$"=red&underline MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*((D(emon|ragon)|Trolls|Were|Magic)bane|F(ire|rost) Brand|[Tt]he .*(Longbow of Diana|Sceptre of Might|Staff of Aesculapius|Tsurugi of Muramasa)) .*\(alternate weapons?; not wielded\)$"=red&underline # Wearable items {{{6 # Default color {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*(Mitre of Holiness|Eyes of the Overworld|Eye of the Aethiopica)($| )"=red&bold # Being put on/removed (underline) {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*(Mitre of Holiness|Eyes of the Overworld|Eye of the Aethiopica) .*\(being do(ff|nn)ed\)$"=red&underline # Worn armor/amulet (inverse) {{{7 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*(Mitre of Holiness|Eyes of the Overworld|Eye of the Aethiopica) .*\((being worn(; slippery)?|embedded in your skin)\)$"=red&inverse # Other (tools, stones) {{{6 MENUCOLOR=" cursed .*(Master Key of Thievery|Orb of (Detection|Fate)|Magic Mirror of Merlin|Platinum Yendorian Express Card|Heart of Ahriman)"=blue&bold # Valuables (gems, gold) {{{4 # Default rules {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" (gold piece|victory token)"=yellow&bold MENUCOLOR=" valuable"=brown&dim MENUCOLOR=" gem(s)? .* hard"=yellow # Soft gems {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" ([0-9]+|a(n)?|gem(s)?.*) (uncursed |cursed |blessed )?(dilithium|opal|garnet|jasper|agate|jet|obsidian|jade|citrine|chrysoberyl|amber|amethyst|fluorite|turquoise)(e?s)?( stone(s)?| gem(s)?| crystal(s)?)?( named .*)?$"=brown&dim # Hard gems {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" ([0-9]+|a(n)?|gem(s)?.*) (uncursed |cursed |blessed )?(diamond|rub(y|ies)|jacinth|sapphire|black opal|emerald|topaz|aquamarine)(e?s)?( stone(s)?| gem(s)?)?( named .*)?$"=yellow&bold # Negative {{{3 # `Bad news'/`dangerous' {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" (bad( news)?|danger(ous)?)\??($| )"=red&bold # Loadstones {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" (loadstone|named.*load(stone)?)($| )"=red&underline # Items w/ bad effects when cursed {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" (cursed.* bag .* holding|bag .* holding named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES))($| )"=red&underline MENUCOLOR=" (cursed.* luck(stone)?|luck(stone)? named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES))($| )"=red&underline MENUCOLOR=" (cursed.* unicorn horn|unicorn horn named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES))($| )"=red&underline MENUCOLOR=" cursed.* (Bell of Opening|silver bell|Candelabrum of Invocation|candelabrum|Book of the Dead|papyrus spellbook)"=red&underline MENUCOLOR=" (cursed tin(s)? .* spinach|tin(s)? .* spinach named (C(URSED)?|UN?H(OLY)?|[Bb]ones|BONES))($| )"=red&underline # Dangerous foods {{{4 # Human cannibalism {{{5 # Job-related human characters {{{6 MENUCOLOR=" tins? of (Keystone Kop|(Kop )?([Ss]ergeant|[Ll]ieutenant|[Kc]aptain)|soldier|guard|watch(man| captain)|shopkeeper|prisoner|(high )?priest) meat($| )"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR=" tins? of (student|chieftain|neanderthal|attendant|page|abbot|acolyte|hunter|thug|ninja|roshi|guide|warrior|apprentice) meat($| )"=orange&underline # Race-related human characters {{{6 MENUCOLOR=" tins? of (human|were(rat|jackal|wolf)|doppelganger|nurse) meat($| )"=orange&underline # Human player monsters {{{6 MENUCOLOR=" tins? of (archeologist|barbarian|cave(wo)?man|healer|knight|monk|priest(ess)?|ranger|rogue|samurai|tourist|valkyrie|wizard) meat($| )"=orange&underline # Unique human characters {{{6 MENUCOLOR=" tins? of (Oracle|Wizard of Yendor|Croesus|Lord Carnarvon|Pelias|Shaman Karnov|Hippocrates|King Arthur|Grand Master|Arch Priest|Orion|Neferet the Green|Thoth Amon|Master Kaen|Master Assassin|Ashikaga Takauji|Dark One) meat($| )"=orange&underline # Naming override {{{6 MENUCOLOR=" tins?( of [A-Za-z ]+ meat)? called ([Cc]annibal|CANN(IBAL)?)(ism)?($| )"=orange&underline # Stoning {{{5 # Medusa {{{6 MENUCOLOR=" (Medusa's corpse|tins? of Medusa meat)"=orange&underline # Footrice {{{6 MENUCOLOR=" (c(o|hi)ckatrice corpse|tins? of c(o|hi)ckatrice meat)"=orange&underline # Sliming {{{5 MENUCOLOR=" (green slime corpse|tins? of green slime meat)"=orange&underline # Bag of holding implosion risks {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" bag .* tricks"=cyan&dim MENUCOLOR=" wand .*[^!]canc"=cyan&dim MENUCOLOR=" wand .* vanish"=cyan&dim # Spells {{{2 # Failure rates {{{3 # 0% (white) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" 0% "=white # 1%-19% retention (gray&dim) MENUCOLOR="[a-zA-Z ]+ [0-9]* [a-z]+ +0% .* ([0-9]%-)?(1?)[0-9]%$"=gray&dim # 1%-29% (cyan) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" ([12][0-9]|[1-9])% "=cyan # 1%-19% retention (cyan&dim) MENUCOLOR="[a-zA-Z ]+ [0-9]* [a-z]+ +([12][0-9]|[1-9])% .* ([0-9]%-)?(1?)[0-9]%$"=lightcyan&dim # 30%-75% (blue) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" ([3-6][0-9]|7[0-5])% "=blue # 1%-19% retention (lightblue&dim) MENUCOLOR="[a-zA-Z ]+ [0-9]* [a-z]+ +([3-6][0-9]|7[0-5])% .* ([0-9]%-)?(1?)[0-9]%$"=lightblue&dim # 76%-89% (magenta) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" (7[6-9]|8[0-9])% "=magenta # 1%-19% retention (lightmagenta&dim) MENUCOLOR="[a-zA-Z ]+ [0-9]* [a-z]+ +(7[6-9]|8[0-9])% .* ([0-9]%-)?(1?)[0-9]%$"=lightmagenta&dim # 90-100% (red) {{{4 MENUCOLOR=" (9[0-9]|100)% "=red # 1%-19% retention (orange&dim) MENUCOLOR="[a-zA-Z ]+ [0-9]* [a-z]+ +(9[0-9]|100)% .* ([0-9]%-)?(1?)[0-9]%$"=orange&dim # Forgotten spells {{{3 MENUCOLOR="[a-zA-Z ]+ [0-9]* [a-z]+ +[0-9]+% +\(gone\)$"=black&dim # Skill levels {{{2 # Unskilled (gray) {{{3 MENUCOLOR="^ +[a-z -]+ +\[Unskilled\]($| )"=gray MENUCOLOR="^ *[a-z] - +[a-z -]+ +\[Unskilled\]($| )"=gray&bold MENUCOLOR="^ +\* +[a-z -]+ +\[Unskilled\]($| )"=gray&dim MENUCOLOR="^ +# +[a-z -]+ +\[Unskilled\]($| )"=gray&dim # Basic (yellow) {{{3 MENUCOLOR="^ +[a-z -]+ +\[Basic\]($| )"=brown MENUCOLOR="^ *[a-z] - +[a-z -]+ +\[Basic\]($| )"=yellow&bold MENUCOLOR="^ +\* +[a-z -]+ +\[Basic\]($| )"=yellow&dim MENUCOLOR="^ +# +[a-z -]+ +\[Basic\]($| )"=brown&dim # Skilled (blue) {{{3 MENUCOLOR="^ +[a-z -]+ +\[Skilled\]($| )"=blue MENUCOLOR="^ *[a-z] - +[a-z -]+ +\[Skilled\]($| )"=lightblue&bold MENUCOLOR="^ +\* +[a-z -]+ +\[Skilled\]($| )"=lightblue&dim MENUCOLOR="^ +# +[a-z -]+ +\[Skilled\]($| )"=blue&dim # Expert (cyan) {{{3 MENUCOLOR="^ +[a-z -]+ +\[Expert\]($| )"=cyan MENUCOLOR="^ *[a-z] - +[a-z -]+ +\[Expert\]($| )"=lightcyan&bold MENUCOLOR="^ +\* +[a-z -]+ +\[Expert\]($| )"=lightcyan&dim MENUCOLOR="^ +# +[a-z -]+ +\[Expert\]($| )"=cyan&dim # Master (magenta) {{{3 MENUCOLOR="^ +[a-z -]+ +\[Master\]($| )"=magenta MENUCOLOR="^ *[a-z] - +[a-z -]+ +\[Master\]($| )"=lightmagenta&bold MENUCOLOR="^ +\* +[a-z -]+ +\[Master\]($| )"=lightmagenta&dim MENUCOLOR="^ +# +[a-z -]+ +\[Master\]($| )"=magenta&dim # Grand Master (red) {{{3 MENUCOLOR="^ +[a-z -]+ +\[Grand Master\]($| )"=red MENUCOLOR="^ *[a-z] - +[a-z -]+ +\[Grand Master\]($| )"=orange&bold MENUCOLOR="^ +\* +[a-z -]+ +\[Grand Master\]($| )"=orange&dim MENUCOLOR="^ +# +[a-z -]+ +\[Grand Master\]($| )"=red&dim # Force colors {{{2 # Red - {R} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{R\}"=red MENUCOLOR="\{R_\}"=red&underline MENUCOLOR="\{R#\}"=red&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{R-\}"=red&dim MENUCOLOR="\{R\*\}"=red&bold # Blue - {B} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{B\}"=blue MENUCOLOR="\{B_\}"=blue&underline MENUCOLOR="\{B#\}"=blue&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{B-\}"=blue&dim MENUCOLOR="\{B\*\}"=blue&bold # Brown - {N} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{N\}"=brown MENUCOLOR="\{N_\}"=brown&underline MENUCOLOR="\{N#\}"=brown&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{N-\}"=brown&dim MENUCOLOR="\{N\*\}"=brown&bold # Cyan - {C} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{C\}"=cyan MENUCOLOR="\{C_\}"=cyan&underline MENUCOLOR="\{C#\}"=cyan&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{C-\}"=cyan&dim MENUCOLOR="\{C\*\}"=cyan&bold # Green - {G} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{G\}"=green MENUCOLOR="\{G_\}"=green&underline MENUCOLOR="\{G#\}"=green&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{G-\}"=green&dim MENUCOLOR="\{G\*\}"=green&bold # Yellow - {Y} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{Y\}"=yellow MENUCOLOR="\{Y_\}"=yellow&underline MENUCOLOR="\{Y#\}"=yellow&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{Y-\}"=yellow&dim MENUCOLOR="\{Y\*\}"=yellow&bold # Magenta - {M} | {P} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{[MP]\}"=magenta MENUCOLOR="\{[MP]_\}"=magenta&underline MENUCOLOR="\{[MP]#\}"=magenta&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{[MP]-\}"=magenta&dim MENUCOLOR="\{[MP]\*\}"=magenta&bold # Orange - {O} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{O\}"=orange MENUCOLOR="\{O_\}"=orange&underline MENUCOLOR="\{O#\}"=orange&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{O-\}"=orange&dim MENUCOLOR="\{O\*\}"=orange&bold # White - {W} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{W\}"=white MENUCOLOR="\{W_\}"=white&underline MENUCOLOR="\{W#\}"=white&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{W-\}"=white&dim MENUCOLOR="\{W\*\}"=white&bold # Black - {L} | {K} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{[LK]\}"=black MENUCOLOR="\{[LK]_\}"=black&underline MENUCOLOR="\{[LK]#\}"=black&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{[LK]-\}"=black&dim MENUCOLOR="\{[LK]\*\}"=black&bold # Light green - {g} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{g\}"=lightgreen MENUCOLOR="\{g_\}"=lightgreen&underline MENUCOLOR="\{g#\}"=lightgreen&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{g-\}"=lightgreen&dim MENUCOLOR="\{g\*\}"=lightgreen&bold # Light blue - {b} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{b\}"=lightblue MENUCOLOR="\{b_\}"=lightblue&underline MENUCOLOR="\{b#\}"=lightblue&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{b-\}"=lightblue&dim MENUCOLOR="\{b\*\}"=lightblue&bold # Light magenta - {m} | {p} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{[mp]\}"=lightmagenta MENUCOLOR="\{[mp]_\}"=lightmagenta&underline MENUCOLOR="\{[mp]#\}"=lightmagenta&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{[mp]-\}"=lightmagenta&dim MENUCOLOR="\{[mp]\*\}"=lightmagenta&bold # Light cyan - {c} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{c\}"=lightcyan MENUCOLOR="\{c_\}"=lightcyan&underline MENUCOLOR="\{c#\}"=lightcyan&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{c-\}"=lightcyan&dim MENUCOLOR="\{c\*\}"=lightcyan&bold # Gray - {X} | {l} | {y} {{{3 MENUCOLOR="\{[Xly]\}"=gray MENUCOLOR="\{[Xly]_\}"=gray&underline MENUCOLOR="\{[Xly]#\}"=gray&inverse MENUCOLOR="\{[Xly]-\}"=gray&dim MENUCOLOR="\{[Xly]\*\}"=gray&bold # Normal menu fixes {{{2 MENUCOLOR="Do what with .* bag .* holding"=gray MENUCOLOR="Look inside the bag .* holding$"=gray MENUCOLOR="stash one item into the bag .* holding$"=gray MENUCOLOR="bag .* holding (named .* )?is empty"=gray MENUCOLOR="Put something into .*"=gray MENUCOLOR="Take something out of .*"=gray MENUCOLOR="unicorn horn.*(Unskilled|Basic|Skilled|Expert)"=gray MENUCOLOR="Info on what a given key does."=gray MENUCOLOR="Full list of keyboard commands."=gray MENUCOLOR="altkeyhandler"=gray # }}}1 # Autopickup {{{1 # Options {{{2 OPTIONS=autopickup,pickup_types:$ # Special exceptions {{{2 # Magic marker {{{3 autopickup_exception="<.*magic marker" # Wishes {{{3 autopickup_exception="<.*wand (of|called) wishing" autopickup_exception="<.*magic lamp" autopickup_exception="<.*lamp called magic" # Invocation items {{{3 # Bell of Opening {{{4 autopickup_exception="<.*(silver bell|Bell of Opening)" # Candelabrum of Invocation {{{4 autopickup_exception="<.*[Cc]andelabrum" # Book of the Dead {{{4 autopickup_exception="<.*(Book of the Dead|papyrus spellbook)" # Dynamic exceptions {{{2 # Force pick up - [,] {{{3 autopickup_exception="<.* (named|called) .*\[,\]($| )" # Exclude from autopickup - [!,] {{{3 autopickup_exception=">.* (named|called) .*\[!,\]($| )" # }}}1 # Status bar {{{1 # Options {{{2 # General {{{3 OPTIONS=status_updates,statuslines:2 # Status highlights {{{3 OPTIONS=statushilites:2 # Components {{{3 OPTIONS=!showexp,!showscore,time # Hit points {{{2 # HP bar {{{3 OPTIONS=hitpointbar # 100% (gray) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints/100%/gray&normal # 66%-99% (green) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints/<99%/green&normal # 50%-66% (yellow) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints/<66%/yellow&normal # 33%-50% (orange) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints/<50%/orange&normal # 15%-33% (red,bold) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints/<33%/red&bold # 0%-15% (red,inverse) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints/<15%/red&inverse # Power {{{2 # 100% (gray) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:power/100%/gray&normal # 66%-99% (green) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:power/<100%/green&normal # 50%-65% (yellow) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:power/<66%/yellow&normal # 33%-49% (orange) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:power/<50%/orange&normal # 0%-32% (red,bold) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:power/<33%/red&bold # Encumbrance {{{2 # Burdened (yellow) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:cap/burdened/yellow # Stressed (orange) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:cap/stressed/orange # Strained (red,underline) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:cap/strained/red&underline # Overtaxed (red,inverse) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:cap/overtaxed/red&inverse # Overloaded (red,inverse,blink) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:cap/overloaded/red&inverse&blink # Hunger {{{2 # Satiated (yellow) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:hunger/satiated/yellow # Hungry (orange) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:hunger/hungry/orange # Weak (red,bold) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:hunger/weak/red&bold # Fainting (red,inverse) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:hunger/fainting/red&inverse # Fainted (red,inverse,blink) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:hunger/fainted/red&inverse&blink # Status effects {{{2 # Health conditions {{{3 # Terminal illness (red,inverse) {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/termill/red&inverse # Food poisoning (red,inverse) {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/foodpois/red&inverse # Sliming (red,inverse) {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/slime/red&inverse # Stoning (red,inverse) {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/stone/red&inverse # Strangulation (red,inverse) {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/strngl/red&inverse # Blindness (gray) {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/blind/gray # Deafness (gray) {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/deaf/gray # Mental conditions {{{3 # Confusion (orange) {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/conf/orange # Stun (red,bold) {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/stun/red&bold # Hallucination (magenta,underline) {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/hallu/magenta&underline # Movement modifiers {{{3 # Levitation (cyan,inverse) {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/lev/cyan&inverse # Flying (cyan,inverse) {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/fly/cyan&inverse # Riding (yellow,bold) {{{4 OPTIONS=hilite_status:condition/ride/yellow&bold # Value changes {{{2 # Stats (+green&bold/-red&dim) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:characteristics/up/green&bold/down/red # Gold (+yellow&bold/-brown&dim) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:gold/up/yellow&bold/down/brown&dim # Hit points (+blue&bold/-brown&dim) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:hitpoints-max/up/blue&bold/down/brown&dim # Power (+blue,bold/-brown&dim) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:power-max/up/blue&bold/down/brown&dim # XL (+white&bold/-black&dim) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:experience-level/up/white&bold/down/black&dim # AC (-white&bold/+gray&dim) {{{3 OPTIONS=hilite_status:armor-class/down/white&bold/up/gray&dim # }}}1