Unix EvilHack Version 0.3.2-0 Work-in-progress - last build Tue Jun 4 13:53:07 2019 (13f38f9f889fdc561456be15df94b3d6f889a261,branch:master). Game began 2019-06-04 17:48:52, ended 2019-06-04 18:22:41. rsa, lawful female human Valkyrie ----------- ----- |.........| |...| |.......... |...| |.........| |.@.| |.......<(-########%##|'..+ ----------- #....| #----- Rsa the Skirmisher St:18/06 Dx:11 Co:13 In:8 Wi:9 Ch:7 Lawful Dlvl:9 $:29 HP:0(41) Pw:12(12) AC:-1 Xp:5/199 T:2241 Latest messages: Your plate mail blocks the giant ant's attack. Your plate mail blocks the giant ant's attack. You miss the giant ant. Your plate mail blocks the giant ant's attack. The giant ant bites! You kill the giant ant! f - a food ration. Click! You trigger a rolling boulder trap! Fortunately for you, no boulder was released. Kisuli bites the gray ooze. The gray ooze bites kisuli. You see here a brown potion. g - a brown potion. Kisuli bites the gray ooze. The gray ooze misses kisuli. Kisuli bites the gray ooze. What do you want to drink? [gtuL or ?*] g You suddenly fall asleep! Kisuli misses the gray ooze. The gray ooze bites! Your plate mail rusts! Kisuli misses the gray ooze. Kisuli misses the gray ooze. Kisuli bites the gray ooze. The gray ooze misses kisuli. Kisuli misses the gray ooze. Kisuli bites the gray ooze. The gray ooze bites kisuli. Kisuli bites the gray ooze. The gray ooze is killed! The rope golem hits! The rope golem hits! The rope golem grabs you! Kisuli bites the rope golem. The rope golem hits kisuli. The rope golem misses kisuli. Kisuli bites the rope golem. The rope golem hits kisuli. The rope golem hits kisuli. The rope golem hits kisuli. Kisuli is killed! You dodge the rope golem's attack! Your plate mail blocks the rope golem's attack. You are being choked. You die... Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (y) n Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (y) n Do you want an account of creatures vanquished? [ynaq] (y) n Do you want to see your conduct? [ynq] (y) n Do you want to see the dungeon overview? [ynq] (y) n Inventory: Inventory: 749/850 weight (29/52 slots) Coins $ - 29 gold pieces Amulets p - an uncursed silver amulet of life saving Weapons z - a +0 arrow A - 20 blessed +1 mithril arrows r - 9 +0 darts (at the ready) b - a +0 dagger (alternate weapon; not wielded) a - a +1 long sword (weapon in hand) Armor c - a blessed +4 small shield (being worn) J - an uncursed rusty +0 plate mail (being worn) Comestibles f - an uncursed food ration Scrolls T - an uncursed scroll of earth Q - an uncursed scroll of fire Spellbooks V - an uncursed spellbook of healing U - an uncursed spellbook of slow monster Potions t - an uncursed potion of fruit juice u - an uncursed potion of gain ability L - an uncursed potion of paralysis Rings X - an uncursed +0 ring of adornment n - an uncursed ring of hunger F - an uncursed ring of polymorph control W - an uncursed ring of protection from shape changers Wands y - a wand of cancellation named tele (0:3) v - a wand of nothing (0:7) P - a wand of slow monster named slow mon (0:3) Tools Y - an uncursed blindfold O - an uncursed harp k - an uncursed lock pick e - an uncursed oil lamp d - a +0 unicorn horn Rsa the Valkyrie's attributes: Background: You were a Skirmisher, a level 5 human Valkyrie. You were lawful, on a mission for Tyr who was opposed by Odin (neutral) and Loki (chaotic). You were in the Dungeons of Doom, on level 9. You entered the dungeon 2241 turns ago. You had 199 experience points. Basics: You had 0 out of 41 hit points. You had all 12 energy points (spell power). Your armor class was -1. Your wallet contained 29 zorkmids. Autopickup was off. Final Characteristics: Your strength was 18/06 (peak:18/09, limit:18/100). Your dexterity was 11 (limit:18). Your constitution was 13 (limit:18). Your intelligence was 8 (limit:18). Your wisdom was 9 (limit:18). Your charisma was 7 (limit:18). Final Status: You were held by a rope golem. You were unencumbered. You were wielding a long sword. You had basic skill with long sword. Final Attributes: You were piously aligned. You were 100% cold resistant. You were 5% sleep resistant. You were 5% poison resistant. You were telepathic. You were stealthy. You were guarded. You are dead. Vanquished creatures: a dog 2 housecats a gray unicorn a shrieker a gnome lady 2 gray oozes 2 straw golems 2 giant ants 2 little dogs a floating eye 2 homunculi a kobold shaman a dwarf zombie 2 iguanas an acid blob a large kobold 2 cave spiders 3 geckos 6 jackals a fox a goblin a sewer rat 9 grid bugs 2 lichens 9 kobold zombies 2 newts 59 creatures vanquished. No species were genocided or became extinct. Voluntary challenges: You read items or engraved 14 times. You never engraved Elbereth. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 9 Level 1: A sink. Level 2: A fountain. Level 3: A fountain, a grave. Level 4: Level 5: A forge. Level 6: Many fountains, a grave. Level 7: A grave. Level 8: A fountain. Level 9: <- You were here. Final resting place for you, killed by a rope golem, while sleeping. Game over: ---------- / \ / REST \ / IN \ / PEACE \ / \ | rsa | | 29 Au | | killed by a rope | | golem | | | | | | 2019 | *| * * * | * _________)/\\_//(\/(/\)/\//\/|_)_______ Farvel rsa the Valkyrie... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 9 with 1273 points, and 29 pieces of gold, after 2241 moves. You were level 5 with a maximum of 41 hit points when you died.