winsalot, chaotic male ak Thief is dead! Binder --------------### |............|#,# #|............|-,| --...............- #|............|%.. |.........%.<|.~. |.---........|... --- ---------- [Winsalot the Un In Protect Mode] St9 Dx12 Co6 In8 Wi8 Ch10 BinAktMalCha Dlvl:3 $47 HP25(25) Pw21(30) AC-11 MC0 Mov12 HD3 Xp3/42 Wt34/653 T362 Latest messages [-1 -> 16] You lash the hole spider. The hole spider bites you! [-1 -> 16] You miss the hole spider. The hole spider misses. You miss the hole spider. The hole spider bites you! [-2 -> 16] You lash the hole spider. You kill the hole spider! Welcome to experience level 3. You turn into an un in Protect mode! You remove your cloak before you transform. You find you must drop your weapon! Use the command #monster to summon help. Please move the cursor to an unknown object. (For instructions type a ?) ~ a long worm tail (un in Protect mode called winsalot) Accessing Pokedex entry for un in Protect mode... Base statistics of this monster type: Base level = 10, difficulty = 11, AC = -9, magic resistance = 70, alignment 3. Normal speed (12). Special generation. Resists fire, acid. Leaves no corpse. Big, not genocidable, acidic. Is the same race as you. Silver weapons do extra damage to it. Can be seen with infravision. Origin: Castle of the Winds. Its stats and attacks vary from game to game. Is a valid polymorph form for monsters only. Attacks: 2d4, crushing bearhug - poison damage 2d6, trample - ordinary physical 2d9, head butt - fire damage Pick an object. Final attributes You have sinned Your alignment was -5 Your max alignment was -5 You carried 16 sins You could not have this property at all: energy regeneration You could not have this property extrinsically: drain resistance You could not have this property intrinsically: warning Potion identification only worked 3 times out of 9 Ring identification only worked 4 times out of 9 Implant identification only worked 1 times out of 45 Wand identification only worked 3 times out of 10 Armor identification only worked 15 times out of 18 Spellbook identification only worked 2 times out of 5 Gem identification only worked 100 times out of 133 Tool identification only worked 5 times out of 29 Monsters only dropped their musable items with 20% chance Book drop chance was reduced to 97% Scroll drop chance was reduced to 94% Wand drop chance was reduced to 67% Amulet drop chance was reduced to 69% Weapon drop chance was reduced to 84% Armor drop chance was reduced to 39% Food drop chance was reduced to 87% Monster death drops spawned with only 93% chance The following skill could not be trained at all: chaos spells The following skill was trained at half the usual rate: javelin The following skill was trained at one fifth the usual rate: divination spells The following skill was limited to basic proficiency: dagger The following skill was limited to skilled proficiency: high heels The following skill was limited to expert proficiency: implants The following skill became untrainable if you tried to train it too early: form I (Shii-Cho) (turn 23) The following skill became untrainable if you tried to train it too early: scimitar (turn 624) The following skill became untrainable after a while: devices (turn 38731) The following skill couldn't be trained before a certain turn number is reached: morning star (turn 17958) Number of artifacts generated was 1 Number of fake artifacts generated was 0 Monster spawn increase started at turn 40895 Monster spawn increase reached its maximum at turn 167208 In this game, Eevee's evolution was flareon Your limit for ascension was at turn 408444 The monster class that cannot be genocided was gnome The monster class that was spawned more often: golem (freq bonus 4) The monster species that spawned more often: type (freq bonus 36) The monster species that spawned more often: snow monkey (freq bonus 14) The monster species that spawned more often: flying monkey (freq bonus 14) The monster species that spawned more often: petty hellcat (freq bonus 6) The monster species that spawned more often: totalized outlined (freq bonus 42) The monster species that spawned more often: healing water nymph (freq bonus 20) The monster species that spawned more often: Azo (freq bonus 36) The monster species that spawned more often: ivory stalk (freq bonus 14) The monster species that spawned more often: aggravating wallwalker (freq bonus 24) The monster species that spawned more often: cowkine toroid (freq bonus 24) The monster species that spawned more often: floating spirit (freq bonus 15) The monster species that spawned more often: Vera's ice-cold sneaker (freq bonus 56) The monster species that spawned more often: vat slime (freq bonus 18) The monster species that spawned more often: maud agent (freq bonus 72) The monster species that spawned more often: tree force patch (freq bonus 18) The monster species that spawned more often: undead nuclear physicist (freq bonus 30) The monster species that spawned more often: furious stalk (freq bonus 28) The monster species that spawned more often: Schmidts (freq bonus 12) The monster species that spawned more often: inka torturemaster (freq bonus 21) The monster species that spawned more often: Rita's sweet stiletto (freq bonus 84) The monster trait that was more common: monsters that are extra nasty (freq bonus 1) The monster species that never randomly spawned: trachoma mismark The monster species that never randomly spawned: judgment initiating The monster species that never randomly spawned: shellacked mangiest The monster species that never randomly spawned: ice shard The monster species that never randomly spawned: privatizing contraception The monster species that never randomly spawned: fluidity memorable The monster species that never randomly spawned: porter yellow light The monster species that never randomly spawned: neolithic turret The monster species that never randomly spawned: immobile stalk The monster species that never randomly spawned: ojyama puyo The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: identify (wedged) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: anti disintegration (doorstopping) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: dark elven bow (black runed bow) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: wildhild bow ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: cold (short) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: boss companion (JUBILEX IS MY BEST FRIEND) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: purple dragon scale mail ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: cloak of dimness (viva cloak) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: aklys (thonged club) The RNG hath decreed that this item was never generated: bigscript stone (gray) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: amulet of undressing (uplift, freq bonus 8) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: dry up fountain (defiled, freq bonus 16) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: resist sleep (fuzzy, freq bonus 18) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: evencore cloak (odd hull cloak, freq bonus 366) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: cloak of nakedness (wafer-thin cloak, freq bonus 8) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: inventory loss stone (gray, freq bonus 10) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: infoless helmet (twisted visor helmet, freq bonus 4) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: stinking cloud (distorted, freq bonus 21) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: helm of speed (cone-shaped helmet, freq bonus 23) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: implant of valhalla (carmine, freq bonus 20) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: tinfoil helmet (aluminium helmet, freq bonus 102) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: topaz (yellowish brown, freq bonus 12) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: implant of hacking (dun, freq bonus 3) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: transistor (three-wired thing, freq bonus 11) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: asterisk ((null), freq bonus 5) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: tunnelization (threatening, freq bonus 2) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: gray dragon scale shield (gray dragonhide shield, freq bonus 9) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: trash stone (gray, freq bonus 5) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: crystal boots (glass boots, freq bonus 9) The RNG hath decreed that this item was generated more often: chain and sickle ((null), freq bonus 6) The RNG hath decreed that this item class was generated more often: Wands (freq bonus 88) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: heavy granite ball ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: studded leather armor ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: asbestos javelin ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: farlook stone (gray) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: sprig of wolfsbane ((null)) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: remove blessing (light cyan) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: tidal wave (tolkienian) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: Uruk-hai shield (white-handed shield) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: pet-stomping platform boots (thick-soled boots) The RNG hath decreed that this item was always generated cursed: extra healing (puce) The RNG hath decreed that this trap was always invisible: hole The RNG hath decreed that this trap was generated more often: falling tub trap (freq bonus 9) Next attribute increase check would have come at turn 1303 Strength training was 14 Dexterity training was 0 Wisdom training was 1 Constitution training was 15 You were fire resistant You were level-drain resistant You were acid resistant You had not decided on your sexuality yet You were prevented from having mana regeneration (0) You had 1300 points of nutrition remaining You were an un in Protect mode You were in beast form You were unlucky (-1) Your health bonus was zero Your mana bonus was zero Your pantheon consisted of Yaldabaoth, the void and Sophia Your deity was Sophia The version you were playing was: Unix SlashEMExtended Version 2.2.2 (ef8cc67) - last build Tue Jun 12 11:15:42 2018. You could not have safely prayed (0) You survived You didn't know any spells. Techniques known in the end Name Level Status appraisal 3 R Prepared(0) panic digging 3 R Prepared(0) phase door 3 R Prepared(0) invoke deity 3 R Prepared(0) Discoveries Weapons voulge (pole cleaver) Scrolls scroll of healing (THREATS APART TO EXCHANGE AND LOW ATTACK MORAL) scroll of mana (THROW ANNOYING SEED TO MAKE WIRED) scroll of phase door (AMYBSOD IS A HARLOT ACCORDING TO ARRHYTHMIA) scroll of standard id (DESREVER TSEPMET) scroll of cure (YERXA) * scroll of extra healing (ATTACK BY BURN BODY POWER MORE AS HEAVY VACANT) * scroll of greater mana restoration (THE CURSED SPIRITS CRASHED MY GAME THEY REALLY DID) Gems flint stone (gray) Venoms * blinding venom (splash of venom) * tail spikes (splash of venom) * faerie floss rhing (splash of venom) * acid venom (splash of venom) * segfault venom (splash of venom) Dungeon overview The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 3 Level 3: <- You are here Voluntary challenges You went without food You were an atheist You never prayed to the gods You never hit with a wielded weapon You killed 11 monsters You were illiterate You never genocided any monsters You never polymorphed an object You changed form 1 time You used no wishes You remained celibate Your skills at the end (4 slots left) Fighting Skills bare-handed combat [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) high heels [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) general combat [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) shield [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) body armor [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) two-handed weapons [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) polymorphing [Unskilled] (max Expert) (11 of 20) devices [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) searching [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) spirituality [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) petkeeping [Unskilled] (max Expert) (1 of 20) missile weapons [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) techniques [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) implants [Basic] (max Grand Master) (20 of 160) form I (Shii-Cho) [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) form II (Makashi) [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) form III (Soresu) [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) form IV (Ataru) [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) form V (Shien) [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) form V (Djem So) [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) form VI (Niman) [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) form VII (Juyo) [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) form VII (Vaapad) [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) two-weapon combat [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) riding [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) Weapon Skills dagger [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) knife [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) axe [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) pick-axe [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) short sword [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) broadsword [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) long sword [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) two-handed sword [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) scimitar [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) saber [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) club [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) paddle [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) mace [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) morning star [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) flail [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) hammer [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) quarterstaff [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) polearms [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) spear [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) javelin [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) trident [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) lance [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) bow [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) sling [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) firearms [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) crossbow [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) dart [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) shuriken [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) boomerang [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) whip [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) unicorn horn [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) lightsaber [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) Spellcasting Skills attack spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) healing spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) divination spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) enchantment spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) protection spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) body spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) occult spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) elemental spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) chaos spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) matter spells [Unskilled] (max Expert) (0 of 20) Goodbye winsalot the Binder...