woodfighter, chaotic female orcish Barbarian
     @ @      ...|                                                             
    @A---------..--   ------                                                   
    A |.......|...-- --......                                                  
      |.......|.A.-- --...%...--                                               
      ---------@.--   ----|----                                                
    @   @  A @A..|      |...--------          -------                          
             -----      |.........|..        .|......                          
woodfighter the Barbarian
  Experience level: 30
  Strength: 25
  Dexterity: 19
  Constitution: 19
  Intelligence: 14
  Wisdom: 15
  Charisma: 14
  Health: 241(242)
  Energy: 71(71)
  Def: 47
  Gold: 0
  Moves: 44404

Dungeon seed [set]: 
Game ID: woodfighter_1740654870

Your Inventory:
  e - a blessed amulet of flying (being worn)
  X - an uncursed amulet of life saving
  a - the blessed rustproof +7 Cleaver (weapon in hands)
  C - 5 blessed +7 elven daggers (in quiver)
  l - an uncursed gray-scaled +5 elven mithril-coat (being worn)
  n - a cursed fireproof +5 cloak of protection (being worn)
  r - a blessed greased rustproof +4 helm of telepathy (being worn)
  t - a blessed burnt +0 pair of leather gloves
  N - a blessed rustproof +4 pair of gauntlets of power (being worn)
  Q - a blessed +5 pair of speed boots (being worn)
  Y - an uncursed +4 Hawaiian shirt (being worn)
  M - 4 blessed diluted potions of full healing
  k - an uncursed ring of free action (on left hand)
  u - a blessed ring of regeneration (on right hand)
  d - an uncursed wand of death (0:5)
  f - a blessed wand of teleportation (0:8)
  g - an uncursed wand of fire (0:7)
  h - a blessed wand of digging (0:0)
  j - a blessed wand of cancellation (0:7)
  v - a blessed wand of secret door detection (0:10)
  O - a blessed wand of digging (0:6)
  b - a blessed stethoscope
  q - an uncursed -1 unicorn horn
  s - a blessed greased bag of holding
  y - an uncursed iron key
  K - a blessed magic lamp (lit)
  W - a blessed towel
  z - the blessed Heart of Ahriman

Contents of the bag of holding:
  a blessed amulet of life saving
  a blessed amulet of life saving
  a blessed amulet of life saving
  a blessed +8 axe named Axe of Justice
  5 blessed +7 elven daggers
  20 blessed K-rations
  17 uncursed eggs
  2 blessed eucalyptus leaves
  6 uncursed lembas wafers
  16 blessed lumps of royal jelly
  3 blessed sprigs of wolfsbane
  5 blessed scrolls of blank paper
  5 uncursed scrolls of blank paper
  4 cursed scrolls of blank paper
  5 blessed scrolls of charging
  a blessed scroll of genocide
  3 blessed scrolls of gold detection
  2 blessed scrolls of remove curse
  2 blessed scrolls of wishing
  11 blessed diluted potions of full healing
  a blessed potion of confusion
  4 blessed potions of full healing
  5 potions of holy water
  a blessed ring of conflict named !
  an uncursed ring of free action
  an uncursed +3 ring of protection named !
  an uncursed ring of regeneration
  a blessed wand of digging (0:7)
  a blessed wand of digging (0:6)
  a blessed wand of fire (0:4)
  a blessed wand of secret door detection (0:11)
  a blessed wand of speed monster [0:3]
  a blessed wand of speed monster [0:3]
  a blessed wand of speed monster [0:2]
  a blessed wand of teleportation (0:8)
  a blessed can of grease (0:9)
  an uncursed magic marker (0:70)
  an uncursed magic marker (0:4)
  an uncursed [+0] pick-axe
  a blessed +0 unicorn horn
  a blessed [+0] unicorn horn
  a blessed [+0] unicorn horn
  a blessed luckstone

Spells and supernatural/magical abilities:
  Name              Level Category Fail Memory
  a - remove curse      3     clerical 100% 65%   
  W - pray for help     --    divine   ?    --    

Your skills at the end:
  Miscellaneous Skills
   bare handed combat [Basic] 
   stealth            [Basic] 
  Weapon Skills
   dagger             [Basic] 
   axe                [Master]
   short sword        [Basic] 
   saber              [Basic] 
  Spellcasting Skills

Final Attributes:
  You were piously aligned.          
  You were fire resistant.           
  You were cold resistant.           
  You were sleep resistant.          
  You were disintegration-resistant. 
  You were shock resistant.          
  You were poison resistant.         
  You were magic-protected.          
  You saw invisible.                 
  You were telepathic.               
  You had infravision.               
  You were invisible to others.      
  You were somewhat stealthy.        
  You could fly.                     
  You regenerated.                   
  You were protected.                
  You were very fast.                
  You had free action.               
  You were extremely lucky.          
  You had extra luck.                
  Good luck did not time out for you.
  You survived.                      

Vanquished creatures:
  The Wizard of Yendor (thrice)
  an arch-lich                 
  a high priest                
  4 mammoths                   
  19 krakens                   
  Vlad the Impaler             
  2 elder red dragons          
  2 iron golems                
  a gray dragon                
  a silver dragon              
  5 red dragons                
  3 white dragons              
  2 black dragons              
  a blue dragon                
  2 green dragons              
  a yellow dragon              
  a storm giant                
  a titan                      
  a deep ettin                 
  2 glass golems               
  5 balrogs                    
  Thoth Amon                   
  46 purple worms              
  74 minotaurs                 
  3 jabberwocks                
  8 titanotheres               
  2 young gray dragons         
  2 young silver dragons       
  a young red dragon           
  6 young white dragons        
  2 young orange dragons       
  2 young black dragons        
  a young green dragon         
  a young yellow dragon        
  2 demiliches                 
  4 stone golems               
  20 Olog-hai                  
  3 Nazgul                     
  11 pit fiends                
  2 sandestins                 
  8 hell hounds                
  5 trappers                   
  27 baby red dragons          
  a baby green dragon          
  2 gryphons                   
  6 dire bears                 
  59 vampire lords             
  5 shades                     
  5 skeletons                  
  a shopkeeper                 
  3 aligned priests            
  61 captains                  
  2 liches                     
  a water troll                
  6 clay golems                
  11 nurses                    
  36 ice devils                
  12 nalfeshnees               
  11 lurkers above             
  4 Aleaxes                    
  2 frost giants               
  4 golden nagas               
  4 black puddings             
  61 vampires                  
  99 ghosts                    
  4 ettins                     
  16 lieutenants               
  2 queen bees                 
  8 winged gargoyles           
  3 mind flayers               
  18 giant mimics              
  4 fire giants                
  5 ogre kings                 
  8 Elvenkings                 
  12 ice trolls                
  94 rock trolls               
  6 grizzly bears              
  20 umber hulks               
  4 flesh golems               
  18 doppelgangers             
  44 hezrous                   
  46 bone devils               
  4 salamanders                
  11 large mimics              
  4 wumpuses                   
  3 fire vortices              
  9 long worms                 
  4 couatls                    
  13 stalkers                  
  12 air elementals            
  8 fire elementals            
  10 earth elementals          
  9 water elementals           
  14 hill giants               
  3 giant mummies              
  3 black nagas                
  18 elf-lords                 
  8 xorns                      
  44 giant zombies             
  8 sergeants                  
  3 barbed devils              
  32 vrocks                    
  12 wargs                     
  2 winter wolves              
  14 hell hound pups           
  6 quantum mechanics          
  20 small mimics              
  an island nymph              
  7 glass piercers             
  10 warhorses                 
  5 steam vortices             
  17 xans                      
  7 sharks                     
  11 electric eels             
  4 ettin mummies              
  8 ogre lords                 
  116 trolls                   
  7 brown bears                
  2 sasquatches                
  3 wood golems                
  7 werebears                  
  7 mariliths                  
  a djinni                     
  a pyrolisk                   
  2 large dogs                 
  5 stinking spheres           
  a freezing sphere            
  2 flaming spheres            
  6 shocking spheres           
  2 large cats                 
  10 tigers                    
  10 gargoyles                 
  2 dwarf kings                
  7 tengu                      
  12 gelatinous cubes          
  13 ochre jellies             
  5 crocodiles                 
  14 chameleons                
  5 leocrottas                 
  3 energy vortices            
  6 mountain centaurs          
  a giant                      
  2 elf mummies                
  5 human mummies              
  2 red nagas                  
  7 green slimes               
  22 Grey-elves                
  3 pythons                    
  6 cobras                     
  10 black bears               
  164 wraiths                  
  38 ettin zombies             
  6 leather golems             
  46 soldiers                  
  a horned devil               
  20 succubi                   
  19 incubi                    
  3 giant beetles              
  50 cockatrices               
  2 wolves                     
  9 winter wolf cubs           
  6 black lights               
  4 lynxes                     
  4 panthers                   
  4 gremlins                   
  10 leprechauns               
  11 quivering blobs           
  4 spotted jellies            
  12 lizards                   
  8 mountain nymphs            
  2 orc-captains               
  4 mumakil                    
  8 giant spiders              
  4 scorpions                  
  4 iron piercers              
  2 horses                     
  an ice vortex                
  9 vampire bats               
  7 forest centaurs            
  2 gnome kings                
  8 piranhas                   
  17 giant eels                
  6 orc mummies                
  2 dwarf mummies              
  77 ogres                     
  2 brown puddings             
  8 Green-elves                
  2 rust monsters              
  16 owlbears                  
  5 yetis                      
  3 gold golems                
  4 werewolves                 
  a chickatrice                
  2 dogs                       
  2 dingos                     
  a housecat                   
  4 jaguars                    
  7 dwarf lords                
  4 blue jellies               
  4 water nymphs               
  3 white unicorns             
  3 gray unicorns              
  7 dust vortices              
  36 ravens                    
  8 plains centaurs            
  4 gnome mummies              
  11 Woodland-elves            
  25 pit vipers                
  13 apes                      
  51 human zombies             
  3 rope golems                
  7 soldier ants               
  6 fire ants                  
  14 yellow lights             
  10 bugbears                  
  an imp                       
  a baby crocodile             
  5 wood nymphs                
  4 Mordor orcs                
  2 Uruk-hai                   
  7 orc shamans                
  2 rock moles                 
  a woodchuck                  
  7 rock piercers              
  3 ponies                     
  2 fog clouds                 
  5 shriekers                  
  7 violet fungi               
  25 gnome lords               
  10 gnomish wizards           
  7 jellyfish                  
  3 kobold mummies             
  a black naga hatchling       
  6 gray oozes                 
  9 barrow wights              
  57 elf zombies               
  41 ghouls                    
  5 straw golems               
  2 paper golems               
  10 giant ants                
  2 puppies                    
  8 floating eyes              
  2 kittens                    
  22 dwarves                   
  a homunculus                 
  2 quasits                    
  3 kobold lords               
  4 kobold shamans             
  6 iguanas                    
  18 hill orcs                 
  a rothe                      
  2 centipedes                 
  6 jitterbugs                 
  5 giant bats                 
  6 monkeys                    
  42 orc zombies               
  37 dwarf zombies             
  3 wererats                   
  7 werejackals                
  68 killer bees               
  6 coyotes                    
  a gas spore                  
  7 hobbits                    
  3 acid blobs                 
  5 large kobolds              
  10 geckos                    
  24 hobgoblins                
  8 giant rats                 
  2 cave spiders               
  a brown mold                 
  5 yellow molds               
  a red mold                   
  74 gnomes                    
  25 garter snakes             
  2 manes                      
  33 gnome zombies             
  7 jackals                    
  2 foxes                      
  2 kobolds                    
  6 newts                      
  6 goblins                    
  9 sewer rats                 
  15 grid bugs                 
  6 bats                       
  12 lichens                   
  44 kobold zombies            
  3280 creatures vanquished.   

Genocided or extinct species:
  dwarf lords           
  dwarf kings           
  quantum mechanics     
  mind flayers          
  master mind flayers   
  wood nymphs           
  water nymphs          
  mountain nymphs       
  island nymphs         
  baby gray dragons     
  baby silver dragons   
  baby red dragons      
  baby white dragons    
  baby orange dragons   
  baby black dragons    
  baby blue dragons     
  baby green dragons    
  baby yellow dragons   
  young gray dragons    
  young silver dragons  
  young red dragons     
  young white dragons   
  young orange dragons  
  young black dragons   
  young blue dragons    
  young green dragons   
  young yellow dragons  
  gray dragons          
  silver dragons        
  red dragons           
  white dragons         
  orange dragons        
  black dragons         
  blue dragons          
  green dragons         
  yellow dragons        
  elder gray dragons    
  elder silver dragons  
  elder red dragons     
  elder white dragons   
  elder orange dragons  
  elder black dragons   
  elder blue dragons    
  elder green dragons   
  elder yellow dragons  
  ancient gray dragons  
  ancient silver dragons
  ancient red dragons   
  ancient white dragons 
  ancient orange dragons
  ancient black dragons 
  ancient blue dragons  
  ancient green dragons 
  ancient yellow dragons
  giant eels            
  electric eels         
  master liches         
  rust monsters         
  wraiths (extinct)     
  deep ettins           
  73 species genocided. 
  1 species extinct.    

Voluntary challenges:
  You did not cause conflict.                                                              
  You were not displaced.                                                                  
  You donated to temples 6 times (receiving 9 points of protection), starting on turn 6286.
  You received temple protection 6 times, starting on turn 6286.                           
  You used a wielded weapon 6282 times, starting on turn 140.                              
  You did not use plumbed fixtures.                                                        
  You read items or engraved 89 times, starting on turn 3162.                              
  You genocided 73 types of monsters, starting on turn 31081.                              
  You polymorphed 1 item, starting on turn 15294.                                          
  You never changed form.                                                                  
  You used 6 wishes, starting on turn 18308.                                               
  You did not wish for any artifacts.                                                      
  You carried an artifact on turn 21446.                                                   
  You split 1 pudding, starting on turn 44350.                                             
  You never wrote Elbereth's name.                                                         
  You violated your moral code, losing 7 points of alignment, starting on turn 43627.      
  You enabled loading special bones files.                                                 

Dungeon overview:
  The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 31
  Level 1 (water)                                                                 
        a vault, a fountain                                                       
        stairs to The Elemental Planes                                            
  Level 2                                                                         
        a vault, an altar to Set, a fountain                                      
  Level 3                                                                         
        a vault                                                                   
  Level 4 (water)                                                                 
        an empty vault, a general store, a fountain, a bench                      
        stairs to The Gnomish Mines                                               
  Level 5 (water)                                                                 
        a general store, some fountains                                           
  Level 6                                                                         
        many fountains                                                            
  Level 7                                                                         
        an empty vault                                                            
        stairs to Sokoban                                                         
  Level 8                                                                         
        a vault, a potion shop, an altar to Mitra, a fountain                     
  Level 9                                                                         
        a fountain                                                                
  Level 10                                                                        
        a fountain                                                                
  Level 11                                                                        
        a vault                                                                   
  Level 12                                                                        
        portal to The Quest                                                       
  Level 13                                                                        
        a vault, a fountain                                                       
  Level 14                                                                        
  Level 15                                                                        
  Level 16                                                                        
  Level 17                                                                        
        an empty vault                                                            
  Level 18                                                                        
  Level 19                                                                        
  Level 20 (black u)                                                              
  Level 21                                                                        
        a vault, a fountain                                                       
  Level 22                                                                        
        a fountain                                                                
  Level 23                                                                        
        a vault, a hardware shop                                                  
  Level 24                                                                        
        a fountain                                                                
  Level 25                                                                        
  Level 26                                                                        
        a fountain, many trees                                                    
  Level 27                                                                        
  Level 28                                                                        
  Level 29                                                                        
  Level 30                                                                        
        a fountain                                                                
  Level 31                                                                        
        a magic chest, some fountains, some thrones, a tree                       
  Gehennom: levels 32 to 57
  Level 32                                                                        
        a temple to Moloch, a magic chest                                         
        stairs to The Dungeons of Doom                                            
  Level 33                                                                        
  Level 34                                                                        
  Level 35                                                                        
        an altar to Moloch, a magic chest, many fountains, many benchs, many trees
  Level 36                                                                        
        a magic chest                                                             
  Level 37                                                                        
  Level 38                                                                        
        a fountain                                                                
  Level 39                                                                        
  Level 40                                                                        
  Level 41                                                                        
  Level 42                                                                        
        some shops, an altar to Moloch, a magic chest, a fountain                 
  Level 43                                                                        
        a magic chest                                                             
  Level 44                                                                        
        stairs to Vlad's Tower                                                    
  Level 45                                                                        
  Level 46                                                                        
        an altar to Moloch, a magic chest                                         
  Level 47                                                                        
  Level 48                                                                        
        portal to Gehennom                                                        
  Level 49                                                                        
  Level 50                                                                        
  Level 51                                                                        
  Level 52                                                                        
  Level 53                                                                        
  Level 54                                                                        
        portal to Gehennom                                                        
  Level 55                                                                        
  Level 56                                                                        
  Level 57                                                                        
  The Gnomish Mines: levels 5 to 13
  Level 5                                                                         
        stairs to The Dungeons of Doom                                            
  Level 6                                                                         
  Level 7                                                                         
        many shops, a temple to Mitra, a magic chest, some fountains              
  Level 8                                                                         
  Level 9                                                                         
  Level 10                                                                        
  Level 11                                                                        
  Level 12                                                                        
  Level 13                                                                        
  The Quest: levels 1 to 6
  Level 1                                                                         
        a magic chest                                                             
        portal to The Dungeons of Doom                                            
  Level 2                                                                         
  Level 3                                                                         
  Level 4                                                                         
  Level 5                                                                         
  Level 6                                                                         
        an altar to Mitra                                                         
  Sokoban: levels 3 to 6
  Level 3                                                                         
        a magic chest                                                             
  Level 4                                                                         
  Level 5                                                                         
  Level 6                                                                         
        an altar to Crom, a magic chest                                           
        stairs to The Dungeons of Doom                                            
  Vlad's Tower: levels 41 to 43
  Level 41                                                                        
  Level 42                                                                        
        an altar to Moloch                                                        
  Level 43                                                                        
        stairs to Gehennom                                                        
  The Elemental Planes:
  Astral Plane <- You were here                                                   
        a high altar                                                              
  Plane 4                                                                         
        portal to The Elemental Planes                                            
  Plane 3                                                                         
        portal to The Elemental Planes                                            
  Plane 2                                                                         
        portal to The Elemental Planes                                            
  Plane 1                                                                         
        portal to The Elemental Planes                                            

History has recorded:
  On T:1 you entered the Dungeons of Doom to retrieve the Amulet of Yendor!                    
  On T:27 you reached level 2 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                         
  On T:275 you reached level 3 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                        
  On T:401 you advanced to experience level 2.                                                 
  On T:573 you advanced to experience level 3.                                                 
  On T:606 you reached level 4 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                        
  On T:1105 you reached level 1 of The Gnomish Mines.                                          
  On T:1119 you advanced to experience level 4.                                                
  On T:1574 you reached level 5 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                       
  On T:1826 you reached level 6 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                       
  On T:1852 you advanced to experience level 5.                                                
  On T:2137 you reached level 7 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                       
  On T:2252 you advanced to experience level 6.                                                
  On T:2542 you reached level 8 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                       
  On T:2571 you reached level 4 of Sokoban.                                                    
  On T:3158 you opened a magic chest.                                                          
  On T:3463 you reached level 3 of Sokoban.                                                    
  On T:3693 you advanced to experience level 7.                                                
  On T:4058 you reached level 2 of Sokoban.                                                    
  On T:4707 you reached level 1 of Sokoban.                                                    
  On T:5076 you advanced to experience level 8.                                                
  On T:5490 you reached level 2 of The Gnomish Mines.                                          
  On T:5554 you reached level 3 of The Gnomish Mines.                                          
  On T:5718 you reached level 5 of The Gnomish Mines.                                          
  On T:5744 you reached level 4 of The Gnomish Mines.                                          
  On T:6277 you entered the Minetown temple                                                    
  On T:6377 you advanced to experience level 9.                                                
  On T:6606 you reached level 6 of The Gnomish Mines.                                          
  On T:6629 you reached level 7 of The Gnomish Mines.                                          
  On T:7169 you reached level 8 of The Gnomish Mines.                                          
  On T:7548 you reached level 9 of The Gnomish Mines.                                          
  On T:7548 you reached the bottom of the Mines.                                               
  On T:7755 you advanced to experience level 10.                                               
  On T:8261 you advanced to experience level 11.                                               
  On T:8993 you reached level 9 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                       
  On T:9165 you reached level 10 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                      
  On T:9413 you reached level 11 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                      
  On T:9702 you reached level 12 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                      
  On T:9928 you reached level 13 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                      
  On T:10573 you reached level 14 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:10931 you reached level 15 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:11006 you reached level 16 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:11010 you reached level 17 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:11312 you advanced to experience level 12.                                              
  On T:12875 you reached level 18 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:12875 you entered the Rogue tribute level.                                              
  On T:13247 you reached level 19 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:13469 you reached level 20 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:14212 you reached level 21 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:15503 you prayed to Set.                                                                
  On T:16966 you reached level 22 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:17373 you reached level 23 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:17432 you advanced to experience level 13.                                              
  On T:17690 you reached level 24 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:18308 you wished for "+3 blessed greased fixed set of gray dragon scales".              
  On T:18330 you reached level 25 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:18429 you reached level 26 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:19498 you reached level 1 of The Quest.                                                 
  On T:19556 you advanced to experience level 14.                                              
  On T:19561 you embarked upon an epic quest.                                                  
  On T:19569 you reached level 2 of The Quest.                                                 
  On T:19626 you wished for "blessed fixed greased amulet of reflection".                      
  On T:19640 you reached level 3 of The Quest.                                                 
  On T:20063 you reached level 4 of The Quest.                                                 
  On T:20184 you reached level 5 of The Quest.                                                 
  On T:20213 you reached level 6 of The Quest.                                                 
  On T:20898 you advanced to experience level 15.                                              
  On T:21441 you killed Thoth Amon on level 5 of The Quest.                                    
  On T:21560 you completed the quest!                                                          
  On T:25659 you killed Medusa on level 26 of The Dungeons of Doom.                            
  On T:25671 you reached level 27 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:25895 you reached level 28 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:26271 you advanced to experience level 16.                                              
  On T:26532 you reached level 29 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:26871 you reached level 30 of The Dungeons of Doom.                                     
  On T:27390 you reached The Castle.                                                           
  On T:30320 you advanced to experience level 17.                                              
  On T:30365 you reached The Valley of the Dead.                                               
  On T:30377 you advanced to experience level 18.                                              
  On T:31874 you received Cleaver from Set.                                                    
  On T:32562 you advanced to experience level 19.                                              
  On T:32728 you advanced to experience level 20.                                              
  On T:32794 you advanced to experience level 21.                                              
  On T:32858 you advanced to experience level 22.                                              
  On T:32866 you advanced to experience level 23.                                              
  On T:33028 you advanced to experience level 24.                                              
  On T:33036 you advanced to experience level 25.                                              
  On T:33584 you reached level 2 of Gehennom.                                                  
  On T:33738 you reached level 3 of Gehennom.                                                  
  On T:34107 you reached level 4 of Gehennom.                                                  
  On T:34457 you reached level 6 of Gehennom.                                                  
  On T:34623 you killed Baalzebub on level 4 of Gehennom.                                      
  On T:35275 you reached level 7 of Gehennom.                                                  
  On T:35290 you advanced to experience level 26.                                              
  On T:36028 you advanced to experience level 27.                                              
  On T:37098 you wished for "+3 blessed fixed greased set of gray dragon scales".              
  On T:37130 you wished for "+3 blessed fixed greased cloak of protection".                    
  On T:37326 you killed Juiblex on level 7 of Gehennom.                                        
  On T:37413 you reached level 8 of Gehennom.                                                  
  On T:37700 you reached level 9 of Gehennom.                                                  
  On T:37985 you reached level 10 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:38259 you reached level 11 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:38597 you advanced to experience level 28.                                              
  On T:38987 you killed Orcus on level 11 of Gehennom.                                         
  On T:39088 you wished for "+3 blessed fixed greased helm of telepathy".                      
  On T:39103 you reached level 12 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:39142 you killed Dispater on level 12 of Gehennom.                                      
  On T:39444 you reached level 13 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:39694 you reached level 3 of Vlad's Tower.                                              
  On T:39750 you reached level 14 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:39942 you reached level 2 of Vlad's Tower.                                              
  On T:40010 you reached level 1 of Vlad's Tower.                                              
  On T:40103 you killed Vlad the Impaler on level 1 of Vlad's Tower.                           
  On T:40515 you reached level 15 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:40657 you reached level 16 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:40879 you reached level 17 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:41038 you reached level 18 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:41059 you reached level 19 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:41258 you reached level 20 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:41471 you reached level 21 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:41609 you reached level 22 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:41837 you reached level 23 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:41846 you advanced to experience level 29.                                              
  On T:41972 you reached level 24 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:42024 you reached level 25 of Gehennom.                                                 
  On T:43182 you wished for "+3 blessed fixed gauntlets of power".                             
  On T:43297 you advanced to experience level 30.                                              
  On T:43366 you killed Wizard of Yendor on level 15 of Gehennom.                              
  On T:43493 you performed the invocation.                                                     
  On T:43729 you killed Yeenoghu on level 22 of Gehennom.                                      
  On T:43731 you gained the Amulet of Yendor!                                                  
  On T:44048 you killed Wizard of Yendor on level 17 of The Dungeons of Doom.                  
  On T:44226 you reached the Plane of Water.                                                   
  On T:44227 you lost the Amulet of Yendor.                                                    
  On T:44228 you killed Wizard of Yendor on the Plane of Water.                                
  On T:44229 you gained the Amulet of Yendor!                                                  
  On T:44257 you reached the Plane of Fire.                                                    
  On T:44275 you reached level 3 of The Elemental Planes.                                      
  On T:44318 you reached the Plane of Air.                                                     
  On T:44364 you reached the Astral Plane.                                                     
  On T:44393 you killed Famine on the Astral Plane.                                            
  On T:44404 you lost the Amulet of Yendor.                                                    
  On T:44404 you offered the Amulet of Yendor to Set and ascended to the status of Demigoddess!

Score breakdown:
  Gold:                     0                    (    0 points)
  Experience:              30 levels             ( 2000 points)
  Exploration:             57 levels             ( 2000 points)
  Discoveries:            152 items              ( 2000 points)
  Variety of kills:       293 monsters           ( 2000 points)
  Major goal:                       ascended     ( 5000 points)
  Ascension bonuses                                            
  Valuables value:        750                    (   75 points)
  Artifacts:                2                    ( 2000 points)
  Speed bonus:          44404 turns              ( 2779 points)
  Conduct bonus:            4 conducts           ( 6400 points)
  Survival:          ascended  (score multiplied by  10)       
  Total score:                                   242540        

Latest messages:
  A shower of missiles bounces off the barbarian!
  The Angel of Mitra wields a long sword!
  The Angel of Mitra swings her long sword at you.
  The Angel of Mitra slashes you!
  The Angel of Mitra punches you!
  The air crackles around the Angel of Mitra.
  The Angel of Crom swings his long sword at you.
  The Angel of Crom slashes you!
  The Angel of Crom swings his long sword at you.
  The Angel of Crom slashes you!
  The Angel of Crom punches you!
  The Angel of Crom casts a spell at you!
  A shower of missiles bounces off the barbarian!
  The guardian Angel of Set casts a spell at the priest of Moloch!
  The priest of Moloch is hit by a shower of missiles!
  The door opens.
  The high priest intones:
  "Pilgrim, you enter a sacred place!"
  Something is hit by a shower of missiles!
  <What do you want to wield? [- aqC or ?*]: a>
  You are now wielding your Cleaver.
  <What do you want to sacrifice? [D or ?*]: D>
  You offer the Amulet of Yendor to Set...
  An invisible choir sings, and you are bathed in radiance...
  The voice of Set thunders: "Congratulations, mortal!"
  "In return for thy service, I grant thee the gift of Immortality!"
  You ascend to the status of Demigoddess...
  <Untitled menu: no selections>
  <Spells and supernatural/magical abilities:: (none selected)>
  <Dungeon overview:: (none selected)>

Final status:
  Goodbye woodfighter the Demigoddess, ascended...                     
  You went to your reward with 242540 points,                          
  Cleaver (worth 1500 zorkmids)                                        
  The Heart of Ahriman (worth 2500 zorkmids)                           
         4 amulets of life saving (worth 600 zorkmids),                
         1 amulet of flying (worth 150 zorkmids),                      
  and 0 pieces of gold, after 44404 moves.                             
  You were level 30 with a maximum of 242 hit points when you ascended.